Prilog poznavanju danjih leptira (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) Velebita, Hrvatska


During the years 2005 and 2006, 106 butterfly species were identified on Mt. Velebit. The estimated distribution, diversity and biogeographical characteristics of each species are presented in this paper as well as a comparison between recently estimated butterfly fauna and that identified in the past century. Current check-list of 137 butterflies from Mt. Velebit is contained in the Appendix.U dvogodišnjem razdoblju (2005. i 2006.) na prostoru Velebita zabilježeno je 106 vrsta danjih leptira. U radu se navodi njihovo rasprostranjenje, raznolikost kao i biogeografska karakteristika za svaku utvrđenu vrstu. Isto tako uspoređuje se fauna danjih leptira toga prostora utvrđena u prošlom stoljeću s recentnim podacima, te se na temelju toga daje popis 137 vrsta danjih leptira Velebita

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