589,368 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi karbon aktif dari Green Coke dengan perlakuan kimia (Na OH).

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    Green coke adalah hasil sainping dari destruksi minyak meritah, yang pemanfaatannya sebagiari besar sebagai bahan bakar. Untuk menambah riilai ekonomisnya maka perlu dilakukan pengembangan potensi lain dari green coke yaitu sebagai karbon aktif. Telah dibuat karbon aktif dari green coke dengan perlakuan kimia t'TaOH ,sienganyariasi00,1 H, 0,5 N, 1,0 N dengan temperatur 350 C, 450 C, 550 C, 650c, C. Karbcn aktif hasil percobaan untuk yang terbaik diperoieh pada NaOH sebesar 1,0 N dengan temperatur 650 C dengan kadar air 4,465 %; zat volatile matter 9,295 %; kadar abu 2,927 %; kadar karbon murni 83,085 %; daya scrap terhadap metileri Flue 8,25 ml/gram clan luas permukaan sebesar 51,1349 m is gram. Green coke is the residue of the destructive of crude oil , the mayor uses of green •coke is the burning material, to increase the economic value , it mustbe to developed to use of active carbon. Activated carbon have been made from green coke with NaOH chemical treatment with variety 400,1 N, N and temperature variety is 350°C, 450 C, 550°C, 650°C. C. Characterization for yield activated carbons could be obtained the best for KA 1,0 N NaOH - 650,C with _Moisture 4,645 %, Volatile Matter 9,295 %, Ash Content 2,975 %, Fixed' Carbon 83,085 % , Adsorption getilen of Blue 8,25 ml / gram and Surface area 51,1349 m/ gram

    Effect of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice in Ultisol

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    Effects of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice in Ultisol (Yafizham and M Abubakar): Ultisol soil is low of macro and micro nutrient, pH and base saturation as well as high toxicity of Al and Fe. To increase productivity of ultisols soils, especially availability of P nutrients, the use of bio-phosphate can increase P solubilizing in the soils. The research was conducted in the green house of Agriculture Faculty, the University of Lampung from January to March 2005. A factorial experiment using two factors in a randomized completely block design with five replications was conducted. The first factor was dosages of bio-phosphate (0; 10; 20 g L-1), the second factor was lowland rice cultivar (Ciherang, Sintanur, Cilosari and IR64). The results showed that the availability of N, K and P nutrients in the soil before planting was low. Application of biophosphate increased availability of N, K and P in the soil. Application of 10 g L-1 and 20 g L-1 of bio-phosphate increased root length of lowland rice, there were 13.3% and 36.8%, respectively. Application of 20 g L-1 of biophosphate increased 100 grain weight of lowland rice which were higher 11.4% compared to without any bio-phosphate

    Kebangkitan Lembaga-Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Non Formal: Majelis Ta’lim

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    Dalam sistem legislasi pendidikan, kedudukan Majelis Ta’lim memiliki tempat yang strategis karena memiliki landasan hukum yang kuat sebagai lembaga pendidikan non formal, diantaranya UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, PP No. 55 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, PMA No. 13 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pendidikan Keagamaan Islam dan Peraturan Menteri Agama Nomor 29 Tahun 2019 tentang Majelis Ta’lim


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    This study aims to explore the perceptions of the community and tourists on the development plan for the marine alms ecotourism in the island of kelapa, and to formulate a communication strategy policy for the development of ecotourism in the Kelapa Island village. The approach used is a combination of communicative and qualitative approaches. Data analysis was compiled using tabulation, then interpreted descriptively qualitatively in accordance with the research objectives. The communication strategy implementation plan is carried out through a SWOT analysis. The perception of the village community to participate in its management so as to increase business opportunities and income. In addition, it can preserve rituals as a habitual action (hereditary action) and also contain transcendental values while maintaining natural preservation. The perception of visitors to the existence of sea alms strongly supports the ritual of "Sea Alms" which is used as a tourist attraction for marine culture, by displaying dance, culinary arts and typical Bugis cultural symbols which are ornaments of marine tourism attractions. Recommendations for ecotourism development communication strategies are: (1). Creating seaside village branding (2) conducting intensive promotions (3) Synergizing ecotourism with local culture and wisdom (4) Empowering local communities in ecotourism activities


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    One way that companies can do to convey the value of their products is by using public relations or public relations. PT Qualitas Andalan Bersama (Q-golf) is a company that provides online golf course booking services through applications on smartphones. The number of Q-golf customers has decreased on 2018-2019. From these data, it can be concluded that the trend of existing customers has decreased which resulted in a decrease in the number of customers. Existing customers do not show loyalty to Q-golf. Q-golf has implemented a public relations strategy to be able to publicize their products with the aim of increasing customer loyalty. However, the results of the PR strategy carried out by Q-golf showed unsatisfactory results. Therefore, the public relations strategy carried out by Q-golf becomes interesting to analyze. The purpose of this study was to determine the PR strategy of PT Qualitas Andalan Bersama in increasing customer loyalty. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research was conducted by conducting interviews with five informants. The results of this study are the main roles of Q-golf's public relations are press relations, product publicity, and public affairs. Q-golf's public relations role as lobbying and development does not become the main role but is still carried out by Q-golf's public relations. There are seven public relations tools used by the public relations department of Q-golf, namely news, special events, written materials, audio-visual materials, corporate identity materials, public service activities, and websites and social media. The strategies that have been implemented by Q-golf's PR are strategy of publicity, strategy of persuasion, and strategy of image. Public Relations Q-golf does not implement a strategy of augmentation

    PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM: Telaah Tematik Konsep Manajemen Pendidikan Dalam Al-Qur’an

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    Al-Qur’an Al-Karim mengandung mukjizat yang luar biasa baik dilihat dari segi kebahasaan, isyarat ilmiah dan pemberitaan gaib. Kemukjizatan al-Qur’an tdak dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu serta zaman, berlaku sepanjang waktu sebagai pedoman dan petunjuk bagi umat manusia. Ajaran dan informasinya yang disampaikan al-Qur’an mencakup keseluruhan alam semesta, termasuk aspek-aspek kebutuhan manusia didunia dan diakhirat. Salah satu bagian yang tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan manusia adalah pendidikan, maka orientasi pelaksanaan pendidikan harus merujuk kepada al-Qura’an al-Karim baik dari segi konsep maupun implementasi pelaksanaannya sehingga terwujud proses pendidikan yang memiliki nilai-nilai ketuhanan dan kepribadian ynag suci. Untuk mewujudkan pelaksanaan pendidikan yang bermutu, perlu cara-cara pengelolaan yang terukur, efektif, dan efisien, sehingga akan tercapai keberhasilan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, konsep yang menghendaki demikian perlu penerapan konsep manajemen sebagai alat pencapaian keberhasilan pendidikan


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    Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana terpaan film Sexy Killers†bagi mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor, untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kepercayaan mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor, untuk menganalisis pengaruh terpaan film Sexy Killers†terhadap kepercayaan mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor pada pemerintah.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan cara penelitian survei. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor dengan responden sebanyak 100 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik probability sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Data kuantitatif disajikan dalam bentuk tabel frekuensi. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan  bantuan program SPSS versi 22.0. Berdasarkan  hasil penelitian menunjukan  bahwa 1) Berdasarkan hasil dari analisis terpaan film Sexy Killers†bagi mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor menunjukkan mayoritas responden menjawab memberikan tanggapan yang berbeda-beda. Ditinjau dari indikator frekuensi, responden menonton film Sexy Killers pada inti cerita film tersebut sehingga responden mempercepat dalam menontonnya. Hal ini agar pesan yang disampaikan film tersebut dapat dipahami secara mendalam. Pada indikator durasi mayoritas responden mengerti pesan dalam film Sexy Killers pada durasi pada 9 menit 10 menit. Dengan diputarnya film Sexy Killers ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagi mahasiswa dalam dunia pertambangan di Indonesia. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak waktu yang diluangkan untuk menonton film Sexy Killers, semakin besar terpaan tayangan film, 2) Berdasarkan hasil dari analisis tingkat kepercayaan mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor menunjukkan mayoritas responden ragu-ragu dari setiap pernyataan yang diajukan dengan kebenaran isi pesan film tersebut sehingga mahasiswa perlu mengkonfirmasi kembali dengan mencari berbagai sumber informasi yang disampaikan terhadap pernyataan yang diajukan, 3) terdapat pengaruh terpaan film Sexy Killers†terhadap kepercayaan mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor pada pemerintah. Hal ini dapat terlihat pada hasil uji-t diperoleh t-hitung sebesar 4,594 dengan tingkat probabilitas (sig) kurang dari 0,05 adalah 0,000. Kata Kunci: film sexy killers,kepercayaan mahasiswa, pengaruh terpaan media Abstract : This study aims to identify how the exposure of the film "Sexy Killers" for students of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, to identify the level of trust of students of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, to analyze the effect of the exposure of the film "Sexy Killers" on the confidence of students of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture in the presidential election.    The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive survey research. This research was conducted at Bogor Agricultural University Students with a total of 100 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is a probability sampling technique with a simple random sampling method. Quantitative data is presented in the form of frequency tables. Statistical tests were performed with the help of the SPSS program version 22.0.Based on the results of the study showed that 1) Exposure to the film "Sexy Killers" for students of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture showed that the majority of respondents responded differently. In terms of frequency indicators, respondents watch the movie Sexy Killers at the core of the film's story so that respondents accelerate in watching it. On the duration indicator the majority of respondents understood the message in the film Sexy Killers at a duration of 9 minutes - 10 minutes. 2) The level of confidence of Bogor Agricultural University students showed that the majority of respondents were hesitant of each statement submitted with the truth of the message content of the film so that students needed to reconfirm by searching various sources of information submitted for the statement submitted, 3) there was an influence of exposure to the film "Sexy Killers "against the confidence of Bogor Agricultural University students in the presidential election. This can be seen in the t-test results obtained t-test of 4.594 with a probability level (sig) of less than 0.05 is 0.000.Keyword: exposure, sexy killers films, student trust, the influence of exposurePendahulua

    Pendidikan Keluarga Dalam Perspektif Hadits Nabi

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    The family is the first place as well as the first institution in education which is often referred to as an informal institution. In the Sisdiknas (national education system) law, it is stated that “informal education is the path of family and environmental education.” On this basis, it is constitutionally proven that the existence of an informal educational path or also known as an educational path in the family becomes a formal legal force

    The Influence Of Religious Culture On The Emotional Intelligence Of Students In Public SD Negeri 15 Bungku Morowali District

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    The subject matter of this research is whether religious culture affects the emotional intelligence of students at Bungku Elementary School 15, Morowali Regency. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The results of the study of religious culture proved to have a positive and significant effect on the emotional intelligence of students, meaning that the higher the religious culture, the better the emotional intelligence, this is evidenced by the results of the correlation between religious culture and the emotional intelligence of students of 0.515. The value of 0.515 indicates the magnitude of the correlation coefficient is strong because it is in the range of 0.60-0.799. Religious culture is proven to affect emotional intelligence as evidenced by the value of the coefficient of determination of 0.265. This means that the religious culture variable can affect the emotional intelligence of students by 26.5% and 73.5% is influenced by other factors

    Distribution of 226Ra Radionuclide in Upwelling Event Off Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang, Korea

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    Upwelling is an important event in the sea for it makes the area to become more productive. The objective of this study is to determine the distribution of radium-226 as radiotoxic in the upwelling area in the summer season. Measurements of the horizontal and vertical activities of 226Ra in the Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang waters were conducted in June, August 1999 and June 2000 when the upwelling event was expected to occur. Water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen (DO) were also measured concurrently. The thermocline layer or the layer where the temperature decreased drastically occurred at a depth between 30 m to 100 m for samples dated June 1999 and 30 m to more than 100 m for samples dated August 1999 and June 2000. The salinity decreased with depth but the DO concentration increased in this layer. The condition affected the vertical distribution of 226Ra in the study area, where the 226Ra activities showed to be relatively homogeneous vertically in each station. This indicates that the upwelling which occurred in the study area was capable to distribute the 226Ra activities from the bottom to the surface. Thus, the 226Ra distribution at that time did not increase with depth, opposite to what usually occurs in the ocean at normal condition. The 226Ra activities also did not decrease after elapsed time of one year, in fact, it increased. However, horizontally the 226Ra activities decreased with increasing distance from the coastal zone. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the upwelling event in the Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang was effective for increasing the 226Ra activities and was capable to create homogeneous 226Ra activities from the bottom to the surface in the water column, and the source of 226Ra was likely to originate from outside area (i.e. coastal zone) and bottom area.Received: 25 March 2009; Revised: 24 August 2009; Accepted: 30 September 200
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