371,605 research outputs found

    Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love (a Psychological Analysis)

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    This study deals with Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love. The objectives of this study were to find out the causing of repression and the displacement in the novel. This study was limited to analyze Liz as the main character. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from Elizabeth Gilbert's novel Eat, Pray, Love. The findings indicated that Liz got repressions which are triggered by two factors; the crisis of self identity and marriage conflict. And then the displacement that occurred to the main character after getting repressions were losing faith about marriage, disorder eating habit, and converting new orientation of spiritual life. Keyword : repression, displacement, character, nove

    Translation efficiency is a determinant of the magnitude of miRNA-mediated repression

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    Abstract MicroRNAs are well known regulators of mRNA stability and translation. However, the magnitude of both translational repression and mRNA decay induced by miRNA binding varies greatly between miRNA targets. This can be the result of cis and trans factors that affect miRNA binding or action. We set out to address this issue by studying how various mRNA characteristics affect miRNA-mediated repression. Using a dual luciferase reporter system, we systematically analyzed the ability of selected mRNA elements to modulate miRNA-mediated repression. We found that changing the 3′UTR of a miRNA-targeted reporter modulates translational repression by affecting the translation efficiency. This 3′UTR dependent modulation can be further altered by changing the codon-optimality or 5′UTR of the luciferase reporter. We observed maximal repression with intermediate codon optimality and weak repression with very high or low codon optimality. Analysis of ribosome profiling and RNA-seq data for endogenous miRNA targets revealed translation efficiency as a key determinant of the magnitude of miRNA-mediated translational repression. Messages with high translation efficiency were more robustly repressed. Together our results reveal modulation of miRNA-mediated repression by characteristics and features of the 5′UTR, CDS and 3′UTR

    The Effects of Selective and Indiscriminate Repression on the 2013 Gezi Park Nonviolent Resistance Campaign

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    We investigate the differential effects of selective and indiscriminate repression on the rate of protest actions during the nonviolent resistance campaign in Gezi Park, Turkey, in 2013. After deriving theoretical expectations about how and why these forms of repression will influence protest actions, we test them with protest event data that were collected from a major local newspaper and subsequently validated through a comparison with two other independent Twitter datasets. Utilizing a Poisson autoregressive estimation model, we find that selective repression, as measured by the number of arrested activists who were detained while they were not demonstrating, decreased the rate of protest actions. Meanwhile, indiscriminate repression, as measured by the frequency of the government’s use of lethal and nonlethal violence against protesters during demonstrations, increased the rate of protest actions. Our findings support prior research on the influence of indiscriminate repression on backfire outcomes. They also provide evidence for the impact of selective repression on movement demobilization through the removal of opposition activists. Finally, the targeted arrest strategy of selective repression that was employed in the Gezi campaign has implications for the feasibility of the strategic incapacitation model of protest policing

    Repression of CIITA by the Epstein-Barr virus transcription factor Zta is independent of its dimerization and DNA binding

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    Repression of the cellular CIITA gene is part of the immune evasion strategy of the γherpes virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) during its lytic replication cycle in B-cells. In part this is mediated through down regulation of MHC class II gene expression via the targeted repression of CIITA, the cellular master regulator of MHC class II gene expression. The repression is achieved through a reduction in CIITA promoter activity initiated by the EBV transcription and replication factor Zta (BZLF1, EB1, ZEBRA). Zta is the earliest gene expressed during the lytic replication cycle. Zta interacts with sequence specific elements in promoters, enhancers and the replication origin (ZREs) and also modulates gene expression through interaction with cellular transcription factors and co-activators. Here we explore the requirements for Zta-mediated repression of the CIITA promoter. We find that repression by Zta is specific for the CIITA promoter and can be achieved in the absence of other EBV genes. Surprisingly, we find that the dimerization region of Zta is not required to mediate repression. This contrasts with an obligate requirement of this region to correctly orientate the DNA contact regions of Zta to mediate activation of gene expression through ZREs. Additional support for the model that Zta represses the CIITA promoter without direct DNA binding comes from promoter mapping that shows that repression does not require the presence of a ZRE in the CIITA promoter

    Autoregulation of the Escherichia coli melR promoter: repression involves four molecules of MelR

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    The Escherichia coli MelR protein is a transcription activator that autoregulates its own promoter by repressing transcription initiation. Optimal repression requires MelR binding to a site that overlaps the melR transcription start point and to upstream sites. In this work, we have investigated the different determinants needed for optimal repression and their spatial requirements. We show that repression requires a complex involving four DNA-bound MelR molecules, and that the global CRP regulator plays little or no role

    Trauma and self in the Soviet context: remarks on Gulag writings

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    The present paper is a first reflection on the ideal approaches to study the corpus of lagernaia memuaristika. The author proposes the novel concept of ‘Soviet repression literature’ as a new key concept to study the whole corpus of literature related to Soviet repression under a genre perspective. In this context, the author stretches the peculiarities of Gulag memoirs in relation to the corpus of Soviet repression literature, and underlines how trauma studies and autobiographical studies might help assessing the corpus

    Financial repression and economic distortions to the stage of economic growth and agricultural development in Bangladesh

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    Financial repression in a developing country is not new to us.The government may take policy for financial repression due to easy collection of inflation tax to the stage of economic development.This study is concerned to find the positive relationship between financial development and economic growth and productivity in the economy of Bangladesh.The research concluded that the financial repression has a negative relationship to the economic growth and productivity in the economy of Bangladesh. This study found evidence the effect of financial repression is positive to the financial development in Bangladesh as it was to the high growth period in Japan.But the scenario was different for Latin American countries.Transition to the financial development from the stage of financial repression to the stage of financial liberalization is found positive to the economic growth and productivity in Bangladesh.Financial Repression, Economic Distortion, Sustainable Economic Growth

    Language Policy and Language Repression: The Case of Spanish Basques and Mexican Americans

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    This paper presents the argument that there are many similarities between the linguistic and cultural repression experienced by Basques in Spain and Mexican Americans in the United States. Linguistic and cultural repression, both historically and currently, is analyzed in terms of various language policies, especially those policies related to language use in school. The struggle for and importance of bilingual education for language and cultural maintenance is discussed. The paper concludes with the caution that the rise of conservative political groups such as The English Only Movement demonstrates that concern about linguistic and cultural repression is as imperative currently as it was historically
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