708 research outputs found

    ICS Bulletin, Number 4, 2015

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Reden, die während der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Würde eines Dr. theol. honoris causa an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve am 19. November 2007 in der Universität Hamburg gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches that were given during the academic celebration on the occasion of the award of the dignity of Dr. theol. honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve at the University of Hamburg on November 19, 2007

    Features of informatization of education in Poland and Ukraine

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    У тезах описуються пріоритети політики ЄС у сфері інформатизації освіти в контексті реалізації програми «Освіта та професійна підготовка 2020» за прикладом Польщі. Розглядаються стратегічні європейські документи щодо інформатизації освіти, розвитку цифрових компетентностей і переходу до відкритої освіти. Окреслено інфраструктуру розвитку дистанційної освіти у Республіці Польща.The theses describe the priorities of EU policy in the field of informatization of education in the context of the implementation of the program "Education and Training 2020", for example in Poland. The strategic European documents concerning informatization of education, development of digital competences and transition to open education are considered. The infrastructure of development of distance education in the Republic of Poland is outlined


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    本研究では,精神看護実習で用いた「構造判別図自己評価表」および「実習自己評価表」について,統計的に記述し,実習指導における示唆を得ることを目的とした.記述統計量を検討した結果,学生は構造判別図を用いることにより,対象者の【過去】【現在】の状態理解と対象者の問題・強みの【把握】が進み,根拠を捉えた【思考】能力を実感し,看護現象診断の候補の【立案】へつなげていることが考えられた.また実習の自己評価【自評】と中程度の相関が認められた2 項目(【未来】【投影】)において,学生の自己評価が低かったことから,【未来】の情報の展開を強化すること,対象者に対する自分自身のありようをうまく【投影】できるように,指導者を交えて探求し,自己理解を促すことという精神看護実習指導上の課題が示唆された

    O palácio das ilusões da tradução austeniana : “Orgulho e preconceito” no sistema literário

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    Nas décadas de 1930 e 1940, o mercado editorial brasileiro passou por sérias crises e mudanças, as quais acabaram contribuindo para o crescimento da tradução no país, transformando essas décadas na Era de Ouro da tradução. Esta pesquisa, vinculada ao projeto “Tradução e sistema literário – história da tradução no Brasil: a tradução dos clássicos e os escritores/tradutores”, objetiva investigar esse período e sua importância para a história da tradução no Brasil, juntamente com o lugar ocupado pela Editora José Olympio nesse contexto com relação aos clássicos literários estrangeiros traduzidos por autores brasileiros. Em um segundo momento, analisaremos as traduções de duas das obras de Jane Austen publicadas pela José Olympio na Coleção Fogos Cruzados, Orgulho e preconceito, traduzida por Lúcio Cardoso, em 1941, e Mansfield Park, traduzida por Rachel de Queiroz, em 1942. Será feito um estudo comparativo das obras com suas traduções mais recentes, a de Orgulho e preconceito por Alexandre Barbosa de Souza (Penguin Companhia, 2011), e a de Mansfield Park de Mariana Menezes Neumann (BestBolso, 2011). Com isso, pretendemos analisar a apresentação da obra traduzida em relação à sua economia estética e aos paratextos editoriais.During the 1930’s and 1940’s, the Brazilian publishing industry experienced many crisis and changes that, surprisingly as it may be, contributed to the development of the translation practice in Brazil, making of these decades the Golden Age of translation. This research project is part of a major project, “Translation and literary system – the history of translation in Brazil: translation of canons and the writers/translators”, and aimed to investigate this period of time and its importance to the Brazilian translation history. It also studied the role of the Editora José Olympio in this context, regarding the translations of literary classics by Brazilian writers. After that, we analyzed the translations of two of Jane Austen’s titles that have been published by the Editora José Olympio in the Fogos Cruzados Collection, Pride and Prejudice, translated by Lúcio Cardoso, 1941, and Mansfield Park, translated by Rachel de Queiroz, 1942. We conducted a comparative study between these titles and their most recent translations: Pride and Prejudice, translated by Alexandre Barbosa de Souza (Penguin Companhia, 2011), and Mansfield Park, translated by Mariana Menezes Neumann (BestBolso, 2011). By doing this, we aimed to analyze the way these texts were presented to public, regarding its aesthetics and paratexts

    La ética en la praxis de la tríada: matemática-cotidianidad- y pedagogía integral

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    La praxis educativa de la matemática está inmersa, en la mayoría de los casos y pese a todas las investigaciones, en una pedagogía tradicional castradora de los valores esenciales de esta ciencia en la vida del discente. Este artículo de reflexión es el producto de una investigación descriptiva - documental con el fin de proponer estrategias para promover una reflexión acerca de la ética desde la praxis de la tríada: matemática – cotidianidad – y pedagogía integral. Esta tríada contribuye al proceso de transformación de la enseñanza de la matemática promovida desde la pedagogía integral, práctica orientada hacia la reflexión ética de los docentes, por cuanto éstos son claves en dicha transformación educativa y en su formación. Se suscita el desarrollo de una cultura ética que valora el diálogo; fomente la ciencia formal en la cotidianidad y vida del discente; la justicia; el amor por la cultura de la matemática

    The academic education of Archival science : in the film room

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    Evento realizado pela Associação Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ANCIB) e organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de João Pessoa (PPGCI/UFPB).Esta comunicação apresenta resultados do projeto Arquivologia e Cinema, desenvolvido no âmbito do Grupo de Pesquisa Imagem, Memória e Informação: a elaboração de um livro sobre a utilização do cinema como recurso pedagógico para o ensino superior de Arquivologia. Justifica-se o projeto pelas razões que seguem: o valor das diferentes mídias no processo de aprendizagem na sociedade contemporânea, destacando-se o cinema; seu crescente uso como recurso pedagógico; ineditismo da abordagem e escassez de produção bibliográfica nacional sobre o uso de filmes na área de Arquivologia; e uso de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras. O objetivo geral é utilizar o cinema no processo pedagógico do ensino superior de Arquivologia, sendo os objetivos específicos: propiciar reflexões sobre o uso do cinema como recurso pedagógico; abordar possibilidades da linguagem cinematográfica para o ensino superior de Arquivologia; e oferecer exemplos de uso pedagógico de diferentes gêneros de filmes em sala de aula. Com relação à abordagem teórico-metodológica, é necessário compreender o cinema enquanto linguagem e desenvolver a capacidade de desvendar sua narrativa, especialmente no que tange aos recursos técnicos. A abordagem da Arquivologia, por meio da leitura de filmes, recai sobre a análise de funções arquivísticas, a saber: identificação, produção, classificação, avaliação, descrição, preservação e divulgação; as formas de acesso (físico, intelectual e/ou legal); e também sobre serviços arquivísticos (auxílio à pesquisa, conduta do arquivista e ética profissional). Os principais conteúdos desenvolvidos neste projeto são: breves sínteses e comentários sobre o cinema na história e a história do cinema; relações entre cinema e educação; a força da imagem na sociedade contemporânea; o cinema como fonte documental; o cinema como recurso pedagógico no ensino superior; o valor do cinema como potencial recurso de análise das funções arquivísticas em sala de aula; e sugestões metodológicas de análise arquivística de filmes.This paper describes results of the Archival Science and Film project, developed by the research group Image, Memory and Information. The project consists of writing a book on motion pictures, regarded as educational resources to be use in the academic teaching of Archival Science. The following reasons justify the project: the value of different media when used as learning tools within the context of contemporary society, with a special focus on films; the increasing use of motion pictures as teaching resources; short national bibliography on the use of films in the archival area; originality of this issue in the archival area; use of innovative teaching practices. The overall goal is to encourage the use of films in the educational process of Archival Science. Specific objectives are: provide reflections on the use of films as educational resources; discuss possibilities of film language for academic education in Archivology; provide examples of pedagogical use of different genres of films in the classroom. Regarding the theoretical and methodological approach, it is necessary to understand cinema as language and develop the ability to unravel the narrative, especially when it comes to technical resources. The approach of Archival Science in watching – and understanding – films rests on the analysis of archival functions, namely: identification, production, classification, appraisal, description, preservacion (holdings maintenance) and dissemination (outreach programme); forms of access (physical, intellectual and/or legal); and also on archival services (research assistance, archivist conduct and professional ethics). The main contents developed in this project are: brief summaries and commentaries about film and film history; relations between cinema and education; the strength of image in contemporary society; film as a documentary source; cinema as an educational resource in academic education; the value of cinema as a potential resource for analysis of archival functions in the classroom; methodological suggestions for archival analysis of films

    Програма стажування з фаху (переддипломної практики) для студентів зі спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент», спеціалізація «Менеджмент організацій»

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    Програму присвячено питанням організації і проходження магістерського стажування (переддипломної практики). Розглянуто мету й основні завдання практики, вимоги щодо підготовки та захисту звіту з переддипломної практики, порядок збору й обробки інформації для проведення науково-педагогічного дослідження та написання дипломної роботи магістра. Посібник є допоміжним матеріалом для якісної практичної підготовки студентів, він містить зразки супровідних документів, необхідних для правильного оформлення звіту з практики. Програма розрахована на студетів, викладачів, керівників підприємств усіх форм власності

    LINCA: The Union Catalog of the Czech Academy of Sciences

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    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants.The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants

    CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway

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    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants.The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants

    List of Figures / List of Tables / Acknowledgement

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    In the context of Turkey’s accession to the EU, the issue of potential migration from Turkey and its impact upon European labor markets became one of the concerns of the EU, considering Turkey’s growing population and young labor force. In 2011, half a century after the bi-lateral agreement between Turkey and Germany on labor recruitment in 1961, migration plays a key role in relations of Turkey with the EU and will even increase its significance – not necessarily for the next fifty years but certainly for the next decade. This book touches upon various aspects of the ongoing debate about the effects of Turkey’s accession to the EU upon the migration flows and sheds light on various dimensions of current panorama, addresses policy implications as well as future challenges and opportunities.In the context of Turkey’s accession to the EU, the issue of potential migration from Turkey and its impact upon European labor markets became one of the concerns of the EU, considering Turkey’s growing population and young labor force. In 2011, half a century after the bi-lateral agreement between Turkey and Germany on labor recruitment in 1961, migration plays a key role in relations of Turkey with the EU and will even increase its significance – not necessarily for the next fifty years but certainly for the next decade. This book touches upon various aspects of the ongoing debate about the effects of Turkey’s accession to the EU upon the migration flows and sheds light on various dimensions of current panorama, addresses policy implications as well as future challenges and opportunities