1,730 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence and optimistic cognitive style in certainty in career decision making

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    The current study tested whether Trait Emotional Intelligence variables and Optimistic Cognitive Style together predicted feelings of certainty in career decision making. Few studies have examined the effects of trait emotional intelligence or life style orientation on career choice, and no study has been found that combined both the life orientation (optimism) and the trait emotional intelligence domains and facets: this current study examined the relative weights of these facets and lifestyle orientation in relation to career certainty. Participants were from a convenience sample of 142 university students who completed a paper-and-pencil survey containing the following measures: the Life Orientation Test-Revised (assessing optimism, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Scale (TEIQue), and the Career Decision Scale (CDS).It was found that optimism and the four main domains (of wellbeing, self-control, emotionality, and sociability) and several of the subscales of the TEIQue correlated significantly with career certainty. A unique significant predictor of Career Certainty was found to be Stability-Impulsivity (a facet in the Self-Control domain of the TEIQue) but optimism was not a factor in predicting career certainty when the stability-impulsiveness factor was accounted for. Self-control- stability (low impulsiveness) predicted career certainty. It would seem that stability in thinking and action helps career commitment (certainty). Implications are drawn for career development counselling and suggestions made for future research

    Off/Scene Representation: on the Construction of Sexuality in Pornographic Cinema

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    Various manifestations of pornography have been emphatically addressed by feminist studies and critique. In that context, the pornographic movie genre and erotic cinema are often considered part of a phallogocentric universe of meaning. Some dissonant views exist, however, relative to the conception of pornography as a clear reproducer of women’s sexual oppression. Bearing in mind the aforementioned debates, this work analyzes the representational dimension of pornographic films from a socio-cultural standpoint, focusing on the rhetoric of pornography and on its effects on the construction of the contemporary socio-sexual universe.Fil: Kratje, Julia. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin

    The Incipient Mind Argument: The Persistence of Absolutist Thinking in Biological Philosophy of Mind

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    The incipient mind argument is the central argument of Evan Thompson’s solution to the so-called mind-body problem. This paper challenges Evan Thompson’s (and Francisco Varela’s) assumption of a pristine form of subjectivity, as well as of interiority in unicellular life forms. I claim that this assumption makes sense only as a useful strategy for an absolutist account of mind. In this paper, I argue that Thompson’s thesis is erroneous at the object-level, as well as at the meta-level of his argumentation. By paying greater attention to the meta-level of his exposition, I show that Thompson’s assumption of an “incipient mind” obeys an absolutist, two-sided pattern of thinking and, therefore, that his argumentation fails to give an accurate account of the systemic generation and development of mind. After demonstrating this, I suggest an innovative action-based approach to mind in order to accurately give an account of its real-constructive development

    Responses to Evidentialism in Contemporary Religious Epistemology: Plantinga and Swinburne in Conversation with Aquinas

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    In contemporary debates in religious epistemology, theistic philosophers provide differing responses to the evidentialist argument against religious beliefs. Plantinga’s strategy is to argue that evidence is not needed to justify religious beliefs while Swinburne’s strategy is to argue that religious beliefs can be justified by evidence. However, in Aquinas’ account of religious epistemology, he seems to employ both strategies. In his account of religious knowledge by faith, he argues that evidence is unnecessary for religious beliefs. But in his account of religious knowledge by science, he argues that there is evidence for religious beliefs. In this paper, I argue that there is no real dichotomy between Plantinga’s and Swinburne’s responses to the evidentialist argument. From a Thomistic perspective, Reformed Epistemology and Natural Theology are different but compatible responses to Evidentialism

    Urban sustainability as the result of a carefully integrated process: case study of a new urban development on the Barcelona seafront

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    An in-depth understanding of the basis of urban sustainability in urbanisation involves tackling a carefully integrated process. By means of a holistic guiding concept pushing the boundaries in the sustainable design of buildings, this article describes the development plan drawn up to reurbanise the seafront “Área de las tĂ©rmicas del BesĂłs” in Barcelona. This combines residential and tertiary uses, infrastructure and also free areas for museum use in a great industrial building home to a former power station. The current plan will add a kilometre of beach to be used and enjoyed by the citizens of Barcelona. It will also provide the municipality of Sant AdriĂĄ de BesĂČs with access to the sea. The plan’s most original contribution lies in its aim to collaborate towards sustainable urban development. It sets out to do so by incorporating strategies not only on an urban scale, but also on an architectural scale and even introducing landscape and green elements into the design. This methodology will facilitate the generation of urban growth with a minimum environmental impact and with low carbon emissions.Postprint (published version

    A Game Engine based Networked Infrastructure to Create and Share 3D Abstract Art

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    Online communities have been proactive in producing collaborative creative content such as music, games and other social interactions. Online collaboration has enabled contributors to peer produce and share masses of creative content. Examples range from information sharing such as Wikipedia to open source software and other specific art projects. Software vendors have recently introduced low cost 2D and 3D content authoring tools allowing user communities to generate and share creative content. Emerging networking programming interfaces available inside modern game engines allow contributors to implement multiplayer or multiuser interaction relatively easily. This paper presents a 3D art creation framework to be used over networked infrastructure in a multiuser environment. Contributors will be able to create 3D sculptures at runtime, share with other users in a common networked working environment and critique each other’s work. Experimental work also involved evaluating procedurally generated meshes versus instantiation of primitive mesh objects. Saving and loading mesh information in an optimum way is also explored

    Multimedia journalism: A comparative study of six news web sites in China and the UK.

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    China and the United Kingdom are countries which differ greatly, not least in traditional and new media. This paper will consider a number of structural and content issues around the output of mainstream multimedia journalism in these two very different news markets. Through a detailed comparative textual analysis of three major news web sites in each of the two countries, it will examine ways in which contemporary information technology and recently-evolved epistemological, linguistic and aesthetic conventions in communicating news and current affairs narratives affect multimedia reporting on mainstream online news websites. The paper presents the latest results of a detailed content analysis of interactive multimedia reporting in China and the UK on three randomly-chosen days over a period of two months. The data set was derived from a range of different media organisations exhibiting sufficient commonalities of objective and perspective to allow relevant comparisons to be made between practices in multimedia news journalism in the two countries. In China, Xinhua Wang is a state news agency whose main public presence is online, while Nandu Wang and Renming Wang are newspapers with identifiably left-leaning and right-leaning tendencies respectively in their political outlook. In the UK, the BBC is a public service broadcaster operating nonetheless at some distance from government, but which makes extensive use of its online presence to post journalistic content on domestic and international news web sites, while The Guardian and The Telegraph are both newspapers that are situated on the left and right of UK politics respectively

    Legal Aspects of the Care of Older People in Hong Kong and Nurse’s Role in it

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    Legal system provide different means of protection to older people in Hong Kong in terms of life ending decision making, elder abuse, financial and housing affairs. Nurses often plays an important role in it such as begin an advocator and providing professional views and knowledge for helping the older people to plan their life. - See more at: http://dl4.globalstf.org/?wpsc-product=legal-aspects-of-the-care-of-older-people-in-hong-kong-and-nurses-role-in-it-2#sthash.jhzwW74p.dpufpublished_or_final_versio

    APRT – Another Pattern Recognition Tool

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    Understanding and using Design Patterns improves software quality through better comprehension of programs for both experienced developers and relative novices. Often design patterns are learned through simplified “toy” programs and exemplars that foreground the structure of the pattern. In production code the objects and methods that comprise the pattern can be hidden within a complex mesh of intra-code relationships. This paper introduces APRT, an ANTLR-based tool that recovers the structure of both static and dynamic patterns from large codebases so that they can be studied in context

    Modeling the paleogeography of north-western Palaeotethys across the Permian-Triassic boundary: constraints and possible solutions

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    We simulated for the first time the paleogeographicevolution of three thin depositional sequences of the shallowmarinewestern Palaeotethys, deposited in the Southern Alps (SA,Italy) during the devastating Permian-Triassic extinction. Thesimulation is calibrated by a rich set of published field data,measured in the uppermost Bellerophon Formation - lowermostWerfen Fm. Data and paleogeographic maps are located in theSA area palinspastically restored. The employed software is apreliminary version of SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC, that simulates:a) the spatial distribution of terrigenous and clastic carbonate, b)the fossil content, c) the microbial content. The models (maps)were realized as a back-analysis, by calibration on the 3Darchitecture of the real sedimentary sequences, particularly onthe spatial distribution of terrigenous-clastic carbonate ratio. Thesimulation covers a period of about 70 kyr, whereas eachsedimentary sequence corresponds to a time span of 15-20 kyr;the low stand tract spans 5-6 kyr. The models that best match thereality was achieved by using a curve of sea level changesobtained empirically, by subsequent attempts. The maximum sealevel change is about a dozen meters, and the study areaunderwent locally short periods of emersion, with soil orintertidal carbonates, followed by shallow marine, foreshorefacies. This sea level changes curve is likely to represent theglobal reference. We interpret the model results in light of thehypothesis that the curve of sea level change presented here couldwere produced by alternating global warming and cooling of theoceans. This curve, obtained by an independent method, wouldbe utilized as an important constraint of the global atmospheric,coupled with oceanic circulation, numerical models. On thecontrary, the disappearence of Permian-type taxa (fusulinids,forams, bivalves and algae) pre-dating the P-T boundary does notmatch the field data, because the software is lacking a fewspecific functions; these biologic carbonate components seems tohave beeen substituted by, for a still unknown environmentalcause, the production of oolites and of carbonate of microbialiticorigin
