4,246 research outputs found

    Prilog poznavanju danjih leptira (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) Velebita, Hrvatska

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    During the years 2005 and 2006, 106 butterfly species were identified on Mt. Velebit. The estimated distribution, diversity and biogeographical characteristics of each species are presented in this paper as well as a comparison between recently estimated butterfly fauna and that identified in the past century. Current check-list of 137 butterflies from Mt. Velebit is contained in the Appendix.U dvogodiÅ”njem razdoblju (2005. i 2006.) na prostoru Velebita zabilježeno je 106 vrsta danjih leptira. U radu se navodi njihovo rasprostranjenje, raznolikost kao i biogeografska karakteristika za svaku utvrđenu vrstu. Isto tako uspoređuje se fauna danjih leptira toga prostora utvrđena u proÅ”lom stoljeću s recentnim podacima, te se na temelju toga daje popis 137 vrsta danjih leptira Velebita

    Residential Buildings in Split 3 by Architect Frano Gotovac

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    U članku su prikazane stambene zgrade arhitekta Frana Gotovca, podignute 1970-ih godina u Splitu 3. Projektni programi i Tipski tehnički opisi djelomično su ograničavali autorske slobode. Gotovac je uspio nadvladati mnoge ograničavajuće čimbenike i ostvariti zgrade koje se ističu specifičnim vanjskim izgledom, a nastavljaju se na ranija Gotovčeva istraživanja oblikovanja stambenih zgrada velikog volumena i geometrijsku raŔčlambu pročelja velikog formata.The paper presents residential buildings by architect Frano Gotovac built in the 1970s in Split 3. Although the Project Plan and Standard Technical Description partially restricted his architectural freedom, Gotovac overcame numerous limiting circumstances and created buildings of distinctive exterior appearance, with which he continued his previous formal exploration of large-volume residential buildings and geometrical articulation of large-scale facades

    Long-Term Bone Marrow Culture

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    Dugotrajna kultura koÅ”tane srži eksperimentalni je model hematopoeze koji in vitro reproducira uvjete hematopoetskog mikrookružja in vivo. U dugotrajnoj kulturi postiže se proliferacija i diferencijacija primitivnih matičnih hematopoetskih stanica mezenhimskog podrijetla. Dugotrajnu kulturu koÅ”tane srži čine adherentni stromalni sloj i slobodne stanice u tekućem dijelu (supernatantu) kulture. U dugotrajnoj se kulturi hematopoeza zbiva bez egzogenih poticatelja rasta jer njih stvara stromalni sloj. Izgled i razvitak strome, proliferacija i diferencijacija progenitorskih stanica i proizvodnja citokina razlikuju se u dugotrajnoj kulturi normalne i patoloÅ”ki promijenjene koÅ”tane srži. Dugotrajna se kultura koÅ”tane srži upotrebljava u fundamentalnim istraživanjima hematopoeze, u farmakoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima učinaka lijekova i imunocitokina na hematopoezu, za čiŔćenje autotransplantata koÅ”tane srži od preostalih leukemijskih stanica te za prijenos gena. Također je prikladan laboratorijski model za in vitro ispitivanje karcinogenih i drugih Å”tetnih činitelja iz okoline koji utječu na krvotvorno tkivo pri profesionalnom ili habitualnom izlaganju.Long-term bone marrow culture is an experimental in vitro model of hematopoiesis imitating conditions in vivo. It contains hematopoietic elements at various stages of differentiation as well as a supportive stromal microenvironment. Primitive hematopoietic stem cells of mesenchymal origin, the long-term culture initiating cells proliferate and differentiate into different cell types, giving rise to the adherent stromal layer and to various hematopoietic elements attached to it or floating freely in the supernatant medium. The stromal layer keeps the hematopoietic cells aggregated, helps their mitosis, differentiation and maturation by cell-to-cell contact, produces hematopoietic growth factors (cytokines), and forms the extracellular matrix required for cell attachment. Hematopoiesis occurs without exogenous growth factors. The appearance and development of the stroma, the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells, and the production of cytokines differ in long-term cultures of the normal and of pathologically altered bone marrow. Long-term bone marrow culture is applied in fundamental studies of normal and pathologically altered hematopoiesis, in pharmacological research, in the purging of residual leukemia cells from bone marrow autotransplants, and in the gene transfer. It is also suitable for testing carcinogenic and toxic chemicals causing hematopoietic damage through occupational or habitual exposure

    New housing estates in Sesvete

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    Suvremenim tokovima urbanizacije dolazi do razmjeÅ”taja urbanih sadržaja iz srediÅ”ta grada na njegov rub i okolicu. Navedenim procesom zahvaćeno je i naselje Sesvete, čija se prostorna struktura uvelike izmijenila posljednjih desetljeća, osobito pod utjecajem decentralizacije funkcije stanovanja. Tako se početkom 21. stoljeća u Sesvetama grade 2 nova stambena naselja: Novi Jelkovec i Iver koji su ujedno i temeljni predmet ovoga rada. Svojom morfologijom i funkcijama diferenciraju se od okolnih dijelova naselja i izdvajaju kao zasebne cjeline. U radu je prikazan kratak pregled dosadaÅ”njeg razvoja Sesveta, kao i pregled suvremenih procesa u stanogradnji, a zatim je provedena opsežnija analiza urbano-geografskih karakteristika Novog Jelkovca i Ivera.Contemporary trends in urbanisation lead to shifting of urban amenities from center of the city to his borders and surrounding. Settlement Sesvete, whose spatial structure has rapidly changed during last few decades, is affected by the named process and especially influenced by decentralization of housing function. At the beginning of 21st century, two new housing estates, which are the subject of this paper, are being built in Sesvete: Novi Jelkovec and Iver. They differ from other parts of the settlement by morphology and functions, and for that reason, stand out as independent units. This paper will show brief overview of the urban development of Sesvete as well as modern processes in housing construction. They are an introduction which leads to extensive analysis of urban-geographic characteristics of new housing estates

    The application of DPSIR model in analyzing the space and environmental state on Murter Island

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    Cilj rada je analizirati prirodne i druÅ”tveno-geografske komponente otoka Murtera da bi se dobio uvid u njihova obilježja te na temelju njih procijenilo trenutno stanje okoliÅ”a i mogućnosti razvoja otoka. Za analizu prostora koriÅ”ten je integralni model proučavanja stanja okoliÅ”a ā€“ DPSIR (driving forces ā€“ pressures ā€“ states ā€“ impacts ā€“ responses) koji je osmislila Europska agencija za zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a (EEA, 1999.). Komponente modela: pokretačke sile (D), pritisci (P), stanje (S), učinci (I) i odgovori (R) na trenutno stanje okoliÅ”a, omogućavaju analizu i sintezu uzročnih odnosa između ljudskih aktivnosti i okoliÅ”a te njihovih posljedica i mogućih odgovora na promjene okoliÅ”a. Kao glavne pokretačke sile izdvojeni su stanovniÅ”tvo i turizam koji su ujedno i glavni čimbenici pritiska na prostor. Pritisak se očituje u koncentraciji stanovniÅ”tva u priobalnom pojasu otoka, broju turista, količini otpada, onečiŔćenosti mora i plaža tijekom turističke sezone, preopterećenosti električne mreže i dr.The aim of the author has been to analyze the natural and socio-geographical components of Murter Island in order to get familiar with their characteristics which would be the basis for evaluating the current state of the environment and development possibilities of the Island. An integrated research model DPSIR (driving forces ā€“ pressures ā€“ states ā€“ impacts ā€“ responses) designed by the European Environmental Agency (EEA, 1999) was used to analyze the environment. The model consists of driving forces (D), pressures (P), states (S), impacts (I) and responses (R) on the current state of the environment, and enables the analysis and synthesis of causal relationships between human activities and environment, as well as impacts and responses to the environmental changes. Population and tourism have been selected as the main driving forces, but also as the major pressures on the environment. The pressure is reflects in the concentration of the population in the coastal zone, the number of tourists, the amount of waste, pollution of the sea and beaches during the tourist season in overloading the electrical networks et al

    Architect Frano Gotovacā€™s Residential Buildings in Splitā€™s Spinut Quarter

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    Članak analizira zgrade arhitekta Frane Gotovca podignute 1970.-1980. godine na sjevernom dijelu Spinuta. Tim je zgradama Gotovac učinio bitan otklon u oblikovanju zgrada kolektivnog stanovanja velikog volumena u odnosu na tadaÅ”nju uobičajenu projektantsku praksu. Gotovac je pridonio organizaciji i urbanističkom oblikovanju stambenih naselja visoke gustoće stanovanja u usporedbi s naseljima toga vremena.The paper gives an analysis buildings designed by architect Fran Gotovac and erected in 1970 -1980 in the northern part of Spinut. By designing these buildings as large-scale collective housing projects Gotovac made a significant departure from the usual architectural practice of the period. Compared to the typical estates, his works contributed to the organization and urban design of housing estates with high habitation density


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    Autor je ukratko iznio rezultate svojih istraživanja i ocjena vezanih uz neekonomske stanarine. U radu se opisno i numerički iznose dokazi, koji podkrepljuju tvrdnju po drugima joÅ” uvijek neuočenu, po trećima čak i osporavanu, da su minimalne stanarine, koje u nas postoje, jedan od možda najvećih uzročnika dodatne tražnje roba na tržiÅ”tu kojih i inače nema. A to, sve zbog toga Å”to se uslijed neekonomskih stanarina dbar dio lične potroÅ”nje preusmjerava za druge namjene. Posliedica svega toga jest za sada propadanje druÅ”tvenog stambenog fonda, a već u skoroj budućnosti, ne učine li se zaista radikalni potezi, druÅ”tveni stambeni fond bit će nepopravljivo uniÅ”ten. Na kraju rada daju se mogući prijedlozi za uvođenje ekonomskih stanarina pod hitno jer za takvu mjeru već jučer bilo je prekasno

    Towards new educational potentialities: Review and commentary of the Preliminary draft Act on higher education

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    The Higher Education Act is a long-awaited legal act. A number of uncompleted attempts to prepare it have been undertaken in the course of the last three years. So far without success. Having been and still being a matter of highest social priority, the renewed effort to create and subsequently to enact this act is welcome as a worthwhile and a highly productive endeavor. Welcome also are the main innovations offered by this act, particularly its conspicuous consistency with the Bologna Declaration and other internationally launched and accepted documents. The draft act follows the international documents tracing down the paths of the future development of the educational systems of the European countries and providing for their mutual compatibility. A number of other positive contributions of the draft act are singled out, such as introducing clear and rigorous criteria and procedures for accreditation and quality control, introducing a wide coverage of arts and sciences as a precondition for an institution of higher education to qualify as a university, flexibility in the regime of studying including the domestic and international mobility of the students and requirement for the schools of higher education to have large cores of permanently employed teaching staff. A much larger part of the paper is, however, devoted to critical commentaries. To begin with, the draft is produced without any participation of the private universities, which is seen as a form of discrimination. The organizational pattern of a university is laid out with insufficient clarity and the status of departments (faculties) is particularly short of precision and even contradictory. The draft seems to be laden with the old bias towards excessive and potentially disastrous centralization, drastically reducing the decision making capacity of the system. The treatment of the property of the departments (faculties) is found inconsistent and legally unfounded. Inconsistency is also revealed in a number of prerogatives of the university vis-a-vis its departments and vice versa

    Ekonomske posljedice politike sprječavanja pada cijene stanova

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    U ovome radu se analiziraju efekti sprječavanja pada cijena stanova na zaposlenost i bruto dodanu vrijednost građevinarstva. Procijenjene su ekonometrijske veze između indikatora potražnje, pokazatelja ponude i cijene stanova u dugom i kratkom roku. Osnovni zaključak rada je kako količina ponude nema statistički signifikantan efekt na cijene na tržiÅ”tu stanova, te se prilagodba događa kroz usporavanje prodaje i gomilanje zaliha neprodanih stanova. Kao posljedica politike gomilanja neprodanih stanova s jedne strane cijene ne padaju, a s druge strane rastu loÅ”i krediti u poslovnim bankama. Posljedica ovako strukturiranog tržiÅ”ta je da u vrijeme ekonomske ekspanzije padaju zalihe i rastu cijene, a u vrijeme ekonomskog usporavanja umjesto pada cijena, dolazi do natprosječnog pada proizvodnje i zaposlenosti u građevinarstvu i snažnog rasta loÅ”ih kredita u poslovnim bankama. Rad sugerira nekoliko rjeÅ”enja koja bi mogla potaknuti rast i zapoÅ”ljavanje građevinarstva, od reforme pravosuđa u kontekstu brzine provođenja ovrha, preko poreza na nekretnine, pa sve do snažnije implementacije Basela II i subvencija kupaca.stambeno tržiÅ”te, ljepljive cijene, nenaplativi krediti
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