5,003 research outputs found

    Implementation of Organizational Conduct and Operation Management in Golf Projekt

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    Project Golf represents a series of activities and work with an irretrievable and unique goal - the ultimate goal being the launch of golf courts and accompanying facilities. Since the golf court project needs to be completed within a certain time period, certain costs and executive limitations in an unstable environment by effectively and efficiently using limited resource, it is clear that golf projects are specifically and demanding. Management and golf project realization is a complex dynamical process and it is necessary for its fulfilment to gather an adequate team of experts lead by a project manager. The scientific discipline of organizational conduct is dealing with actions and attitudes that people are showing in an organization and a project team. Operation management manages those business activities determining all the activities inside an organization tied to transforming input into output and in that way encompass all business functions. Since golf court management and realization is a very complex and demanding process it is clear that these two disciplines need to be applied in golf court realization. This paper deals with these issues.organizational conduct, operation management, project teams and golf projects

    Uloga i osobine menadžera u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta

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    Introduction: Global markets and competition, fast changes, the explosion of information technology, integration processes in international relations are some of the initial factors for changes in health care organizations and their management. Management represents an evolving new generic function of all organizations of social significance across the world. Managers in the health sector have exceptionally complex roles that require new skills and methods. The objective of this study is to analyze in grater detail, explain and describe the role and necessary skills of a health care manager in the strategic transformation of health care management. The modern health care manager can get the best results by strengthening human resources and meeting employees' personal needs in accordance with the global and specific goals of the health care institution. The manager is at the same time a mentor and a facilitator, putting to best use the forementioned transformation strategies whilst expending the resources carefully, strengthening the collective efforts, involving employees in the decision-making process and motivating teamwork and collective problem-solving.Uvod: Globalna tržišta i kompeticija, brze promene, eksplozija informatičke tehnologije, integracioni procesi u međudržavnim odnosima samo su neki od faktora koji su inicirali nužnost promena i u zdravstvenim organizacijama i njihovom menadžmentu. Menadžment postaje nova generička funkcija svih organizacija od društvenog značaja širom sveta, koji ima izuzetno tešku ulogu da usaglasi kompleksne probleme kojima obiluje specifična delatnost zdravstvenih službi.U svetlu tih promena menja se i uloga kao i osobine i veštine menadžera u zdravstvu. Cilj ovog rada je da se jasnije opiše i sagleda uloga, potrebne veštine i metodi kojima se služe menadžeri u zdravstvu u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta. Moderan zdravstveni menadžer postiže najbolje rezultate kroz ojačavanje ljudskih resursa i zadovoljenje individualnih potreba zaposlenih, a u skladu sa opštim i specifičnim ciljevima zdravstvene organizacije. Menadžer je u isto vreme i mentor i facilitator jer koristi maksimalno navedene strategije promena, a resurse oprezno uz učvršćivanje kolektivnih napora, uključivanje zaposlenih u odlučivanje, podsticanje timskog rada i grupnog rešavanja problema

    Upravljanje strukturom kapitala

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    Uloga financijskog menadžera podložna je promjenama vanjskih čimbenika zbog čega se traži sposobnost snalaženja u pribavljanju novih izvora financiranja, upravljanja i investiranja u imovinu što se na kraju odražava u rezultatu poslovanja. Financiranje je moguće iz vlastitih izvora putem izdavanja vrijednosnih papira ili samofinanciranjem. S druge strane, moguće je financiranje iz tuđih izvora kratkoročno putem kratkoročnih, trgovačkih te bankarskih kredita, komercijalnog zapisa i faktoringa. Dok dugoročni način financiranja obuhvaća dugoročne kredite, obveznice i leasing. Upravljanje strukturom kapitala bitno je za buduće poslovanje poduzeća


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    We can all witness that the global economy, the use of the Internet and social media have result-ed in a greater number of English business terms circulating on the global level, thus inevitably affecting the Croatian language as well. In this article, the authors observe different translations of certain frequently used business English terms from the course books and differences in their perception in English and Croatian language. These differences may be due to students` immer-sion in the new social and educational environment, their previous knowledge of English lan-guage and their acquisition of new vocabulary for specific purposes during their studies at the Polytechnic of Šibenik.Svi možemo svjedočiti da su globalna ekonomija, upotreba Interneta i društvenih medija rezultirali većim brojem engleskog poslovnog nazivlja koji kruži na globalnoj razini, što neizostavno utječe i na hrvatski jezik. Autori u ovom radu analiziraju različite prijevode pojedinih često korištenih izraza poslovnog engleskog iz udžbenika i razlike u njihovoj percepciji na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Te razlike mogu biti posljedica uključivanja studenata u novo društveno i obrazovno okruženje, njihovog prethodnog poznavanja engleskog jezika i stjecanja novog vokabulara za posebne svrhe tijekom studija na Veleučilištu u Šibeniku

    Emocije u pismenoj poslovnoj komunikaciji

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    Komunikacija je odnos između dvoje ljudi i potrebna je u svakodnevnom životu kako bi se razvio i održao odnos te se njome također prenose i obavijesti. Čovjek koji je emocionalno biće, prilikom komuniciranja se neće uvijek tako ponašati, nego će više težiti prema racionalnom razmišljanju i ponašanju. U poslovnoj organizaciji bez dobre komunikacije nema uspjeha, a ključ uspjeha su također i pozitivne emocije. Njima se održavaju odnosi, zbližavaju se s timom i planirani ciljevi se na takav način ostvaruju. Svaki dobar menadžer treba biti dobar komunikator i lider jer će time ostvariti dobar tim za svoju organizaciju. Dobrim planom i organizacijom svoje djelatnike usmjerava prema boljem i motivira ih za daljnji rad, time on postaje zadovoljan a djelatnici svojim uspjehom postaju zadovoljni, odnosno na poslu vlada pozitivna atmosfera. Ukoliko tog nema, dolazi do stvaranja negativnih emocija i frustracija na poslu. Kako emocije mogu biti pozitivne one mogu biti i negativne i s njima se treba znati nositi.Danas se puno komunicira i preko društvenih mreža te se na taj način ljudi povezuju sa svijetom. Najveći značaj društvenih servisa stekla je elektronička pošta, koja je ipak u poslovnoj komunikaciji i najkorištenija. U današnjem modernom dobu, društvenih mreža ima puno više i postale su praktičnije. Pružaju bržu i lakšu komunikaciju, a ljudi se uglavnom njima koriste jer smatraju da nemaju vremena za komunikaciju licem u lice koja se nikako ne bi smjela zanemariti. Koliko god pismena poslovna komunikacija bila praktična, nikad neće zamijeniti komunikaciju licem u lice niti će Internet zamijeniti ostale medije u toj količini da će se ljudi fokusirati samo na takvu vrstu medija. U pisanoj poslovnoj komunikaciji, kako bi se poruka dočarala i kako bi se dao bolji efekt poruci, koristit će se emotikoni, a samim time poruka će se bolje shvatiti odnosno tada ne bi trebalo doći do nesporazuma u komunikaciji. Osim toga, emotikonima pokazujemo svoje osjećaje, no u ovom radu istražit će se je li njihovo korištenje u takvoj komunikaciji prihvatljivo i koriste li se njima na poslu.Communication is a relationship between two pepole, it's necessary in everyday life for developing and maintaining relationship and also for sending the right notification.Man is an emotional being but, when communicating, is not always acting like that. In that case he will be more inclined to rational thinking and behavior. The business organization without proprer communication will be without secces, but the key to success could also be positive emotions. They maintain relations, they get closer with the team and planned goals are achieved in such a way. Every good manager be a good communicator and leader as this will make a good team for your organization. Good plan and organization keeps emloyees motivated for further work, they feelmore productive and also it creates positive work atmosphere. If this does not, the generation of negative emotions and frustration at work. How emotions can be positive they can be negative and that emotions are mostly and usually covered up. Today, most common communication is trough social networks. In this way, people connect with the world. The greatest significance of social networks as quired e-mail, which is still in business communication and is the most used. In today's modern age, social network has become more practical. It provides faster and easier communication so people generally use them because they don't have time anymore for face-to-face communication. That kind of communication will never be at extinct. As much as written business communication was practical, will never replace face to face communication, nor will it replace other media in the amount that people focuses on that type of media. In a written business communication, in order to capturet he message and to give a better effect of the message, will be used emoticons. Therefore, the message will be better understood and it in conclusion, emoticons express our feelings and in this paper will explore whether is their use in such communication acceptable and is it used in work

    Odnos uloga vlasnik-menadžer mikropoduzeća

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    Odnos uloga vlasnik-menadžer mikropoduzeća u teoriji i praksi tumačeno je s prizvukom prevage profesije (menadžmenta) koja se poduzetništvu a priori ne pripisuje. U ovome radu istraživanje je predvođeno pitanjem: zbog čega mikropoduzeća ne rastu i ne razvijaju se? Isti problem je detektiran i u drugim državama članicama EU 28. Na temelju istraživanja stavova i mišljenja vlasnika mikropoduzeća na području Republike Hrvatske, došlo se do uvida da je poduzetnička kultura jača u odnosu na profesionalno vođenje poslovanja, što je potvrđeno nalazom kako je očekivani profit prevladavajući motiv za ulazak u poduzetništvo. Istodobno postoji visoka razina potrebe poduzetnika za savjetovanjima i usmjeravanjem, no to poduzetnici u praksi ne čine jer smatraju da je delegiranje rizično za posao. Ukupno uzevši, očekivanja od ulaska u poduzetništvo su visoka, a tek manjina uspijeva potvrditi da je izvan opasnosti preživljavanja u prve tri godine poslovanja. Uz izostanak poslovnog planiranja, detektiran je i izostanak marketinškog planiranja kod poduzetnika početnika, što ukazuje na krizu u poduzetničkom sektoru, a pripisuje se društvenoj i socijalnoj neefikasnosti menadžmenta ljudskih resursa i ljudskih potencijala na nacionalnoj razini.The relation between the roles of owner and manager of the micro - enterprises so far in theory and practice has been interpreted with a hint of prenpoderance of the profession (management), which is not primary attributed to enterpreneurship. The main focus of this research was the question: why micro - enterprises do not grow and develop? However the same problem has been detected in 28 other EU countries. Based on the research of attitudes and opinions of the owners of micro-enterprises in Republic of Croatia, we came to a conclusion that entrepreneurial culture is stronger than a professional management, which was confirmed by the fact that the expected profit is the main motivator for start-ups and steping into entrepreneurship. At the same time there is a high level of need for consulting and advicing enterpreneurs, but in practice this is avoided as they believe that delegating is risky for the job. That being said, the expectations of entering into entrepreneurship are high and only minority manages to survive during their first three years of the business. The lack of business planning and marketing planning in beginners brings crisis in enterpreneurship sector, which is attributed to social inefficiency of management of human resources and human potential at the national level

    Odnos uloga vlasnik-menadžer mikropoduzeća

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    Odnos uloga vlasnik-menadžer mikropoduzeća u teoriji i praksi tumačeno je s prizvukom prevage profesije (menadžmenta) koja se poduzetništvu a priori ne pripisuje. U ovome radu istraživanje je predvođeno pitanjem: zbog čega mikropoduzeća ne rastu i ne razvijaju se? Isti problem je detektiran i u drugim državama članicama EU 28. Na temelju istraživanja stavova i mišljenja vlasnika mikropoduzeća na području Republike Hrvatske, došlo se do uvida da je poduzetnička kultura jača u odnosu na profesionalno vođenje poslovanja, što je potvrđeno nalazom kako je očekivani profit prevladavajući motiv za ulazak u poduzetništvo. Istodobno postoji visoka razina potrebe poduzetnika za savjetovanjima i usmjeravanjem, no to poduzetnici u praksi ne čine jer smatraju da je delegiranje rizično za posao. Ukupno uzevši, očekivanja od ulaska u poduzetništvo su visoka, a tek manjina uspijeva potvrditi da je izvan opasnosti preživljavanja u prve tri godine poslovanja. Uz izostanak poslovnog planiranja, detektiran je i izostanak marketinškog planiranja kod poduzetnika početnika, što ukazuje na krizu u poduzetničkom sektoru, a pripisuje se društvenoj i socijalnoj neefikasnosti menadžmenta ljudskih resursa i ljudskih potencijala na nacionalnoj razini.The relation between the roles of owner and manager of the micro - enterprises so far in theory and practice has been interpreted with a hint of prenpoderance of the profession (management), which is not primary attributed to enterpreneurship. The main focus of this research was the question: why micro - enterprises do not grow and develop? However the same problem has been detected in 28 other EU countries. Based on the research of attitudes and opinions of the owners of micro-enterprises in Republic of Croatia, we came to a conclusion that entrepreneurial culture is stronger than a professional management, which was confirmed by the fact that the expected profit is the main motivator for start-ups and steping into entrepreneurship. At the same time there is a high level of need for consulting and advicing enterpreneurs, but in practice this is avoided as they believe that delegating is risky for the job. That being said, the expectations of entering into entrepreneurship are high and only minority manages to survive during their first three years of the business. The lack of business planning and marketing planning in beginners brings crisis in enterpreneurship sector, which is attributed to social inefficiency of management of human resources and human potential at the national level