5,015 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The study observes the core of both trafficking in persons and security offering a preliminary understanding the interconnection between the two concepts which is indeed a precondition of the more thorough contemplation of this security problem. Noteworthy is also the further elaboration of the risk that link between violence and modern-day slavery represents having in mind society and the individual. This informal economy violates the principle of morality and is understood to be one of the most offensive crimes. Its elementary features are psychological and/ or physical torture, coercing into engaging in the violation of the law and established social norms as well as transporting and harboring. The consequence of all of this is the material gain, whereas the victim appears as Machiavellian means the gain will justify. Trafficking emerges in different forms, the most discernible of which are forced labor and sexual exploitation that is among the hardest forms of desecrating human soul. Unfortunately, it is a common phenomenon that many people (some independent estimates mention a figure of several million) around the world, women and children, in particular, every year become victims of this violence. Tough living conditions, as well as uncertain economic future, are among fundamental causes infecting healthy society. If a well-organised criminal network or a ‘hidden economy’ succeeds to impose the rule of conduct, then human trafficking finds fertile soil in which to grow. Having been lured the victims later realize where they are, but many never return to their families, and that terrible fate should make society do what can be done and help them. Key words: Human, state, trafficking, security, smuggling

    Acute transverse myelitis in Lyme neuroborreliosis

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    Introduction: Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) is a rare disorder (1-8 new cases per million of population per year), with 20% of all cases occurring in patients younger than 18years of age. Diagnosis requires clinical symptoms and evidence of inflammation within the spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid and/or magnetic resonance imaging). ATM due to neuroborreliosis typically presents with impressive clinical manifestations. Case presentation: Here we present a case of Lyme neuroborreliosis-associated ATM with severe MRI and CSF findings, but surprisingly few clinical manifestations and late conversion of the immunoglobulin G CSF/blood index of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Conclusion: Clinical symptoms and signs of neuroborrelial ATM may be minimal, even in cases with severe involvement of the spine, as shown by imaging studies. The CSF/blood index can be negative in the early stages and does not exclude Lyme neuroborreliosis; if there is strong clinical suspicion of Lyme neuroborreliosis, appropriate treatment should be started and the CSF/blood index repeated to confirm the diagnosi

    Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biological evaluation of the Schiff base derived from Benzidine and 1,3-Diphenyl-1,3-propanedione

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    Schiff bases are organic compounds formed by the reaction of the primary amine with carbonyl compounds (aldehydes or ketones). These are mainly bi- or tridentate ligands capable of forming very stable complexes with transitional metals. They are used as catalysts in oxygenation, hydrolysis, electro-reduction and decomposition reactions. Many Shiff bases show significant anti-tumor and antimicrobial activity, which is why they are the subject of research by many scientists in the world. In this paper Schiff's base from benzidine and 1,3-diphenyl-1,3-propanedione was synthesized. To characterize the product, FTIR spectroscopy and stereo-microscopy were used. In order to determine biological activity, antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity of the product was tested. The results showed that the interaction of benzidine and 1,3-diphenylpropandione results in a Schiff base showing antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity. Keywords: Schiff base, benzidine, FTIR, UV/Vis, antimicrobial activity

    Comparison of Aeroponics and Conventional Production System of Virus-free Potato Mini Tubers in Serbia

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    Virus free mini tubers are starting materials for the production of seed potatoes without the diseases. Conventionally, mini-tubers are produced from in vitro plants in various solid media. The aeroponics system refers to the process of growing plants in the air or in the fog environment without the use of soil or any other substrate. The aim of this study is to assess the application of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia. The experiment included three varieties of potatoes: Cleopatra, Kennebec and Agria. All three varieties were cultivated within two systems: aeroponics and conventional rooting in the substrate. In the aeroponics system, with all three varieties, an average of 17.87 mini tubers was obtained, which is 5.39 times more than in the conventional substrate. This ratio was the highest in the variety Kenebec (6.46), followed by Agria (5.71) and the lowest in Cleopatra (4.01). The average weight of mini tubers produced in the conventional substrate was higher by 3.49 g compared to the aeroponics system. The aeroponics system offers a potential opportunity to improve the production of mini potato tubers in Serbia

    Analysis of the banking sector performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia before and after the global financial crisis

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    The focus of this study is the banking sector of the three neighbouring countries Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro; and Serbia. These are former communist countries which have been going through the transition from centrally-planned economies to open market economies over the past 25 years. During the transition process, structural reforms were conducted to transform the banking sector into a sector suitable for open market economy. These reforms are considered to be the most successful ones in the region. Before the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09, the economies of the three selected countries were experiencing credit booms. The aim of this research was to examine how the banking sector is performing on an aggregated level years after the crisis and whether the performance is better or worse compared to the pre-crisis period. The findings show that the banking sector was performing better before the crisis in all three countries. After the crisis, the three countries experienced prolonged slow credit growth and had higher nonperforming loans

    Biochemical changes in myofibrillar and sarcoplasmatic meat proteins at different freezing rates

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    Freezing rate significantly affects the quality of frozen meat and its biochemicalchanges. The loss of water from the cellular structure, which, under normal conditions,acts as a mechanical barrier between protein chains, causes spontaneousinteractions of proteins that result in their denaturation. In order to determinethe content of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins in meat samples, the sampleswere frozen at rates of 0.40, 0.90, and 1.25 cm/h for a storage period of 15 days.Protein content was analyzed by capillary gel electrophoresis and high-pressure liquidchromatography. During the freezing process, the protein chains were found tobe shortened so that myofibrillar proteins were between 20 and 50 kDa, whereassarcoplasmic proteins were between 20 and 100 kDa at all the freezing rates mentioned.The results of the analysis also show that the total number of sarcoplasmicproteins (freezing rate 0.90 cm/h; 20 proteins) was lower than the total numberof myofibrillar proteins (freezing rate 0.90 cm/h; 35 proteins), and the molecularweight for both types of protens was lower 50 kDa. Further research should bedirected towards extending storage time

    Humic acids optical properties of rendzina soils in diverse environmental conditions of Serbia

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    This study examined the impact of climate, altitude and landforms on humic acids (HA) optical properties (E-4/E-6, Delta logK, RF indexes) in Serbian Rendzina soils. HA humification degree of calcareous and decarbonated Rendzinas under natural vegetation (forest and grassland, separately) decreased with altitude increasing. This particular rule was not manifested in arable Rendzinas. HA humification degree in Rendzinas on flat positions (hilltop and footslope) is significantly higher than in Rendzinas on slope sides. Humification degree of HA is the highest in Rendzinas in eastern Serbia (in the vicinity of Negotin), followed by central Serbia (Sumadija) and Srem, southeast and finally, southeast and southwest Serbia. With respect to the climate change foreseen for the end of this century, i.e. increase of precipitation and temperature variance among the regions in Serbia, also an increase in variance of quality of humic acids in Rendzinas on different altitudes and regions can be expected

    Dielectric sensitization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nanopowder.

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    Metallo-organic complexes are a class of materials that are increasingly used in sensory applications. Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are their subclass that are topologically isomorphic with zeolites. The porosity of the crystals and their chemical structure, as well as their thermal and chemical stability, make some of these materials (ZIFs) very suitable for making sensors. The large specific area of micro and nano particles is an important parameter for sensor applications. Despite the fact that the dielectric characterization of powders in the RF domain was neglected in scientific works, this method can have great practical importance. This paper presents the results of the dielectric characterization of the ZIF-8 nanopowder in the frequency range of 24 Hz to 24 KHz. The results indicate that the presence of evaporation of water, ethanol and methanol leads to major changes in the dielectric permittivity of ZIF-8 nanopowder

    An exploration of the effects of low-pressure plasma discharge on the physicochemical properties of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) flour

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    This work explores the preliminary feasibility of employing the low-pressure coldplasma technology for the modification of the properties of chia flour. Chia flour wasexposed to low pressure plasma in air for 5 min, 10 min, and 15 min, at two differentpower levels (40 W and 60 W). The oils extracted from untreated and treated chiaflour were exhaustively characterized for fatty acid composition, nutritional value,and rancidity indices using thermal calorimetric methods (DSC/TGA). The resultsindicated a significant change in the colour of flour with an increase in lightness.Infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy indicated changes in the tocopherol groups ofthe oil extracted from plasma treated chia flour. However, the oil extracted fromplasma treated chia flour revealed a loss of conjugated dienes and formation oftrans-fatty acids as seen in conventional hydrogenation of edible oils. DSC and TGAresults revealed better oxidative stability of low-pressure plasma treated oils thancontrol, which was linked to a relative increase of MUFA in the former

    On quantum cryptography

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    In the late twentieth century, human race entered the era ofinformation technology (IT). The IT industry, which deals with the production,processing, storage and transmission of information, has become an integralpart of the global economic system, a completely independent and significantsector of the economy. The dependence of the modern society on informationtechnologies is so great that omissions in information systems may lead tosignificant incidents. Telecommunications are the key information technologyindustry. However, information is very susceptible to various types of abuseduring transmission. The units for data storage and processing can bephysically protected from anyone wishing harm, but this does not hold truefor the communication lines that span hundreds or thousands of kilometersand are virtually impossible to protect. Therefore, the problem of informationprotection in the field of telecommunications is highly significant. Cryptology,particularly cryptography, deals with this issue. Quantum cryptography is arelatively new field ensuring safe communication between the sender and therecipient using the laws of quantum physics. This paper seeks to address theprinciples of the quantum distribution of a key for information encryption andthe fundamental problems arising from the execution.Крајем двадесетог века човечанство je ушло у еру информационих технологија. ИТ индустрија, која се бави производњом, обрадом,складиштењем и преносом информација, постала је саставни дeо глобалногекономског система, потпуно независан и прилично значајан сектор приврeде. Зависност савременог друштва од информационих технологија је толиковелика да пропусти у информационим системима могу довести до значајних инцидената. Телекомуникацијe су кључна индустрија информационихтехнологија. Међутим, информације су током транспорта веома осетљивена разне врсте злоупотреба. Јединице за складиштење и обраду податакамогу бити физички заштићене од недобронамерних, што се не може рећи за комуникационе линије које се протежу на стотине или хиљаде километара икоје је готово немогуће заштитити. Стога је проблем заштите информацијау сфери телекомуникација веома значајан. Криптологија као наука и посебно њен део криптографија управо се баве овом проблематиком. Квантнакриптографија је релативно новија област која се бави обезбеђењем сигурнекомуникације између пошиљаоца и примаоца информације, користећи законе квантне физике. Циљ рада је да се упознамо са принципима квантнедистрибуције кључа за кодирање информација и основним проблемима који се јављају при његовој реализацији.Serbian version: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3472