54 research outputs found

    Generic system components of the Thiokol ultrasonic RSRM case-to-insulation bondline inspection system

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    Qualification testing of the Ultrasonic Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor Bondline Inspection Systems (URBIS) was conducted at the Thiokol Nondestructive Evaluation Test Facility M337A and at the Rotation Process Storage Facility at Kennedy Space Center. The test was performed on portions of the URBIS that are generic to redesigned solid rocket motor case-to-insulation bondline inspections. Testing began on Feb. 13, 1989 and was completed on May 26, 1989. The main purpose of the test was to verify that each URBIS performed to the manufacturer's specifications in the same manner and to make any procedural changes necessary for specific redesigned solid rocket motor inspections. All five URBISs passed every stage of the qualification test. Each URBIS is now qualified for use on redesigned solid rocket motors. Verifying the fact that each URBIS obtains and analyzes data in a similar fashion has eliminated concerns about variations in data between the five systems. The following recommendations were made as a result of this test: (1) each URBIS should be located within a stable environment; (2) an electronic preventative maintenance program should be established for each URBIS; (3) when the URBIS is being utilized to perform transducer analysis, the URBIS equipment setting should match the equipment setting noted on the manufacturer-supplied transducer certification sheet; and (4) optimum scan velocities for each inspection technique (clevis, capture feature, pinhole and membrane) should be determined through further testing

    Commercial Implementation of Ultrasonic Velocity Imaging Methods via Cooperative Agreement Between NASA Lewis Research Center and Sonix, Inc.

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    This article describes the commercial implementation of ultrasonic velocity imaging methods developed and refined at NASA Lewis Research Center on the Sonix c-scan inspection system. Two velocity imaging methods were implemented: thickness-based and non-thickness-based reflector plate methods. The article demonstrates capabilities of the commercial implementation and gives the detailed operating procedures required for Sonix customers to achieve optimum velocity imaging results. This commercial implementation of velocity imaging provides a 100x speed increase in scanning and processing over the lab-based methods developed at LeRC. The significance of this cooperative effort is that the aerospace and other materials development-intensive industries which use extensive ultrasonic inspection for process control and failure analysis will now have an alternative, highly accurate imaging method commercially available

    Laser-optical blade tip clearance measurement system

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    A laser-optical measurement system was developed to measure single blade tip clearances and average blade tip clearances between a rotor and its gas path seal in rotating component rigs and complete engines. The system is applicable to fan, compressor and turbine blade tip clearance measurements. The engine mounted probe is particularly suitable for operation in the extreme turbine environment. The measurement system consists of an optical subsystem, an electronic subsystem and a computing and graphic terminal. Bench tests and environmental tests were conducted to confirm operation at temperatures, pressures, and vibration levels typically encountered in an operating gas turbine engine

    Vibration-Based In-Situ Detection and Quantification of Delamination in Composite Plates

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    This paper presents a new methodology for detecting and quantifying delamination in composite plates based on the high-frequency local vibration under the excitation of piezoelectric wafer active sensors. Finite-element-method-based numerical simulations and experimental measurements were performed to quantify the size, shape, and depth of the delaminations. Two composite plates with purpose-built delaminations of different sizes and depths were analyzed. In the experiments, ultrasonic C-scan was applied to visualize the simulated delaminations. In this methodology, piezoelectric wafer active sensors were used for the high-frequency excitation with a linear sine wave chirp from 1 to 500 kHz and a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer was used to measure the local vibration response of the composite plates. The local defect resonance frequencies of delaminations were determined from scanning laser Doppler vibrometer measurements and the corresponding operational vibration shapes were measured and utilized to quantify the delaminations. Harmonic analysis of local finite element model at the local defect resonance frequencies demonstrated that the strong vibrations only occurred in the delamination region. It is shown that the effect of delamination depth on the detectability of the delamination was more significant than the size of the delamination. The experimental and finite element modeling results demonstrate a good capability for the assessment of delamination with different sizes and depths in composite structures

    Improving elevation resolution in phased-array inspections for NDT

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    The Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique (PAUT) offers great advantages over the conventional ultrasound technique (UT), particularly because of beam focusing, beam steering and electronic scanning capabilities. However, the 2D images obtained have usually low resolution in the direction perpendicular to the array elements, which limits the inspection quality of large components by mechanical scanning. This paper describes a novel approach to improve image quality in these situations, by combining three ultrasonic techniques: Phased Array with dynamic depth focusing in reception, Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) and Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI). To be applied with conventional NDT arrays (1D and non-focused in elevation) a special mask to produce a wide beam in the movement direction was designed and analysed by simulation and experimentally. Then, the imaging algorithm is presented and validated by the inspection of test samples. The obtained images quality is comparable to that obtained with an equivalent matrix array, but using conventional NDT arrays and equipments, and implemented in real time.Fil: Brizuela, Jose David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camacho, J.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Cosarinsky, Guillermo Gerardo. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Iriarte, Juan Manuel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Cruza, Jorge F.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Wire Scanner Motion Control Card

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    Scientists require a certain beam quality produced by the accelerator rings at CERN. The discovery potential of LHC is given by the reachable luminosity at its interaction points. The luminosity is maximized by minimizing the beam size. Therefore an accurate beam size measurement is required for optimizing the luminosity. The wire scanner performs very accurate profile measurements, but as it can not be used at full intensity in the LHC ring, it is used for calibrating other profile monitors. As the current wire scanner system, which is used in the present CERN accelerators, has not been made for the required specification of the LHC, a new design of a wire scanner motion control card is part of the LHC wire scanner project. The main functions of this card are to control the wire scanner motion and to acquire the position of the wire. In case of further upgrades at a later stage, it is required to allow an easy update of the firmware, hence the programmable features of FPGAs will be used for this purpose. The FPGAs will act as the control unit of the system. As the LHC has two separate vacuum chambers for the two counter rotating proton-beams, a wire scanner is needed for both the horizontal and vertical beam profile measurement. One motion control card is expected to control two wire scanners. The position of the wires must be acquired within a certain accuracy to meet the specification set for the LHC. In order to obtain the correct beam profile, the position acquisition must be well synchronized with the acquisition of the beam density. The values have to be stored in a memory, which is readable through the VME64x-bus

    Bioengineering in space - The biosatellite urinalysis instrument

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    Biosatellite urinalysis instrument testing for calcium, creatine, and creatinin

    Behavior of composite bolted joints at elevated temperature

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    Experimental results from an investigation which examines the combined effects of temperature, joint geometry and out-of-plane constraint upon the response of mechanically fastened composite joints are presented. Data are presented for simulated mechanically fastened joint conditions in two laminate configurations fabricated from Hercules AS/3501-6 graphite-epoxy. Strength and failure mode results are presented for the test temperatures of 21 C, 121 C and 177 C and for a range of the geometric parameters W/D and e/D from 3.71 to 7.43 and 1.85 to 3.69, respectively. A hole diameter, D of 5.16 mm was utilized for all tests. Pin bearing tests with out-of-plane constraint were conducted at room temperature only. All elevated temperature data were generated for pin bearing conditions. Ultrasonic C scan inspection of the failed specimens was employed to assess the damage region and to determine failure mode. Comparative data are presented for pin bearing and out-of-plane constraint conditions for the above mentioned joint configurations. The joint under pin loading was modeled by two dimensional finite element methods. Predicted net section strain concentrations were compared with experimental results