599 research outputs found

    Staatliche Interventionen bei Gewalt in Ehe und Partnerschaft: Ein Überblick über die rechtlichen Handlungsspielräume

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    Evaluation of peak load on the power system is raised very influential on the development of electric power availability in the various provinces. By reviewing the peak load for a year, can be implemented for the evaluation of power generation as a simulation of the electrical energy supply for the future. Evaluating the peak load also depends on several factors such as installed capacity, power capacity, and production at some plants systems. It can be the control of the forces generated on each such PLTA, PLTU, PLTG, and PLTS. Fuzzy logic method is an effective method that can be applied to evaluate peak loads with high accuracy. Thus the fulfillment of the electricity will be met with the desired reliability level. The evaluation of the resulting output can be used as a control for the security of the power system. With the results obtained is the highest error rate reached 60%, and has done training and testing data is as much as 4x to test the parameters of the membership function has been determined by the highest recognize result of 12.5

    Diversitas Arthropoda Gua di Kawasan Karst Gunung Sewu, Studi Gua-gua di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap keanekragaman Arthropoda di kawasankarst Gunung Sewu khususnya di wilayah kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini merupakanpenelitian ekologi komunitas dengan metode Nature Snapshot Experiment (NSE). Penelitian inidilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2016, bertempat di 3 gua di kawasan karst Gunung Sewu,yang masuk dalam wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Wonoggiri Jawa Tengah. Arthropoda guayang ditemukan terdiri dari Heteropoda sp., Charon grayi, Theliphonus sp., AsamiidaeF, Philosciasp.,CambalopsidaeF, Geophilus sp., Scutigera sp., TenebrionidaeF, Rhaphidophora dammermani,dan FormicidaeF. Habitat gua Sodong dan Potro Bunder membentuk kelompok tersendiriberdasarkan nilai indeks similaritas Jaccard. Kondisi kerusakan lingkungan gua mendasaripemilihan habitat oleh kelelawar. Sehingga dua gua yang mengelompok hanya dihuni lebihsedikit spesies dibandingkan dengan habitat gua Song Gilap

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Keanggotaan Pada Toko Ritel “X”

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    Toko ritel “X” merupakan jaringan toko di bidang ritel dan mempunyai sistem informasi keanggotaan untuk mengelola data anggotanya. Namun, kehandalan sistem kurang dan proses administrasi berjalan kurang efisien karena keterlibatan proses di luar sistem. Informasi dari sistem kurang membantu pihak manajemen dalam membuat keputusan. Data dari sistem Point of Sales (POS) diinput secara manual, sehingga mengakibatkan data tidak up-to-date dan rentan salah input data. Keamanan sistem dapat ditembus menggunakan teknik SQL Injection, dan pengembangan sistem sulit dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sistem informasi keanggotaan baru menggunakan framework untuk mengatasi masalah keamanan dan pengembangan sistem. Sistem baru memperbaiki proses verifikasi, menambahkan fitur supaya proses lebih efisien, menambahkan notifikasi kepada anggota, serta pembuatan laporan yang informatif. Aplikasi web service dibuat untuk memudahkan pertukaran data antara sistem POS dan sistem informasi keanggotaan. Dari hasil uji coba disimpulkan bahwa sistem baru lebih handal, informatif, dan efisien serta memiliki sistem keamanan yang lebih terjamin

    Studi Pencemaran Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) dan Kadmium (Cd) pada Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus SP.) di Pantai Utara Jawa

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    Logam berat dalam lingkungan perairan akibat pembuangan limbah industri di sepanjang wilayah pantai utara dapat menjadi sumber racun bagi kehidupan perairan. Berdasarkan data penelitian dari Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Tengah diketahui adanya kandungan logam berat di perairan Laut Jawa, memungkinkan adanya kotaminasi pada ikan laut hasil Laut Jawa yang didistribusikan ke masyarakat. Hal ini menyimpang dari peraturan pemerintah yang mengatur dan melindungi keamanan pangan yaitu PP Nomor 28 tahun 2004 tentang Keamanan, Mutu, dan Gizi Pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengukur kadar logam berat Pb dan Cd pada ikan tongkol di Pantai Utara Jawa. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ikan tongkol (Euthynnus sp). Sampel penelitian ini diambil secara purposive sampling yaitu 10 ekor ikan tongkol yang berasal dari daerah Kendal, Rembang, Tuban, Batang, dan Jepara. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan Peraturan BPOM tahun 2009 dan SNI 7387 tahun 2009 tentang Batas Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat pada Makanan, dari 10 sampel terdapat 4 sampel (40%) melebihi batas maksimum cemaran Pb pada ikan (< 0,3 mg/kg) dengan kadar antara 0,420-0,610 mg/kg dan 6 sampel (60%) melebihi batas maksimum cemaran Cd pada ikan (<0,1 mg/kg) dengan kadar antara 0,100-0,300 mg/kg

    Lyric Text Mining Of Dangdut: Visualizing The Selected Words And Word Pairs Of The Legendary Rhoma Irama’s Dangdut Song In The 1970s Era

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    Dangdut is a new genre of music introduced by Rhoma Irama, Indonesian popular musician who was the Legendary dangdut singer in the 1970s era until now. The expression of  Rhoma Irama’s lyric has themes of the human being, the way of life, love, law and human right, tradition, social equality, and Islamic messages. But interestingly, the song lyrics were written by Rhoma Irama in the 1970s were mostly on the love song themes. In order to prove this, it is necessary to identify the songs through several approaches to explore the selected word and the relationship between word pairs. If each Rhoma Irama’s lyric is identified in text mining field, the lyric text extraction will be an interesting knowledge pattern. We collected the lyric from web were used as datasets, and then we have done the data extraction to store the component of lyric including the part and line of the song. We successfully applied the most word frequencies in the form of data visualization including bar chart, word cloud, term frequency-inverse document frequency, and network graph. As a results, several word pairs that often was used by Rhoma Irama in writing his song including heart-love (19 lines), heart-longing (13 lines), heart-beloved (12 lines), love-beloved (12 lines), love-longing (11 lines)

    Pengenalan Karakter Huruf Braille dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network

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    Braille characters consists of 6 dots that are designed in such way to be a writing system to help blind people. However, learning or reading Braille characters isn’t an easy thing to do, because fingers sensitivity and understanding the writing system are needed to be able to read Braille. Therefore, there are some researches on Braille characters recognition with different methods and technologies, such as deep learning. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used. CNN method has been used in various recognition researches, such as face recognition, document analysis, image classification, etc. In this research, the CNN method is used to perform Braille characters recognition. The system performs the Braille character recognition process per character based on a model that has been trained using a dataset with the 26 Braille characters. The result of 81.54% accuracy is achieved for Braille character image acquisition with a smartphone with 0 to 4 degrees tilting and 30cm distance with training model using learning rate of 0.0001 and Adam optimizer.Karakter huruf Braille terdiri dari 6 titik yang dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi sebuah sistem penulisan yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu tunanetra. Akan tetapi, membaca huruf Braille tidaklah mudah karena selain harus memahami huruf Braille tersebut juga dibutuhkan sensitivitas jari yang cukup agar dapat membaca huruf Braille. Adapun penelitian tentang pengenalan huruf Braille menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan, salah satunya deep learning. Metode deep learning yang digunakan adalah Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Metode CNN dapat digunakan dalam pengenalan wajah, analisis dokumen, klasifikasi gambar, dan sebagainya. Pada penelitian ini, metode CNN digunakan untuk pengenalan karakter huruf Braille. Sistem melakukan proses pengenalan karakter huruf braille per karakter dengan model yang sudah dilatih dengan dataset dengan 26 karakter. Hasil yang didapat mencapai tingkat akurasi 81.54% untuk citra karakter Braille yang diakuisisi dengan smartphone dengan kemiringan antara 0 hingga 4 derajat dan jarak 30cm dengan model training dengan learning rate 0.0001 dan optimizer Adam

    Stingray (Neotrygon orientalis) population structure based on catch data in Nusantara Fishery Port (Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara/PPN) Brondong, Lamongan

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    Stingray is a type of fish included in the Elasmobranchii class that has high economic potential. This study aims to determine the sex ratio, growth rate, length-weight relationship, condition factor, mortality and exploitation rate of stingray (Neotrygon orientalis) in PPN Brondong, Lamongan. Samples N. orientalis collected every week starting from October 1, 2019 until January 2021 and weighed in total body weight (gram) and measured in total body length (cm) then sex was identified based on macroscopic characteristics of gonads. The results showed that the sex ratio of N. orientalis was 1.4 : 1. Length growth value (K) of male and female N. orientalis are 0.0285 and 0.0233, respectively, which show a slow growth time to reach the asymptotic length (K≤ 0.5). Based on the analysis of the relationship between length and weight, the results show that b value are 1.9394 and 2.2023 in male and female N. orientalis, respectively, which means length growth rate faster than weight growth (b< 3, negative allometric). N. orientalis are included in the category of flat (thin) fish with condition factor values ranging from 0.2462-3.9227. The total, natural, and fishing mortality rate were 0.395, 0.177, and 0.218, respectively. The exploitation rate is 0.551 where the value has exceeded the optimum value 0.5, which means that N. orientalis landed at the PPN Brondong, Lamongan has indicated overfishing caused by excessive fishing activity

    Grouping of the Second Wave of Covid-19 Infection Areas in East Java Province Using K-Means Clustering

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    The second wave of Covid-19 Pandemic Attacks that occurred in June 2021 resulted in a drastic number of fatalities. This is due to reduced community responsibility, a sense of caring for each other, and a sense of mutual protection, resulting in the loosening of the health protocols implemented. There needs to be proper mitigation to handle the Covid-19 pandemic properly, one of which is by handling cases in each region with a low level of severity. With this grouping, it can provide a decision on which areas must be available in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. For grouping each region, the K-Means Clustering method can be used. From these clusters, there is one area with a severity level, eight areas with moderate severity, and 29 areas with low severity

    Hubungan Antara Model Pengasuhan ABC’s dengan Micro Badge Balanced Use of Technology pada Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi

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    Online learning methods can indeed be an alternative solution to the pandemic situation, but that doesn't mean it's without risks. Cyber ​​risks can vary widely, ranging from cyberbullying, victimization, game addiction, privacy concerns, harmful content, and also eye health problems. These risks can cause serious problems, especially for children aged 5 to 12 years. One of the guidelines for the parental involvement model to assist the healthy use of information technology is ABC's. ABC is an acronym for Age-Appropriate Access, Balance, and Content Restricted. In the ABC's model, specific recommendations and examples are given on how to set boundaries so that the use of technology remains healthy and useful. On the other hand, the Digital Quotient (DQ) Institute provides a micro-certification system called the DQ Micro-Badge (DQ MB) which is listed in the IEEE 3527.1-2020 standard. DQ MB is used to assist in the assessment of a person's digital skills according to the Global Standards. This study measures the relationship between ABC's parenting method and the achievement of DQ MB Balanced Use of Technology. Respondents used are parents who have children aged kindergarten - elementary school in the city of Surabaya. From 379 respondents' data, it was analyzed and obtained the fact that parenting using ABC's approach is proven to affect the level of digital intelligence based on the DQ MB BalancedMetode pembelajaran daring memang bisa menjadi solusi alternatif dari situasi pandemi, namun bukan berarti tanpa risiko yang mengintai. Risiko cyber bisa sangat bervariasi, mulai dari cyberbullying, victimization, kecanduan game, masalah privasi, konten berbahaya, hingga gangguan kesehatan mata. Risiko-risiko tersebut dapat menyebabkan hal serius, khususnya bagi bagi anak usia 5 hingga 12 tahun. Salah satu panduan untuk model keterlibatan orang tua untuk mendampingi pemakaian teknologi informasi yang sehat adalah ABC’s. ABC merupakan akronim dari Age-Appropriate Access, Balance, dan Content Restricted. Dalam model ABC's diberikan rekomendasi dan contoh spesifik bagaimana memberikan batasan agar penggunaan teknologi tetap sehat dan bermanfaat. Di sisi lain, Digital Quotient (DQ) Institute memberikan sistem sertifikasi mikro yang disebut dengan DQ Micro-Badge (DQ MB) yang tercatat dalam standar IEEE 3527.1-2020. DQ MB digunakan untuk membantu penilaian keterampilan digital seseorang sesuai dengan Standar Global.   Penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran terhadap hubungan antara metode pengasuhan model ABC's dengan pencapaian DQ MB Balanced Use of Technology. Responden yang digunakan adalah orangtua yang memiliki anak usia TK - SD di wilayah kota Surabaya. Dari 379 data respondendan kemudian dianalisis dan diperoleh fakta bahwa pengasuhan orangtua yang menggunakan pendekatan ABC's terbukti mempengaruhi tingkat kecerdasan digital berdasarkan standar DQ MB Balanced Use of Technology

    Konsep Invasi Ruang Eventual: Fleksibilitas Penggunaan Ruang pada Perancangan Rusunawa

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    Spatial invasion is a subjective expression of low-income communities in the riverbank areas. This lifestyle is one of the expressions of society to meet the lack of spatial space in residential areas, especially in riverbank areas. The previous study stated several things, the invasion of the lifestyle of the riverside community has occurred especially when the settlements were divided spatially. Besides, the precedent for the rusunawa in Surabaya shows its design by providing spaces that connected spaces, units, and buildings, which are usually invaded by the inhabitants for domestic and social activities. Qualitative studies were obtained to find the configuration of spatial invasion through activity observations and in-depth interviews with several participants living in riverbank settlements. This study analyses whether the use of space in the flat can be designed under similar activities and the use of spatial intervention in the kampung settlement, in this context near the river border. The results showed that there were similarities in the use of public spaces in residential areas and rusunawa, namely eventual space invasion that is used as the design concept. Shared space for community activities in the settlements can be adopted and provided in flat design with the support of several architectural elements. These expressions are then simulated into several concept illustrations of a flat design proposal with several required conditions. The result proposes several potentials of space in the flat that can be used for domestic and social interests.Invasi spasial merupakan ekspresi subyektif dari masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di daerah bantaran sungai. Kebiasaan atau gaya hidup ini merupakan salah satu ekspresi masyarakat untuk memenuhi kurangnya ruang spasial di lingkungan permukiman terutama di daerah bantaran sungai. Studi sebelumnya menyatakan beberapa hal, invasi gaya hidup masyarakat tepi sungai terjadi terutama ketika ruang permukiman digunakan berbagi. Selain itu, studi preseden rusunawa di Surabaya menunjukkan keberadaan ruang-ruang sebagai penghubung antar ruang, antar unit, dan antar bangunan, dimana ruang – ruang tersebut biasanya diinvasi oleh penguni untuk aktivitas domestik maupun sosial. Studi kualitatif dilakukan untuk menemukan konfigurasi invasi spasial melalui kegiatan observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa partisipan yang tinggal di pemukiman tepi sungai. Penelitian ini menganalisa apakah penggunaan ruang di rusunawa dapat didesain dan diperlakukan seperti aktivitas dan intervensi penggunaan ruang di kampung, dalam konteks di sempadan sungai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat kesamaan penggunaan ruang publik di pemukiman warga dan rusunawa. Ruang tersebut menjadi konsep dalam penelitian ini, yaitu eventual space invasion. Ruang bersama untuk aktivitas masyarakat di permukiman dapat disediakan di bangunan rusunawa dengan dukungan beberapa elemen arsitektur. Ekspresi ini kemudian disimulasikan ke dalam beberapa ilustrasi konsep rancangan bangunan rusunawa dengan menerapkan beberapa kriteria. Hasil akhir mengusulkan beberapa potensi ruang di rusunawa yang bisa digunakan untuk kepentingan domestik maupun sosial
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