10,426 research outputs found

    Tablet and E-Book Reader Ownership Nearly Double Over the Holiday Gift-Giving Period

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    Based on survey findings, compares trends in ownership of tablet computers and of e-book readers between mid-December 2011 and early January 2012 by gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, and income. Considers contributing factors

    Generations and Their Gadgets

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    Outlines survey findings on trends in gadget ownership including cell phones; desktop, laptop, and tablet computers; mp3 players; game consoles; and e-book readers among Millennials, Gen X, Younger and Older Boomers, and the Silent and G.I. Generations

    E-Reader Ownership Doubles in Six Months

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    Presents survey findings about trends in ownership of e-book readers such as Kindles or Nooks and tablet computers such as iPads or Motorola Xooms, compared with other devices and by gender, parental status, race/ethnicity, age, education, and income

    Half of Adult Cell Phone Owners Have Apps on Their Phones

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    Presents survey findings about trends in the use of mobile apps on cell phones, downloaded or preloaded, and tablet computers by demographics, purpose, portion of downloaded apps used, and portion paid for. Compares results with 2009 and 2010 surveys

    Self-Organizing Map Classification of the Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Produced by Typical Tablet Computers

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    Abstract In this paper, the extremely low frequency magnetic field produced by the tablet computers is explored. The measurement of the tablet computers' magnetic field is performed by using a measuring geometry previously proposed for the laptop computers. The experiment is conducted on five Android tablet computers. The measured values of the magnetic field are compared to the widely accepted TCO safety standard. Then, the results are classified by the Self-Organizing Map method in order to create different levels of safety or danger concerning the magnetic field to which tablet computer users are exposed. Furthermore, a brief comparison of the obtained magnetic field levels with the ones from typical laptops is performed. At the end, a practical suggestion on how to avoid the high exposure to the low frequency magnetic field emitted by the tablet computers is given

    Tablet-tietokone apuvälineenä

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia tablet-tietokoneiden käyttöä apuvälineenä, selvittää eri käyttöjärjestelmien eroavaisuuksia apuvälinekäytössä ja näille saatavia apuvälineohjelmia. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin myös millaisia apuvälineitä ja lisätarvikkeita on saatavissa tablet-tietokoneiden käyttöön. Opinnäyteteyö oli luonteeltaan selvitystyötä. Viitekehystä hain alan kirjallisuudesta sekä sähköisistä lähteistä. Käytin apuna myös Kehitysvammaliiton Tikoteekin henkilöstön haastatteluja tablet-tietokoneiden apuvälineratkaisuihin liittyen. Opinnäytetyössä nousi esiin selviä eroja eri käyttöjärjestelmien ja laitteiden välillä sekä niiden soveltuvuudessa apuvälinekäyttöön eri tarkoituksissa. Myös saatavilla olevien tablet-tietokoneiden käytön apuvälineissä oli eroja pitkälti käyttöjärjestelmästä riippuen. Opinnäytetyö toimii kattavana katsauksena tablet-tietokoneiden tämänhetkiseen apuvälinekäyttöön. Työn lopputulos kertoo selvästä lisätutkimuksen tarpeesta useassa opinnäyte-työssä käsiteltävässä aihealueessa. Myös laitteiden käytön yleistyminen luo uusia mahdollisuuksia suorittaa laajamittaisempia tutkimuksia.The goal of this thesis was to examine the use of tablet computers as assistive devices and to find out the differences between different operating systems in terms of available assistive software. It was also examined what kind of different assistive devices and accessories are available for using tablet computers. The thesis was mainly research based on literature and internet sources. I was also able to talk to people working in Tikoteekki at The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD) about usage of tablet computers as assistive devices. here were clear differences between operating systems and devices in terms of suitability as assistive devices for specific use. There were also differences in availability of assistive devices for usage of tablet computers based on the operating system. The thesis serves as a good look into the current state of tablet computers as assistive devices as it was intended. The results also clearly tell of need for further research in multiple fields of the subject. Also the rapidly growing use of tablet computers as assistive devices increase the possibilities for larger scale studies

    A Future Projection of Hardware, Software, and Market Trends of Tablet Computers

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    We investigated hardware and software trends in tablet computers released during the market explosion. Market explosion was defined by the release of 4+ devices in a fiscal quarter. We compared a total of 82 tablet computers released between February 2011 and December 2012. Computers were analyzed on processor speed, weight, battery life, and pixel density. Data was analyzed in accordance to the fiscal quarter. Our results indicate the market trending toward a hybrid device between tablets and laptops

    Mobile devices change the way medicine is taught, learned and practiced. That’s a great challenge for libraries

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    The papers in this special issue on mobile technologies have one thing in common. They all agree that “smartphones and tablet computers have become the new cultural ‘norm’ within personal and professional lives” (Fuller & Joynes). Especially tablets are used to enhance teaching, learning and practice of medicine.As you learn in this issue, some European medical schools have already recognized the value of tablet computers in learning and loan them or present them as a gift to students. Six from eight contributions regard tablets, which reflects pretty much the use we all recognize in lectures, libraries, on the ward, on the go

    Tablets Vs Smartphones: Differences In M-Commerce Application Design

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    Since the world is moving to the era of mobile Internet computing, the business conducting over the mobile devices became popular. Not only smartphones, but tablet computers also present a variety of new opportunities for business with their technological ability. The research question of this paper is “What are the differences in M-Commerce application between tablet computers and smartphones?”. Three comparison case studies of M-Commerce applications show the differences in the design for tablets and smartphones. The paper contains the introduction, the literature review, the information of current devices in market, the comparisons of M-Commerce applications, the discussions, and conclusions