160 research outputs found

    Analisis Struktur dan Pemakaian Keigo dan Perbandingannya dengan Undak Usuk Basa Sunda

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang struktur dan pemakaian keigo dan perbandingannya dengan undak usuk basa Sunda, yaitu antara sonkeigo dengan lemes keur ka batur, dan kenjougo dengan lemes keur ka sorangan. Analisis perubahan strukturnya dilihat dari bagaimana suatu kata berubah menjadi ragam bahasa dengan tingkat honorifik yang lebih tinggi. Sedangkan analisis pemakaiannya diamati berdasarkan faktor-faktor penggunaanya seperti usia, status sosial dan sebagainya. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah susunan pembentuk kalimat dan hal yang melatarbelakangi penggunaan keigo dan undak usuk basa yang dihubungkan dengan keadaan sosial masyarakat Jepang dan Sund

    Analisis Tindak Tutur Yang Mengandung Implikatur Dalam Drama Ansangu Shinderera Byouin Yakuzaishi No Shohousen

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    ABSTRACT: This research discusses about the types of speech acts that contain implicatures in the drama tittled Ansangu Shinderera Byouin Yakuzaishi No Shohousen. The main focus of this thesis is to identify dialogues in the drama that fall into the five speech acts qualifications according to Searle which have implicit intentions. The theory used in this thesis is a pragmatic theory which examines what a person means in his speech when communicating. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. In conclusion, in the Ansangu Shinderera Byouin Yakuzaishi No Shohousen drama found the five types of illocutionary speech acts that classified by Searle and containing implicatures with the intention of prohibiting, refusing, expressing ability, desire, request, plead, insinuating, and command

    Analisis Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Video Youtube Kenta Yamaguchi

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    This study examines Code Switching and Code Mixing in Kenta Yamaguchi's Youtube Videos. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and causes of code switching and code mixing used by Kenta Yamaguchi in each of his videos. The data collection technique in this research is the free-of-conversation listening technique and the library study technique, namely by reading reference books related to Code Switching and Code Mixing, then watching a Youtube video hosted by Kenta Yamaguchi. The method that the author uses is a descriptive method, namely by setting several video parts to get data from Kenta's dialogue and analyze it. Based on the results of the analysis of 12 data found, there are 6 data in the form of code switching and 5 data in the form of code mixing. All forms of code switching are external code switching in the form of sentences and words. Factors causing code switching are third person factors, situations, listeners, wanting to show their identity and learning. The form of code mixing is in the form of word insertion elements, dialects and clauses. The causative factor of code mixing is the factor because it wants to show its learning, situation, habits and relaxation


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    The teacher as the main implementer of learning to understand and master the application of learning models , make changes and to develop teaching skills . Teachers need to pay attention to the model of learning , because learning model is key to ensuring the learning process in the classroom .There are three models of learning are applied to the curriculum in 2013 , namely the Discovery Learning model of learning , problem-based learning model and project -based learning model . The learning model discovery learning stimulation / arousal , statement / problem identification , data collection , data processing , verification / evidence and draw conclusions / generalizations . By applying the method of Discovery Learning , students actively seek and cultivate their own information content of higher mental processes or more banyak.siswa will be active in the learning process because one of the friends group is more aware of the material can explain the material to friends who are not informed about .This research is Classroom Action Research Discovery Learning models by applying the inquiry method . The subjects in this study were students of class XI MA Al - Mujaddadiyyah Madison school year 2013/2014 . The data was collected using the observation sheet to assess learning ability and questionnaire to the data sheet student interest . Analysis of data for learning and student interest using descriptive qualitative analysis , quantitative data by calculating the percentage of first cycle and second cycle .The results showed that the use of methods can improve the ability of Discovery Learning Study abroad and student interest . Improved learning ability of students can be seen from the increasing number of students who are active in the second cycle , Increasing student achievement can be seen from the increasing student mastery learning and getting better value from each of the aspects which include : discussion of the results of expression , receiving the opinion of the right reasons , concerned about the group , tasks and helping friends

    Analisis Bentuk-Bentuk Pelanggaran Maksim Percakapan pada Manga CRAYON SHINCHAN Volume 01 Karya Yoshito Usui

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    Abstrak Skripsi ini ditulis untuk meneliti bentuk pelangggaran maksim percakapan pada manga Crayon Shinchan Volume 01 karya Yoshito Usui yang dirilis pertama kali pada tahun 1992 di Jepang. Setelah meneliti bentuk dan cara melanggar maksim percakapan, penulis menghitung jumlah dan persentase dari setiap maksim yang dilanggar dan cara pelanggaran yang digunakan untuk mengetahui jenis dan cara pelanggaran maksim yang paling banyak terdapat dalam manga ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu dengan menggambarkan konteks dan menjelaskan indikator mengapa tuturan tersebut melanggar maksim percakapan. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis maksim yang paling banyak dilanggar adalah maksim relasi sedangkan cara pelanggaran yang paling sering dilakukan adalah violating the maxims terutama maksim relasi. Dengan kata lain efek humor dalam manga ini dihasilkan paling banyak dengan menyampaikan tuturan yang tidak relevan dengan konteks atau topik pembicaraan.Kata Kunci: Implikatur, Pelanggaran Maksim, Humor, Pragmati

    Analisis Makna Kata Jatuh dalam Bahasa Jepang dan Perbandingannya dalam Bahasa Sunda

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    Penelitiani ini menganalisis perbandingan makna kata jatuh dalam bahasa Sunda dan bahasa Jepang. Yang akan dibahas didalam penelitian ini adalah makna, fungsi, perbedaan dan persamaan kata ochiru, korobu, taoreru dan suberu. Sumber yang digunakan berasal dari novel, komik, buku, dan majalah. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Deskriptif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan makna kata jatuh dalam bahasa Sunda dan bahasa Jepang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna kata jatuh dalam bahasa Sunda dan bahasa Jepang ternyata memiliki kesamaan dengan bahasa Sunda

    Ecotourism Development: Educational Media of Environmental Care

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    One of appropriate tourism management models to be implemented while maintaining the sustainability and the beauty of the nature is sustainable tourism activities that have low impact on the environment, otherwise known as ecotourism. With the concept of ecotourism, which combines tourism with nature conservation, is believed to develop the rest of the environmental potential. Developing the natural ecotourism with alignments principles on nature and will be very beneficial to humans. Its usefulness is not only availability of a healthy environment and climate, maintaining flora and fauna that increasingly rare, but also can be a direct lecturing media, both formal and informal levels. Availability of valuable educational ecotourism area has to be monitored seriously so that the chain of intergenerational education of nature is not interrupted. Through ecotourism promoting the values of education, future generations will be more familiar with nature as an integral part of life. Keywords: Ecotourism, educational media, environmentCopyright © 2015 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserve