321 research outputs found

    Reviews of

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    Antibiotic Switch therapy is defined by the switch of intravenous antibiotic therapy to oral form. This research aimed to learn about the relationship of switch therapy toward the value of wound healing, lenght of stay and the antibiotic expenditure. The data of this cross sectional study was collected from medical record and by direct investigation to patients for their macroscopis the wound healings value. T-test was used to compared the relationship of the patient wound healings value, lenght of stay and the antibiotic expenditure between the those with and accurate switch therapy and those without it. The result showed that there was no different of wound healing value between those groups of patients (P>0,1). On the other hand, lenght of stay and antibiotic expenditure of the patient with the accurate switch therapy was cuted on the patient with the accurate switch therapy. These indicated that accuracy of switch therapy will proceed a benefit outcome to the patient with appendicitis, especially to there lenght of stay and antibiotic expenditure as well

    Antioxidant and Sunscreen Activities of Ethanol Extract of Strawberry Leaves (Fragaria X Ananassa A.N. Duchesne)

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    Strawberry fruit extract contains polyphenols compounds, which have antioxidant activity and may inhibit cancer cell growth. In this study attempted to see activity from leaves of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa A.N. Duchesne) does also have antioxidant activity and sunscreen. Antioxidant testing using the DPPH method with comparative of vitamin C. The result showed IC50 values of ethanol extract of the leaves of strawberries 363.551 ppm and for vitamin C 33.573 ppm . On testing the activity as a sunscreen using spectrophotometric method wherein the ethanol extract of the leaves of strawberries have SPF values above 15 at a concentration of 175 ppm , which amounted to 20.090 with erythema percentage of 5.496 and 5.074 percentage by pigmentation. It can be concluded from the ethanol extract of leaves of strawberry has antioxidant activity and sunscreen

    Ethanolic Extract of Dracaena Angustifolia Roxb. as Active Cutaneous Anti Anaphylactic on Male White Mice

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    An assay of the active cutaneous anti anaphylactic of the ethanolic extract of the Dracaena angustifolia Roxb. On male white mice has been studied. The assay was done by giving three different doses (100,300, 900 mg per/kg bw). Allergic reaction was induced by giving egg's albumin as antigen. The anti anaphylactic effect was determined by measurement of the pro long of occurrence time, the dereased in diameter and the color intensity of the blue bump formed by using blue evan's solution as indicator which was given intravenously. Result indicated the ethanolic extract of Dracaena angustifolia Roxb. (100, 300, 900 mg/kg bw) had significant effect for each dose (p<0.01). The dose of 900 mg per kg body weight showed best effect

    Formulation of Eel (Monopterus albus) extract membranes for wound dressing using plasticizers

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    The types of wound dressing will affect wound healing processes. The membrane is one of the potential wound dressing that can maintain the moisture of the wound surface. The eel extract as an active ingredient could be added to the membrane formula to accelerate wound healing. This study aimed to formulate eel (Monopterus albus) extract membranes for wound dressing using some plasticizers. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 146,000 was used as the polymer, while glycerol, propylene glycol,and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400 were used as the plasticizers. Methylparaben and propylparaben were added as preservatives. Evaluations included thickness, water vapor permeability, and mechanical properties of the membranes that consisted oftensile strength, elongation at break, and Young's modulus were performed. The result showed that the use of different types of plasticizers affected the mechanical properties of the eel extract membrane. The formula that used glycerol as the plasticizer produced membranes with the best water vapor permeability and mechanical properties

    Adherence Assessment on Hypertension Therapy Using The Pill Count Method In Lubuk Kilangan Health Center, Indonesia

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    Adherence is a major problem in hypertension treatment. Patients' adherence can be evaluated through pill count by counting the remaining amount of the patient's medication at the beginning and the end, using a pillbox as a tool to improve patient medication adherence. The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in adherence between patients who used the pillbox and without the pillbox. The research method used is Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The sample of this study is Prolanis (Chronic Disease Management Program) patients in 2021 at the Lubuk Kilangan Health Center in Padang City. They meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been set. Sampling was carried out by total sample and obtained 70 subjects divided into the treatment group and the control group. The research technique used a Home Medication Review (HMR). The results of the study using the Mann-Whitney Test statistical test on adherence (p = 0.007) showed a value (p<0.05). It can be concluded that there are differences in adherence before and after the intervention. This result indicates that adherence is higher in patients who use the pillbox than those without the pillbox

    Home Care Improves Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients: Exploring the Expanded Role of Community Pharmacists

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    Hypertension remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.This study aimed to evaluate the impact of community pharmacists-provided home care on knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP) and blood pressure (BP) control of hypertensive patients. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in two pharmacies in Banten involving hypertensive patients regularly refilling prescriptions. Patients in Pharmacy A were assigned in the intervention group (IG), whilst those in Pharmacy B in the control group (CG). IG received home care in addition to standard care. Questionnaires to assess KAP were distributed at the initiation and end of the study. BP was measured monthly. A total of 110 patients (60 in IG vs 50 in CG) were enrolled. At baseline there was no significant difference in demographic and clinical characteristics. Post-intervention, proportion of patients with ‘good’ knowledge was considerably higher in IG (100%) vs 2.0% in CG, IG demonstrated ‘very ideal’ attitude compared to ‘less ideal’ in CG, IG performed ‘good’ practice as opposed to ‘fair’ practice in CG. The decrease of systolic BP in IG was significantly greater (14.8 mmHg) vs 1.8 mmHg in CG. In conclusion, expanded role of community pharmacists in providing home care improves KAP and BP control in hypertensive patients

    Body mass index in early adulthood and colorectal cancer risk for carriers and non-carriers of germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes

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    BACKGROUND: Carriers of germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes have a high risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), but the modifiers of this risk are not well established. We estimated an association between body mass index (BMI) in early adulthood and subsequent risk of CRC for carriers and, as a comparison, estimated the association for non-carriers. METHODS: A weighted Cox regression was used to analyse height and weight at 20 years reported by 1324 carriers of MMR gene mutations (500 MLH1, 648 MSH2, 117 MSH6 and 59 PMS2) and 1219 non-carriers from the Colon Cancer Family Registry. RESULTS: During 122,304 person-years of observation, we observed diagnoses of CRC for 659 carriers (50%) and 36 non-carriers (3%). For carriers, the risk of CRC increased by 30% for each 5 kg m(-2) increment in BMI in early adulthood (hazard ratio, HR: 1.30; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.08-1.58; P=0.01), and increased by 64% for non-carriers (HR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.02-2.64; P=0.04) after adjusting for sex, country, cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking (and the MMR gene that was mutated in carriers). The difference in HRs for carriers and non-carriers was not statistically significant (P=0.50). For MLH1 and PMS2 (MutLα heterodimer) mutation carriers combined, the corresponding increase was 36% (HR: 1.36; 95% CI: 1.05-1.76; P=0.02). For MSH2 and MSH6 (MutSα heterodimer) mutation carriers combined, the HR was 1.26 (95% CI: 0.96-1.65; P=0.09). There was no significant difference between the HRs for MutLα and MutSα heterodimer carriers (P=0.56). CONCLUSION: Body mass index in early adulthood is positively associated with risk of CRC for MMR gene mutation carriers and non-carriers

    Edible Bird’s Nest Extract Reduced Expression of Senescence Markers in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Edible bird’s nest (EBN) is often consumed as a health food due to its suggested health benefits, including anti-aging effects, however the mechanism is still unknown. This study investigated the effect of EBN extract using long term expansion bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) as an aging model. Passage 5 (P5) and passage 8 (P8) BMMSCs were treated with EBN extract, and their proliferation, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity, and expression of p16INK4a were analyzed. Treatment of BMMSCs with EBN extract decreased population doubling time (PDT) in P5 but not in P8 BMMSCs. In P5 BMMSCs, 200 ppm EBN extract increased BMMSCs proliferation, with PDT reduced by 27.6%. However, 200 ppm EBN extracts did not affect P8 BMMSCs proliferation, although it increased BMMSCs viability. Treatment of P5 and P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract decreased SA-β-Gal activity by 54.8% and 47.1% of the control, respectively (P<0.05). Levels of p16INK4a expression were 5.4-fold lower in P5 BMMSCs treated with 200 ppm EBN extract compared to control (P<0.05). Similarly, treatment of P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract reduced p16INK4a mRNA level by 7.9-fold compared to the control (P<0.05). In order to investigate the pathway of EBN extract inhibition, we further analyzed IL-6 and NF-κB1 expression. Treatment of P5 and P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract reduced IL-6 mRNA levels by 7.9-fold and 2.1-fold of control, respectively (P<0.05). We found that 200 ppm EBN extract reduced NF-κB1 mRNA level approximately 2.4-fold both in P5 and P8 BMMSCs (P<0.05). Thus, EBN extract reduces markers of senescence, indicated by decreased SA-β-Gal activity and p16INK4a mRNA level, and this correlated with reduced messenger RNA levels of the pro-inflammatory factor IL-6 and the transcription factor NF-κB1

    The Causes of Long Waiting Times for Outpatient Pharmaceutical Prescription Services at Hospital “X” in Padang

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    Outpatient pharmacy services in a hospital shows the quality of health service to the community. Data from the internal quality assurance report of Hospital ”X” in Padang showed that only 93.76% of non-compounded medication and 94.6% of compounded medication recipes met the waiting time standard. This study aimed to analyze the causes of the long waiting time for outpatient pharmacy services at Hospital “X”. The type of this research was a mix-method sequential type explanatory, conducted from February until May 2022. The quantitative design was a cross-sectional study of 141 for non-concoction and 35 for compounded medication recipes determined by quota sampling. Qualitative research was conducted on seven informants by purposive sampling. Observation, in-depth interviews, and document review collected data. Results showed that the average waiting time was 84.19 (standard ≤30) minutes for non-concoction and 164.58 (standard ≤60) minutes for compounded medication recipes. The causes of the long waiting time were a need for more staff, prescriptions outside the hospital formulary, equipment errors, and medicines delivery delays. There should be a job redesign by rearranging the shift picket for pharmacy staff, regular equipment maintenance, and updating standard operating procedures related to medicines delivery to the patients

    Effect of Eleutherine americana Merr. bulb extract on blood pressure and heart rate in anesthetized hypertensive rats

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    The effect of ethanolic extract of Eleutherine americana Merr. on the blood pressure and heart rate has been investigated. A number of 25 Sprague-Dawley male rats were induced with prednisone 1.5 mg/kg in combination with saline solution 2.5% for 14 days to obtain hypertension model. The rats were anesthetized and prepared for the recording of blood pressure and heart rate. The rats were divided into five groups receiving 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg of the extract, vehicle control, and captopril 30 mg/kg as the reference. The treatment was administered three times with 30 minutes interval. The systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were recorded. The data were analyzed with two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s MRT (95% confidence interval). The study revealed that the extract exhibited a blood pressure lowering effect. The best antihypertensive activity of the extract was shown by the dose of 100 mg/kg. Meanwhile, HR was also affected inversely by the treatment, in which the lowest dose caused the highest increase. The study suggests that the extract of Eleutherine americana exhibits antihypertensive activity that may be potential for future development of drugs. The effect of ethanolic extract of Eleutherine americana Merr. on the blood pressure and heart rate has been investigated. A number of 25 Sprague-Dawley male rats were induced with prednisone 1.5 mg/kg in combination with saline solution 2.5% for 14 days to obtain hypertension model. The rats were anesthetized and prepared for the recording of blood pressure and heart rate. The rats were divided into five groups receiving 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg of the extract, vehicle control, and captopril 30 mg/kg as the reference. The treatment was administered three times with 30 minutes interval. The systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were recorded. The data were analyzed with two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s MRT (95% confidence interval). The study revealed that the extract exhibited a blood pressure lowering effect. The best antihypertensive activity of the extract was shown by the dose of 100 mg/kg. Meanwhile, HR was also affected inversely by the treatment, in which the lowest dose caused the highest increase. The study suggests that the extract of Eleutherine americana exhibits antihypertensive activity that may be potential for future development of drugs.