69,843 research outputs found

    Textual Analysis of Tempo News Magazine Representation of Terrorism

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    Penelitian ini bertujuanmenganalisismedia berita yang merepresentasikan isu terorisme dalamkonteks Indonesia.Upaya lembagamedia berita dalammenampilkan realitasmelaluiteknologi untukmemproduksi dan mendistribusikan teks; keberadaan institusi di mana teknologi dibentuk dandikendalikan untukmenghasilkan teks; dan bentuk budaya yang berhubungan dengan penataanmediateknologi dan organisasi, bagaimana bahasa danmakna yang tertuang dalamkode. Institusimedia jugaharus mempertimbangkan konteks politik dan budaya. Dengan demikian, isu-isu kontroversial danpenting sepertiserangan teroris dan perang Internasionalmelawan teror diwakilisesuaidengan kebijakaninternal lembagamedia berita dengan pertimbangan dari konteks budaya danpolitik.Metode penelitianinimenggunakan analisis framing dengan objek penelitian beritaMajalah mingguan Tempo. Temuanpenelitianmenunjukkan bahwa liputan Tempo difokuskan pada proses penyelidikan jaringan teroris.Kedua isu dibangun dalam perspektif politik dan budaya yang kuat yang menjadi ciri dari Temposebagaimedia berita yang kritis dan bebas dari tekanan.Aktualitas, pelaporanmendalam, dan akurasimewakilikebijakan kuat danmandiri dari editorial media Tempo

    Textual Analysis of the Jakarta Post Online Representation of Presidential Candidates in Indonesia

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    General Election 2014 in Indonesia principally was a gate to more democratic Indonesia. People were given rights to directly vote their preferred legislative representatives and president and vice president for the next five-year period. New political learning process was introduced as all presidential candidates must show their capabilities in all aspects to attract constituents. The role of mass media became important as each candidate worked hard to gain sympathy from people. This paper examines how Indonesian online news media critically reported the presidential candidates. Further, this paper analysed how the issue were represented in the online media and why it was represented in such ways

    Textual Analysis

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    Method or Madness? Textual analysis in media studies

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    Scholarly analyses of media have tended to view the media text (e.g. film / programme / article) as the logical site of enquiry. However, this focus on the text has often resulted in a privileging of the text as the locus of meaning. The validity of textual analysis as a research method has increasingly been called into question due to the influence of poststructuralist theories and the critique of textually-based research emerging from the ‘new audience studies’. In this paper I examine the debates surrounding texts, audiences and meanings from a poststructuralist perspective. I argue that the rethinking of subjectivity achieved by discourse theory provides the key to a new conception of textual analysis, which remains a vital and rewarding approach to the study of media and culture

    Emotional textual analysis

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    Emotional Textual Analysis (ETA) analyzes the symbolic level of texts as a part of applied research and interventions. The method is based on the study of the association of dense words, words that convey most of the emotional components of texts. In this approach, language is thought of as an organizer of the relationship between the individual contributor of the text and his or her context, rather than as a detector of the individual’s emotions. A case example shows the use of ETA, with the assistance of specific software, in analyzing the interviews of the inhabitants of a city suburb with respect to their expectations of fulfillment and development in relation to perceived local opportunities

    Textual Analysis : Chapter 13.

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    Interpretive political science focuses on the meanings that shape actions and institutions, and the ways in which they do so. This Handbook explores the implications of interpretive theory for the study of politics. It provides the first definitive survey of the field edited by two of its pioneers. Written by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, the Handbook’s 32 chapters are split into five parts which explore: the contrast between interpretive theory and mainstream political science; the main forms of interpretive theory and the theoretical concepts associated with interpretive political science; the methods used by interpretive political scientists; the insights provided by interpretive political science on empirical topics; the implications of interpretive political science for professional practices such as policy analysis, planning, accountancy, and public health. With an emphasis on the applications of interpretive political science to a range of topics and disciplines, this Handbook is an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and practitioners in the areas of international relations, comparative politics, political sociology, political psychology, and public administration

    Textual analysis in finance

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Economia, Brasília, 2019.Esta tese é composta por três estudos que têm como objetivo estudar o impacto da mídia escrita no mercado acionário. No primeiro estudo, fazemos uma pesquisa acerca dos trabalhos que utilizam análise textual para quantificar variáveis econômicas e resumimos os principais resultados dos estudos que investigam seu impacto no mercado acionário. Como o uso de textos como dados em pesquisas científicas é um campo que está em crescimento, este estudo tem como objetivo sintetizar os principais resultados para delinear onde está a fronteira do conhecimento na literatura de finanças. Os dois estudos restantes investigam a relação entre duas variáveis estimadas a partir de notícias e o mercado acionário brasileiro. Assim, no segundo estudo que compõe esta tese estudamos o impacto da incerteza econômica nos retornos acionários semanais. Neste estudo, propomos um novo método para estimar incerteza econômica a partir de notícias usando vetores de palavras para representar o vocabulário. Encontramos um efeito significativo da nossa medida de incerteza econômica na precificação das aç ões e mostramos que medidas de incerteza propostas na literatura mensuradas a partir de notícias geram um efeito similar. No terceiro estudo, estimamos corrupção a partir de notícias e analisamos sua relação com o desempenho de ações de duas empresas que estiveram envolvidas em escândalos de corrupção nos últimos anos. Este estudo tem como objetivo quantificar o custo da corrupção para essas empresas. O impacto da corrupção abordada nas notícias nos retornos acionários divergem entre as empresas. No caso em que a empresa possui controle privado, a corrupção nas notícias impactam negativamente os retornos acionários. Para o caso em que a empresa possui controle estatal, o efeito é insignificante. Encontramos, ainda, um efeito de longo prazo dos escândalos de corrupção nos preços das ações.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This thesis is composed of three studies that aim to investigate the impact of written media on stock performance. In the first study, we make a survey of the literature that uses textual analysis to quantify economic variables and review the main results of the studies that examine its effect on the stock market. Since the use of texts as data in scientific research is a growing field, this study aims to summarize the main findings to draw where the frontier knowledge in finance literature is. The remaining two studies investigate the relation between two variables estimated from news stories and the Brazilian stock market. Thereby, in the second study, we investigate the impact of economic uncertainty on weekly stock returns. We propose a new method to estimate economic uncertainty from news stories using word vectors for word representation. We find that there is a significant effect of our economic uncertainty measure on pricing individual stocks and provide similar evidence with uncertainty measures from news stories proposed in the literature. In the third study, we estimate corruption from news stories and investigate its relation to the stock performance of two firms that were involved in corruption scandals in the latest years with the primary goal of estimating the cost of corruption for the firms. The impact of the corruption reported in the news stories on the stock returns diverges between companies. In the case the company has private ownership, corruption in news negatively impacts stock returns. For the state-owned company, the effect is insignificant. We also find a long-term effect of the corruption scandals in the stock prices

    Book Review: Genealogy of the South Indian Deities

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    A review of Genealogy of the South Indian Deities: An English Translation of Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg\u27s Original German Manuscript with a Textual Analysis and Glossary by Daniel Jeyaraj

    Textual Analysis: Hard Knocks

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    This study uses textual analysis to examine how masculinity is conveyed through HBO’s docu-series Hard Knocks. NFL players featured on HBO’s docu-series Hard Knocks are examined to see examples of masculine behavior in the NFL. NFL football is characterized by competitiveness, strength, violence and aggression and Hard Knocks showcases it in a raw form. This study observes the framework and context of the gender order, masculinity, hegemonic masculinity, war-football comparisons, men’s relationship with sport, the physical body in the NFL, and NFL’s current issues. The specific scenes give rare glimpses of training camp in the NFL. The scenes showcase relationships between players and coaches, players and fellow teammates, a team with its opposing competition and outsiders. The scenes were transcribed, analyzed and critiqued through textual analysis to find themes about masculinity that relate to the previous research. Using textual analysis allowed me to make my best guess as to the meanings and understanding of the scenes. I found instances of males using violence/force and competition to establish their dominance. There were examples of comradery and fatherhood through teammate and coach exchanges. The information found in this critical analysis can be used as the basis for effecting social change. The benefits of the findings can also help lead to a better understanding of the masculinity of NFL football players