17,673 research outputs found

    Self-Punishment for a "Heresy" : Tennessee Williams\u27s Auto-Da-Fé

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    Phospholipase Cbeta4 and protein kinase Calpha and/or protein kinase CbetaI are involved in the induction of long term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells.

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    Activation of the type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) signaling pathway in the cerebellum involves activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and protein kinase C (PKC) for the induction of cerebellar long term depression (LTD). The PLC and PKC isoforms that are involved in LTD remain unclear, however. One previous study found no change in LTD in PKCgamma-deficient mice, thus, in the present study, we examined cerebellar LTD in PLCbeta4-deficient mice. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses of cerebellum from wild-type mice revealed that PLCbeta1 was expressed weakly and uniformly, PLCbeta2 was not detected, PLCbeta3 was expressed predominantly in caudal cerebellum (lobes 7-10), and PLCbeta4 was expressed uniformly throughout. In PLCbeta4-deficient mice, expression of total PLCbeta, the mGluR1-mediated Ca(2+) response, and LTD induction were greatly reduced in rostral cerebellum (lobes 1-6). Furthermore, we used immunohistochemistry to localize PKCalpha, -betaI, -betaII, and -gamma in mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells during LTD induction. Both PKCalpha and PKCbetaI were found to be translocated to the plasmamembrane under these conditions. Taken together, these results suggest that mGluR1-mediated activation of PLCbeta4 in rostral cerebellar Purkinje cells induced LTD via PKCalpha and/or PKCbetaI

    Pubertal administration of antiserum against nerve growth factor regresses renal vascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    To investigate the role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the development of hypertensive renal vascular remodeling, anti-serum against NGF (anti-NGF) or vehicle was injected at 3 weeks of age in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats (n = 9 for each treatment in each strain). Flow-pressure (F-P) and pressure-glomerular filtra-tion rate (P-GFR) relationships at vasodilated perfused kid-neys were determined at 10 weeks of age. In the vehicle rats, blood pressure, renal noradrenaline content, the gradient of F-P (minimal vascular resistance at pre- and post-glomerular vasculature) and the X-intercept of P-GFR (preglomeru-lar : postglomerular vascular resistance ratio) were greater in SHR than in WKY rats, although the gradient of P-GFR (glo-merular filtration capacity) did not differ significantly between the strains. Blood pressure and renal noradrenaline content were lower in SHR receiving anti-NGF than in SHR receiving vehicle, although such difference was not observed in WKY rats. The gradient of F-P was less but the gradient of P-GFR was greater in SHR receiving anti-NGF compared with SHR receiving vehicle, although the similar differences did not occur in WKY rats. Blood pressure and renal nor-adrenaline content remained greater in SHR treated with anti-NGF compared with WKY rats treated with vehicle; however, the gradient of F-P did not differ significantly between them. Contrary, anti-NGF did not affect the X-inter-cept of P-GFR in either strain. In conclusion, NGF could con-tribute to the genesis of renal vascular remodeling, at least in part, through modification of renal sympathetic activity and blood pressure in SHR

    A Study of Low Academic Achievement of School Boys and Girls form BURAKU -Focusing on the Parents\u27 View of Academic Achievement-

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the view of academic achievement peculiar to the BURAKU parents. Because the difference of the view of academic achievement between the BURAKU parents and the parents other than BURAKU is considered to be the background factor of low academic achievement of school boys and girls from BURAKU. Respondents are 160 school boys and girls, including 43 from BURAKU. As a result of analysis, it became clear that while the BURAKU parents consider it is important to make their children gain academic achievement, they don’t regard academic achievement as the means to gain educational credential. About the formation process of such the view of academic achievement, explanation was tried from the following two: “caste barrier” and “absence of familiar persons who have high educational credential”.本稿では、部落内外で保護者の学力観にどのような違いが見られるのかを検討するなかで、部落の保護者に特徴的な学力観を明らかにするとともに、そのような学力観と部落の人々がこれまで直面してきた被差別の歴史との関係について若干の考察を試みたい

    L\u27antèposition des épithètes dans les Fleurs du Mal de Baudelaire

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    Effects of educational support program for siblings of children with developmental disorders : Practice with the small group

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    Learning psychiatric nursing from hospitalized patients with schizophrenia through their story

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    精神科看護では看護師が患者のニーズを正確に把握することは困難である.そのため精神分裂病患者に入院体験を語ってもらい, 入院中どのようなニーズを持っていたかを分析した.そして当事者の語りからニーズをふまえた看護を考察した結果, 以下のようなことが示唆された.1.看護師は患者が話しやすい雰囲気をつくることが必要である.2看護師は患者に相談役としての役割を提示していくことが必要である.3.良好な看護師一患者関係を成立させていくために, 看護師は患者の訴えを傾聴し受けとめていくことが必要である.4医師一患者関係で看護師に必要なことは, 1)相談内容を把握する, 2)対応できるものなら対応する, 3)患者と医師が話せる場を作る, 4)場合によっては患者と医師の面談において, 看護師は患者に付き添うことで患者が話しやすい環境を作る, ことである.5患者一患者関係で看護師に必要なことは, 1)患者同士が与え合う影響に注意しながら, その関わり合いを見守っていく, 2)患者が患者同士だけでなく, 患者以外の人とも対人関係を築いていけるように関わっていく, ことである.6.患者の自主性を尊重しながらレクリエーションを取り入れることが必要である.7.患者の社会復帰において看護師に必要なことは, 1)患者が地域社会で生活してみようという気持ちを引き出すよう動機づけを行なう, 2)患者が退院後も自立した生活を送られるように, 患者の状態を的確に把握した上でアセスメントし援助していく, 3)看護師が医療チームの調整役を務め患者の回復状態に合わせて援助していく, ことである.It is difficult for nurses to grasp patients\u27 needs correctly in psychiatric nursing. So we analyzed needs which appeared in their narration during hospitalization periods. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Nurses should construct a communicative situation in which the patients can talk at ease. 2. Nurses should show clearly their role as a consultant to the patients. 3. Nurses should listen and accept various complaints of the patients to create cooperative relation between the nurses and patients. 4. In the doctor-patient relation, nurses should 1) understand fully the contents of consultation, 2) response to what they can do, and 3) provide an opportunity for the patients to talk with doctors at ease, and attend themselves onto the patients as much as possible under certain situations. 5. In the patient-patient relation, nurses should 1) watch carefully their interaction, and 2) support the patients to create relationships extensively among peoples other than them. 6. Nurses should make recreation plans for the patients respecting their independence. 7. For returning the patients to normal life, nurses should 1) support them to raise the self-imposed motivation for community life, 2) grasp and assess correctly their psychosomatic conditions for their independent lives, and 3) play as a coordinator in the medical teams and help them adjusting on their recovery steps