19,258 research outputs found

    Hubba: hub objects analyzer—a framework of interactome hubs identification for network biology

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    One major task in the post-genome era is to reconstruct proteomic and genomic interacting networks using high-throughput experiment data. To identify essential nodes/hubs in these interactomes is a way to decipher the critical keys inside biochemical pathways or complex networks. These essential nodes/hubs may serve as potential drug-targets for developing novel therapy of human diseases, such as cancer or infectious disease caused by emerging pathogens. Hub Objects Analyzer (Hubba) is a web-based service for exploring important nodes in an interactome network generated from specific small- or large-scale experimental methods based on graph theory. Two characteristic analysis algorithms, Maximum Neighborhood Component (MNC) and Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component (DMNC) are developed for exploring and identifying hubs/essential nodes from interactome networks. Users can submit their own interaction data in PSI format (Proteomics Standards Initiative, version 2.5 and 1.0), tab format and tab with weight values. User will get an email notification of the calculation complete in minutes or hours, depending on the size of submitted dataset. Hubba result includes a rank given by a composite index, a manifest graph of network to show the relationship amid these hubs, and links for retrieving output files. This proposed method (DMNC || MNC) can be applied to discover some unrecognized hubs from previous dataset. For example, most of the Hubba high-ranked hubs (80% in top 10 hub list, and >70% in top 40 hub list) from the yeast protein interactome data (Y2H experiment) are reported as essential proteins. Since the analysis methods of Hubba are based on topology, it can also be used on other kinds of networks to explore the essential nodes, like networks in yeast, rat, mouse and human. The website of Hubba is freely available at http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Hubba

    學校師生對主題樂園開發之環境影響認知研究-以劍湖山世界 六福村主題樂園 及九族文化村為例

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    [[abstract]]近年來由於國內外業者紛紛積極開發大型主題遊樂園,對環境影響有由點成面之 虞,尤其對山多平地少的台灣影響更甚。本研究以學校師生為研究對象,選擇「三(山) 六九三大主題樂園」為例,探討遊客對受訪遊樂區之「重遊意願」與對三個主題樂園開 發之「環境影響認知」之關係,以便作為經營者擬定開發計畫及政府單位未來核准新遊 憩區開發之參考。 研究方式以自填式問卷對三個遊樂園各訪問950 位遊客,其有效問卷率依序分別為 86.7﹪、80.4﹪、80.4﹪。受訪者均認為「促進當地經濟繁榮」及「提供當地就業機會」 為所受訪遊樂區開發會造成當地環境正面影響之前二名,顯示受訪者均認同大型遊樂區 之開發,可帶動地方之經濟發展。「促進當地經濟繁榮」及「提供當地就業機會」為受 訪者對所受訪遊樂區開發造成正面環境影響之前二名,「垃圾多造成環境髒亂」、「車輛 多造成噪音污染」、「車輛多造成空氣污染」及「水土保持工作未做好」對所受訪遊樂區 開發造成負面環境影響之前四名,「不願意自費重遊」與「遊客對遊樂園之負面環境影 響認知」有高相關。綜觀結果,建議經營者加強「水土保持」及「廁所清潔」二方面工 作,以便吸引更多遊客

    Impact of Journalism Educators on Media Performance and Journalism Practice in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]This study examines the role of journalism educators in Taiwan in shaping their students’ views of the profession, and the extent to which the ethics and values taught at university are practiced in the newsroom. Interviews were conducted with educators and journalism graduates from National Chengchi University, a public institution recognized as setting the standard for journalism education in the country, and Nanhua University, a private institution. The study indicates that an individual educator’s attitudes and opinions on concepts such as public service, news value, and news ethics have an impact on the views of students, although business and political pressures, as well as Taiwan’s highly competitive media market, may compromise journalistic values and ethics

    Modélisation et simulation bidimensionnelle de la croissance des polycristaux

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    系統編號: PF10607-0639計畫編號: MOST106-2410-H343-005-MY2執行機構: 南華大學國際事務與企業學系研究期間: 10608~10707[[abstract]]本計畫「流動的父權:1960~1970 年代嘉義縣大林鎮的沖繩返回移工」旨在探討「離返、留守與性別規範」的互動關係,以1960~1970 年代嘉義縣大林鎮曾赴沖繩諸島從事砍蔗或去到鳳罐工廠、糖廠的返回移工為例,透過談訪移工當事者及其家人、村民等不同個體,掌握特定時空下台灣「偏鄉農村季節性短期移工」國際遷徙的樣貌。計畫的受訪者有三類,一是移工當事人,男女皆有,移出的女性並非全都軟弱卑微,同樣地,男工也有難言之隱,找出每位當事人的生命亮點,關照他們試圖掙脫、據以力爭、翻轉人生的勇敢層面。二是當時在家留守的移工家屬,包括配偶、子女或其他親族,在移工離家時他們如何被擺放或扮演其他角色。三是想要移出卻沒能出去的村民或那些和移動無直接關連的人,譬如,教到移工之子的國小老師。本計畫的研究方法是,積極和鄰近社區保持友好的合作關係,搭配個人在大學部的課程規劃,讓修課學生實際參與投入,也讓本計畫受訪者的立場、身分與角色盡量多元呈現。可以說,本計畫是要探索家庭、鄰里與在地社會等各層面的性別規範如何影響移工及其家人與一般村民,掌握這些多元受訪者對於1960-1970 年代跨國離返經驗及留守經驗之詮釋,解析他們對農村性別規範撼動之可能與不可能。換言之,希望全方位紀錄這波跨海遷徙的現象,探照移工在個人、家庭、親族、村落共同體等多層次脈絡中的身影,解構「離返、留守與性別規範」的關連性,論證1960-1970年代台灣偏鄉農村父權制底下性別規範的多樣性與辯證性。[[abstract]]The proposal, titled "Floating Patriarchy: Returning Migrants from the Okinawa Islands in Dalin township, Chiayi county, Taiwan during the 1960's and 1970's", is to explore the inter-relationship between round trip, being left behind and gender norms. The research is to take the examples of returning migrant workers who worked in sugarcane fields, pineapple factories and sugar houses in the Okinawa Islands, and try to grasp a comprehensive international migration overview on seasonal short period returning migrant workers at a marginal village in Taiwan under specific time and space. I will interview the returning migrants, their families and other village people. There are three kinds of interviewees in this proposal: the returning migrant workers, male as well as female, returning migrant workers' families and other village people who had no migrant experience nor directly linked to the issue. Firstly, the female workers being interviewed were not weak or humble as from the traditional point of view, similarly, the male workers had their own stories. I will try to find out the highlights in their life, and look into the inverting and brave dimensions of their life. Secondly, the returning migrant workers' families include their spouses, children and relatives. I will probe into their position and role-playing in the community when "left-behind" at home. The third group of interviewees are village people who wanted to leave home to work overseas but incapable of, as well as those who had no direct relationship to migration working, for instance, the elementary school teachers whose class students are migrant workers' sons or daughters. My approach is to actively keep a friendly and cooperative relationship with the community, and I will integrate the research plan into my university curriculm for the students to be participated in the proposal. In this way, I hope to fully demonstrate the diversity of the roles and characters of my interviewees. The proposal try to find out how the gender norms in different levels of family, neighbor and local community could influence the returning migrant workers, their families and other village people. At the same time, it will probe the interviewees' interpretations on their own experiences of migrant working and "being left-behind", and analyze the possibility of the changing of gender norms in the village. Namely, I will in this proposal keep a record of the international migration in Dalin township from all aspects, discover the images of returning migrant workers in respect to personal, household, kindred and community, deconstruct the connections among round trip, being left behind and gender norms, and demonstrate dimensionally and dialectically the gender norms under the patriarchy system of a marginal village in Taiwan during the 1960's and 1970's


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