1,960 research outputs found


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    O jednom slučaju nenormalne boje tijesta kačkavalja

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    U proizvodnji sireva događa se ponekad da i pored istovjetnosti cjelokupnog tehnološkog procesa dolazi do pojave određenih mana, bilo u kori bilo u tijestu sira. Razlozi su mahom povezani s kvalitetom mlijeka, no ponekad pojavljuju se mane čiji uzrok nije uvijek potpuno jasan

    Natural Legal Incapacity as a Cause of Invalidity of Legal Transaction

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    Počev od rimskih vremena pa sve do prve polovice 19. stoljeća pojam poslovne sposobnosti čovjeka uglavnom se ograničavao na objektivnu stranu te sposobnosti (godine života). Subjektivno stanje se uvažavalo mnogo manje i ono se uglavnom odnosilo na duševne bolesti i smetnje u duševnom razvoju. U novije vrijeme (druga polovica 19. st. i 20. st.) se moguća subjektivna stanja koja izazivaju prirodnu poslovnu nesposobnost sve više šire i zahvaćaju gotovo sve moguće tjelesne i psihičke smetnje zbog kojih čovjek ne može donositi pravno racionalne odluke u pravnom prometu. Takvo širenje koncepta učenja o prirodnoj poslovnoj (ne)sposobnosti želi napose zaštiti mlade i neiskusne ali isto tako i stare i nemoćne ljude. To je ujedno najbolja strana tako moderniziranog koncepta. Mora se, s druge strane paziti da to ne dovede do veće pravne nesigurnosti. Moraju se moći naći "osigurači" koji će to spriječiti. Bez toga ovaj hvalevrijedan i moderniziran koncept o prirodnoj poslovnoj sposobnosti ne bi imao svoje opravdanje.From Roman times until the first part of 19th century the notion of legal capacity of a person has been mostly limited to the objective side of that capacity (years of age). The subjective side was accepted a lot less and in most cases it was referred to mental illness and disorders in mental development. In recent times (the second part of 19th and 20th century) possible subjective conditions causing natural legal incapacity have been more and more broadened comprising almost all possible physical and psychical disturbances because of which a person cannot make rational decisions in legal operations. Described widening of the teaching concept of natural legal (in)capacity is first of all aimed at protecting youngsters and inexperienced persons as well as elderly and weak persons. Moreover, this is the best side of in such a way modernized concept. On the other way, it is necessary to pay attention not to cause a higher extent of legal uncertainty by applying the concept. “Fuses” have to be identified to stop the uncertainty. Otherwise, this praiseworthy and modernized concept of natural legal capacity would not be justified

    The New Science of Virtues

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    Although Vico\u2019s New Science (NS) has been interpreted from the standpoint of practical philosophy, his treatment of moral virtues has largely been overlooked. I show the pivotal role they play in the NS, where the history of humankind is the story of how vices and virtues unfold, and the domain of free will is centered on the possibility of making virtues of the passions. This sheds new light on such notions as the \u201cheterogony of ends\u201d; the relationship between \u201cbestioni\u201d and humankind; and the threat of the \u201cbarbarism of reflection\u201d. Also, it allows us to focus on fictional, mythological and historical figures, which are exemplary for their virtues/vices and which provide an insight into the way virtues shape the stages of history. After presenting an overview of some of Vico\u2019s sources, I argue that he engages in a close dialogue with the Aristotelian tradition and interprets moral virtues as a historical framework and a hermeneutical tool, suitable for assessing the moral stages of human historical evolution on the route to and from civilisation

    Urteil aufgrund eines Geständnis

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    U radu se nastoji cjelovito i sustavno, uz upozorenja na određena komparativna rješenja i stavove strane doktrine, izložiti institut presude na temelju priznanja, jedne od tzv. dispozitivnih presuda, presuda koje se temelje na manifestaciji volje jedne od stranaka kojom se izravno determinira sadržaj meritornog okončanja spora. Posebno se ističe i argumentira da, unatoč svom dispozitivnom karakteru u kojemu se očituje prihvaćanje načela autonomije volje stranaka i na području procesnog prava, priznanje tužbenog zahtjeva u povodu kojega se donosi presuda na temelju priznanja zadržava značenje čiste procesne radnje, da je lišeno značenja i materijalnopravne dispozicije. De lege ferenda, upozorava se na potrebu proširenja kruga procesno legitimiranih subjekata za podnošenje pravnih lijekova protiv presude na temelju priznanja otvaranjem mogućnosti da određena državna tijela radi zaštite javnog interesa, ali i treći radi zaštite svog interesa podnose neke od tih lijekova. Predlaže se i uvođenje mogućnosti priznanja tužbenog zahtjeva tijekom žalbenog postupka te donošenja drugostupanjske presude na temelju priznanja, i to zato da bi se dopustilo strankama da raspolažu svojim zahtjevima sve do pravomoćnosti, ali i radi toga da bi se rasteretio drugostupanjski sud nepotrebnog meritornog odlučivanja u povodu žalbe kad za to zapravo nema razloga.The paper attempts to exhibit, completely and systematically, with warnings of some comparative solutions and opinions of the foreign doctrine, the institute of verdict based on a confession, one of the so called dispositive verdicts, verdicts that are based on the manifestation of will of one of the parties that directly determines the content of the ending of the litigation on the merits. It is especially emphasised and argued that, despite its dispositive character in which the acceptance of principle of autonomy of the parties’ will in the area of the procedural law, the acceptance of the litigation claim on which the verdict is being passed based on a confession maintains the meaning of the pure procedural act, it is free of meaning and material-legal disposition. De lege ferenda warns of the need to enlarge the circle of procedurally authorised subjects to hand in legal remedies against the verdict based on a confession by opening the possibility that certain government bodies for the purpose of protecting the public interest, but also third parties for the purpose of their interest can use legal remedy. It is also suggested to introduce the possibility to accept the litigation claim during the appeal process and passing the final verdict based on the confession, in order to allow the parties to have their claims at disposal until legal validity, but also to disburden the court of appeal of the unnecessary decision-making on the merits after an appeal, when there is no real reason for it.In der Arbeit wird versucht, vollständig und systematisch, mit Hinweis auf einige komparative Lösungen und Stellungnahme fremder Doktrin, das Institut des Urteils aufgrund eines Geständnis vorzustellen, ein der sogenannten dispositiven Urteile, Urteile, die auf Manifestierung des Wille einer der Parteien basieren, womit unmittelbar das Inhalt der meritorischen Beendigung der Streitigkeit determiniert wird. Es wird besonders betont und argumentiert dass, trotz seiner dispositiven Charakter, in dem sich die Anerkennung von Prinzipien der Willensautonomie von Parteien offenbart und im Bereich des Verfahrenrechtes, die Anerkennung des Klagebegehren aufgrund dessen das Urteil getroffen wird aufgrund eines Geständnis die Bedeutung einer reinen Verfahrenshandlung bewahrt, und ist frei von Bedeutung und materiellrechtlicher Disposition. De lege ferenda, es wird gewarnt von der Notwendigkeit, den Kreis der verfahrenslegitimierter Subjekten für die Einreichung der Rechtsmittel gegen Urteil aufgrund Geständnis zu vergrößern durch Öffnung von Möglichkeit, dass bestimmte Staatskörper wegen Schutz des offenen Interesse, aber auch eine dritte Seite wegen Schutz eigenes Interesse, eine dieser Rechtsmittel einreichen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Möglichkeit einzubringen, Klagebegehren während des Einspruchverfahrens und während der Entscheidung über Urteil in zweiter Instanz aufgrund Geständnis anzuerkennen, damit den Parteien erlaubt wird, über ihren Anträge bis Rechtswirksamkeit zu verfügen, aber auch um das Gericht in zweiter Instanz von unnötiger meritorischer Entscheidung über Einspruch, wenn es dafür eigenzlich keine Gründe gibt, zu entlasten

    Urteil aufgrund eines Geständnis

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    U radu se nastoji cjelovito i sustavno, uz upozorenja na određena komparativna rješenja i stavove strane doktrine, izložiti institut presude na temelju priznanja, jedne od tzv. dispozitivnih presuda, presuda koje se temelje na manifestaciji volje jedne od stranaka kojom se izravno determinira sadržaj meritornog okončanja spora. Posebno se ističe i argumentira da, unatoč svom dispozitivnom karakteru u kojemu se očituje prihvaćanje načela autonomije volje stranaka i na području procesnog prava, priznanje tužbenog zahtjeva u povodu kojega se donosi presuda na temelju priznanja zadržava značenje čiste procesne radnje, da je lišeno značenja i materijalnopravne dispozicije. De lege ferenda, upozorava se na potrebu proširenja kruga procesno legitimiranih subjekata za podnošenje pravnih lijekova protiv presude na temelju priznanja otvaranjem mogućnosti da određena državna tijela radi zaštite javnog interesa, ali i treći radi zaštite svog interesa podnose neke od tih lijekova. Predlaže se i uvođenje mogućnosti priznanja tužbenog zahtjeva tijekom žalbenog postupka te donošenja drugostupanjske presude na temelju priznanja, i to zato da bi se dopustilo strankama da raspolažu svojim zahtjevima sve do pravomoćnosti, ali i radi toga da bi se rasteretio drugostupanjski sud nepotrebnog meritornog odlučivanja u povodu žalbe kad za to zapravo nema razloga.The paper attempts to exhibit, completely and systematically, with warnings of some comparative solutions and opinions of the foreign doctrine, the institute of verdict based on a confession, one of the so called dispositive verdicts, verdicts that are based on the manifestation of will of one of the parties that directly determines the content of the ending of the litigation on the merits. It is especially emphasised and argued that, despite its dispositive character in which the acceptance of principle of autonomy of the parties’ will in the area of the procedural law, the acceptance of the litigation claim on which the verdict is being passed based on a confession maintains the meaning of the pure procedural act, it is free of meaning and material-legal disposition. De lege ferenda warns of the need to enlarge the circle of procedurally authorised subjects to hand in legal remedies against the verdict based on a confession by opening the possibility that certain government bodies for the purpose of protecting the public interest, but also third parties for the purpose of their interest can use legal remedy. It is also suggested to introduce the possibility to accept the litigation claim during the appeal process and passing the final verdict based on the confession, in order to allow the parties to have their claims at disposal until legal validity, but also to disburden the court of appeal of the unnecessary decision-making on the merits after an appeal, when there is no real reason for it.In der Arbeit wird versucht, vollständig und systematisch, mit Hinweis auf einige komparative Lösungen und Stellungnahme fremder Doktrin, das Institut des Urteils aufgrund eines Geständnis vorzustellen, ein der sogenannten dispositiven Urteile, Urteile, die auf Manifestierung des Wille einer der Parteien basieren, womit unmittelbar das Inhalt der meritorischen Beendigung der Streitigkeit determiniert wird. Es wird besonders betont und argumentiert dass, trotz seiner dispositiven Charakter, in dem sich die Anerkennung von Prinzipien der Willensautonomie von Parteien offenbart und im Bereich des Verfahrenrechtes, die Anerkennung des Klagebegehren aufgrund dessen das Urteil getroffen wird aufgrund eines Geständnis die Bedeutung einer reinen Verfahrenshandlung bewahrt, und ist frei von Bedeutung und materiellrechtlicher Disposition. De lege ferenda, es wird gewarnt von der Notwendigkeit, den Kreis der verfahrenslegitimierter Subjekten für die Einreichung der Rechtsmittel gegen Urteil aufgrund Geständnis zu vergrößern durch Öffnung von Möglichkeit, dass bestimmte Staatskörper wegen Schutz des offenen Interesse, aber auch eine dritte Seite wegen Schutz eigenes Interesse, eine dieser Rechtsmittel einreichen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Möglichkeit einzubringen, Klagebegehren während des Einspruchverfahrens und während der Entscheidung über Urteil in zweiter Instanz aufgrund Geständnis anzuerkennen, damit den Parteien erlaubt wird, über ihren Anträge bis Rechtswirksamkeit zu verfügen, aber auch um das Gericht in zweiter Instanz von unnötiger meritorischer Entscheidung über Einspruch, wenn es dafür eigenzlich keine Gründe gibt, zu entlasten

    Charter party

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    Ugovorom o zakupu broda zakupodavatelj daje zakupoprimatelju brod na uporabu, uz plaćanje zakupnine, radi obavljanja plovidbene djelatnosti. Pod uporabom broda razumijeva se pravo na gospodarsko iskorištavanje broda. Zakupoprimatelj posluje s brodom za svoj račun, kao da je vlasnik broda. Pomorskim zakonikom propisano je kako ugovor o zakupu broda mora biti sklopljen u pisanom obliku, u suprotnom ne proizvodi pravni učinak. U svrhu ispunjenja ugovora obje ugovorne strane – zakupodavatelj i zakupoprimatelj imaju niz prava i obveza te posljedično i odgovornosti. U radu se na sustavan način analizira i prikazuje pravno uređenje zakupa broda u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu.By the bareboat charter contract, the lessor gives the lessee a vessel for use, with the payment of hire, for the purpose of carrying out the navigation activity. The use of vessel is understood as the right for economic exploitation of the vessel. Lessee is operating with the ship for its own account, as if he is the owner of the vessel. Maritime Code stipulates that the bareboat charter contract shall be concluded in written form, otherwise it produces no legal effect. In order to fulfill the contract, both parties - the lessor and the lessee have a range of number of rights and obligations and resultant responsibilities. This paper analyzes and presents in a systematic manner the legal arrangement of the ship's lease in the Croatian legal system


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    Usmena oporuka je vrsta privatne oporuke, tj. jednostran i strogo osoban pravni posao kojim ostavitelj usmeno raspolaže svojom imovinom za slučaj smrti pred dva istodobno nazočna svjedoka. Usmena oporuka proizvodi pravne učinke jedino ako je napravljena u izvanrednim okolnostima zbog kojih oporučitelj nije u stanju oporučiti ni u jednom drugom valjanom obliku. Njezina je valjanost potencijalno ograničena rokom jer u slučaju da oporučitelj ne umre za vrijeme trajanja izvanrednih okolnosti, usmena će oporuka prestati vrijediti kad protekne 30 dana od prestanka izvanrednih okolnosti u kojima je napravljena. Zbog svega toga ne iznenađuje da je usmena oporuka vrsta oporuke oko čijeg je postojanja i valjanosti vođeno najviše parničnih postupka. Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga rada sustavno prikazati pretpostavke za valjanost usmene oporuke kao i najčešće prijepore u sudskoj praksi koji su proizašli iz različitih tumačenja odredaba ZN-a vezano uz usmenu oporuku.An oral will is a type of private will, a unilateral and strictly personal declaration made in front of two simultaneously present witnesses, by which the testator disposes of his/her estate. An oral will produces legal effects only if declared under extraordinary circumstances, due to which the testator was not permitted to declare a will in another prescribed form. Its validity is potentially limited by a deadline because if the testator does not decease within the duration of the extraordinary circumstances, the oral will ceases to produce effect thirty days as of the termination of the extraordinary circumstances in question. Having taken into consideration all of the above mentioned, it is not surprising that the oral will is the form of will, whose existence and validity of incited the most litigation. It is for this reason that this paper aims to systematically present the requirements for the validity of an oral will as well as the most common controversies appearing in the judicial practice due to different interpretations of the applicable provisions of the Croatian Inheritance Act