7,326 research outputs found

    Influence of irrigation conditions in the germination of plasma treated Nasturtium seeds

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    Plasma treatments had emerged as a useful technique to improve seed germination. In this work we investigate the influence of different irrigation conditions and plasma treatments on the germination of nasturtium seeds. During plasma treatment, seeds experience a progressive weight loss as a function of treatment time that has been associated to water release, a process that is more pronounced after longer plasma treatment times. Seeds treated for short times (<30 s) are able to germinate more efficiently than untreated specimen under hydric stress (drought conditions), while plasma treatments for longer times (up to 300 s) impaired germination independently on irrigation conditions. Characterization analysis of plasma treated seeds by FTIR-ATR, SEM/EDX and XPS showed that plasma treatment affected the chemical state of pericarp while, simultaneously, induced a considerable increase in the seeds water uptake capacity. The decrease in germination efficiency found after plasma treatment for long times, or for short times under optimum irrigation conditions, has been attributed to that the excess of water accumulated in the pericarp hampers the diffusion up to the embryo of other agents like oxygen which are deemed essential for germination.España FEDER y MINECO MINECO (projects MAT2013-40852-R, MAT2016-79866-R, MINECOCSIC 201560E055)España, RECUPERA 2020 y Junta de Andalucía project P12-2265 M

    Verbreitung und Ökologie von Nasturtium x sterile (Airy Shaw) Oef. (Brassicaceae) in Mitteleuropa

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    Anhand der Ergebnisse von Chromosomenzählungen wird die Verbreitung der Nasturtium- Taxa (Brassicaceae) in Mitteleuropa diskutiert. Nasturtium officina/e R. Br. (2n = 32) und Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn.) Rchb. (2n = 64) sind primär geographisch isoliert, wobei N. officinale seinen Verbreitungsschwerpunkt im südlichen Mitteleuropa hat, während N. microphyllum im nördlichen Mitteleuropa vorkommt. Die natürlichen Areale der Taxa sind durch den ehemaligen Anbau von Nasturtium als Salatpflanze (Brunnenkresse) überlagert. Die hybridogene Nesturtium x sterile (Airy Shaw) Oef. (2n = 48) ist in Mitteleuropa wesentlich weiter verbreitet als bislang angenommen. Die Ergebnisse von Vegetationsaufnahmen und Untersuchungen zum Diasporen-Potential in N. x sterile-Habitaten werden vorgestellt. N. x sterile besiedelt im südwestlichen Niedersachsen vorwiegend regelmäßig ausgeräumte Wiesengräben mit zumindest zeitweise fließendem Wasser. Dieses Taxon verfügt über eine gute vegetative Regenerationsfähigkeit und kann offene Standorte aus dem Diasporen-Potential besiedeln. Eine eventuelle ökologische Differenzierung der Nasturtium- Taxa nach dem Basengehalt des Gewässers wird kritisch diskutiert.Based on chromosome counts the distribution of the Nasturtium- Taxa (Brassicaceae) in Central Europe is discussed. N. officinale is widely distributed in southern Europe whereas N. microphyllum occurs in the northern parts of Central Europe. It is argued that Nasturtium officina/ e R. Br. (2n = 32) and Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn.) Rchb. (2n = 64) are primarily geographically isolated. The natural distribution of the taxa is blured by human activities, namely by the former cultivation of Nasturtium as a crop plant (watercress). The hybrid Nasturtium x sterile (Airy Shaw) Oef. (2n = 48) is more widely distributed in Central Europe than thought before. Phytocoenological and seed bank data of the natural hybrid are presented. In southwestern parts of Lower Saxony (Germany) N. x sterile mainly occurs in ditches or small brooks with floating water subject to frequent biotope management. This taxon shows quick vegetative regeneration after management and is also capable of recolonizing open habitats dried out during the summer by seeds. An ecological differenziation of the Nasturtium-Taxa based on the calcium contents of the water as stated in the literature is dicussed criticaily

    Karakterisasi Morfologi Selada Air (Nasturtium sp.) di Kabupaten Batang

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    Nasturtium adalah tumbuhan dari famili Cruciferae (Brassicaceae). Tumbuhan ini sebenarnya bukan tumbuhan asli Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu sayuran musim dingin. Selada air (Nasturtium sp.) adalah tumbuhan invasif yang sering digunakan sebagai sayuran atau salad. Selada air memiliki banyak sekali kandungan nutrisi dan senyawa yang berkhasiat sebagai obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfologi selada air (Nasturtium sp.) di Kabupaten Batang. Sampel diambil di Desa Deles, Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Batang, dengan metode purposive random sampling. Karakter morfologi yang diamati meliputi karakter morfologi secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selada air di Kabupaten Batang adalah spesies Nasturtium officinale W. T. Aiton

    Effect of a Hay Mulch and of a Companionate Planting on Cabbage Pest Populations

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    Cabbage crop environments were modified by either use of a hay mulch or intercrop- ping with companionate plants (nasturtium, thyme, and rosemary). A temporary reduction in egg and larval numbers of imported cabbageworm (Artogeia rapae L.) occurred on mulched plots. This effect disappeared later in the season as the plants grew large and coyered the mulch. On some interplanted plots, temporary increases in cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hubner) larvae and decreases in imported cabbageworm eggs were noted. Hov.\u27Cver. on most dates, there was no effect of interplanting on pest populations. The general lack of effects on cabbage insect pests due to these cultural changes indicates that use of a mulch or interplanting cannot provide effective pest suppression under Minnesota conditions

    Karakterisasi Morfologi Selada Air (Nasturtium sp.) di Kabupaten Batang

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    Nasturtium adalah tumbuhan dari famili Cruciferae (Brassicaceae). Tumbuhan ini sebenarnya bukan tumbuhan asli Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu sayuran musim dingin. Selada air (Nasturtium sp.) adalah tumbuhan invasif yang sering digunakan sebagai sayuran atau salad. Selada air memiliki banyak sekali kandungan nutrisi dan senyawa yang berkhasiat sebagai obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfologi selada air (Nasturtium sp.) di Kabupaten Batang. Sampel diambil di Desa Deles, Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Batang, dengan metode purposive random sampling. Karakter morfologi yang diamati meliputi karakter morfologi secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selada air di Kabupaten Batang adalah spesies Nasturtium officinale W. T. Aiton

    Local ciliate communities associated with aquatic macrophytes

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    This study, based within the catchment area of the River Frome, an important chalk stream in the south of England, compared ciliated protozoan communities associated with three species of aquatic macrophyte common to lotic habitats: Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans, Nasturtium officinale and Sparganium emersum. A total of 77 ciliate species were counted. No species-specific ciliate assemblage was found to be typical of any one plant species. Ciliate abundance between plant species was determined to be significantly different. The ciliate communities from each plant species were unique in that the number of species increased with ciliate abundance. The community associated with R. penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans showed the highest consistency and species richness whereas S. emersum ciliate communities were unstable. Most notably, N. officinale was associated with low ciliate abundances and an apparent reduction in biofilm formation, discussed herein in relation to the plant’s production of the microbial toxin phenethyl isothiocyanate. We propose that the results reflect differences in the quantity and quality of biofilm present on the plants, which could be determined by the different plant morphologies, patterns of plant decay and herbivore defense systems, all of which suppress or promote the various conditions for biofilm growth

    Ranunculus calcareus and its role in lowland streams

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    Ranunculus calcareus , a species of water crowfoot which occurs in clear, nutrient-rich chalk streams, was studied. Seasonal changes in its biomass, its annual production and its fragmentation (leading to downstream movement of the plant) were investigated. From an understanding of the growth rate and requirements of plants such as these, an indirect method of management can be devised, which does not have the undesirable consequences of the direct methods (such as cutting)