Rubagabaga Village : Empowering Villages Center and Agricultural Training Center


By partnering with non-profit organizations such as Journeyman International and Empowering Villages, undergraduate students can engage in senior projects that have far reaching humanitarian impacts. Journeyman International is well known for creating powerful teams of students who tackle design challenges in developing countries. This paper details the work of two architectural engineering students from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on a design for the Empowering Villages Center (EVC) and Agricultural Training Facility (ATF) in Rubagabaga Village, Rwanda. The EVC and ATF project was proposed by Empowering Villages, an organization that aims to bring electricity and socioeconomic growth to rural communities in East Africa. The students collaborated on an interdisciplinary team for nine months to produce structural calculations and drawings for the project. In addition to the structural calculations and drawings, this report includes a project overview, challenges, the final impact, team dynamics, and personal reflections

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