11,730 research outputs found

    Definición, funciones y papel del espectador frente a la obra creativa

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    In this paper, the results of the investigation about the figure of the spectator before a creative work are showed. A review of the state of the art was carried out by reading several authors who have addressed the issue of the viewer, even incidentally. This initial analysis led us to think that there are not enough attempts to define neither the viewer nor its field of action when interacting with a creative work. Consequently, we believe that there is not enough up-to-date scientific literature on the specific concept of the spectator. Thus, the goal of the research showed in this paper was to define the viewer and his links with the creative work. Documentary review, critical reflection, and confrontation of concepts were used as a research approach. The first result was a definition of the spectator: The person who finds a break in the routine through confrontation with a creative work. This encounter can be accidental, or it can be caused by the same spectator. From this contact with the work, it is essential that the person interacts with this expression. Likewise, stemming from the above, the person can obtain ludic, aesthetic or cultural stimuli. In the same way, we propose 13 functions that, in our opinion, all spectators perform: 1. Searching, 2. Creating expectations, 3. Contemplating, 4. Judging, 5. Questioning, 6. Believing, 7. Disbelieving, 8. Discriminating, 9. Criticizing, 10. Flattering, 11. Vilifying, 12. Accepting, 13. Rejecting. Likewise, we think that the spectator only assumes himself as such, when he has exceeded a certain level of knowledge about certain types of works, genres, or authors.No presente artigo expõem-se os resultados da pesquisa a respeito da figura do espectador diante de uma obra criativa. Fez-se uma revisão do estado da arte lendo vários autores que trataram o tema do espectador, inclusive de maneira incidental. Essa primeira análise levou-nos a pensar que não há suficientes tentativas para definir, nem o espectador nem seu campo de ação quando interage com um trabalho criativo. Como consequência, achamos que não há bastante literatura científica atualizada sobre o conceito específico de espectador. Desse modo, nosso objetivo é definir o espectador e suas relações com a obra criativa. O método da pesquisa foi a revisão documental, bem como a reflexão crítica e, finalmente, a confrontação de conceitos. O primeiro resultado obtido foi uma definição de espectador: a pessoa que encontra uma ruptura da rotina por meio do confronto com uma obra criativa. Esse encontro pode ser acidental ou provocado pelo próprio espectador. Desse contato com a obra, é imprescindível que a pessoa interaja com essa expressão. Da mesma forma, derivados dessa proposta, a pessoa pode obter estímulos lúdicos, estéticos ou culturais. Desse modo, propomos 13 funções que a nosso critério realiza todo espectador: 1. Procurar, 2. Criar expectativas, 3. Contemplar, 4. Julgar, 5. Questionar 6. Acreditar 7. Desacreditar, 8. Discriminar, 9. Criticar, 10. Elogiar, 11. Vituperar, 12. Aceitar, 13. Rejeitar. Dessa forma, pensamos que o espectador só se assume como tal, quando ultrapassa certo nível de conhecimento sobre certo tipo de obras, gênero ou autores.En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados de la investigación acerca de la figura del espectador ante una obra creativa. Se hizo una revisión del estado del arte leyendo a varios autores que han tratado el tema del espectador, incluso de manera incidental. Este primer análisis nos llevó a pensar que no hay suficientes intentos para definir, ni al espectador ni su campo de acción cuando interactúa con un trabajo creativo. Como consecuencia, creemos que no hay bastante literatura científica actualizada sobre el concepto específico de espectador. Así nuestro objetivo es definir al espectador y sus relaciones con la obra creativa. El método de la investigación fue la revisión documental, así como la reflexión crítica y, finalmente, la confrontación de conceptos. El primer resultado obtenido fue una definición de espectador: la persona que encuentra un rompimiento de la rutina a través del enfrentamiento con una obra creativa. Este encuentro puede ser accidental o provocado por el mismo espectador. De este contacto con la obra, es imprescindible que la persona interactúe con esta expresión. Asimismo, derivados de dicha propuesta, la persona puede obtener estímulos lúdicos, estéticos o culturales. Del mismo modo, planteamos 13 funciones que a nuestro criterio realiza todo espectador: 1. Buscar, 2. Crear expectativas, 3. Contemplar, 4. Juzgar, 5. Cuestionar 6. Creer 7. Descreer, 8. Discriminar, 9. Criticar, 10. Halagar, 11. Vituperar, 12. Aceptar, 13. Rechazar. Del mismo modo pensamos que el espectador solo se asume como tal, cuando ha rebasado cierto nivel de conocimiento sobre cierto tipo de obras, género o autores.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/271

    La gastronomía en José Fuentes Mares: pieza para completar una estética

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    The philosophy of José Fuentes Mares is a complex structure constructed of different materials, whose main goal is comprehension of mankind, specifically Hispanic American men (a wide universe distributed all over the Iberian Peninsula and America). Fuentes Mares develops a particular way of philosophizing, linking the historical context of the countries with their taste, exposed in their culinary traditions. For instance, the different ways of living, thinking, fighting, conquering, loving and eating that Anglo-Saxons and Hispanic Americans have, that make them be inhabitants of opposed realities. Refined cuisine is a kind of art that must be subject to the categories, methods and concepts of aesthetics. To make this project possible, Fuentes Mares works with a full picture of aesthetics, composed of the articulated unity of philosophy of culture, the philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture

    4WD Robot Posture Estimation by Radial Multi-View Visual Odometry

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    This chapter presents a four-wheel robot’s trajectory tracking model by an extended Kalman filter (EKF) estimator for visual odometry using a divergent trinocular visual sensor. The trinocular sensor is homemade and a specific observer model was developed to measure 3D key-points by combining multi-view cameras. The observer approaches a geometric model and the key-points are used as references for estimating the robot’s displacement. The robot’s displacement is estimated by triangulation of multiple pairs of environmental 3D key-points. The four-wheel drive (4WD) robot’s inverse/direct kinematic control law is combined with the visual observer, the visual odometry model, and the EKF. The robot’s control law is used to produce experimental locomotion statistical variances and is used as a prediction model in the EKF. The proposed dead-reckoning approach models the four asynchronous drives and the four damping suspensions. This chapter presents the deductions of models, formulations and their validation, as well as the experimental results on posture state estimation comparing the four-wheel dead-reckoning model, the visual observer, and the EKF with an external global positioning reference

    Un marco exploratorio para el emprendimiento desde una perspectiva evolutiva

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    Entrepreneurship research is evolving more than ever (Carlsson et al., 2013). As a research stream that is gaining more and more attention, it is imperative to understand it more deeply, given the relevance of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, and businesses in today’s global economy, and under a multidimensional lens. Through an extensive literature review, an exploratory view of its evolutionary perspective was made, from a Darwinian initial point, where the lack of a formal framework was found and therefore a 3-dimensional theoretical model (Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur and Firm, EEF) is proposed for its study, where the multidimensional context and the involvement that the family generally has, influence the back and forth and iterative relationships that appear between the dimensions, and that is influenced by the evolutionary perspective. The results suggest that there is great interest in the academic field in this evolutionary view, a need to further explore this approach, theoretically and empirically under the relationships the model proposed among the various lines of research in entrepreneurship, family business, economics, and firm theory, population ecology, and strategic choice, as well as in the entrepreneur himself and its entrepreneurial cognition and learning, to develop strategies and public policies that support the organizations and the various stakeholders of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.La investigación en emprendimiento está evolucionando más que nunca (Carlsson et al., 2013). Como una línea de investigación que está ganando cada vez más atención, es imperativo entenderla más profundamente, dada la relevancia del emprendimiento, el emprendedor y las empresas en la economía global actual y bajo una lente multidimensional. A través de una extensa revisión de la literatura, se realizó una visión exploratoria de su perspectiva evolutiva, tomando como punto de partida aquella darwiniana, donde se encontró la falta de un marco formal y, por tanto, se propone un modelo teórico tridimensional (Emprendimiento, Emprendedor y Empresa, EEE) para su estudio, donde el contexto multidimensional y la participación que generalmente tiene la familia influyen en las relaciones ida y vuelta e iterativas que aparecen entre las dimensiones y que están influenciadas por la perspectiva evolutiva. Los resultados sugieren que existe un gran interés en la academia en esta visión evolutiva, una necesidad de explorar más este enfoque, teórica y empíricamente bajo las relaciones que el modelo propone entre las diversas líneas de investigación en emprendimiento, empresa familiar, economía y teoría de la empresa, ecología de la población y la elección estratégica, así como en el propio emprendedor y en su cognición y aprendizaje emprendedor, para desarrollar estrategias y políticas públicas que apoyen a las empresas y al ecosistema emprendedor

    The Tourism Students’ Awareness of Communicative Competence in an English as a Foreign Language Context

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    The present research aimed to find out the students’ awareness towards the concept of communicative competence and to discover if exposure serves as a tool in the development of the latter. Applying a mixed-method research design, quantitative and qualitative data were gathered with three different instruments: a face-to-face questionnaire, a semi-structured interview, and a structured observation. The subjects consisted of forty-six English as a Foreign Language learners in the intermediate and advanced levels in the Tourism major at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Eleven questions were designed to find out the students’ awareness on communicative competence and its components. The interview was based on the elements of communicative competence and the activities related to exposure to the target language. The observation considered details in regards to the students’ performance in the linguistic and pragmatic components of communicative competence. Results indicated that participants are aware of the concept under study and its components. Their answers to the interview and their performance in the observation proposed that exposure to the target language have been used towards the development of certain elements in their communicative competence. Recommendations derived from the present study include making students comprehend what the acquisition of a communicative competence encompasses, which is to manage the target language through the use of the four skills. Secondly, it is of great importance to promote in students the habit of practicing the target language outside the classroom. Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to phonological features such as word stress, pitch, and intonation to improve pronunciation

    Ultrasound Application to Improve Meat Quality

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    High-intensity ultrasound offers an alternative to traditional methods of food preservation and is regarded as a green, versatile, popular, and promising emerging technology. Ultrasound generates acoustic cavitation in a liquid medium, developing physical forces that are considered the main mechanism responsible for the observed changes in exposed materials. In meat, ultrasound has been successfully used to improve processes such as mass transfer and marination, tenderization of meat ,and inactivation of microorganisms. It is also an alternative to traditional meat aging methods for improving the quality properties of meat. Moreover, the combination of ultrasonic energy with a sanitizing agent can improve the effect of microbial reduction in foods. This review describes recent potential applications of ultrasound in meat systems, as well as physical and chemical effects of ultrasound treatments on the conservation and modification of processed meat foods

    Effect of Ion Bombardment on the Chemical Properties of Crystalline Tantalum Pentoxide Films

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    The effect of argon ion bombardment on the chemical properties of crystalline Ta2_2O5_5 films grown on Si(100) substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. All samples were irradiated for several time intervals [(0.5, 3, 6, 9) min] and the Ta 4f4f and O 1s1s core levels were measured each time. Upon analysis at the surface of the films, we observe the Ta 4f4f spectrum characteristic of Ta2_2O5_5. Irradiated samples exhibit the formation of Ta suboxides with oxidation states Ta1+^{1+}, Ta2+^{2+}, Ta3+^{3+}, Ta4+^{4+}, and Ta5+^{5+}. Exposing the films, after ion bombardment, to ambient for some days stimulates the amorphous phase of Ta2_2O5_5 at the surface suggesting that the suboxides of Ta are unstable. Using a sputtering simulation we discuss that these suboxides are largely generated during ion bombardment that greatly reduces the oxygen to tantalum ratio as the irradiation time increases. The computer simulation indicates that this is due to the high sputtering yield of oxygen.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    The Generalizability of Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) Syndromes of Psychopathology Across 20 Societies

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    OBJECTIVES: As the world population ages, psychiatrists will increasingly need instruments for measuring constructs of psychopathology that are generalizable to diverse elders. The study tested whether syndromes of co-occurring problems derived from self-ratings of psychopathology by US elders would fit self-ratings by elders in 19 other societies. METHODS/DESIGN: The Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) was completed by 12,826 60- to 102-year-olds in 19 societies from North and South America, Asia, and Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Europe, plus the US. Individual and multi-group confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) tested the fit of the 7-syndrome OASR model, consisting of the Anxious/Depressed, Worries, Somatic Complaints, Functional Impairment, Memory/Cognition Problems, Thought Problems, and Irritable/Disinhibited syndromes. RESULTS: In individual CFAs, the primary model fit index showed good fit for all societies, while the secondary model fit indices showed acceptable to good fit. The items loaded strongly on their respective factors, with a median item loading of .63 across the 20 societies; and 98.7% of the loadings were statistically significant. In multi-group CFAs, 98% of items demonstrated approximate or full metric invariance. Fifteen percent of items demonstrated approximate or full scalar invariance and another 59% demonstrated scalar invariance across more than half of societies. CONCLUSIONS: The findings supported the generalizability of OASR syndromes across societies. The seven syndromes offer empirically-based clinical constructs that are relevant for elders of different backgrounds. They can be used to assess diverse elders, and as a taxonomic framework to facilitate communication, services, research and training in geriatric psychiatry. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Influence of post-deposition annealing on the chemical states of crystalline tantalum pentoxide films

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    We investigate the effect of post-deposition annealing (for temperatures from 848 K to 1273 K) on the chemical properties of crystalline Ta2_2O5_5 films grown on Si(100) substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The atomic arrangement, as determined by X-ray diffraction, is predominately hexagonal (δ\delta-Ta2_2O5_5) for the films exposed to heat treatments at 948 K and 1048 K; orthorhombic (β\beta-Ta2_2O5_5) for samples annealed at 1148 K and 1273 K; and amorphous for samples annealed at temperatures below 948 K. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for Ta 4f4f and O 1s1s core-levels were performed to evaluate the chemical properties of all films as a function of annealing temperature. Upon analysis, it is observed the Ta 4f4f spectrum characteristic of Ta in Ta5+^{5+} and the formation of Ta-oxide phases with oxidation states Ta1+^{1+}, Ta2+^{2+}, Ta3+^{3+}, and Ta4+^{4+}. The study reveals that the increase in annealing temperature increases the percentage of the state Ta5+^{5+} and the reduction of the others indicating that higher temperatures are more desirable to produce Ta2_2O5_5, however, there seems to be an optimal annealing temperature that maximizes the O\% to Ta\% ratio. We found that at 1273 K the ratio slightly reduces suggesting oxygen depletion.Comment: 7 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.02067, arXiv:1704.0551

    Value of the toluidine blue test as an aid to determine the biopsy site in actinic prurigo cheilitis

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    Actinic prurigo (AP) is a type of photodermatosis that primarily affects the Latin American mestizo population. Histologically, AP cheilitis exhibits acanthosis with spongiosis and vacuolation of the basal cell layer overlying a dense lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate that forms well-defined lymphoid follicles. Toluidine blue is a thiazide, acidophilic, and metachromatic dye used in vivo to selectively stain the acidic components of tissues such as sulfates, carboxylates, and phosphate radicals that are incorporated into DNA and RNA. It is necessary to develop a method that allows detecting, on clinical grounds the area of the lesion in which it is more feasible to find such structures. Thus to increase the sensitivity of the biopsy, in AP cheilitis to accurately identify where the lymphoid follicles reside, based on the higher concentration of DNA in such structures and thus confirm the diagnosis. In this study, staining was positive in 85% of patients with AP cheilitis, in 14 of whom 82% lymphoid follicles were observed by histopathology. One of the pathologist’s problems in establishing the diagnosis of AP is that the main histopathological characteristics are not always identified in the submitted samples because it is not easy to clinically identify the most representative site of the lesion selected for performing a biopsy. Based on our results, we propose using toluidine blue as an auxiliary method to choose a tissue sample to facilitate the diagnosis and allow clinicians to make clinical correlations between the histopathological and therapeutic findings
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