98,957 research outputs found

    Serum antibodies in first-degree relatives of patients with IBD: A marker of disease susceptibility? A follow-up pilot-study after 7 years

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    Introduction: Various disease-specific serum antibodies were described in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and their yet healthy first-degree relatives. In the latter, serum antibodies are commonly regarded as potential markers of disease susceptibility. The present long-term follow-up study evaluated the fate of antibody-positive first-degree relatives. Patients and Methods: 25 patients with Crohn's disease, 19 patients with ulcerative colitis and 102 first-degree relatives in whom presence of ASCA, pANCA, pancreatic- and goblet-cell antibodies had been assessed were enrolled. The number of incident cases with inflammatory bowel disease was compared between antibody-positive and antibody-negative first-degree relatives 7 years after storage of serum samples. Results: 34 of 102 (33%) first-degree relatives were positive for at least one of the studied serum antibodies. In the group of first-degree relatives, one case of Crohn's disease and one case of ulcerative colitis were diagnosed during the follow-up period. However, both relatives did not display any of the investigated serum antibodies (p = 1). Discussion: The findings of our pilot study argue against a role of serum antibodies as a marker of disease susceptibility in first-degree relatives of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. However, these data have to await confirmation in larger ideally prospective multicenter studies before definite conclusions can be drawn

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengelolaan Aset Pasca Pemekaran Wilayah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah di Kab. Tapanuli Selatan

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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect the asset management post-expansion area and its effecton the quality of financial reports of government in South Tapanuli.This study is a qualitative descriptive study,which aims to explore the factors that affect the asset management post-expansion area and its effect on thequality of financial reporting. Data were collected through interviews with the informants, the studydocumentation, as well as observation or triangulation or a mix of all three. Stages of data analysis used includedata reduction, display data, and drawing conclusions or verification in the preparation of a workinghypothesis.The results showed that factors affecting the asset management division of the post in theGovernment of South Tapanuli include: human resources knowledge assets management, proof of ownership ofassets, valuation of assets, leadership commitment, and attitude: lack of awareness and responsibility.Management of assets after the post-expansion area affects the quality of government financial reports.Keywords: Expansion Areas, Asset Management, Quality of Financial Statement

    Ngemong: Dimensi Keluarga Pasien Psikotik Di Jawa

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    The purpose of this paper was to explore family burden, coping, and support for psychotic patients in a Javanese setting. A combination of ethnographic and clinical methodology was employed. During my fieldwork in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I followed 9 participants diagnosed as having first episode psychosis. Three of them met the ICD-10 criteria for Schizophrenia, five for Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder (ATPD), and one for Schizoaffective Disor¬der. I carried out ethnographic fieldwork among nine participants and their families in their natural home setting, as well as conducting in-depth interviews. In addition, I administered the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scale (F-COPES) for family members and Sentence Completion Test (SCT). The result indicated that despite experiencing psychological and economic burden, families provided a high level of support for their mentally ill members which are reflected in the application of Javanese principle of ngemong. Three aspects the practice of ngemong is discussed. Keywords: family, psychotic illness, bur¬den, coping, support, Javanese cultur

    Role of High Cholesterol and High Fat Diet on Lipid Profiles in Sprague Dawley Rats

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    Fourty five-male Sprague Dawley rats, weighing about 100g of 2 month old were used as experimental animals to studyt he role of high cholesterol and high fat diets on blood lipid profiles, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol. Before this research began, rats were adapted for a week and were fed basal diet. The rats were then randomly alloted into three groups( I, II, UI) of 15 each. Group I as control was fed normal (basal) diet, group II was fed diet containing high fat diet, and group III was fed diet containing high cholesterol and high fat diet. After 3, 6, and 12 weeks on experimental diets, blood specimen from 5 rats of each group were collected to determine triglyceride, HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol concenhation. The statistic alanalyses using multifactorial randomized design for blood lipid, showed that experimentat time periods caused significant increase(p <0.05) in the total cholesterol concentration, wish, 1 2 weeks on experimental diet was the highest concentration. Diet and experimental time periods showed significant increase(p <0.05) in the total triglyceride concentrations,a fter 12 weeks of treatments was the highest concentration. Significantly increased( p<0.05) in HDl-cholesterol concentrations were caused by diet and experimental time periods, however, there was no significant effect by interaction between experimental time periods and diet. Significantly increased (p<0.05) inLDL-cholesterol concentrations were caused by diet and experimental time periods. However, there was no interaction between experimental time periods and diets in total LDL-cholesterol concentration. In this study,high fat and high cholesterol d iet group (group III) and six weeksi n experimental diet had the greatest influenced in total LDL-cholesterol concentration. Based upon the experimental results, it can be concluded that: (l) high cholesterol and high fat diet could increase total cholestrol concentration and total triglyceride concentration, (2) there was no interaction between experimental time periods and diet on HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentration

    Perancangan Sistem Pengendalian Level dan Temperatur Boiler pada Boiler Drum And Heat Exchanger QAD Model BDT921

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    Boiler Drum and Heat Exchanger QADModelBDT 921 merupakan simulator yang berfungsi menyerupai proses yang sebenarnya. Alat ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan desain sistem kontrol dalam bentuk digital, hal ini disebabkan sinyal yang real berbentuk sinyal analog. Desain kontrol digital membutuhkan pemodelan matematis dari sistem yang didesain. Algoritma kontrol yang digunakan dalam kendali boiler ini adalah algoritma PID dan kendali on-off. Sistem kendali PI digunakan untuk mengendalikan ketinggian permukaan cairan pada boiler drum sehingga proses transfer panas berlangsung dengan optimal. Pemodelan dinamika proses dilakukan dengan menyusun neraca massa dan neraca energi. Perancangan kendali PI dilakukan dengan menentukan parameter Kp dan Ki. Penalaan parameter kendali dilakukan dengan metode Root Locus dan beberapa macam tuning. Overshoot dan Perubahan ketinggian level karena pembebanan terkecil dimiliki oleh unjuk kerja pengendalian dengan metode Ziegler-Nichols. Metode Ziegler-Nichols memiliki nilai Kp = 31,03 dan Ki = 0,94. Kontrol dua posisi (on-off) digunakan pada pengendalian temperatur untuk mengendalikan heater tetap pada rentang 40 - 60°C


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    Sering didapati kesalahan dalam analisa ekperimen dengan metode regresi linear. Hal ini kerena menganggap semua data pengamatan memenuhi kriteria linear tanpa mengecek terlebih dahulu secara plot grafik. Akhirnya diperoleh hasil analisa yang menyimpang jauh dengan harapan, bahkan cenderung salah. Pada tulisan ini dipaparkan secara cermat bagaimana menggunakan metode regresi linear untuk analisa data eksperimen secara benar, sehingga dapat diperoleh hasil analisa sesuai dengan teori yang diharapkan. Disampaikan juga contoh kasus sederhana dalam analisa data, untuk menunjukkan kesalahan dalam regresi data yang dihasilkan dari pengamatan

    Komunikasi dan Hubungan Terapeutik Perawat-Klien terhadap Kecemasan PRA Bedah Mayor

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    Background: A patient who will carry a surgical operation has uncertainty feeling, fear, doubt and anxiety. Anxiety can laid to psychological disruption or functional body disruption of a patient that can affect the surgical operation and anesthesia achievement. Based on pre-research study that has been carried by researcher on June 2007 of 40 patients on in-room at surgery and non-surgery room, it is found that 52,5% at the medium rate of anxiety. By so, we need effective way to decrease anxiety rate of patient. This research is aimed to find the effect of communication and nurse-patient therapeutic relation in decreasing anxiety rate of pre-major surgery patient.Method: Type of the research is experimental quasi with pre-test and post-test group design. The samples of the research consist of 30, that we are given communication treatment and nurse-patient therapeutic relation, and of 30, that we are not given the treatment. The sample is chosen used purposive technique. The technique of collecting data is questionnaire. The data analyzing to know the difference of anxiety with paired samples test, whereas to examine the effect of communication and nurse-patient therapeutic relation with independent samples test with significance rate p=0,05.Result and Discussion: The result of research showed that there is no difference at age characteristics, sex, education, ill period, and marriage status of both group (p>0,05). There is significantly difference anxiety (p<0,05) between the groups. Patients of pre-major surgical operation, that were given therapeutic relation and communication treatment by nurse, have anxiety rate much more lowly why were not given. Test result showed therapeutic relation and communication treatment is carried between nurse and patient can decrease anxiety of pre-major surgical operation with p=0,00 (p<0,05).Conclusion: Therapeutic relation and communication of nurse and patient can decrease anxiety of pre-major surgical operation

    Status Makromineral (Ca Dan P) Domba Yang Terinfestasi Ringan Dan Berat Cacing Strongil

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    Infestasi parasit gastlointestinal adalah salah satu penyebab defisiensi makromineral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi status makrominera(Ca dan P ) pada domba yang terinfestasi ringan dan berat oleh cacing strongil. Tiga puluh tujuh (37) ekor domba lokal, jantan, umur +12 bulan di daerah Sleman digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Domba di kelompokkan menjadi kelompok yang terinfestasi ringan( 26 ekor) dan kelompoky ang terinfestasbi erat (10 ekor) cacings hongil. Pengelompokkan domba didasarkan pada pemeriksaan parasitologi terhadap jumlah telur cacing per gram tinja. Setiap domba pada masing-masing kelompok diambil sampel darah sebanyak 5 mL melalui vena jugularis, selanjutnya dipisahkan plasmanya. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan sebelum domba digembalakan atau diberi pakan. Plasma yang diperoleh disimpan pada suhu- 20'C sampai analisis mineral dilakukan. Analisis Ca dalam plasma dilakukan dengan metode o-Kresolpthalein Komplekson yang diuraikan oleh Ray Sarkerd an Chaunan( 1967), dan fosfat anorganik dalam plasma diperiksa dengan menggunakan metodef osfomolibdat( Kraft dan Duer, 1999). Pemeriksaan jumlah telur cacing dilakukan secara mikroskopik dengan menggunakan metode McMaster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa(1) 97% domba lokal, jantan, dewasa(± 12 bulan) di daerah Sleman terinfestasi cacing strongil, (2) infestasi ringan ( 1.000 epg) cacing strongil pada domba tampaknya tidak menimbulkan gejala klinis atau gangguan patologis yang dapat mengganggu metabolisme makromineral( Ca dan P), dan (3) stafus domba yang terinfestasi ringan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan domba yang terinfestasi berat dan status makrominerapl ada kedua kelompok tersebut masih dalam batas nilai fisiologisnorm(Ca:9,65±0,29 d an 10,60 ±.0,46m g/dl dan (P:6,61r0,25dan6,76±0,38mg/dl)

    Karakterisasi Mataair di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Mataair yang telah diteliti terletak pada Perbukitan Baturagung di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui karakter dari mata air dan daerah tangkapan air dari mata air, (2) mengetahui faktor makrorelief yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata air di daerah penelitian sehingga mengetahui tipe mata air. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah non probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi, wawancara, dan membaca peta. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, asosiatif, dan analisiskausatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mata air di daerah penelitian adalah mata air retakan danmataair kontak. Mayoritas mata air memiliki &lt;1 l/detik debit, dan lainnya memiliki debit &gt;1 l/detik. Mataair yang memiliki debit &gt;1 l/detik berada pada Formasi Kebobutak. Ketebalan formasi ini mempengaruhi jumlah air yang cukup besar meskipun kurangnya resapan dari air hujan. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata adalah patahan dan arah perlapisan batua

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kunyit Putih (Curcuna Alba) Terhadap Nilai Hb (Hemoglobin), Pcy (Packed Cell Volume), Jumlah Dan Diferensial Lekosit Tikus Yang Terpapar Asap Sepeda Motor

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    Asap kendaraan sebagai hasil buangan industri dan kendaraan bermotor memiliki kandungan untama timbal (Pb) yang dapat masuk melalui respirasi dan kulit dan berakibat buruk pada tubuh. Sebagai polutan udara, timbal merusak darah dan organ-organ, menyebabkan anemia, kerusakan sel darah merah dan mengakibatkan nekrosis berbagai jaringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kunyit putih terhadap darah tikus yang dipapar dengan asap knalpot sepeda motor. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus Wistar jantan digunakan sebagai hewan model dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok 1 sampa 4 diberi perlakuan asap kendaraan selama 30 menit tiap pagi dan sore selama 16 hari. Kelompok I, 2 dan 3 diberi ekstrak kunyit putih masing-masin 50, 100 dan 200 mg/kg berat badan, sementara kelompok 4 dan 5 hanya diberi aquades. Setelah perlakuan selama 16 hari, semuakelompok t kus diambil darahnya dari vena chantus medialis di sinus orbitalis untuk pemeriksaan hemoglobin (Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV), jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit. Hasil analisi secara Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) satu arah terhadap Hb menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P<0,05) diantara kelompok perlakuan. Analisis untuk nilai PCV tidak menunjukkan perbedaan secara signifikan namun menunjukkankenaikan persentase nilai PCV pada kelompok yang diberi ekstrak kunyit dengan kelompok yang tidak diberi ekstrak. Sementara penghitungan jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yangsignifikan di antara kelompok