8,086 research outputs found

    Optimization of extraction conditions of antioxidant activity from zingiber zerumbet oleoresin

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    The health promoting capacity of natural antioxidant from phytochemicals has increase attention from researchers and public. However, processing is affecting the activity and the bioavailability of bioactive compounds. Therefore, the optimization of extraction condition of antioxidant activity from Zingiber zerumbet oleoresin was investigated. A Box-Behnken design technique was employed to study the effect of different range parameters of soxhlet extraction. Analysis of variance and response surface methodology were applied to identify the optimal processing parameter. Independent variables were extraction time (8, 10 and 12), type of solvent used (hexane, acetone, ethanol) and blanching treatment (steam treated, boil treated, untreated). The response and variables were fitted well to each other by multiple regressions. All the independent parameters affected oleoresin yield and antioxidant activity significantly. The optimal processing parameter that fulfilled the requirement for yield of oleoresin and antioxidant activity were found to be 12 h extraction time, ethanol as the solvent used and untreated sample. While, the optimal yield of oleoresin was 13.05% w/w and antioxidant activity was 16.01% w/w

    Aktivitas Antioksidan, Total Fenol, Dan Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Dan Oleoresin Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmannii)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya aktivitas antioksidan, total fenol, dan aktivitas antibakteriminyak atsiri dan oleoresin kayu manis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan minyak atsiri 0,551%DPPH/mg, oleoresin proses ekstraksi 5,808% DPPH/mg, dan oleoresin proses destilasi-ekstraksi 5,509% DPPH/mg.Total fenol minyak atsiri 3,853 mg/ml, oleoresin proses ekstraksi 28,563 mg/ml, oleoresin proses destilasi-ekstraksi15,975 mg/ml. Diameter zona penghambatan minyak atsiri terhadap P. putida FNCC 0070 39,52 mm dan P. fluorescensFNCC 0071 33 mm; oleoresin proses ekstraksi terhadap P. putida FNCC 0070 19,17 mm dan P. fluorescens FNCC0071 19,10 mm; oleoresin proses destilasi-ekstraksi terhadap P. putida FNCC 0070 19,87 mm dan P. fluorescens FNCC0071 18,97 mm. Minyak atsiri kayu manis menunjukkan nilai aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi, sedangkan oleoresin prosesekstraksi menunjukkan total fenol tertinggi. Oleoresin proses ekstraksi dan oleoresin proses destilasi-ekstraksimenunjukkan nilai aktivitas antioksidan dan aktivitas antibakteri yang sama, tetapi total fenol menunjukkan adanyaperbedaan

    Optimisation of operating parameters for the removal of ethanol from Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) oleoresin using short-path distillation

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    Due to the importance of exploiting the natural sources to enhance healthier lifestyle, cultivated herbs such as Zingiber Officinale Roscoe or ginger has become our main interest in this research in order to accomplish all the objectives mentioned. Using a statistical software called MINITAB, optimisation on short-path distillation experiments was done and the results showed that feed temperature, along with evaporating temperature and distillate rate were the three operational parameters that influenced the purification process of ginger oleoresin. Feed temperature should be set at 65°C and the evaporating temperature also at the same temperature to maximise the oleoresin concentration. The result of the study also point to the advantages and efficiency of feed pre-heating to temperature close or equals to that of evaporating temperature under steady-state conditions for the given operating conditions, prior to its entering the evaporation surface. Although feed rate effect is not statistically significant, it does have linear effect on the oleoresin concentration. The vast difference between theoretical separation efficiency and calculated separation efficiency was probably due to the thickness of liquid film, initial concentration and viscosity of the liquid feed. The theoretical value of recovery yield at feed and evaporating temperature of 65°C is 0.99, and experimental value of recovery yield is 0.95. Based on this integrated knowledge on various type of ginger samples, pre-processing methods and more importantly the experience of applying technologies in optimising final purification of ginger oleoresin, would serve to enhance the transfer of advanced technology to local producers

    Kinetics of lycopene degradation in sunflower and grape seed oils

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    The stability of lycopene in two vegetable oils, sunflower seed oil (SSO) and grape seed oil (GSO), was investigated by analyzing the carotenoid degradation kinetics in the temperature range of 10–40°C. A tomato oleoresin containing 6% (w/w) of lycopene was used to prepare lycopene-enriched oil samples. Analysis of kinetic data showed that lycopene degradation follows first-order kinetics, with an apparent activation energy of 70.7 kJ mol–1 in SSO and 69 kJ mol–1 in GSO. The estimated half-life of lycopene was found to depend on oil type and storage temperature. At 20°C, it varied between 59 and 122 days, while at 4°C it was comprised between 302 and 650 days. At all temperatures, lycopene was more stable in SSO than in GSO, which is likely due to the higher content of antioxidant compounds in SSO

    Genetic Variation in Resistance of Scotch Pine to Zimmerman Pine Moth

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    (excerpt) Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), a forest tree introduced from Eurasia, is commonly planted for Christmas tree and timber use in northeastern United States. In this country it has numerous insect enemies. Among the most important are European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiffermiieller); pine root collar weevil, Hylobius radicis Buchanan;,European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy); and eastern white-pine shoot borer, Eucosma gloriola Heinrich. Previous studies (Wright et al., 1967; Wright and Wilson, 1972; Steiner, 1974) have revealed large genetic differences in resistance to some of these pests. Another destructive pest is the Zimmerman pine moth, Dioryctria zimmermani (Grote). In 1968 this insect, native to the United States, was found attacking trees in a Scotch pine provenance test in southwestern Michigan. The attack rate was heavy and by 1973 it was obvious that some rams or varieties were attacked more heavily than others. This is a report on those differences

    Phytochemicals as antibiotic alternatives to promote growth and enhance host health

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    There are heightened concerns globally on emerging drug-resistant superbugs and the lack of new antibiotics for treating human and animal diseases. For the agricultural industry, there is an urgent need to develop strategies to replace antibiotics for food-producing animals, especially poultry and livestock. The 2nd International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics was held at the World Organization for Animal Health in Paris, France, December 12-15, 2016 to discuss recent scientific developments on strategic antibiotic-free management plans, to evaluate regional differences in policies regarding the reduction of antibiotics in animal agriculture and to develop antibiotic alternatives to combat the global increase in antibiotic resistance. More than 270 participants from academia, government research institutions, regulatory agencies, and private animal industries from >25 different countries came together to discuss recent research and promising novel technologies that could provide alternatives to antibiotics for use in animal health and production; assess challenges associated with their commercialization; and devise actionable strategies to facilitate the development of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) without hampering animal production. The 3-day meeting consisted of four scientific sessions including vaccines, microbial products, phytochemicals, immune-related products, and innovative drugs, chemicals and enzymes, followed by the last session on regulation and funding. Each session was followed by an expert panel discussion that included industry representatives and session speakers. The session on phytochemicals included talks describing recent research achievements, with examples of successful agricultural use of various phytochemicals as antibiotic alternatives and their mode of action in major agricultural animals (poultry, swine and ruminants). Scientists from industry and academia and government research institutes shared their experience in developing and applying potential antibiotic-alternative phytochemicals commercially to reduce AGPs and to develop a sustainable animal production system in the absence of antibiotics.Fil: Lillehoj, Hyun. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; ArgentinaFil: Liu, Yanhong. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Calsamiglia, Sergio. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Chi, Fang. Amlan International; Estados UnidosFil: Cravens, Ron L.. Amlan International; Estados UnidosFil: Oh, Sungtaek. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; ArgentinaFil: Gay, Cyril G.. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; Argentin

    Extraction and use of a carotenoid colorant from red bell pepper juice

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    The objectives for this study were the extraction of the carotenoid pigments in waste juice from canning of diced red peppers in the form of an oleoresin, quantification, characterization and use of the extracted pepper oleoresin as a colorant in French dressing. Commercial paprika oleoresin, an approved food colorant, was used as the reference for comparison with pepper oleoresin throughout the study. The mean concentration of recoverable oleoresin in waste pepper juice was found to be 0.0406% and 0.854% in terms of total dry matter with a mean A.S.T.A. color value of 2192, 2.3 times that of a commercial paprika oleoresin. The pepper and paprika oleoresins were found also to have very similar color by comparing C.I.E. color parameters. Stability of pepper oleoresin compared to paprika oleoresin was investigated by studying the effect of temperature, light and air. Pepper oleoresin was found to be more stable to heat than paprika oleoresin. The effects of other factors were found to be the same for two oleoresins. Using the analysis of variance data, regression polynomials were derived. To use pepper oleoresin as a colorant in French dressing, batches of French dressing were made containing pepper and paprika oleoresin as colorants with adjusted equal colors measured by YCIE. The color and flavor of French dressing were followed over a 45 day storage period at room temperature and normal incident light. The dressings were examined at 0, 15, 30 and 45 days. The dressings were subjected to sensory panels at each time for color and flavor evaluation and objective color measurements were made. In sensory evaluation of French dressing, no difference was found for color. Difference was found for flavor without any preference for samples containing either colorant. The objective color measurements in French dressing showed no significant change in color throughout the storage period

    Karakterisasi Kemasan Kertas Aktif dengan Penambahan Oleoresin Ampas Destilasi Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon Citratus)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur (0 %, 2 %, 4 %, dan 6 % b/b) terhadap karakteristik kemasan kertas aktif (analisis sensoris, kadar air, ketebalan, ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan aktifitas antimikroba), mengetahui gugus fungsi kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih, mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 hari) terhadap karakteristik kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih (uji ketahanan lipat dan ketahanan tarik), dan mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur terpilih sebelum dan setelah penyimpanan selama 20 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi oleoresin berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, overall (penerimaan keseluruhan), ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan aktivitas antimikroba tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap aroma, tekstur, kadar air, dan ketebalan kemasan kertas aktif. Penambahan oleoresin ampas destilasi sereh dapur meningkatkan kadar air, ketebalan, dan aktivitas antimikroba serta menurunkan ketahanan tarik, ketahanan lipat, dan penerimaan panelis. Kemasan kertas aktif mengandung gugus fungsi selulosa, kitosan, dan tween 80 serta pada kemasan kertas aktif penambahan oleoresin konsentrasi 2 % terdapat gugus fungsi oleoresin sereh dapur. Waktu penyimpanan tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap ketahanan tarik dan ketahanan lipat kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi terpilih. Kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dengan kemasan kertas aktif penambahan oleoresin konsentrasi 2 % berbeda nyata di setiap 5 hari penyimpanan. Namun, penyimpanan selama 20 hari tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap aktivitas antimikroba kemasan kertas aktif kontrol dan konsentrasi terpilih
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