7,267 research outputs found

    Exergame design for elderly users: the case study of SilverBalance

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    In this paper, we discuss chances and challenges of game design for an elderly audience with a focus on the development of safe and usable exertion games for frail senior citizens. Based on an analysis of theoretical constraints, we conducted a case study which implements different balance tasks for elderly players featuring the Nintendo Wii Balance Board which encourages users to actively engage in game play. Furthermore, we tested the feasibility of the board as input device for our case study SilverBalance. Our results indicate that age-related impairments influence the use of video games among frail elderly in many respects, hence their needs have to be considered during the design process. In this context, our paper provides a foundation for future research regarding digital games for the elderly. © 2010 ACM

    Properties of Poly (isoprene) - Model Building in the Melt and in Solution

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    Properties of 1,4-\textit{trans} poly (isoprene) at ambient conditions are determined by simulations on two length scales based on two different models: a full-atomistic and a mesoscopic one. The models are linked via a mapping scheme such that one mesoscopic bead represents one chemical repeat unit. Melts as well as solutions of several chain lengths were investigated and mapped individually to the meso-scale. The resulting models are compared to each other. The meso-scale models could be simulated over a large variety of chain lengths and time-scales relevant for experimental comparison. Concerning static properties, we determined the persistence length of our systems and the scaling behavior of the radius of gyration. The latter was compared to experiments and the agreement is satisfactory. Furthermore, we find deviations from Rouse dynamics at all chain lengths at ambient conditions.Comment: 11 pictures 7 figure

    Non-Blocking Signature of very large SOAP Messages

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    Data transfer and staging services are common components in Grid-based, or more generally, in service-oriented applications. Security mechanisms play a central role in such services, especially when they are deployed in sensitive application fields like e-health. The adoption of WS-Security and related standards to SOAP-based transfer services is, however, problematic as a straightforward adoption of SOAP with MTOM introduces considerable inefficiencies in the signature generation process when large data sets are involved. This paper proposes a non-blocking, signature generation approach enabling a stream-like processing with considerable performance enhancements.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Learning to Understand by Evolving Theories

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    In this paper, we describe an approach that enables an autonomous system to infer the semantics of a command (i.e. a symbol sequence representing an action) in terms of the relations between changes in the observations and the action instances. We present a method of how to induce a theory (i.e. a semantic description) of the meaning of a command in terms of a minimal set of background knowledge. The only thing we have is a sequence of observations from which we extract what kinds of effects were caused by performing the command. This way, we yield a description of the semantics of the action and, hence, a definition.Comment: KRR Workshop at ICLP 201

    Mapping atomistic to coarse-grained polymer models using automatic simplex optimization to fit structural properties

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    We develop coarse-grained force fields for poly (vinyl alcohol) and poly (acrylic acid) oligomers. In both cases, one monomer is mapped onto a coarse-grained bead. The new force fields are designed to match structural properties such as radial distribution functions of various kinds derived by atomistic simulations of these polymers. The mapping is therefore constructed in a way to take into account as much atomistic information as possible. On the technical side, our approach consists of a simplex algorithm which is used to optimize automatically non-bonded parameters as well as bonded parameters. Besides their similar conformation (only the functional side group differs), poly (acrylic acid) was chosen to be in aqueous solution in contrast to a poly (vinyl alcohol) melt. For poly (vinyl alcohol) a non-optimized bond angle potential turns out to be sufficient in connection with a special, optimized non-bonded potential. No torsional potential has to be applied here. For poly (acrylic acid), we show that each peak of the radial distribution function is usually dominated by some specific model parameter(s). Optimization of the bond angle parameters is essential. The coarse-grained forcefield reproduces the radius of gyration of the atomistic model. As a first application, we use the force field to simulate longer chains and compare the hydrodynamic radius with experimental data.Comment: 34 pages, 3 tables, 16 figure

    Detection of OD towards the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422

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    Although water is an essential and widespread molecule in star-forming regions, its chemical formation pathways are still not very well constrained. Observing the level of deuterium fractionation of OH, a radical involved in the water chemical network, is a promising way to infer its chemical origin. We aim at understanding the formation mechanisms of water by investigating the origin of its deuterium fractionation. This can be achieved by observing the abundance of OD towards the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422, where the HDO distribution is already known. Using the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA, we observed the ground-state OD transition at 1391.5 GHz towards the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422. We also present the detection of the HDO 111-000 line using the APEX telescope. We compare the OD/HDO abundance ratio inferred from these observations with the predictions of chemical models. The OD line is detected in absorption towards the source continuum. This is the first detection of OD outside the solar system. The SOFIA observation, coupled to the observation of the HDO 111-000 line, provides an estimate of the abundance ratio OD/HDO ~ 17-90 in the gas where the absorption takes place. This value is fairly high compared with model predictions. This may be reconciled if reprocessing in the gas by means of the dissociative recombination of H2DO+ further fractionates OH with respect to water. The present observation demonstrates the capability of the SOFIA/GREAT instrument to detect the ground transition of OD towards star-forming regions in a frequency range that was not accessible before. Dissociative recombination of H2DO+ may play an important role in setting a high OD abundance. Measuring the branching ratios of this reaction in the laboratory will be of great value for chemical models.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&A SOFIA/GREAT special issu

    Submillimetre observations of RX J1856.5--3754

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    We report on submillimetre bolometer observations of the isolated neutron star RX J1856.5--3754 using the LABOCA bolometer array on the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) Telescope. No cold dust continuum emission peak at the position of RX J1856.5--3754 was detected. The 3 sigma flux density upper limit of 5 mJy translates into a cold dust mass limit of a few earth masses. We use the new submillimetre limit, together with a previously obtained H-band limit, to constrain the presence of a gaseous, circumpulsar disc. Adopting a simple irradiated-disc model, we obtain a mass accretion limit of dM/dt less than 10^{14} g/s, and a maximum outer disc radius of around 10^{14} cm. By examining the projected proper motion of RX J1856.5--3754, we speculate about a possible encounter of the neutron star with a dense fragment of the CrA molecular cloud a few thousand years ago.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted by MNRA

    Optimal Binary Search Trees with Near Minimal Height

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    Suppose we have n keys, n access probabilities for the keys, and n+1 access probabilities for the gaps between the keys. Let h_min(n) be the minimal height of a binary search tree for n keys. We consider the problem to construct an optimal binary search tree with near minimal height, i.e.\ with height h <= h_min(n) + Delta for some fixed Delta. It is shown, that for any fixed Delta optimal binary search trees with near minimal height can be constructed in time O(n^2). This is as fast as in the unrestricted case. So far, the best known algorithms for the construction of height-restricted optimal binary search trees have running time O(L n^2), whereby L is the maximal permitted height. Compared to these algorithms our algorithm is at least faster by a factor of log n, because L is lower bounded by log n

    Submission of content to a digital object repository using a configurable workflow system

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    The prototype of a workflow system for the submission of content to a digital object repository is here presented. It is based entirely on open-source standard components and features a service-oriented architecture. The front-end consists of Java Business Process Management (jBPM), Java Server Faces (JSF), and Java Server Pages (JSP). A Fedora Repository and a mySQL data base management system serve as a back-end. The communication between front-end and back-end uses a SOAP minimal binding stub. We describe the design principles and the construction of the prototype and discuss the possibilities and limitations of work ow creation by administrators. The code of the prototype is open-source and can be retrieved in the project escipub at http://sourceforge.ne

    Corrections to Scaling in the Hydrodynamic Properties of Dilute Polymer Solutions

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    We discuss the hydrodynamic radius RHR_H of polymer chains in good solvent, and show that the leading order correction to the asymptotic law RHNνR_H \propto N^\nu (NN degree of polymerization, ν0.59\nu \approx 0.59) is an ``analytic'' term of order N(1ν)N^{-(1 - \nu)}, which is directly related to the discretization of the chain into a finite number of beads. This result is further corroborated by exact calculations for Gaussian chains, and extensive numerical simulations of different models of good--solvent chains, where we find a value of 1.591±0.0071.591 \pm 0.007 for the asymptotic universal ratio RG/RHR_G / R_H, RGR_G being the chain's gyration radius. For Θ\Theta chains the data apparently extrapolate to RG/RH1.44R_G / R_H \approx 1.44, which is different from the Gaussian value 1.5045, but in accordance with previous simulations. We also show that the experimentally observed deviations of the initial decay rate in dynamic light scattering from the asymptotic Benmouna--Akcasu value can partly be understood by similar arguments.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. submitted to J. Chem. Phy