162,927 research outputs found

    Certification of programs with computational effects

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    In purely functional programming languages imperative features, more generally computational effects are prohibited. However, non-functional lan- guages do involve effects. The theory of decorated logic provides a rigorous for- malism (with a refinement in operation signatures) for proving program properties with respect to computational effects. The aim of this thesis is to first develop Coq libraries and tools for verifying program properties in decorated settings as- sociated with several effects: states, local state, exceptions, non-termination, etc. Then, these tools will be combined to deal with several effects

    Equidistribution of Zeros of Random Holomorphic Sections for Moderate Measures

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    We establish an equidistribution theorem for the zeros of random holomorphic sections of high powers of a positive holomorphic line bundle. The equidistribution is associated with a family of singular moderate measures. We also give a convergence speed for the equidistribution.Comment: 18 page

    Perverse Monodromic Sheaves

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    We introduce and study the category of modular (i.e. with coefficient of positive characteristic) monodromic perverse sheaves on complex stratified TT-varieties, with TT a complex algebraic torus. In particular, we show that under appropriate assumptions this category has a natural highest weight structure

    Peripheral structures of relatively hyperbolic groups

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    In this paper, we introduce and characterize a class of parabolically extended structures for relatively hyperbolic groups. A characterization of relative quasiconvexity with respect to parabolically extended structures is obtained using dynamical methods. Some applications are discussed. The class of groups acting geometrically finitely on Floyd boundaries turns out to be easily understood. However, we also show that Dunwoody's inaccessible group does not act geometrically finitely on its Floyd boundary.Comment: 30 page

    Sapo: Reachability Computation and Parameter Synthesis of Polynomial Dynamical Systems

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    Sapo is a C++ tool for the formal analysis of polynomial dynamical systems. Its main features are: 1) Reachability computation, i.e., the calculation of the set of states reachable from a set of initial conditions, and 2) Parameter synthesis, i.e., the refinement of a set of parameters so that the system satisfies a given specification. Sapo can represent reachable sets as unions of boxes, parallelotopes, or parallelotope bundles (symbolic representation of polytopes). Sets of parameters are represented with polytopes while specifications are formalized as Signal Temporal Logic (STL) formulas

    Uniform rationality of Poincar\'e series of p-adic equivalence relations and Igusa's conjecture on exponential sums

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    This thesis contains some new results on the uniform rationality of Poincar\'e series of p-adic equivalence relations and Igusa's conjecture on exponential sumsComment: Doctoral thesis, University of Lill

    A BSDE approach to stochastic differential games with incomplete information

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    We consider a two-player zero-sum stochastic differential game in which one of the players has a private information on the game. Both players observe each other, so that the non-informed player can try to guess his missing information. Our aim is to quantify the amount of information the informed player has to reveal in order to play optimally: to do so, we show that the value function of this zero-sum game can be rewritten as a minimization problem over some martingale measures with a payoff given by the solution of a backward stochastic differential equation

    Theories without the tree property of the second kind

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    We initiate a systematic study of the class of theories without the tree property of the second kind - NTP2. Most importantly, we show: the burden is "sub-multiplicative" in arbitrary theories (in particular, if a theory has TP2 then there is a formula with a single variable witnessing this); NTP2 is equivalent to the generalized Kim's lemma and to the boundedness of ist-weight; the dp-rank of a type in an arbitrary theory is witnessed by mutually indiscernible sequences of realizations of the type, after adding some parameters - so the dp-rank of a 1-type in any theory is always witnessed by sequences of singletons; in NTP2 theories, simple types are co-simple, characterized by the co-independence theorem, and forking between the realizations of a simple type and arbitrary elements satisfies full symmetry; a Henselian valued field of characteristic (0,0) is NTP2 (strong, of finite burden) if and only if the residue field is NTP2 (the residue field and the value group are strong, of finite burden respectively), so in particular any ultraproduct of p-adics is NTP2; adding a generic predicate to a geometric NTP2 theory preserves NTP2.Comment: 35 pages; v.3: a discussion and a Conjecture 2.7 on the sub-additivity of burden had been added; Section 3.1 on the SOPn hierarchy restricted to NTP2 theories had been added; Problem 7.13 had been updated; numbering of theorems had been changed and some minor typos were fixed; Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, accepte

    Compactified Spacelike Extra Dimension & Brane-Higgs Field

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    In the paradigm with a small warped Spacelike Extra Dimensions (SED), the Higgs field is in general localized at a boundary of the SED (TeV-brane) where the gravity scale is redshifted to the TeV by a warp factor. If the SM gauge bosons and fermions propagate into the warped SED, one can generate the mass hierarchy for fermions. It is thus crucial to treat carefully the TeV-brane localized masses for such fermions, which is done in the literature by applying a regularization process suffering from a lack of consistency and more importantly being useless, as we demonstrate in detail in the present thesis. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the treatment of brane localized mass terms for 5D fermions, which requires the introduction of new Lagrangian terms at the SED boundaries, similar to the Gibbons-Hawking terms in gravity. The second part consists in applying different methods (function/distribution fields, 4D/5D calculations, etc) to various brane localized terms (kinetic terms, Majorana masses, etc), as well as a generalization to several classified models (flat/warped dimensions, intervalle/orbifold, etc). In the third part, we propose to compactify a flat SED on a star/rose graph with a large number of identical small leaves/petals. We obtain a compactified space with a large volume without a large compactification length to stabilize. We use the approach of 5D fermions to build a toy model of small Dirac neutrino masses (brane localized left-handed neutrinos and bulk right-handed ones).Comment: 244 pages. PhD thesis manuscript. Part I "State of the Art" in French and Part II "Original Research Work" in Englis

    Cohomological invariants of finite Coxeter groups

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    In this paper, we generalize Serre's splitting theorem for cohomological invariants of the symmetric group to finite Coxeter groups, provided that the ground field has characteristic zero. We then use this principle to determine all the cohomological invariants of Weyl groups of classical type with coefficients modulo 2.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1112.629
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