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    Menadžment poslovnih procesa i znanja u hrvatskim poduzećima

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    Contemporary companies function in constantly changing and highly turbulent business environment which is the cause of a constant need for change and learning at individual, group, organizational as well as interorganizational level (61). Organizational learning is considered to be one of the most promising concepts in modern managerial literature. According to de Geus ‘ability to learn faster than your competitors might be the only sustainable competitive advantage you have’ (11). Dimovski (12) provides an overview of previous research and identifies four perspectives on organizational learning. His model manages to merge informational, interpretational, strategic and behavioral approach to organizational learning and defines it as a process of information acquisition, information interpretation and resulting behavioral and cognitive changes, which should in turn have an impact on organizational performance. In recent research, another measurement variable for organizational learning emerged – Information quality (18). Another research topic introduced in this research was determination and evaluation of the business process orientation construct. Although definitions of the business process orientation vary, we adopt the McCormack’s and Johnson’s (2001) definition of process orientation: An organization that, in all its thinking, emphasizes process as opposed to hierarchies with a special emphasis on outcomes and customer satisfaction. McCormack and Johnson (2001) conducted an empirical study to explore the relationship between BPO and enhanced business performance. The research results showed that BPO is critical in reducing conflict and encouraging greater connectedness within an organization, while improving business performance. The more business process oriented an organization, the better it performs both from an overall perspective as well as from the perspective of the employees. The BPO construct describes a four-step pathway for systematically advancing business processes along the maturity continuum (Ad Hoc, Defined, Linked, and Integrated level). Each step builds on the work of the previous steps to apply improvement strategies that are appropriate to the current maturity level. It is important to note that trying to skip maturity levels is counter-productive, since each level builds a foundation from which to achieve the subsequent level. An organization must evolve through these levels to establish a culture of process excellence. The goal of our contribution was to test differences in the way companies learn and perceive their business process orientation in Slovenia and Croatia. During September and October 2005 questionnaires were distributed to Slovenian and Croatian companies with more than 50 employees. In Slovenian case, 203 completed questionnaires were returned (which accounts for 16.5% response rate) while in Croatia 202 completed questionnaires were returned to the research group (which accounts for 11.5% response rate). Received questionnaires from both countries allow us to compare the results and to implicitly test the impact of various country-based factors on the organizational learning phenomena. Using data gathered from two independent samples (Slovenia and Croatia) analysis of variance method and t-test were used in order to get the answer to our research question relating to differences in organizational learning and business process orientation between Slovenian and Croatian companies. Results indicate that Slovenian and Croatian companies differ only in 17 out of 48 items considering organizational learning research – especially in the way they acquire information and the way they perceive behavioral and cognitive changes currently under place. Croatian companies are more outward directed when acquiring information and are witnessing more turbulent changes in their internal as well as external business environment. Nevertheless, there are much more similar traits in the way Slovenian and Croatian companies learn than there are dissimilarities. However, there are some indications that Slovenian companies already bridged the transition period, while majority of Croatian companies still has to cross that bridge. Data analysis considering second part of the research revealed some important aspects of business process orientation in Slovenia and Croatia. It showed that Slovenian companies have reached slightly higher maturity level than Croatian companies, which was not surprising considering Croatian contemporary history. Though statistically significant, the difference is not large and the general state of the BPO in both countries is promising. Still, a lot is left to change and improve in order to transform the companies into process-oriented ones. The investigation also revealed some differences between both counties. Slovenian companies give more emphasis to the quality of process data and have monitoring and control systems in place to assure it. Besides that jobs are more frequently multidimensional and not just simple tasks in Slovenia then in Croatia. This is important aspect of process orientation whereby employees need to be equipped with wide arsenal of knowledge and skills in order to participate in different areas of a process. To realize BPO projects, most companies use different business process modelling/management methods and tools, which integrate components for static and dynamic modelling, measuring and monitoring the performance of the processes, as well as enabling the transformation of business process diagrams into tailor-made applications supporting the execution of workflows. The focus of this paper is to discuss the application of business process oriented concepts in different areas, depending on different projects' objectives and goals. The paper provides the results of a search in literature as well as a summary and comparison of features concerning business process modelling and business process management tools, placing them within an empirically derived framework.menadžment poslovnih procesa, menadžment znanja

    Preservation management of written heritage in libraries – theoretical foundations

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    Cilj je ovog rada pregledno izložiti teorijske pretpostavke vezane za zaštitu pisane baštine u knjižnicama i naglasiti pritom važnost i ulogu upravljanja zaštitom. Sustavan i sveobuhvatan pristup problematici zaštite uključuje razumijevanje i definiranje svrhe i ciljeva zaštite, načela koja leže u temelju svih aktivnosti zaštite, nazivlja i metodologije te okvira u kojima se zaštita provodi – strateških, ekonomskih, pravnih, institucionalnih i drugih. Upravo se takav sveobuhvatan pristup, objedinjen pogledima iz različitih vidova zaštite, u potpunosti ostvaruje kroz upravljanje zaštitom. Upravljanje zaštitom moguće je definirati kao sustavnu i planiranu organizaciju osoblja i novčanih sredstava te potrebnih aktivnosti kako bi se osigurala trajnost i dostupnost građe, u skladu s poslanjem određene ustanove. U radu se problematizira pet temeljnih vidova upravljanja zaštitom te propituje mogućnost njihove primjene u planiranju i organizaciji zaštite, što u konačnici vodi prema učinkovitom upravljanju zaštitom pisane baštine u knjižnicama.The paper presents theoretical overview of written heritage preservation issues with an emphasis on preservation management. Systematic and comprehensive approach to preservation issues includes understanding and defining preservation aim and purpose, preservation principles, terminology and methodology as well as frameworks in which preservation is conducted such as strategic, economic, legal, institutional and other. Such comprehensive approach is implemented in preservation management. Preservation management can be defined as a systematic and planned organization of human and financial resources and other infrastructure and activities necessary to insure longevity, welfare and usability of library materials, according to the specific mission of the institution. The paper analyzes five aspects of preservation management and examines the possibility of their use in planning and organizing preservation activities

    Interpretive schemata of human resource management during economic crisis : case of producers for automotive industry

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    V pričujoči kvalitativni raziskavi smo se ukvarjali s kognitivnimi shemami pri udeležencih domačih podjetij, ki proizvajajo za mednarodno avtomobilsko panogo v času gospodarske krize v Sloveniji. Natančneje so nas zanimale njihove interpretativne sheme o vlogi področja upravljanja s človeškimi viri (UČV) ter vloga krize kot dejavnika spreminjanja shem o UČV. Dinamiko spreminjanja shem smo pojasnili na podlagi Piagetove teorije adaptacije organizma na zahteve okolja. Primarni vir podatkov so predstavljali poglobljeni intervjuji s predsedniki uprav, vodji oddelkov za UČV ter vodji predstavnikov zaposlenih. Za namene triangulacije je bila narejena primerjalna analiza družbene odgovornosti v letnih poročilih iz let 2007 in 2008. Rezultati kažejo, da je vloga UČV v izbranih podjetjih v veliki meri strateška. Ugotovili smo tudi, da aktualna gospodarska kriza ne služi kot povod za spreminjanje shem na področju UČV, iz česar sklepamo na višjo prisotnost asimilacije v interpretativnih shemah. Zaključimo lahko, da je kriza pri proizvajalcih za avtomobilsko panogo v devetdesetih letih glavni dejavnik shem o UČV v aktualni krizi. Sočasno je prejšnja kriza tudi dejavnik, zakaj se sheme UČV pri udeležencih v krizi ne spreminjajo v večji meri.This qualitative research investigates interpretive schemata by producers for automotive industry during the economic crisis in Slovenia. Specifically, the interest was in their Human resource management (HRM) schemata in current crisis. We explained the dynamics of schema change on the basis of Piaget\u27s theory of adaptation. In-depth interviews with CEOs, directors of HRM and leaders of trade unions served as a primary data source. In addition, comparative analysis of social responsibility as reported in companies\u27 annual reports in 2007 and 2008 was made. Firstly, results demonstrate strategic role of HRM in chosen companies. Secondly, present economic crisis does not serve as a factor of schema change. In conclusion, participants mostly assimilate new information from environment to fit their HRM schemata. Results show the major factor for both assimilation and lack of schema change is occurrence of crisis in Slovenian companies that produce for automotive industry in the nineties


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    Proces globalizacije tržišta je znatno povećao potražnju za morskim prijevozom inputa i outputa, i pojačao je konkurenciju za obavljanje tih usluga. Zbog toga razvoj pojedinih luka ovisi o njihovoj konkurentnosti, a to znači o kvaliteti usluga koje one pružaju. Potrebno je racionalno upravljati kvalitetom usluga u skladu s razinom na kojoj je definirana konkurentnost: konkurentnost unutar luke, konkurentnost između luka, konkurentnost između luka istoga gravitacijskog područja i konkurentnost između luka s obzirom na tržište koje poslužuju. Kvaliteta lučkih usluga, zadovoljstvo korisnika i konkurentnost luke ovise o sljedećim skupinama čimbenika: transportna politika i regulacija, ekonomski uvjeti, obrazovanje, tehnologija, sigurnost, energija i okoliš. Kvaliteta lučke usluge i konkurentnost luke imaju ključnu ulogu u procesu razvoja luke bez obzira na osobine luke

    Main criteria for models of excellence in health care

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    Business excellence models have a long history of development of sixty years. Today, the business excellence model can be essentially classified as world’s most famous models/awards for excellence (Japanese, American and European), the most popular national models of excellence (the Australian, British, German, French), as well as models of excellence companies (Siemens, Philips, Toyota). In the world today there are about 120 models of excellence. The best way to improve quality of health organizations that have systems of quality management is by application of the concept of total quality (TQM). This approach ensures the improvement of overall performance of health organizations, primarily the internal organization including management, resources, processes and human resources, health services and performance of business results. The market requires high quality products and services to improve the quality of life, or TQM excellence models in all areas of social subjects operations. It is a process that never ends, and knowing the nature of man who was never satisfied with achieved, that is main driving force for social development. We are witnesses today that some countries are introducing awards to organizations which succeeded in implementation of TQM and models of excellence for quality achievement. The development of a model of business excellence (BE) for dental health care is the main subject of the current study. The aim of this study is to present and analyze the existing criteria for product excellence and based on that, to define criteria for models of excellence for dental health care in Serbia

    Younger school-aged children in the traffic

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    Prometna kultura je dio opće kulture, koja se odnosi na sudionike u prometu. Vrijednost takvoga odgojno-obrazovnoga rada jest u sprječavanju i smanjenju broja nesreća u kojima stradavaju djeca i odrasli. Istraživanja o načinu putovanja u školu i sigurnosti djece u prometu jako su važna i njihovi rezultati daju važne informacije za školu, roditelje i na kraju samu djecu. U okviru ovoga rada, u ožujku 2018. godine, proveden je upitnik s učenicima od prvoga do četvrtoga razreda u jednoj osnovnoj školi u blizini Županje. Za potrebe anketiranja sastavljen je upitnik s deset pitanja. Na pitanja se odgovaralo zaokruživanjem ili nadopunjavanjem i objašnjavanjem odgovora. Cilj je istraživanja ispitati način putovanja učenika od kuće do škole ovisno o vremenu i dobi učenika te položaj učenika u prometu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazala su kako više od pola ispitanika ima više od deset minuta hodom od kuće do škole. Rezultati pokazuju kako više od pola ispitanika svakodnevno prelazi preko jedne, dvije ili tri prometnice na putu do škole. Više od trećine učenika prelazi svaki dan prometnicu sa svjetlosnom signalizacijom, tj. semaforom. Učenici u većini dolaze pješice u školu, a iza toga slijedi dolazak automobilom. Kako je bilo i za pretpostaviti kada je hladno vrijeme, kiša ili poledica učenike dovoze najčešće roditelji automobilom u školu. Kada je sunčano vrijeme najčešći dolazak u školu je pješice. Od opreme za bicikl, bilo to u slobodno vrijeme ili odlazak u školu s biciklom, većina ne nosi ništa. Velik broj ispitanika ne želi promijeniti način putovanja u školu, a učenici su najsretniji kada idu pješice i s prijateljima u školu.Traffic culture is part of the general culture, which relates to traffic participants. The value of such educational work is to prevent and reduce the number of accidents which involves children and adults. Research of the school travel way and the safety of children in traffic are very important and their results provide important information for the school, parents, and eventually the children themselves. Within this work, in March 2018, a questionnaire was conducted with students from the first to the fourth grade in one elementary school near Županja. For questioning purposes, a questionnaire with ten questions was compiled. Questions were answered by completing or supplementing and explaining the answers. The aim of the research is to examine the way that students travel from home to school depending on the student's time and age, and the position of students in traffic. Research results have shown that more than half of the respondents have more than ten minutes of walking from home to school. The results show that more than half of the respondents daily cross over one, two or three roads on their way to school. More than a third of students cross each day a road with light signaling, ie semaphoresis. Students mostly come to school by foot, next is by car. As was also to be assumed when is cold weather, rain or pole students are usually driven by car to school. When it is sunny time, the most frequent arrival at school is on foot. Of the bicycle equipment, whether in leisure or cycling, most do not carry anything. A large number of respondents does not want to change the way they travel to school, and the students are happier when they go on foot and with friends in school

    Strateško upravljanje projektima u naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama

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    The strategic aspects of a municipal administration: the case of the municipality of Ivančna Gorica

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    Strateško razmišljanje v organizaciji pomeni sposobnost razvijanja skupne vizije in njenega uresničevanja. Avtorji stopnje oblikovanja strategij definirajo zelo podobno, večina pa proces strateškega upravljanja opredeli skozi naslednje faze: analiza okolja organizacije, določanje vizije, poslanstva in ciljev, določitev strategije za doseganje teh ciljev ter samo vrednotenje in kontrola procesa. Občinska uprava ima danes vse manj birokratskih upravnih nalog, vse več nalog pa lahko opredelimo v skladu z nalogami storitvenega podjetjatako lahko občinsko upravo organiziramo v skladu s sodobnimi organizacijskimi teorijami. Okolje občinskih uprav je izredno kompleksno in hitro spreminjajoče. Prav zaradi hitro spreminjajočih se zadev v okolju in stalnega stika z občani kot deležniki bi lahko dejali, da je v teh organizacijah nujno strateško upravljanje. Potrebno pa je upoštevati tudi pravne in politične omejitve, bolj strogo opredeljeno strukturo, zaščito javnega interesa pred ekonomskimi cilji. Skozi študijo primera skušam ugotoviti ali je dobro oblikovana vizija in strategija izbrane Občine Ivančna Gorica ključna za uspešno delovanje in upravljanje občine. Tako me je zanimalo, ali občine sploh potrebujejo strategijo in v kolikšni meri se strateško upravljanje občine razlikuje od upravljanja podjetij, ali gre pri strategiji občine res za skupno dobro občanov, zaposlenih in drugih deležnikov, ali prevladajo interesi posameznih deležnikov in pa kdaj sploh lahko opredelimo delovanje občine kot uspešno.The strategic thinking in an organization signifies the ability of developing a joint vision and its realization. Authors give a very similar definition of the levels of forming strategies and most define the process of strategic administration through the following stages: analyzing the organisation’s environment, defining the vision, mission and goals, determining a strategy and the assessment and control of the process itself. The municipal administration nowadays has fewer bureaucratic administrative tasks, while an increasing number of tasks can be defined in accordance with the tasks of a service company. The environment of municipal administrations is extremely complex and quickly changing. It is precisely the quickly changing circumstances in the environment and the constant contact with citizens why we could argue that these organizations need strategic administration. Legal and political limitations, a more strictly defined structure and the protection of public interests from economic goals, should be taken into consideration. By studying this case I have tried to establish whether a well-defined vision and strategy of the municipality of Ivančna Gorica are crucial for its administration. We tried to ascertain whether municipalities even need strategy and to what extent does a strategic administration of a municipality differ from the administration of corporations. We also tried to ascertain whether the strategy of the municipality helps create a common good of the citizens, employees and others