21,896 research outputs found

    Big Data as a Technology-to-think-with for Scientific Literacy

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    This research aimed to identify indications of scientific literacy resulting from a didactic and investigative interaction with Google Trends Big Data software by first-year students from a high-school in Novo Hamburgo, Southern Brazil. Both teaching strategies and research interpretations lie on four theoretical backgrounds. Firstly, Bunge's epistemology, which provides a thorough characterization of Science that was central to our study. Secondly, the conceptual framework of scientific literacy of Fives et al. that makes our teaching focus precise and concise, as well as supports one of our methodological tool: the SLA (scientific literacy assessment). Thirdly, the "crowdledge" construct from dos Santos, which gives meaning to our study when as it makes the development of scientific literacy itself versatile for paying attention on sociotechnological and epistemological contemporary phenomena. Finally, the learning principles from Papert's Constructionism inspired our educational activities. Our educational actions consisted of students, divided into two classes, investigating phenomena chose by them. A triangulation process to integrate quantitative and qualitative methods on the assessments results was done. The experimental design consisted in post-tests only and the experimental variable was the way of access to the world. The experimental group interacted with the world using analyses of temporal and regional plots of interest of terms or topics searched on Google. The control class did 'placebo' interactions with the world through on-site observations of bryophytes, fungus or whatever in the schoolyard. As general results of our research, a constructionist environment based on Big Data analysis showed itself as a richer strategy to develop scientific literacy, compared to a free schoolyard exploration.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 8 table

    Analysis of Students' Metacognition Level in Solving Scientific Literacy on the Topic of Static Fluid

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    The purpose of this study is to describe students' metacognition level in solving scientific literacy. This research use the descriptive method. The subject of this research is 99 students of grade XI in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. Data collection methods used are test methods which its instruments based on an indicator of scientific literacy and metacognition ability. Data analysis techniques use quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the achievement of scientific literacy in science as a body of knowledge, science as a way of thinking, science as a way of investigating, and science as an interaction between technology and society is still low at below 35%. This is due to 84% student occupy in low metacognition level that is 30% students in tacit use level, 54% students in aware use level, and only 16% students occupy in high metacognition level that is in strategic use level

    Completeness of Science Literature Elements in Class VII Science Literacy Assessment Instruments

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    This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the presentation of scientific literacy aspects in the scientific literacy assessment instrument for the seventh grade science material. This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The object of research in this study is the scientific literacy assessment instrument from the researcher Muftianah and Wahono (2018), and the researcher Arfianti (2015). The data collection technique used is literature study. The data analysis technique in this research uses content analysis. The results of the study indicate that aspects of scientific literacy have been presented well, although there is one aspect that has not been included in the scientific literacy instrument, namely the scientific process aspect. In the scientific literacy instrument for the two researchers, the aspect of scientific literacy that often appears is the aspect of science content. Thus, in measuring scientific literacy skills, all aspects of scientific literacy must be contained in scientific literacy instruments. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the aspect of scientific literacy, the two instruments that have been analyzed there is one aspect that has not been included in the scientific literacy instrument, namely the scientific process aspect. In the scientific literacy instrument of the two researchers, the aspect of scientific literacy that often appears is the aspect of science content. Thus, in measuring the ability of scientific literacy, all aspects of scientific literacy must be contained in scientific literacy instruments

    Identify Scientific Literacy From the Science Teachers' Perspective

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    Scientific literacy is considered as a benchmark of high and low quality of science education in a country. This study aims to identify the scientific literacy of teachers and learning science relation to the issues from the perspective of a science teacher. This descriptive study involved 25 science teachers who are members of MGMP IPA in Bogor. The instrument used in this study consisted of scientific literacy tests and interviews. The results showed that 20% of teachers have scientific literacy ability in the low category, 65% in the moderate category and 15% in the high category. The problems of teaching science based on teacher perspective are 1. having difficulty to teach Integrated Science; 2. having limited knowledge related to learning models of Integrated Science; 3. lack of motivation in teaching integrated science consistently. The results of these studies form the basis that the professional trainings for junior high science teacher need to be conducted in a sustainable manner and related with the needs of their proficiency

    High School Students' Scientific Literacy Profile Based on Scientific Literacy Assessments (SLA) Instruments

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    Research on the profile of high school students' scientific literacy, aimed to reveal high school students' ability based on scientific literacy aspects of cognitive and affective domain according to Scientific Literacy Assessment (SLA) instruments. This study used descriptive method. Based on SLA, high school students' scientific literacy average in cognitive domain was considered as very poor (52.6), whereas in affective domain was considered as sufficient (62.5). In cognitive domain, aspect of scientific literacy with the lowest students' mastery was scientific thinking and doing, while the highest was science and society. The lowest students' mastery of scientific literacy aspect in affective domain was self-efficacy, while the highest was value of science

    Assessment Instrument of Scientific Literacy Skills Based on Nature of Science For Middle School

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    Natural science learning train students various skills in the face of 4.0 industry revolution challenge. One of the skills that needs to be developed is scientific literacy skills. The scientific literacy skills level can be known or measured using appropriate assessment instruments. This study aimed produce assessment instruments can measure the scientific literacy skills and know scientific literacy skills level of SMPN 2 Pare’s students. The research method was descriptive quantitative with instrument development model of Mardapi (2012). The theoretical and empirical experiments of  scientific literacy skills instruments get appropriateness criteria for use based on Aiken's validity and Rasch model analysis.There are 40 items that can be used to measure scientific literacy skills for middle school students. Scientific literacy skills level of SMPN 2 Pare’s students is 20% students have high level, 72,5% average level, and 7.5% low level

    Scientific Literacy in Science Lesson

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    The aim of this study was to determine: 1) definition of scientific literacy, 2) aspects of scientific literacy. 3) Kinds of scientific literacy, 4) the role of curriculum in 2013 to develop scientific literacy. The method of this paper is research note paper, with a literature review of research journals about scientific literacy in science learning.  The Curriculum 2013 has emphasized scientific literacy on the learning process by suggesting the utilize of the scientific approach. The scientific approach provides an opportunity for students to perform contextual learning, therefore the learning experiences that students got becomes more meaningful. The scientific approach provides an opportunity for students to connect between the previous concept, the concept being studied and its relationship with other materials that are expected able to improve the scientific literacy of students. The scientific approach to learning science developed from the scientific method commonly known as the science process skills


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    Learning strategies must be well defined and built to train students' scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is very important for a person because the progress of a nation is determined by the quality of human resources who are literate in science and technology. One of the lessons that can be applied in training literacy is inquiry learning. However, the technique of inquiry learning in training students' scientific literacy still needs to be studied. This article aims to conduct an in-depth study of inquiry learning to train elementary school students' scientific literacy. The conclusion is that the scientific literacy of elementary school students must be trained. Learning that can be used to train scientific literacy is through inquiry learning. In inquiry learning must pay attention to the characteristics, characteristics, principles, stages of implementation, and advantages and disadvantages. In training scientific literacy, you must pay attention to competencies, indicators, and learning steps

    Scientific literacy and citizenship

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    Scientific research has social and moral implications that can no longer be disregarded. Educating students in science involves more than understanding scientific knowledge and carrying out investigations. If students are to grow to become tomorrow's responsible citizens, they need to understand scientific issues as well as their impact on society in economic, social and moral tenus. An argument will be put forward in favour of a science education that considers the social implications of scientific activity on both a local and global scale. Science education needs to give more attention to activities placed in contexts and include the social and ethical aspects of the scientific enterprise.peer-reviewe