3,412,420 research outputs found

    Strongly Refuting Random CSPs Below the Spectral Threshold

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    Random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) are known to exhibit threshold phenomena: given a uniformly random instance of a CSP with nn variables and mm clauses, there is a value of m=Ω(n)m = \Omega(n) beyond which the CSP will be unsatisfiable with high probability. Strong refutation is the problem of certifying that no variable assignment satisfies more than a constant fraction of clauses; this is the natural algorithmic problem in the unsatisfiable regime (when m/n=ω(1)m/n = \omega(1)). Intuitively, strong refutation should become easier as the clause density m/nm/n grows, because the contradictions introduced by the random clauses become more locally apparent. For CSPs such as kk-SAT and kk-XOR, there is a long-standing gap between the clause density at which efficient strong refutation algorithms are known, m/nO~(nk/21)m/n \ge \widetilde O(n^{k/2-1}), and the clause density at which instances become unsatisfiable with high probability, m/n=ω(1)m/n = \omega (1). In this paper, we give spectral and sum-of-squares algorithms for strongly refuting random kk-XOR instances with clause density m/nO~(n(k/21)(1δ))m/n \ge \widetilde O(n^{(k/2-1)(1-\delta)}) in time exp(O~(nδ))\exp(\widetilde O(n^{\delta})) or in O~(nδ)\widetilde O(n^{\delta}) rounds of the sum-of-squares hierarchy, for any δ[0,1)\delta \in [0,1) and any integer k3k \ge 3. Our algorithms provide a smooth transition between the clause density at which polynomial-time algorithms are known at δ=0\delta = 0, and brute-force refutation at the satisfiability threshold when δ=1\delta = 1. We also leverage our kk-XOR results to obtain strong refutation algorithms for SAT (or any other Boolean CSP) at similar clause densities. Our algorithms match the known sum-of-squares lower bounds due to Grigoriev and Schonebeck, up to logarithmic factors. Additionally, we extend our techniques to give new results for certifying upper bounds on the injective tensor norm of random tensors

    Feature recognition & tool path generation for 5 axis STEP-NC machining of free form / irregular contoured surfaces

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    This research paper presents a five step algorithm to generate tool paths for machining Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS) by adopting STEP-NC (AP-238) format. In the first step, a parametrized CAD model with FICS is created or imported in UG-NX6.0 CAD package. The second step recognizes the features and calculates a Closeness Index (CI) by comparing them with the B-Splines / Bezier surfaces. The third step utilizes the CI and extracts the necessary data to formulate the blending functions for identified features. In the fourth step Z-level 5 axis tool paths are generated by adopting flat and ball end mill cutters. Finally, in the fifth step, tool paths are integrated with STEP-NC format and validated. All these steps are discussed and explained through a validated industrial component

    Alphabet Sign Language Recognition Using Leap Motion Technology and Rule Based Backpropagation-genetic Algorithm Neural Network (Rbbpgann)

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    Sign Language recognition was used to help people with normal hearing communicate effectively with the deaf and hearing-impaired. Based on survey that conducted by Multi-Center Study in Southeast Asia, Indonesia was on the top four position in number of patients with hearing disability (4.6%). Therefore, the existence of Sign Language recognition is important. Some research has been conducted on this field. Many neural network types had been used for recognizing many kinds of sign languages. However, their performance are need to be improved. This work focuses on the ASL (Alphabet Sign Language) in SIBI (Sign System of Indonesian Language) which uses one hand and 26 gestures. Here, thirty four features were extracted by using Leap Motion. Further, a new method, Rule Based-Backpropagation Genetic Al-gorithm Neural Network (RB-BPGANN), was used to recognize these Sign Languages. This method is combination of Rule and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPGANN). Based on experiment this pro-posed application can recognize Sign Language up to 93.8% accuracy. It was very good to recognize large multiclass instance and can be solution of overfitting problem in Neural Network algorithm

    Social relation recognition in egocentric photostreams

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper proposes an approach to automatically categorize the social interactions of a user wearing a photo-camera (2fpm), by relying solely on what the camera is seeing. The problem is challenging due to the overwhelming complexity of social life and the extreme intra-class variability of social interactions captured under unconstrained conditions. We adopt the formalization proposed in Bugental’s social theory, that groups human relations into five social domains with related categories. Our method is a new deep learning architecture that exploits the hierarchical structure of the label space and relies on a set of social attributes estimated at frame level to provide a semantic representation of social interactions. Experimental results on the new EgoSocialRelation dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fichte and Hegel on Recognition

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    In this paper I provide an interpretation of Hegel’s account of ‘recognition’ (Anerkennung) in the 1802-3 System of Ethical Life as a critique of Fichte’s account of recognition in the 1796-7 Foundations of Natural Right. In the first three sections of the paper I argue that Fichte’s account of recognition in the domain of right is not concerned with recognition as a moral attitude. I then turn, in section four, to a discussion of Hegel’s critique and transformation of Fichte’s conception of recognition. Hegel’s transformation consists, I argue, in the claim that a comprehensive account of recognition in the domain of right must be concerned with recognition as a moral attitude