116,612 research outputs found

    Timber entrepreneurs’ attitudes and plans relevant to smallholder forestry

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    A survey of timber entrepreneurs in Eastern Visayas and Metro Cebu has been conducted as part of the ACIAR Tree Farm Project to investigate the use, attitudes and preferences of timber entrepreneurs for smallholder timber. It was found that gmelina and mahogany are widely used by timber enterprises in the study area. The majority of timber enterprises obtain most of their timber requirement from timber dealers while some obtain timber directly from tree farmers. Smallholder timber, e.g. gmelina and mahogany, are found to be suitable for timber businesses but current government regulation concerning harvest and transport, declining timber resources and a poor timber market are some of the problems affecting the use of smallholder timber in timber enterprises

    Spatially Characterizing Effective Timber Supply

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    The structure of a computer-oriented cartographic model for assessing roundwood supply for generation of base load electricity is discussed. The model provides an analytical procedure for coupling spatial information of harvesting economics and owner willingness to sell stumpages. Supply is characterized in terms of standing timber; of accessibility considering various harvesting and hauling factors; and of availability as affected by ownership and residential patterns. Factors governing accessibility to timber include effective harvesting distance to haulic roads as modified by barriers and slopes. Haul distance is expressed in units that take into account the relative ease of travel along various road types to a central processing facility. Areas of accessible timber are grouped into spatial units, termed 'timbersheds', of common access to particular haul road segments that belong to unique 'transport zones'. Timber availability considerations include size of ownership parcels, housing density and excluded areas. The analysis techniques are demonstrated for a cartographic data base in western Massachusetts

    Operations of timber transport and production of forest complex as an element of sustainable forest management

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    The present article is intended to carry out the analysis of functioning of timber transport network in the Ural region. The purpose of the article is to select the criteria for assessing the functioning of timber transport and production system of the forest complex.Представленная работа предназначена для проведения анализа функционирования лесовозной транспортной сети Уральского региона. Цель настоящей работы – выбор критериев оценки функционирования транспортно-производственной системы лесного комплекса

    Substiation of the maintenance level of timber transport networks of Ural region during the winter period

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    Представленная работа предназначена для проведения анализа функционирования лесовозной транспортной сети Уральского региона в зимних условиях. Цель настоящей работы – обоснование величины рыхлого снега на проезжей части лесовозных автомобильных дорог.The present article is intended to carry out the analysis of functioning of timber transport of transport network in the Ural region under winter conditions. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the depth of friable snow on the surface of timber roads

    Transport of timber as chips

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    Flows of transnational environmental crime: case study research on e-waste and timber

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    Despite growing interest in green criminological issues, a need remains to develop research that grasps the complexity and transnational nature inherent to the phenomenon of transnational environmental crime. We hope to contribute to this in our PhD-study which focuses on transnational environmental crime and more in particular on the illegal transport of e-waste and timber. Both of these transnational environmental crime phenomena are inherently linked to globalisation and to transferences of levels or geographies. Therefore we explicitly took the transnational dimension into account and perceived both phenomena as flows. We present the first results of a case study about illegal transports of e-waste and timber, for which a Belgian port served as the research setting. Based on a triangulation of data from document analyses and in-depth interviews, we try to de-anonymize the origin, intermediary and destination locations of these flows. We illustrate the characteristics of illegal transports of e-waste and timber as transnational environmental crime flows. We look at the environmental problems at the basis of their criminalization: what actors are involved, what the nature of the phenomena is and what its impact, harm and vulnerabilities are. This will provide meaning to the second goal of our research which focuses on the governance of transnational environmental crime flows. This second aim is to map governance nodes and networks and pay attention to different actors involved, to their interactions and potentially different finalities. This presentation focuses on the characteristics of illegal transports of e-waste and timber (goal 1) and hints towards the study of their governance (goal 2)

    Integrated Timber Allocation and Transportation Planning in Ireland

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    Coillte Teoranta, the Irish Forestry Board, was established as a forestry company in 1989, with a mandate to operate in forestry and related activities in a commercial manner. The company took over the assets of the state Forest Service and now owns and manages approximately 400,000 ha of forest. Coillte harvests and sells timber to the private wood processing industries in Ireland. Coillte harvested approximately 1.4 million m3 of timber in 1990. By 2010 this annual harvest volume will increase to 3.5 million m3. In order to manage the harvesting and transportation operations efficiently, a national timber sales allocation procedure was developed by the Forestry Department of University College, Dublin. The procedure uses Coillte's databases on harvest volumes, subdivided into supply categories; on mill demands, specified by demand categories; and on the national transportation network, including road, rail and water transport modes. The developed operational procedure was used as a decision-making tool during the allocation of the 1991 sales volumes. A comparison of the actual versus the optimized 1990 allocation strategy identified opportunities for large-scale savings. In addition to its main function as a decision-making tool for the annual sales allocation, the model has been used for other strategic and tactical planning analyses, such as the influence of new mill location on transport costs, the impacts of a timber processing industry rationalization programme on the industry as a whole and on individual mills, the feasibility of timber transport by rail, the selection of suitable ports for timber export, and the impact of road construction and improvement programmes on national timber transport strategies. The model has been successfully linked with the company's ARC/ INFO Geographic Information System which extends the post-allocation analysis and interpretation capabilities, and combines the output with existing information systems. A further integration of the procedure in the management decision-making processes in the company will result in increased cost saving opportunities

    Planning the forest transport systems based on the principles of sustainable development of territories

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    The article identifies a new method of dynamic modeling in the design of the transport system in the forest fund (TSFF), which is based on economic and mathematical modeling and fuzzy logic tools. The combination of the indicated methods is designed to reduce the disadvantages of their use and increase the benefits. The article substantiates the choice of assessing the forecast level of the impact of risks on the activities of forestry enterprises (the method of expert assessments), using the methodological tools of fuzzy logic. The indicated method makes it possible to take into account a large variety of risk factors of the internal and external environment. At the same time, methodological aspects of fuzzy logic make it possible to formulate a quantitative assessment of qualitative indicators. The article substantiates the choice of tools for economic and mathematical modeling in order to state the design problem of the planned TSFF. Since the indicated method enables the formalization of the functioning of the timber transport system in the given conditions. The article presents a developed model that correctly takes into account the influence of risk factors when planning a TSFF, through the combination of fuzzy logic methods and economic and mathematical modeling. The advantages of the developed model include: considering the multivariance of material flows, vehicles, points of overload, etc.; automated processing of input parameters and effective data; using the model for forecasting, i.e. the possibility of deriving a fuzzy estimate of the efficiency of the timber transport system by identifying cause-effect relationships between the modeling object and the influence of risk factors on its functioning. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Terri light crawler in timber transport.

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    The Due diligence system in the EU’s Timber Regulation: non-tariff trade barrier or leverage effect?

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    This paper presents a novel spatial equilibrium model to analyse the leverage impact of the EU’s Timber Regulation on sustainable timber production. This leverage effect is an argument in favour of FLEGT but it has never been investigated thoroughly, or simultaneously for demand and supply. The leverage effect is measured in terms of the market share of sustainable timber in the total timber consumption and production of a region. Our research finds that FLEGT does not provide an incentive for sustainable timber production and consumption at global level. FLEGT creates a non-tariff trade barrier at the conventional timber markets of important producing regions (Europe and North America). This protectionist situation favours conventional timber which decreases the importance of sustainable timber. In addition, the protectionist situation decreases global welfare