26 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the EERI Seismic Design Competition

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    The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) has been dedicated to exposing undergraduate students to the wide range of interdisciplinary subjects related to earthquake engineering through the Seismic Design Competition. In 2022, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) sent 14 students to Salt Lake City, Utah for the competition – to compete with 31 other teams who all tackled the competition problem statement uniquely. The 2022 team was tasked with the research, design, analysis, and construction of a new structure to be built in downtown Salt Lake City, with the goal of replicating the design sequence of real-world engineering. The following report outlines the preparation, organization, and timeline taken by the Cal Poly team in advance of the seismic design competition, with the intent of guiding future EERI teams. It should be noted that this report is not only intended to serve as a guide for future students, but also will explain the demand of interdisciplinary subjects in the competition in hopes of attracting undergraduate students who are interested in broadening their vision of engineering to participate in the competition. For public access, this document, including additional supplementary materials, will be available in the Cal Poly Digital Commons

    Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 2021 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition

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    Since 2004, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) has hosted the undergraduate Seismic Design Competition to promote the study of earthquake engineering. This year, a team of students from the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo competed against 36 other colleges and universities from across the world in the 19th annual competition, virtual for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This report summarizes and expands on the material prepared by the 2021 team to guide the exploration of the implementation of an addition to an existing hospital that needs retrofitting. This includes the potential design sequence that could be implemented to complete such a project in the real world from research to analysis and design. Furthermore, this report highlights the depth of interdisciplinary subjects that this competition demands of participating teams and hopes to spark interest in other undergraduate students to participate in the competition. Design Prompt: The mayor of Seattle, WA is making a plea to acquire urgent funds to increase hospital space to keep up with the healthcare demand arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since there is a pressing need for space, an existing hospital structure in the Greater Seattle Area was chosen to expand with a proposed vertical extension that would increase patient capacity, with possibility of a seismic retrofit based on a performance assessment

    Применение моделей конструкций как инструмент обучения студентов

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    The use of simple experiments to demonstrate structural actions is an excellent way to understand structural actions that may be taking place in a real full scale structure. Of special interest is the problem of earthquake loading, which, because of its wide spread nature and potentially damaging effects has assumed a greater importance in our highly urban society. The work, that is described in this paper, is part of the Civil Engineering undergraduate programme at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. It is a very successful experimental programme involving a group of students who entered an international competition.Применение простых экспериментальных моделей в учебном процессе позволяет наглядно показать и оценить влияние различных воздействий на реальные конструкции. Большое значение имеет изучение сейсмических воздействий, характеризующихся возможными обрушениями конструкций, особенно в связи с увеличивающейся сейсмической активностью. Материал этой статьи является частью программы бакалавриата по гражданскому строительству в Техническом университете г. Клуж-Напока (Румыния). Экспериментальная программа, описанная в статье, оказалась очень успешной, а студенты приняли участие в международном конкурсе. В процессе конкурса команда студентов разрабатывала проект многоэтажного здания, оценивала его сейсмическую прочность, строила модель здания и ее испытывала

    La Ingeniería Divertida: Gravity Challenge.

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    La competición se utiliza en muchos entornos educativos, especialmente en el ámbito anglosajón, como medio para contribuir al desarrollo de las habilidades de los alumnos, aspecto este que se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la adquisición de determinadas competencias profesionales. En el sector de la ingeniería y arquitectura resulta de gran importancia y por ello, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha organizado durante el curso 2006‐07 un conjunto de competiciones de estudiantes muy diversas. Una de estas competiciones es la denominada GRAVITY CHALLENGE, en la que los equipos participantes se enfrentaban al reto de lanzar un huevo desde una altura de 15 metros y conseguir que aterrice en el suelo sin romperse. Los equipos ganadores serían aquellos que lograsen este objetivo de la forma más creativa. En este trabajo se describe el procedimiento seguido para la organización de esta competición en la que participaron 27 equipos de distintas universidades. También se presentan los resultados y se hace una reflexión sobre los objetivos formativos que consideramos alcanzados


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    The use of simple experiments to demonstrate structural actions is an excellent way to understand structural actions that may be taking place in a real full scale structure. Of special interest is the problem of earthquake loading, which, because of its wide spread nature and potentially damaging effects has assumed a greater importance in our highly urban society. The work, that is described in this paper, is part of the Civil Engineering undergraduate programme at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. It is a very successful experimental programme involving a group of students who entered an international competition

    Rubagabaga Village : Empowering Villages Center and Agricultural Training Center

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    By partnering with non-profit organizations such as Journeyman International and Empowering Villages, undergraduate students can engage in senior projects that have far reaching humanitarian impacts. Journeyman International is well known for creating powerful teams of students who tackle design challenges in developing countries. This paper details the work of two architectural engineering students from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on a design for the Empowering Villages Center (EVC) and Agricultural Training Facility (ATF) in Rubagabaga Village, Rwanda. The EVC and ATF project was proposed by Empowering Villages, an organization that aims to bring electricity and socioeconomic growth to rural communities in East Africa. The students collaborated on an interdisciplinary team for nine months to produce structural calculations and drawings for the project. In addition to the structural calculations and drawings, this report includes a project overview, challenges, the final impact, team dynamics, and personal reflections

    Development of Dynamic Laboratory Platform for Earthquake Engineering Courses

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    Small-scale shaking table platforms are usually used in seismic engineering courses to study the structural dynamic behavior of small scale specimens and investigate innovative solutions, such as active and passive control systems. Furthermore, they are also useful to actively involve students in learning programs in higher education. This paper illustrates the development and the teaching effectiveness of a multimodular unidirectional platform to be used by students during dynamic and seismic courses within the Shaking Table Educational Program at the Politecnico di Torino. A unique feature of this platform is that the system was entirely developed by undergraduate students. The project was intended to create a shaking table for earthquake simulation that can measure the structural response using sensors located on a specimen, such as a building, a bridge, or any other type of reduced-scale system. Different types of dynamic tests can be reproduced, such as hybrid simulations and pseudodynamic tests. A survey demonstrates the effectiveness of the laboratory experience during seismic engineering courses to improve student learning capabilities through a teaching activity that involves both theoretical and hands-on experience. Currently, the platform has been extended to accommodate bidirectional shaking table tests with the inclusion of augmented reality tools that allow exploring the response of human behavior during a pedestrian evacuation

    ARCE, Spring 2013

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    Doing: Cal Poly College of Engineering 2010-2011 Annual Report

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