15,315 research outputs found

    "We think": more thinking needed (book review)

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    The idea that the Internet offers unique and world-changing opportunities for interactive intellectual innovation is not new. We Think by Charles Leadbeater is an attempt to make it accessible and suggest that it is more widespread than just mainstream Web 2.0 businesses. Leadbeater has dabbled in these ideas before. He was an early apostle of the information economy and an optimist on globalisation when everyone else was taking to the barricades in Seattle. Dan Gillmor’s We The Media set the agenda for new media/citizen journalism a few years ago, too. I agree with much of what Leadbeater says. My book SuperMedia (Blackwell, 2008) draws on similar ideas to set out the agenda for a more connected and participatory news media that I call Networked Journalism. But how new are these new media trends and what are their effects

    Manajemen Pemberian Pakan, Reproduksi dan Bonding pada Oposum Layang (Petaurus Breviceps) di Penangkaran

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    In order to nutritional needs of the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) in captivity, it has been given a Leadbeater modified feed and insects (superworm and crickets) as a natural food. The average feed intake of Leadbeater and fruits juice was 27.5 grams per head and superworm/crickets were 4 pieces per head per week. The nutritional content of feed modification Leadbeater 19% protein; 8.8% fat; 3.5% Ca; and 0.5% P. Each pairs of sugar glider placed in wire cages (60 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm) in order to facilitate the monitoring of reproduction. The mean increase in young birth of sugar gliders from March to October 2015 was 4.75 head per month. The bonding process is done since young sugar glider aged 2 months, in order to obtain young sugar glider as a product of pet animal

    Three-dimensional images of choanoflagellate loricae

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    Choanoflagellates are unicellular filter-feeding protozoa distributed universally in aquatic habitats. Cells are ovoid in shape with a single anterior flagellum encircled by a funnel-shaped collar of microvilli. Movement of the flagellum creates water currents from which food particles are entrapped on the outer surface of the collar and ingested by pseudopodia. One group of marine choanoflagellates has evolved an elaborate basket-like exoskeleton, the lorica, comprising two layers of siliceous costae made up of costal strips. A computer graphic model has been developed for generating three-dimensional images of choanoflagellate loricae based on a universal set of 'rules' derived from electron microscopical observations. This model has proved seminal in understanding how complex costal patterns can be assembled in a single continuous movement. The lorica, which provides a rigid framework around the cell, is multifunctional. It resists the locomotory forces generated by flagellar movement, directs and enhances water flow over the collar and, for planktonic species, contributes towards maintaining cells in suspension. Since the functional morphology of choanoflagellate cells is so effective and has been highly conserved within the group, the ecological and evolutionary radiation of choanoflagellates is almost entirely dependent on the ability of the external coverings, particularly the lorica, to diversify

    The Library of Rudolf Steiner: The Books in English

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    The New Age philosopher, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), was the most prolific and arguably the most influential philosopher of his era. He assembled a substantial library, of approximately 9,000 items, which has been preserved intact since his death. Most of Rudolf Steiner’s books are in German, his native language however there are books in other languages, including English, French, Italian, Swedish, Sanskrit and Latin. There are more books in English than in any other foreign language. Steiner esteemed English as “a universal world language”. The present paper identifies 327 books in English in Rudolf Steiner’s personal library. Fifty percent of the English-language books identified are on Theosophy (n=164). Rudolf Steiner was the General Secretary of the German branch of the Theosophy Society from 1902, and he hived off his own Anthroposophy Society in 1912. The present study reveals that Steiner maintained his interest in Theosophy throughout his life as he stayed up to date with the proliferating portfolio of Theosophy publications. The publication dates of Steiner’s Theosophy collection range from 1877 to 1923. The leading exponents of Theosophy in his day are well represented in Steiner’s collection, including Annie Besant (n=61), Charles Leadbeater (n=13), William Westcott (n=13) and Helena Blavatsky (n=10). Of the other 50% of the Anglo-books identified, 20% are in the category of Religion (n=67), 10% are Social Science (n=33), 6% are Philosophy (n=21), 4% are Science (n=13), and 3% each are Anthroposophy (n=11), History (n=9) and Arts (n=9). The publication dates of Steiner’s Anglo-books span the period 1659 to 1925. This demonstrates that Steiner was acquiring Anglo-books right to the end of his life. The Steiner library throws light on the development of the thoughts of this remarkable individual and the present paper reveals Steiner’s engagement throughout his life with the world of Anglo-publishing and thought

    One-step synthesis of pyridines and dihydropyridines in a continuous flow microwave reactor

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    The Bohlmann–Rahtz pyridine synthesis and the Hantzsch dihydropyridine synthesis can be carried out in a microwave flow reactor or using a conductive heating flow platform for the continuous processing of material. In the Bohlmann–Rahtz reaction, the use of a Brþnsted acid catalyst allows Michael addition and cyclodehydration to be carried out in a single step without isolation of intermediates to give the corresponding trisubstituted pyridine as a single regioisomer in good yield. Furthermore, 3-substituted propargyl aldehydes undergo Hantzsch dihydropyridine synthesis in preference to Bohlmann–Rahtz reaction in a very high yielding process that is readily transferred to continuous flow processing

    Multilayer network analysis : new opportunities and challenges for studying animal social systems

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    M.J.H. is supported by a European Research Council H2020 grant (#638873) awarded to Ellouise Leadbeater. M.J.S is funded by the University of Exeter.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Insights into the origin of metazoan filopodia and microvilli.

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    Filopodia are fine actin-based cellular projections used for both environmental sensing and cell motility, and they are essential organelles for metazoan cells. In this study, we reconstruct the origin of metazoan filopodia and microvilli. We first report on the evolutionary assembly of the filopodial molecular toolkit and show that homologs of many metazoan filopodial components, including fascin and myosin X, were already present in the unicellular or colonial progenitors of metazoans. Furthermore, we find that the actin crosslinking protein fascin localizes to filopodia-like structures and microvilli in the choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta. In addition, homologs of filopodial genes in the holozoan Capsaspora owczarzaki are upregulated in filopodia-bearing cells relative to those that lack them. Therefore, our findings suggest that proteins essential for metazoan filopodia and microvilli are functionally conserved in unicellular and colonial holozoans and that the last common ancestor of metazoans bore a complex and specific filopodial machinery
