11,880 research outputs found

    The effects of bismuth, strontium and antimony additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminium casting alloy

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    Aluminium castings offer significant weight reduction and improved fuel efficiency. Nowadays, aluminium recycling is widely practiced so impurity-related problems has become more important. Bismuth is one of the alloying elements added to aluminium alloys to improve their machinability, but little is known about its effect as a modifier or refiner. There has also been little investigation on the effect of low strontium contents (0.001wt% to 0.006wt%) on porosity formation. In the present work both sand and permanent moulds were used to produce bars containing varying strontium-bismuth ratios with some being treated with 0.2wt% antimony to investigate the interaction between these elements. A quench-during-solidification technique had been performed to study the effect of low strontium content on nucleation and growth of porosity in A356 alloy. Optical microscope, image analyzer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were used to characterize the eutectic silicon, porosity and other phases. Strontium content as low as 0.004wt% was found to bring upon modification to the morphology of the eutectic silicon, whereas an addition of 0.005wt% bismuth refined the eutectic silicon. Beyond this level of bismuth the silicon phase was found to undergo coarsening. A strontium-bismuth ratio of at least 0.5 is suggested to be necessary to ensure a modified silicon morphology, whereas the refining effect of antimony was not affected by bismuth addition. Percentage area of porosity and pore roundness were found to increase with increasing strontium content, reasonably due to earlier pore growth and less shrinkage-type porosity in the castings. The nucleation of new pores occurred at the solid fraction of around 75%, regardless of strontium content. In the present work, the effect of low strontium content, cooling rate and heat treatment (T6) on the mechanical properties was also studied. The results showed that the mechanical properties were less affected by the strontium level but more by heat treatment and cooling rates

    Bioactive glass engineered coatings for Ti6Al4V alloys: Influence of strontium substitution for calcium on sintering behaviour

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, [VOL 356, ISSUE 44-49, (2010), DOI 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.05.01

    Effect of Phosphorus and Strontium Additions on Formation Temperature and Nucleation Density of Primary Silicon in Al-19 Wt Pct Si Alloy and Their Effect on Eutectic Temperature

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    The influence of P and Sr additions on the formation temperature and nucleation density of primary silicon in Al-19 wt pct Si alloy has been determined, for small volumes of melt solidified at cooling rates _T of ~0.3 and 1 K/s. The proportion of ingot featuring primary silicon decreased progressively with increased Sr addition, which also markedly reduced the temperature for first formation of primary silicon and the number of primary silicon particles per unit volume �Nv: When combined with previously published results, the effects of amount of P addition and cooling rate on �Nv are in reasonable accord with �Nv� _T ¼ ðp=6fÞ1=2 109 [250 � 215 (wt pct P)0.17]�3, where �Nv is in mm�3, _T is in K/s, and f is volume fraction of primary silicon. Increased P addition reduces the eutectic temperature, while increased Sr appears to generate a minimum in eutectic temperature at about 100 ppmw Sr

    Effect of strontium and cooling rate upon eutectic temperatures of A319 aluminum alloy

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    DTA analysis was used to investigate the solidification reactions of alloy A319 with either 12 or 136 ppm of Sr added. Strontium does not affect primary solidification of (Al) dendrites but modifies the kinetics of the (Al)–Si eutectic. The effects of Sr level and of cooling rate on the characteristic temperatures for the (Al)–Si and other eutectic reactions are described

    Structural classification of quasi-one-dimensional ternary nitrides

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    This review focuses on the crystal structural features of ternary (mixed-metal) quasi-one-dimensional nitrides i.e., nitrides containing (cation-³⁻) coordination polyhedra sharing either corners, edges, or faces, arranged in linear chains, and intercalated by a counter ion. The current relevance of these nitrides, and of quasi-one-dimensional compounds in general, lies in the fact that they are closely related to the pure one-dimensional systems (i.e., nanowires), which are vastly researched for their amazing properties closely related to their low dimensionality. A number of these properties were firstly discovered in quasi-one-dimensional compounds, highlighting the importance of expanding knowledge and research in this area. Furthermore, unlike oxides, nitrides and other non-oxide compounds are less developed, hence more difficult to categorise into structural classes that can then be related to other classes of compounds, leading to a fuller picture of structure–properties relationship. Within this context, this review aims to categorise and describe a number of ternary (mixed-metal) quasi-one-dimensional nitrides according to their structural features, specifically, the polyhedra forming the one-dimensional chains

    Development by Mechanochemistry of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.8 Electrolyte for SOFCs

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    In this work, a mechanochemical process using high-energy milling conditions was employed to synthesize La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ (LSGM) powders from the corresponding stoichiometric amounts of La2O3, SrO, Ga2O3, and MgO in a short time. After 60 min of milling, the desired final product was obtained without the need for any subsequent annealing treatment. A half solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) was then developed using LSGM as an electrolyte and La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSM) as an electrode, both obtained by mechanochemistry. The characterization by X-ray diffraction of as-prepared powders showed that LSGM and LSM present a perovskite structure and pseudo-cubic symmetry. The thermal and chemical stability between the electrolyte (LSGM) and the electrode (LSM) were analyzed by dynamic X-ray diffraction as a function of temperature. The electrolyte (LSGM) is thermally stable up to 800 and from 900 °C, where the secondary phases of LaSrGa3O7 and LaSrGaO4 appear. The best sintering temperature for the electrolyte is 1400 °C, since at this temperature, LaSrGaO4 disappears and the percentage of LaSrGa3O7 is minimized. The electrolyte is chemically compatible with the electrode up to 800 °C. The powder sample of the electrolyte (LSGM) at 1400 °C observed by HRTEM indicates that the cubic symmetry Pm-3m is preserved. The SOFC was constructed using the brush-painting technique; the electrode-electrolyte interface characterized by SEM presented good adhesion at 800 °C. The electrical properties of the electrolyte and the half-cell were analyzed by complex impedance spectroscopy. It was found that LSGM is a good candidate to be used as an electrolyte in SOFC, with an Ea value of 0.9 eV, and the LSM sample is a good candidate to be used as cathode

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    The study on the integration of Activity Based Costing (ABC) system and six-sigma principle

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    Manufacturing organizations are facing much more challenges as compared to the earlier years. The important and crucial decisions have to be taken by the management in continuous basis in order to ensure the survival and competitiveness of company throughout the journey to become a successful organization. In order to make these decisions fast and correct, they need more accurate information related to financial and non-financial aspects. The conventional cost management systems, which were developed decades ago are unable to provide all information required to make right decision, justify the cost reduction and process improvements (Chen, 1996). This is because they were based on labor-intensive production system while today’s production processes are more sophisticated and faces constant changes. An alternative costing system, Activity Based Costing (ABC) has emerged to the new solution to costing system. It provides financial and non-financial information not only for product costing but also for each activity of manufacturing process. It can list and measure the cost of each activity individually in production and in supporting activities to deliver of a product or service right to customers (Sohal & Chung, 1998). ABC focuses on the activities performed to produce the products throughout the manufacturing process (Gunasekaran et al., 1999). By assigning other costs, such as marketing and administrative to cost object, ABC able to provide more accurate product costs. It helps to improve the operational performance by allocating overhead costs correctly. It provides cost information based on the actual consumption of the resources by each particular activity. The goal of ABC is to reveal cost allocation information by tracing the production costs accurately to activities and product (Gunasekaran et al., 1999). The implementation of ABC has provided many benefits, such as more accurate product costing, providing of cost behavior information and tracing resources consumptions. Realizing many benefits gain from implementation of ABC, many companies have embarked in applying ABC system. However, there are many problems and barriers they encountered during the implementation, which made some has decided to abort this system and not be able to exploit its advantages. It is the objective of this study to help foster the growth of Malaysian companies by helping them to provide better understanding,knowledge and skills to take advantage of using ABC as a tool to improve their manufacturing process. The title of the project is The Study on Integration of Activity-based Costing and Six-sigma Principle. The specific objective of the study is to determine success factors for ABC implementation in manufacturing companies based on Six-sigma process improvement principle. The focus of the study is to identify and understand the critical success factors in implementation of ABC, to identify and specified the problems and barriers and to understand their relationship with the ABC success. In order to identify, understand and formulate the proposed solution, this study will use a survey approach to get required data for further analysis. The survey will be based on mailed questionnaires to selected manufacturing industries in Malaysia. In order to formulate a comprehensive and relevant set of questionnaires, a comprehensive review of literature will be studied, followed by validation and verification process,which involved expert opinions and a pilot study. The next phase is where data from the study will be analyzed to identify areas related to the level of acceptance of ABC,the critical success factors and also to determine the relationship between the organization’s factors and the success of implementation of ABC system. The tangible outcome of this project is to provide a set of proposed guidelines and support tools for manufacturing organizations in applying Activity-based Costing for process improvement efforts as suggested by Six-sigma improvement principle