125 research outputs found

    Phagocytosis of Legionella pneumophila is mediated by human monocyte complement receptors.

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    We have examined receptors mediating phagocytosis of the intracellular bacterial pathogen, Legionella pneumophila. Three mAbs against the type 3 complement receptor (CR3), which recognizes C3bi, inhibit adherence of L. pneumophila to monocytes by 64 +/- 8% to 74 +/- 11%. An mAb against the type 1 complement receptor (CR1), which recognizes C3b, inhibits adherence by 68 +/- 1%. mAbs against other monocyte surface antigens do not significantly influence adherence. Monocytes plated on substrates of L. pneumophila membranes modulate their CR1 and CR3 receptors but not Fc receptors; such monocytes bind 70% fewer C3b-coated erythrocytes and 53% fewer C3bi-coated erythrocytes than control monocytes. Adherence of L. pneumophila to monocytes in nonimmune sera is dependent on heat-labile serum opsonins; adherence is markedly reduced in heat-inactivated serum (84% reduction) or buffer alone (97% reduction) compared with fresh serum. mAbs against CR1 and CR3 receptors also inhibit L. pneumophila intracellular multiplication and protect monocyte monolayers from destruction by this bacterium. This study demonstrates that human monocyte complement receptors, CR1 and CR3, mediate phagocytosis of L. pneumophila. These receptors may play a general role in mediating phagocytosis of intracellular pathogens

    Role of transferrin, transferrin receptors, and iron in macrophage listericidal activity.

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    It is not yet known what properties distinguish macrophages which can kill facultative intracellular bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes, from those which cannot. Listeria is an organism which requires iron for growth, yet macrophage listericidal mechanisms are also likely to be iron dependent. We show here that resident peritoneal macrophages and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages cannot kill listeria, but proteose peptone-elicited and FCS-elicited macrophages can. All these cell populations phagocytose listeria. Transferrin receptor expression is low on resident cells, intermediate on peptone- and FCS-elicited cells, and high on thioglycollate-elicited cells. Transferrin transports iron into cells via the transferrin receptor: thus, iron content of resident cells is low, of peptone- and FCS-elicited cells is intermediate, and of thioglycollate-elicited cells is high. Moreover, antibody to transferrin, which prevents it binding its receptor, inhibits listericidal macrophages from killing this bacterium. Finally, nonlistericidal cells with high transferrin receptor expression and high intracellular iron become listericidal if they are incubated with apotransferrin, an iron-free ligand which prevents iron uptake by cells. These data suggest that macrophages must have enough available intracellular iron to support listericidal mechanisms, but too much iron favors growth of the bacterium, which no longer can be killed by the macrophage

    The binding affinity of human IgG for its high affinity Fc receptor is determined by multiple amino acids in the CH2 domain and is modulated by the hinge region.

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    A family of chimeric immunoglobulins (Igs) bearing the murine variable region directed against the hapten dansyl linked to human IgG1, -2, -3, and -4 has been characterized with respect to binding to the human high affinity Fc gamma receptor, Fc gamma RI. Chimeric IgG1 and -3 have the highest affinity association (Ka = 10(9) M-1), IgG4 is 10-fold reduced from this level, and IgG2 displays no detectable binding. A series of genetic manipulations was undertaken in which domains from the strongly binding subclass IgG3 were exchanged with domains from the nonbinding subclass IgG2. The subclass of the CH2 domain was found to be critical for determining IgG receptor affinity. In addition, the hinge region was found to modulate the affinity of the IgG for Fc gamma RI, possibly by determining accessibility of Fc gamma RI to the binding site on Fc. A series of amino acid substitutions were engineered into the CH2 domain of IgG3 and IgG4 at sites considered potentially important to Fc receptor binding based on homology comparisons of binding and nonbinding IgG subclasses. Characterization of these mutants has revealed the importance for Fc gamma RI association of two regions of the genetic CH2 domain separated in primary structure by nearly 100 residues. The first of these is the hinge-link or lower hinge regions, in which two residues, Leu (234) and Leu(235) in IgG1 and -3, are critical to high affinity binding. Substitution at either of these sites reduces the IgG association constant by 10-100-fold. The second region that appears to contribute to receptor binding is in a hinge-proximal bend between two beta strands within the CH2 domain, specifically, Pro(331) in IgG1 and -3. As a result of beta sheet formation within this domain, this residue lies within 11 A of the hinge-link region. Substitution at this site reduces the Fc receptor association constant by 10-fold

    Optical tracking of bacterial immune phagocytosis based on acid-responsive probes

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    细菌感染与免疫杀死代表着病原体与宿主相互关系中很重要的两个方面,研究细菌感染与免疫反应的关系,有助于对病原体致病机理的理解。吞噬作用作为生命体防御感染的一道防线,是最古老的,也是最基本的防卫机制之一。吞噬细胞通过吞噬感染的细菌形成吞噬体,随后吞噬体逐渐与溶酶体融合形成吞噬溶酶体。溶酶体是细胞的消化器官,其内部pH为4~5,含有各种水解酶。细菌在吞噬溶酶体内被酸性pH及水解酶的协同作用降解杀死。 细胞吞噬作用异常则会导致机体的免疫功能缺陷,从而引发一系列的疾病。能够实时追踪细菌吞噬作用的过程对于研究病原微生物的致病机理具有重要意义。目前研究中常利用荧光素标记的乳胶粒子、绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)转...Bacterial infection and immunological eradiation are two key aspets of hosts-pathogen interplay. A precise understanding of host-pathogen interaction is critical for treatment variety of infectious diseases. Phagocytosis is an effective anti-bacteria defense. Phagocytes engulf bacteria to the phagosomes, which then fuse with lysosomes to form phagolysosomes. Lysosomes are the digestive organelle o...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学生物学学号:2052013115167

    Role of Bacterial Exopolymers and Host Factors on Adherence and Phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus in Foreign Body Infection

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    Using a previously developed guinea pig model of foreign body infection, we examined ultrastructural and functional surface alterations of Staphylococcus aureus strain Wood 46 during the early phase of infection. Exopolymer-free bacteria were prepared and inoculated into subcutaneously implanted tissue cages. After three hours, the bacteria showed abundant capsular and intercellular exopolymers, which were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. Exopolymers were also produced by S. aureus exposed in vitro to fluid from the tissue cage. In contrast, human serum albumin prevented exopolymer production by S. aureus. The influence of exopolymers on the susceptibility of S. aureus to ingestion and phagocytic killing by neutrophils was tested in vitro and found to be negligible. Furthermore, adherence of S. aureus to fibronectin-coated surfaces was unaffected by the presence or absence of exopolymers. Thus, in our experimental model, exopolymers are produced early during the onset of infection, but they have little impact on adherence and phagocytosi