448,084 research outputs found


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    Photograph of the construction of Whitney Dam

    An adaptive space-time Newton–Galerkin approach for semilinear singularly perturbed parabolic evolution equations

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)In this article, we develop an adaptive procedure for the numerical solution of semilinear parabolic problems with possible singular perturbations. Our approach combines a linearization technique using Newton’s method with an adaptive discretization – which is based on a spatial finite element method and the backward Euler time-stepping scheme – of the resulting sequence of linear problems. Upon deriving a robust a posteriori error analysis, we design a fully adaptive Newton-Galerkin time-stepping algorithm. Numerical experiments underline the robustness and reliability of the proposed approach for various examples

    Perancangan Tangga Lipat Ergonomis Bagi Karyawan PT Asuransi Multi Artha Guna TBK Cabang Palembang

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    PT Asuransi Multi Artha Guna Tbk branch of Palembang constantly strive to implement good administrative system. In practice, one of the main tasks is the administrators checks the documents that have been saved as a file in the storage cupboard. There are times when administrators need tools in order to reach a height storage cupboard. Plastic chairs selected as the tool. The use of plastic chairs in a long period of time cause side effects such as pain and fatigue complaints in several parts of the body. Complaints of pain and fatigue in question appears on the neck, shoulders, arms, knees, back, legs, and feet. In a research note that the dimensions of the plastic chairs are not sufficient to be used as a tool. The problems motivated the researchers conducted an ergonomic design folding ladder using rational methods by considering anthropometry and administrators attitudes. Dimensional ergonomic folding ladder measures 50 cm x 30 cm on the footstool with a height of 54 cm from the floor, and is equipped with a mat board. From the observation during the implementation of ergonomic folding ladder, shows there working attitude significantly reduced pain and fatigue complaints of administrators

    Entre el mercado y el sistema punitivo. Trayectorias, proyectos de movilidad social y criminalización de mujeres en el contexto de la campaña anti-trata.

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    En este trabajo, me propongo analizar algunos de los efectos de la implementación de la ley de trata en la Argentina. A partir de una pregunta inicial en torno a la alta criminalización de mujeres identificada en los expedientes judiciales relevados por infracción a la ley 26.364, exploro las modalidades de inserción de mujeres de sectores subalternos en el mercado sexual y sus trayectorias. En segundo lugar, exploro los procesos de reacomodamiento del mercado de departamentos privados de la CABA a partir del activo despliegue de las políticas anti-trata. Así, intento mostrar que en el contexto local los procesos judiciales abiertos por la ley 26.364 -y posteriormente por la ley 26.842- han criminalizado las trayectorias de mujeres que se han insertado en el mercado sexual inicialmente como trabajadoras y posteriormente desarrollado carreras en el sexo comercial. Discuto, así, los límites de los lenguajes legales para atender a la complejidad de las trayectorias en el mercado sexual.In this paper, I propose to analyze some effects of the implementation of the anti-trafficking trafficking in Argentina. From an initial question about the high criminalization of women identified in judicial files, I explore the modalities in which subaltern women are included in the sexual market and their trajectories. Second, I explore the processes of market readjustment in the private departments of CABA since the deployment of anti-trafficking policies. So, I try to show that in the local context the judicial cases open by law 26.364 - and later by law 26.842 - have criminalized the trajectories of women who have been inserted into the sexual market initially as workers and later developed careers in commercial sex. I discuss the limits of the legal language to address the complexity of trajectories in the commercial sex.Fil: Varela, Cecilia. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina

    Milicias y fronteras en la formación del Estado argentino. La regulación de la Guardia Nacional de Buenos Aires (1852-1880)

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    El artículo analiza la normativa de la Guardia Nacional entre 1852 y 1880, con el propósito de explorar la complejidad de su desarrollo de acuerdo a las disputas facciosas entorno al proyecto nacional y el avance de la frontera sobre los territorios indígenas en el contexto de organización y consolidación del Estado argentino. Sin el poder suficiente para monopolizar el poder coercitivo, el gobierno nacional debió depender de la capacidad de convocatoria militar de los gobiernos locales. Así se instauró y adquirió relevancia la Guardia Nacional formada por campesinos y vecinos domiciliados obligados a realizar ejercicios militares de forma regular y listos para acudir a todo llamado, so pena de cumplir servicio en el Ejército de Línea. Esto se sitúa en la dinámica general de progresiva dominancia del Estado como forma de integración socio política, mediante la apropiación de ámbitos funcionales en los diversos planos de la interacción social y que hacia finales del período de estudio implicó la sustitución del marco institucional provincial como principal eje articulador de relaciones sociales y la subordinación de la Guardia Nacional al Estado nacional. Los principales documentos utilizados fueron las leyes y decretos en materia militar elaborados entre 1852 y 1880, los diarios de sesiones del Congreso nacional entre 1862 y 1874 y las memorias del ministerio de Guerra y Marina entre 1868 y 1881.The article discusses the National Guards rules between 1852 and 1880, in order to explore the complexity of their evolution, according to factional conflicts about the national political project and the ocuppation of indigenous territories. Without the capacity to monopolize coercive power, the national government depended on the local goverments military deployments. Thus the National Guard was established with peasants forced to do military exercises and ready to go to every call, under the penality of being sent to the border army. This happened during the gradual supremacy of the national state in social and political integration and that meant for one hand the replacement of the local frameworks as the hub of social relations and for other hand the National Guard subordination. The main documents used were the military laws and decrees between 1852 and 1880, the diaries of the national Congress sessions between 1862 and 1874, and the reports of the War and Marine department between 1868 and 1881.Fil: Literas, Luciano. CONICET. UBA; Argentin