5,132 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de recursos de design em pequenas empresas da indústria automóvel : uma abordagem metodológica

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    ABSTRACT: This paper reflects part of a broader investigation on the development of methodologies to identify, value and manage design capabilities in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage. With the automotive industry and smaller supplier Portuguese companies as background, this paper explores the resource-based view theory (RBV) and the dynamic capabilities theory as a theoretical construct for a further development of research tools. In the automotive industry, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) continue to control the overall design of the vehicle, as part of the ability to manage the offer portfolio and brand communication. However, the industry have been moving towards an increasing participation of smaller suppliers in product development processes, pushed towards capabilities’ development as a requirement to continue competitive in the OEM’s suppliers network. The role of design and design management capabilities have been explored as strategic resources or core competencies. However, Design is not typically found in smaller supplier firms as resource (as opposed to Design studios in larger companies) but found as a process in resourcecapability combinations, establishing the need for a new research approach. Therefore, the RBV is a tool to value the design process as a sustained competitive advantage. The RBV conceptualizes a framework to determine or identify the strategic resources available or needed within a company. At these lenses, the basis for a sustainable competitive advantage lies in the application of the bundle of valuable resources identified and at the firm's disposal and the combinations with its capabilitiesEste artigo reflete parte de uma investigação mais ampla sobre o desenvolvimento de metodologias para identificar, valorizar e gerir os recursos de design, com o objetivo de criar uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. Com a indústria automóvel e as pequenas empresas portuguesas fornecedoras como pano de fundo, este artigo explora a teoria da Resource Based View (RBV) e a teoria das Dynamic Capabili_es (DCT) como um construto teórico para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de investigação. Na indústria automóvel, os OEM (fabricantes de equipamentos originais) continuam a controlar o design geral do veículo, como parte da capacidade de gestão do seu portfólio assim como a comunicação de marca. No entanto, o setor tem seguido um caminho para uma participação crescente de fornecedores menores nos processos de desenvolvimento de produto, impulsionados para o desenvolvimento de capacidades como requisito de competitividade na rede de fornecedores dos OEM. O papel dos recursos do design e da gestão do design foram já explorados como recurso estratégicos ou competências fundamentais. No entanto, o Design não é normalmente encontrado em empresas de menor dimensão como recurso (em oposição aos estúdios de Design em empresas maiores), mas sim como um processo de combinações de diferentes capacidades e recursos, estabelecendo a necessidade de uma nova abordagem de pesquisa. Portanto, a RBV é uma ferramenta que visa a valorização do processo de design como uma vantagem competitiva sustentada. A RBV concetualiza uma estrutura para determinar ou identificar os recursos estratégicos disponíveis ou necessários dentro de uma empresa. Deste ponto de vista, a base para uma vantagem competitiva sustentável está na aplicação do conjunto de recursos valiosos identificados e à disposição da empresa em forma de combinações das suas diferentes capacidades e recursos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holistic analysis of the effectiveness of a software engineering teaching approach

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    To provide the best training in software engineering, several approaches and strategies are carried out. Some of them are more theoretical, learned through books and manuals, while others have a practical focus and often done in collaboration with companies. In this paper, we share an approach based on a balanced mix to foster the assimilation of knowledge, the approximation with what is done in software companies and student motivation. Two questionnaires were also carried out, one involving students, who had successfully completed the subject in past academic years (some had already graduated, and others are still students), and other questionnaire involving companies, in the field of software development, which employ students from our school. The analysis of the perspectives of the different stakeholders allows an overall and holistic) view, and a general understanding, of the effectiveness of the software engineering teaching approach. We analyse the results of the questionnaires and share some of the experiences and lessons learned.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The elderly and the digital inclusion: A brief reference to the initiatives of the European union and Portugal

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    Background: The world and Europe, in particular, are aging very fast, and in the same vein, digitization is moving very quickly into citizens’ routines. Given the fact that the elderly are the largest group of citizens who are info-excluded, this reality is worrying because it will quickly make them socially excluded. This article briefly presents the main initiatives of the European Union and Portugal to promote greater and faster digital inclusion of the elderly people. In the final section, there is a critical reflection on technology acceptance Model, the concept of universal design and usability in order to propose clues and strategies that can and/or may facilitate the use and access of technologies and digital resources by the elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A relevância da metáfora visual para a memorização de um logótipo

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    ABSTRACT : We investigate visual metaphor (visual symbolism) in logotypes, its perception and its effect on memory. Henceforth, a visual standard experiment was developed for that effect. This model can be adapted to other logotypes (fig.4 and fig.6). Our research aims to evaluate the value of the perception of visual metaphor within a logo and its mnemonic consequence on the observer. In general metaphor, or symbolism, is an action, person, place, word or object that represents another to give a different meaning. On our study we evaluate visual metaphors, therefore metaphors that are perceived through visual representation, such as is the case in logos, symbols, logo marks, marks and all derivative paraphernalia of nomenclatures associated to any kind of Visual Identity; be it Visual Corporate Identity or Visual non-Corporate Identity such as services, products and persons. Many designers incorporate universality to symbols in the conception of “logos”. For example: Linden Leader (1994) for FedEx incorporates an arrow, symbolizing to move switily and directly. It is the designer’s exertion and experience that will complement symbolism into a new graphic form, until then unknown. We evaluate the condition of adding a universal graphic form to a graphic creation and its communicative reach.A nossa investigação centra-se na metáfora visual que um logótipo pode conter, e a consequência do encontro dessa metáfora visual na memorização de um logótipo. Um teste modelo foi desenvolvido para esse efeito. Este modelo pode ser adaptado a outros logótipos (fig.4 e fig.6) Em termos gerais uma metáfora, ou símbolo, é uma ação, pessoa, lugar, palavra ou objeto que representa outro para lhe atribuir um significado diferente. No nosso estudo, analisamos metáforas visuais, portanto metáforas codificadas através da representação visual, nomeadamente em logótipos, símbolos, logo-marcas, marcas e/ou toda a parafernália de nomenclatura associada a qualquer tipo de identidade visual; seja identidade visual corporativa ou identidade visual não corporativa, como por exemplo em serviços, produtos e pessoas. Muitos designers incorporam símbolos universais na concepção de logótipos. Linden Leader em 1994 para o logótipo da FedEx incorporou uma seta, que simboliza o movimento rápido e direto. É o esforço e a experiência do designer que complementarão este simbolismo numa nova marca gráfica, até então desconhecida. Avaliaremos a condição de adicionar uma metáfora visual a um logótipo e o resultado do seu alcance comunicativo na memorização do mesmo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire

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    The main objective of this study was the validation of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS II), using a confirmatory factorial analysis of the measurement model, with veteran athletes. A total of 348 veteran Portuguese athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 60 years (M = 41.64, SD = 9.83), of whom 200 were males and 148 were females, from several sports. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrate the adequacy of the adapted version of the EVS II, as the factorial structure (6 factors/24 items) has acceptable validity indexes: χ2 = 305.925, p = 0.000, df = 120.017, χ2/df = 2.549, NFI (Normed Fit Index) = 0.909, TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) = 0.918, CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.944, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.944, AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.909, SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) = 0.048, RMSEA (Root Mean Square of Approximation) = 0.060, allowing evaluation of the dimensions of balanced diet, respect for mealtime, tobacco and alcohol consumption, other drugs consumption and resting habits. The adaptation to sport of the Portuguese version of EVS II can be used with reasonable confidence in the evaluation of healthy lifestyles in the context of sportinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fertilisation with compost: effects on soil phosphorus sorption and on phosphorus availability in acid soils.

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    Phosphate mineral fertilisers are manufactured from non-renewable resources.Soil fertilisation with composts is considered a good source of reuse nutrients such as phosphorus (P). The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of compost fertilisation on soil P sorption and consequently on P availability. It was done an incubation experiment followed by a sorption experiment in a low-P acid soil fertilised with compost (CP) or single superphosphate (SSP). The P application rates were: 0, 6.5, 13, 26 and 52 (kg∙P∙ha−1). In CP treatments, the rates 26 and 52 kg∙P∙ha−1 were achieved by adding SSP to CP since it was not allowed to incorporate into soil more than 170 kg∙N∙ha−1 from organic amendments. Although SSP has a higher proportion of easily available P than CP (86% vs 50%), the results showed that after 140 days of soil incubation, the available P was higher in CP treatments compared with SSP at the same rate of P application. The sorption experiment showed that after incubation of the fertilised soils, the P sorption maximum had lower values in treatments with CP in combination with SSP compared with only SSP fertilisation and the bonding energy had a deeper decrease in the same treatments. Also, the Standard Phosphate Requirement decreased in the CP in combination with SSP treatments. The reduction of soil P sorption capacity after compost addition to soil highlights the need of reducing P fertilisation rates to achieve similar levels of available P compared with only SSP fertilisation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A methodological approach to evaluate elderly-robot interactions

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    The relevance in the study of interaction between elderly and robots may depend on the choice of activities that robots can be developed to perform and the assessment of their impact and importance for older people. This research requires coordinated research between computer engineers and specialists in the humanities and social sciences. Being a recent research area, it is particularly relevant to carefully select the behavioural variables to be analyzed, the methodology adopted and the instruments that allow for a rigorous evaluation. Based on these assumptions, the present study aims to develop Innovative Initiatives for the Promotion of Active Aging in the EUROACE Region. The authors propose an appropriate methodology and instruments to evaluate the impact of the human-robot interaction in the promotion of a more active aging in a group of elderly in a nursing home. The analyzed variables focus on the involvement of the elderly in the activities, their capacity for initiative and to establish social interactions, indicators of well-being and a proactive attitude. The methodology of the study is mixed (qualitative and quantitative), organized as an exploratory case study. Data collection is based on naturalistic observation but variables are quantitatively assessed in a pre/post-test design. The research design identified the narratives of the elderly and the staff of the institution regarding the needs and interests of each elderly person, classified the participants according to the levels of prevailing social interactions, involvement and initiative in activities, considered important variables for an active ageing and, in this sense, demonstrated its adequacy to be used to evaluate the results of the intervention using social assistive robots.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preliminary characterization of a Moroccan honey with a predominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen

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    Honey with Bupleurum spinosum (zandaz) as a main pollen source has not been the subject of previous detailed study. Therefore, twelve Moroccan samples of this honey were subjected to melissopalynological, physicochemical and microbiological quality characterization, as well as antioxidant activity assessment. From a quality point of view, almost all samples were within the limits established by Codex Alimentarius, and/or the European legislation. All samples presented predominance of B. spinosum pollen (more than 48%). Relatively high levels of trehalose (1.3-4.0 g/100 g) and melezitose (1.5-2.8 g/100 g) were detected. Those sugars, not common in monofloral honeys, could be used as an important factor to discriminate zandaz honey. Flavonoid content correlated positively with the honey color, melanoidin and polyphenol content, and negatively with the IC50 values of scavenging ABTS (2,2' - azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) free radicals, while proline amount correlated negatively with IC50 values of nitric oxide scavenging activity and chelating power. This correlation supports the use of anti-oxidant activities as important variables for PCA (principal component analysis). Both components explained 70% from the given data, and showed certain homogeneity upon analyzed samples independent of the region, suggesting the importance of B. spinosum nectar in the resulting honey characteristics.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia for Research Center [UID/BIM/04773/2013 CBMR 1334, UID/AGR/00239/2013, UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569)]; ERDF through the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI

    Rumo aos desafios da economia circular : ferramentas de apoio a uma nova estratégia na prática de design

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    ABSTRACT : The circular economy is a new strategic concept to meet society's needs in a more efficient and sustainable manner based in decoupling the economic growth and welfare from the increase in the consumption of natural resources. It implies the transition from the traditional linear model to a more innovative and circular approach in the development of the economy by designing new products, new services, and new systems, supported, in most cases, by the re-thinking and creation of new business models. Designers and product developers have an important and crucial role to achieve a successful and wide implementation of the concept which has to be accepted and applied in practice by businesses along the whole value chain and meet the current and future needs of consumers and the society. Currently, several methods, principles, practices, tools, training initiatives, and many resources are being developed globally as a result of the wide exploitation of the concept, but there is still a large gap between what is available to companies and designers, and what is applied in practice on product and service development. This paper reflects part of the PhD research project under development by the authors which is based on the promotion of the design practice within Circular Economy. It explores the results of the review of circularity tools available that can be used by design professionals to systematize and guide their development process. The analysis will support the development of a toolkit and guidelines oriented for the practical implementation of the circular economy in the development of innovative and efficient products and services. (Camocho, Ferreira, & Vicente, 2018).A economia circular é um novo conceito estratégico que visa responder às necessidades da sociedade de uma forma mais eficiente e sustentável que se baseia na dissociação entre crescimento económico e bem-estar do aumento do consumo de recursos naturais. Esta transição, do modelo linear tradicional para uma abordagem mais inovadora e circular no desenvolvimento da economia implica o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, novos serviços e novos sistemas, apoiados, na maioria dos casos, no repensar e na criação de novos modelos de negócio. Os designers e os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de produtos têm um papel importante e crucial para alcançar uma implementação ampla e bem-sucedida do conceito. Este deve ser aceite e aplicado na prática pelas empresas ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor atendendo às necessidades atuais e futuras dos consumidores e da sociedade. Atualmente, vários métodos, princípios, práticas, ferramentas, iniciativas de formação e outros recursos têm sido desenvolvidos globalmente como resultado da ampla exploração do conceito, no entanto, ainda existe uma grande lacuna entre o que está disponível para empresas e designers e o que é aplicado na prática no desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços. Este artigo reflete parte do projeto de investigação de doutoramento em desenvolvimento pelos autores, o qual se baseia na promoção da prática de design no âmbito da Economia Circular. Explora os resultados da revisão de ferramentas de circularidade disponíveis que podem ser aplicadas pelos profissionais de design na sistematização e orientação do processo de desenvolvimento. Esta análise irá apoiar o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de ferramentas e orientações para a implementação prática da economia circular no desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços mais inovadores e mais eficientes. (Camocho, Ferreira & Vicente, 2018).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Postural patterns in the first year of life: contributions of maternal physical activity in the pregnancy period

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    BACKGROUND: The study objective was intended to verify whether the practice of maternal physical activity during the pregnancy period could be assumed as a contribution to the acquisition of postural patterns in the child during its first year of life. METHODS: A transversal and descriptive study was carried where we recorded the developments observed in a sample of 80 Portuguese children, according to the habits and type of physical activity of the mothers. Statistical descriptive and inferential test were performed. RESULTS: The results were clearly positive in terms of temporal gains of neck tonic control, and also in the acquisition of an erect position. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the average values are not statistical significant we have observed indicators that the maternal physical activity during pregnancy apparently is a factor that can favor the child’s motor development during their first year of life, particularly in the acquisition of postural patterns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio