698 research outputs found

    Trajectories of Attaining and Sustaining Quality in E-learning

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    This case study of the Zimbabwe Open University looked at trajectories of attaining and sustaining quality in e-learning in an open and distance teaching university. Data was collected from a purposive sample of 56 students and 15 members of staff from two regional campuses. The study revealed that e-learning should not be taken as a supplementary mode of delivery but as the key pedagogical instrument. An e-learning centre has to be created to develop e-learning materials, sourcing digital materials for the students and staff and supporting faculties and departments in delivering e-learning courses. Experts must be employed who will evaluate appropriateness of e-learning procedures, accuracy of e-learning content and utility of e-learning courses. There is also need to periodically seek user perceptions and act on feedback promptly. The research recommended increased use of e-learning not as a supplementary mode but an economical way of expanding educational services and widening opportunities and making use of emerging technologies to expand the delivery of quality education. More research could be done on the interactive aspects of elearning.Keywords: Quality, E-learning, Open and Distance Learning, Online Learning, attaining quality and sustaining qualit

    Extending information system continuance theory with system quality in e-learning context

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    Ten years ago, Bhattacherjee proposed the information system continuance model, which received considerable attention inthe literature. This study proposes an extended information system continuance model by incorporating system quality to theoriginal model in the context of educators’ utilization of e-learning technology for conducting courses. Our proposed modelis tested using a sample of 175 university educators using structured equation modeling. The results show that there is nosignificant direct association between system quality and continuance intention. However, system quality affects continuanceintention indirectly via perceived usefulness and satisfaction. All the relationships of the original information systemcontinuance model were supported. The determinants of continuance intention explained around 70% of its total variance

    Tools for evaluating quality in e-learning

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    En este artículo se exponen cuatro herramientas para efectuar una evaluación de la calidad en el e-learning. UNE 66181:2012 y ECBCheck están orientadas hacia la evaluación de calidad del proceso formativo, mientras que LORI y LOEM se orientan a evaluar la calidad de los recursos educativos. La calidad en el e-learning abarcará diversas facetas, tales como usabilidad, relevancia didáctica, interactividad, profundidad de contenidos, reusabilidad, modularidad o accesibilidad. Las posibilidades de formación virtual toman un papel protagonista hacia el conocimiento sin fronteras, debido a su facilidad de difusión a través de medios digitales y de Internet.This article describes four tools for evaluating quality in e-learning. UNE 66181: 2012 and ECBCheck are oriented towards quality assessment of the training process, while LORI and LOEM are aimed at assessing the quality of educational resources. Quality in e-learning cover various aspects such as usability, educational relevance, interactivity, depth of content, reusability, modularity or accessibility. The possibilities of virtual training take a leading role towards knowledge without boundaries, due to its ease of dissemination through digital media and the Internet

    Online-Lernen im tertiären Bildungssektor - der Swiss Virtual Campus

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    Seit dem Jahr 2000 besteht in der Schweiz der hochschulübergreifende Swiss Virtual Campus (SVC). Es handelt sich dabei um ein Impulsprogramm des Bundes mit der Absicht, die Lehre im tertiären Bildungsbereich zu erneuern. Einzelne Lehrveranstaltungen werden in modulare Bildungsangebote überführt, die in Fern- und/oder Präsenzveranstaltungen besucht werden können. Zurzeit werden fünfzig virtuelle Lernumgebungen über das Internet angeboten. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den pädagogischen Zielsetzungen des Swiss Virtual Campus und dem Beratungsangebot der Arbeitsgruppe eQuality (educational Quality in E-Learning). Abschliessend werden erste Erfahrungen vorgestellt

    Теоретичний підхід до якісті дистанційного навчання

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    Introduction. Over the past decade, as technology coupled with the increasingly frequent use of the internet have become the forefront of business and academia, e-learning has emerged on the global higher education stage as a leading means of gaining an education in Higher Education. Because internet-based learning is currently such a relevant topic, inter alia due to the occurrence of the pandemic, there is a dire need for the creation of a common language to proceed in a collectively positive direction regarding the development of a culture of excellence within e-learning. This paper provides a springboard to discuss the underlying issues and challenges related to quality of internet-based learning, including the need for right measuring, and understanding dimensions of e-learning quality. Aim and tasks. The quality of education needs to be addressed (measured and managed) comprehensively, which means that, in addition to pedagogical aspects, it is also necessary to address the market quality. Therefore, a distinction must be made between quality that meets specifications (standard quality) and quality that meets expectations. Therefore, the main aim of the article is to review the different definitions of quality in e-learning and the dimensions that must be included in measuring the quality of e-learning. Results. Based on an extensive review of the literature on quality in e-learning, we conclude that the quality of e-learning cannot be viewed only from the student's perspective, but from the point of view of all participants in the e-learning process. In addition to pedagogical aspects, organizational, economic, and legal aspects must also be considered. What dimensions are key to measuring quality in e-learning thus remains a question to be answered. Conclusions. The quality of e-learning depends on many factors. Despite many discussions about quality and the search for appropriate dimensions of quality in e-learning, there is still no single evaluative standard. Because of this, effective qualitative metrics for e-learning are urgently required.Вступ. Протягом останнього десятиліття, коли технології в поєднанні із дедалі частішим використанням Інтернету стали головними для бізнесу та наукових кіл, електронне навчання з’явилося у світовій вищій освіті як провідний засіб здобуття освіти у галузі вищої освіти. Оскільки в даний час навчання на основі Інтернету є такою актуальною темою, в тому числі через появу пандемії, існує гостра необхідність у розвитку системи E-learning, яка рухатиметься в сукупному позитивному напрямку щодо розвитку культури та досконалості в межах електронного навчання. Стаття пропонує основу для обговорення основних питань та проблем, пов'язаних з якістю навчання в Інтернеті, включаючи необхідність у правильному вимірюванні та розумінні оцінки якості електронного навчання. Мета і завдання. Якість освіти потребує комплексного вирішення (вимірювання та управління), а це означає, що, крім педагогічних аспектів, необхідно також звернути увагу на якість ринку. Тому слід розрізняти якість, що відповідає специфікаціям (стандартна якість), та якість, яка відповідає очікуванням. Отже, основною метою статті є огляд різних визначень якості електронного навчання та вимірів, які необхідно враховувати при вимірюванні якості електронного навчання. Результати. На основі огляду літератури про якість електронного навчання ми дійшли висновку, що якість електронного навчання не можна розглядати лише з точки зору студента, а з точки зору всіх учасників процесу електронного навчання. Окрім педагогічних аспектів, слід також враховувати організаційні, економічні та правові аспекти. Які виміри є ключовими для вимірювання якості електронного навчання, залишається питанням, на яке слід відповісти. Висновки. Якість електронного навчання залежить від багатьох факторів. Незважаючи на багато дискусій щодо якості та пошук відповідних вимірів якості в електронному навчанні, досі не існує єдиного оціночного стандарту. Через це терміново потрібні ефективні якісні показники для електронного навчання

    A relational, indirect, meso-level approach to CSCL design in the next decade

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    This paper reviews some foundational issues that we believe will affect the progress of CSCL over the next ten years. In particular, we examine the terms technology, affordance, and infrastructure and we propose a relational approach to their use in CSCL. Following a consideration of networks, space, and trust as conditions of productive learning, we propose an indirect approach to design in CSCL. The work supporting this theoretical paper is based on the outcomes of two European networks: E-QUEL, a network investigating e-quality in e-learning; and Kaleidoscope, a European Union Framework 6 Network of Excellence. In arguing for a relational understanding of affordance, infrastructure, and technology we also argue for a focus on what we describe as meso-level activity. Overall this paper does not aim to be comprehensive or summative in its review of the state of the art in CSCL, but rather to provide a view of the issues currently facing CSCL from a European perspective

    Evaluation of a global MBA programme

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    E-learning continues to develop rapidly supported by increasing sophistication of information technology and by better understanding of how to make content and delivery more effective. Moreover, new forms of e-learning support system are being introduced to higher education institutions in an effort to meet the student-centred learning paradigms recommended by UNESCO (UNESCO, 1998). The creation and implementation of effective quality assurance for such learning processes has been identified as one of the most challenging tasks. Jara & Mellar (2010) and Martínez-Argüelles et al. (2010) point out that the collection of student feedback should be a central part of strategies to monitor the quality and standards of teaching and learning in higher education institutions for both conventional learning and e-learning. Jara & Mellar (2010) note also that while research into e-learning abounds, studies that focus on the effectiveness of the provision of e-learning are limited, and that this is a gap to be filled. This article reports on the evaluation of, and the consequent changes to, the global e-learning MBA programme from the University of Bedfordshire. The research was conducted by three members of the MBA team - two Senior Lecturers and the E-learning Development Manager. The aim was to investigate the learning experiences and perceptions of the students and to evaluate the effectiveness of the e-learning support system