University of Split. Faculty of Maritime Studies. Department of nautical studies.
Ugovorom o zakupu broda zakupodavatelj daje zakupoprimatelju brod na uporabu, uz plaćanje zakupnine, radi obavljanja plovidbene djelatnosti. Pod uporabom broda razumijeva se pravo na gospodarsko iskorištavanje broda. Zakupoprimatelj posluje s brodom za svoj račun, kao da je vlasnik broda. Pomorskim zakonikom propisano je kako ugovor o zakupu broda mora biti sklopljen u pisanom obliku, u suprotnom ne proizvodi pravni učinak. U svrhu ispunjenja ugovora obje ugovorne strane – zakupodavatelj i zakupoprimatelj imaju niz prava i obveza te posljedično i odgovornosti. U radu se na sustavan način analizira i prikazuje pravno uređenje zakupa broda u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu.By the bareboat charter contract, the lessor gives the lessee a vessel for use, with the payment of hire, for the purpose of carrying out the navigation activity. The use of vessel is understood as the right for economic exploitation of the vessel. Lessee is operating with the ship for its own account, as if he is the owner of the vessel. Maritime Code stipulates that the bareboat charter contract shall be concluded in written form, otherwise it produces no legal effect. In order to fulfill the contract, both parties - the lessor and the lessee have a range of number of rights and obligations and resultant responsibilities. This paper analyzes and presents in a systematic manner the legal arrangement of the ship's lease in the Croatian legal system