988 research outputs found

    TSE-IDS: A Two-Stage Classifier Ensemble for Intelligent Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play a pivotal role in computer security by discovering and repealing malicious activities in computer networks. Anomaly-based IDS, in particular, rely on classification models trained using historical data to discover such malicious activities. In this paper, an improved IDS based on hybrid feature selection and two-level classifier ensembles is proposed. An hybrid feature selection technique comprising three methods, i.e. particle swarm optimization, ant colony algorithm, and genetic algorithm, is utilized to reduce the feature size of the training datasets (NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 are considered in this paper). Features are selected based on the classification performance of a reduced error pruning tree (REPT) classifier. Then, a two-level classifier ensembles based on two meta learners, i.e., rotation forest and bagging, is proposed. On the NSL-KDD dataset, the proposed classifier shows 85.8% accuracy, 86.8% sensitivity, and 88.0% detection rate, which remarkably outperform other classification techniques recently proposed in the literature. Results regarding the UNSW-NB15 dataset also improve the ones achieved by several state of the art techniques. Finally, to verify the results, a two-step statistical significance test is conducted. This is not usually considered by IDS research thus far and, therefore, adds value to the experimental results achieved by the proposed classifier

    The Unbalanced Classification Problem: Detecting Breaches in Security

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    This research proposes several methods designed to improve solutions for security classification problems. The security classification problem involves unbalanced, high-dimensional, binary classification problems that are prevalent today. The imbalance within this data involves a significant majority of the negative class and a minority positive class. Any system that needs protection from malicious activity, intruders, theft, or other types of breaches in security must address this problem. These breaches in security are considered instances of the positive class. Given numerical data that represent observations or instances which require classification, state of the art machine learning algorithms can be applied. However, the unbalanced and high-dimensional structure of the data must be considered prior to applying these learning methods. High-dimensional data poses a “curse of dimensionality” which can be overcome through the analysis of subspaces. Exploration of intelligent subspace modeling and the fusion of subspace models is proposed. Detailed analysis of the one-class support vector machine, as well as its weaknesses and proposals to overcome these shortcomings are included. A fundamental method for evaluation of the binary classification model is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC). This work details the underlying statistics involved with ROC curves, contributing a comprehensive review of ROC curve construction and analysis techniques to include a novel graphic for illustrating the connection between ROC curves and classifier decision values. The major innovations of this work include synergistic classifier fusion through the analysis of ROC curves and rankings, insight into the statistical behavior of the Gaussian kernel, and novel methods for applying machine learning techniques to defend against computer intrusion detection. The primary empirical vehicle for this research is computer intrusion detection data, and both host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS) and network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are addressed. Empirical studies also include military tactical scenarios

    Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System

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    Intrusion detection system (IDS) is one of the implemented solutions against harmful attacks. Furthermore, attackers always keep changing their tools and techniques. However, implementing an accepted IDS system is also a challenging task. In this paper, several experiments have been performed and evaluated to assess various machine learning classifiers based on KDD intrusion dataset. It succeeded to compute several performance metrics in order to evaluate the selected classifiers. The focus was on false negative and false positive performance metrics in order to enhance the detection rate of the intrusion detection system. The implemented experiments demonstrated that the decision table classifier achieved the lowest value of false negative while the random forest classifier has achieved the highest average accuracy rate

    Machine learning for network based intrusion detection: an investigation into discrepancies in findings with the KDD cup '99 data set and multi-objective evolution of neural network classifier ensembles from imbalanced data.

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    For the last decade it has become commonplace to evaluate machine learning techniques for network based intrusion detection on the KDD Cup '99 data set. This data set has served well to demonstrate that machine learning can be useful in intrusion detection. However, it has undergone some criticism in the literature, and it is out of date. Therefore, some researchers question the validity of the findings reported based on this data set. Furthermore, as identified in this thesis, there are also discrepancies in the findings reported in the literature. In some cases the results are contradictory. Consequently, it is difficult to analyse the current body of research to determine the value in the findings. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation to determine the underlying causes of the discrepancies. Several methodological factors, such as choice of data subset, validation method and data preprocessing, are identified and are found to affect the results significantly. These findings have also enabled a better interpretation of the current body of research. Furthermore, the criticisms in the literature are addressed and future use of the data set is discussed, which is important since researchers continue to use it due to a lack of better publicly available alternatives. Due to the nature of the intrusion detection domain, there is an extreme imbalance among the classes in the KDD Cup '99 data set, which poses a significant challenge to machine learning. In other domains, researchers have demonstrated that well known techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Decision Trees (DTs) often fail to learn the minor class(es) due to class imbalance. However, this has not been recognized as an issue in intrusion detection previously. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation that demonstrates that it is the class imbalance that causes the poor detection of some classes of intrusion reported in the literature. An alternative approach to training ANNs is proposed in this thesis, using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to evolve the weights of the ANNs, referred to as an Evolutionary Neural Network (ENN). When employing evaluation functions that calculate the fitness proportionally to the instances of each class, thereby avoiding a bias towards the major class(es) in the data set, significantly improved true positive rates are obtained whilst maintaining a low false positive rate. These findings demonstrate that the issues of learning from imbalanced data are not due to limitations of the ANNs; rather the training algorithm. Moreover, the ENN is capable of detecting a class of intrusion that has been reported in the literature to be undetectable by ANNs. One limitation of the ENN is a lack of control of the classification trade-off the ANNs obtain. This is identified as a general issue with current approaches to creating classifiers. Striving to create a single best classifier that obtains the highest accuracy may give an unfruitful classification trade-off, which is demonstrated clearly in this thesis. Therefore, an extension of the ENN is proposed, using a Multi-Objective GA (MOGA), which treats the classification rate on each class as a separate objective. This approach produces a Pareto front of non-dominated solutions that exhibit different classification trade-offs, from which the user can select one with the desired properties. The multi-objective approach is also utilised to evolve classifier ensembles, which yields an improved Pareto front of solutions. Furthermore, the selection of classifier members for the ensembles is investigated, demonstrating how this affects the performance of the resultant ensembles. This is a key to explaining why some classifier combinations fail to give fruitful solutions

    A Comprehensive Survey of Data Mining-based Fraud Detection Research

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    This survey paper categorises, compares, and summarises from almost all published technical and review articles in automated fraud detection within the last 10 years. It defines the professional fraudster, formalises the main types and subtypes of known fraud, and presents the nature of data evidence collected within affected industries. Within the business context of mining the data to achieve higher cost savings, this research presents methods and techniques together with their problems. Compared to all related reviews on fraud detection, this survey covers much more technical articles and is the only one, to the best of our knowledge, which proposes alternative data and solutions from related domains.Comment: 14 page

    Intrusion Detection System: A Survey Using Data Mining and Learning Methods

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    In spite of growing information system widely, security has remained one hard-hitting area for computers as well as networks. In information protection, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to safeguard the data confidentiality, integrity and system availability from various types of attacks. Data mining is an efficient artifice applied to intrusion detection to ascertain a new outline from the massive network data as well as it used to reduce the strain of the manual compilations of the normal and abnormal behavior patterns. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an essential method to protect network security from incoming on-line threats. Machine learning enable automates the classification of network patterns. This piece of writing reviews the present state of data mining techniques and compares various data mining techniques used to implement an intrusion detection system such as, Support Vector Machine, Genetic Algorithm, Neural network, Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian Classifier, K- Nearest Neighbor and decision tree Algorithms by highlighting a advantage and disadvantages of each of the techniques. This paper review the learning and detection methods in IDS, discuss the problems with existing intrusion detection systems and review data reduction techniques used in IDS in order to deal with huge volumes of audit data. Finally, conclusion and recommendation are included. Keywords: Classification, Data Mining, Intrusion Detection System, Security, Anomaly Detection, Types of attacks, Machine Learning Technique

    Hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection

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    In recent years, computer networks are broadly used, and they have become very complicated. A lot of sensitive information passes through various kinds of computer devices, ranging from minicomputers to servers and mobile devices. These occurring changes have led to draw the conclusion that the number of attacks on important information over the network systems is increasing with every year. Intrusion is the main threat to the network. It is defined as a series of activities aimed for exposing the security of network systems in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, as a result; intrusion detection is extremely important as a part of the defense. Hence, there must be substantial improvement in network intrusion detection techniques and systems. Due to the prevailing limitations of finding novel attacks, high false detection, and accuracy in previous intrusion detection approaches, this study has proposed a hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection based on k-means clustering algorithm and support vector machine classification algorithm. The aim of this study is to reduce the rate of false alarm and also to improve the detection rate, comparing with the existing intrusion detection approaches. In the present study, NSL-KDD intrusion dataset has been used for training and testing the proposed approach. In order to improve classification performance, some steps have been taken beforehand. The first one is about unifying the types and filtering the dataset by data transformation. Then, a features selection algorithm is applied to remove irrelevant and noisy features for the purpose of intrusion. Feature selection has decreased the features from 41 to 21 features for intrusion detection and later normalization method is employed to perform and reduce the differences among the data. Clustering is the last step of processing before classification has been performed, using k-means algorithm. Under the purpose of classification, support vector machine have been used. After training and testing the proposed hybrid intelligent approach, the results of performance evaluation have shown that the proposed network intrusion detection has achieved high accuracy and low false detection rate. The accuracy is 96.025 percent and the false alarm is 3.715 percent