39 research outputs found

    UV-protection of wood surfaces by controlled morphology fine-tuning of ZnO nanostructures

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    One of the most significant limitations for a wider utilisation of the renewable and CO2-storing resource wood is its low ultraviolet (UV) light stability. The protection of the wood surface without altering its aesthetic appeal requires an optically transparent but UV protective coating which should be strongly attached to the rough and inhomogeneous substrate. For this purpose, ZnO nanostructures were deposited onto the wood surface via a chemical bath deposition process. The morphology of crystalline ZnO was controlled by aluminium nitrate or ammonium citrate in the growth step resulting in nanorod arrays or platelet structures, respectively. Detailed structural, chemical and mechanical characterisations as well as accelerated weathering exposure revealed the effective performance of the platelet structure, which formed a dense and thin ZnO coating on spruce. The total colour change (Ī”E in the CIE system) was calculated to be 20.5 for unmodified wood, while it was about three for the modified samples after 4 weeks accelerated weathering test. Moreover, the ZnO coating also suppressed crack initiation and propagation indicating a substantial increase in durability

    Single-mode tunable laser emission in the single-exciton regime from colloidal nanocrystals

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    Whispering-gallery-mode resonators have been extensively used in conjunction with different materials for the development of a variety of photonic devices. Among the latter, hybrid structures, consisting of dielectric microspheres and colloidal core/shell semiconductor nanocrystals as gain media, have attracted interest for the development of microlasers and studies of cavity quantum electrodynamic effects. Here we demonstrate single-exciton, single-mode, spectrally tuned lasing from ensembles of optical antenna-designed, colloidal core/shell CdSe/CdS quantum rods deposited on silica microspheres. We obtain single-exciton emission by capitalizing on the band structure of the specific core/shell architecture that strongly localizes holes in the core, and the two-dimensional quantum confinement of electrons across the elongated shell. This creates a type-II conduction band alignment driven by coulombic repulsion that eliminates non-radiative multi-exciton Auger recombination processes, thereby inducing a large excitonā€“bi-exciton energy shift. Their ultra-low thresholds and single-mode, single-exciton emission make these hybrid lasers appealing for various applications, including quantum information processing

    Reversible wettability of hybrid organic/inorganic surfaces of systems upon light irradiation/storage cycles

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    In this work we present hybrid organic/inorganic structures that can exhibit reversible surface wettability, altered in a controllable manner. In particular, we use the method of photo-patterning to produce polymeric SU-8 pillars of specific geometries, onto which we subsequently deposit colloidal TiO2 nanorods. In this way, we combine the microroughness of the polymeric pillars with the nanoroughness of the nanorod-coating to create highly hydrophobic surfaces. The hydrophobicity of these systems can be changed reversibly into hydrophilicity upon irradiation of the hybrid structures with pulsed UV laser light. This behaviour is due to the well-known property of TiO2, that becomes superhydrophilic upon UV light irradiation. This property is reversible and we monitor the recovery of our hybrid polymeric/inorganic-nanorods structures to their initial hydrophobic character upon dark storage and heating. The wetting behaviour has been modelled and analysed according to the surface geometry. The direct implementation of such structures into microfluidics devices is demonstrated. Copyright Ā© 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Assessment of Catalytic Function of Gold Nanorod-Bound TEMPO under NIR Irradiation

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    Gold nanoparticles are of interest to a number of fields due to their size-dependent optical properties, high stability, and large surface area. The combination of these properties allows for a variety of uses including photothermal therapy, drug delivery and catalysis. Gold nanorods (GNR) absorb light of a given wavelength which stimulates the oscillation of electrons on the surface and is known as the surface plasmon resonance effect. The localized heating of rods via irradiation may cause enhanced effectiveness of an attached organic catalyst which allows the oxidation of alcohols to occur at room temperature. Previously, similar catalytic systems required high temperatures that reduced the lifetime of the catalyst

    Label-Free Time-Resolved Monitoring of Photolipid Bilayer Isomerization by Plasmonic Sensing

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    The photo-isomerization of the photolipid azo-PC, a derivative of phosphatidylcholine containing an azobenzene group in its sn2 acyl chain, enables optical control over key properties of supported lipid bilayers (SLBs), such as membrane fluidity and bilayer thickness. However, azobenzenes are well-known for their interaction with various dyes through photo-modulation and -sensitization pathways, presenting a challenge in bilayer characterization by fluorescence microscopy. Label-free tools capable of monitoring the switching process of photolipid SLBs at the nanoscale are therefore highly desired. In this study, the use of dark field scattering spectroscopy on gold nanorods as a highly sensitive approach is demonstrated for analyzing the reversible photo-isomerization dynamics of photolipid SLBs in real time at the single particle level

    Sorption analysis of composites based on zinc oxide for catalysis and medical materials science

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    Modified structures based on zinc oxide are of special interest in catalysis and medicine. The work discusses the composite structures based on zinc oxide and hydroxyapatite, as well as silver-modified zinc oxide nanostructures obtained by chemical deposition. The obtained materials were studied using a Rigaku SmartLab diffractometric complex and a Sorbi MS sorption analyzer. The specific surface area was studied and the average size of nanoparticles in the samples is determined. The application scope of the considered materials was catalysis and medicine, including the use in bone engineering as bioactive coatings deposited on the surface of a metal bioimplant

    Holistic three-dimensional cellular mapping of mammalian organs by tissue clearing technologies

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    High colloidal stability of gold nanorods coated with a peptide-ethylene glycol: Analysis by cyanide-mediated etching and nanoparticle tracking analysis

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    The stability of gold nanorods was assessed following coating with various charged or uncharged ligands, mostly peptides. Highly stable monodispersed gold nanorods were obtained by coating CTAB-stabilized gold nanorods with a pentapeptide with C-terminal ethylene glycol units (peptide-EG). UV-vis spectroscopy of these nanorods suspended in saline solutions indicated no signs of aggregation, and they were easily purified using size-exclusion chromatography. A more stringent measure of nanorod stability involved observing changes in the UV-vis absorbance of gold nanorods subjected to etching with cyanide. The max absorbance of peptide-EG coated nanorods red-shifted in etchant solution. The hypothesis that changes in the nanorod aspect ratio led to this red-shift was confirmed by TEM analysis, which showed pit formation along the transverse axis. The etching process was followed in solution using nanoparticle tracking analysis. The red-shift was shown to occur while the particles remained mono-dispersed, and so was not due to aggregation. Adding both etchant solution and peptide-EG to the nanorods was further shown to allow modulation of the max red-shift and increase the etchant resistance of peptide-EG nanorods. Thus, very stable gold nanorods can be produced using the peptide-EG coating approach and their optical properties modulated with etchant