100,823 research outputs found

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    UtifrĂ„n en rad perspektiv Ă€r det angelĂ€get att antagningssystemet och de instrument som anvĂ€nds för urval till högre utbildning har legitimitet hos systemets avnĂ€mare. Den undersökning som redovisas har genomförts inom ramen för VALUTAprojektet (Validering av den högre utbildningens antagningssystem). Syftet Ă€r att belysa antagningssystemets konsekvenser ur ett avnĂ€marperspektiv genom att undersöka hur olika grupper av högskolestudenter ser pĂ„ högskoleprovets relevans som urvalsprov samt om de studerande anvĂ€nt sig av strategier, i form av upprepat provdeltagande och komplettering av gymnasiebetyg. Huvudresultaten visar, oberoende av utbildning, kön och social bakgrund, att det delprov som anses vara det mest relevanta Ă€r LÄS medan det minst relevanta delprovet Ă€r ORD. Vidare att de studerande genomfört och upprepat högskoleprovet samt kompletterat sina gymnasiebetyg, men att dessa strategier anvĂ€nts pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt av olika studerandegrupper vilket Ă€r relaterat till utbildning, kön och social bakgrund

    Effect of mechanical soil treatment in blueberry orchards

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    From June 2004 onwards a trial was conducted on a blueberry farm in the LĂŒneburg Heath, Northern Germany, in which methods of mechanical soil cultivation were compared with mulching. The aim was to determine how far the mechanical methods and equipment established for soil management in viniculture and pomiculture can be adapted to blueberry cultivation, and can be improved. The results showed a clear advantage of the methods based on mulch technology in the shape of increased yields. Whilst the mechanical treatments provided acceptable weed control, they cannot be recommended for routine use at present because of strong yield reductions associated with damage to the shallow root system of highbush blueberry shrubs


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    This research attempted to delve into the Indonesian and English lecturers’ views on othering experiences through the metaphorical lens. The data collection employed interviews with ten lecturers teaching at two public universities in Aceh, Indonesia. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and further analyzed using Johnson and Lakoff’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) where a metaphor is referred to understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another thing. The results revealed that the lecturers expressed their feelings of being othered through 14 Acehnese metaphorical expressions. They are ‘awak dalam’, ‘awak droe’ ‘asoe lhĂŽk’, ‘Cina saboh geudĂŽng’, and ‘ureung lhap darah’,‘kön ureung gulam budĂ©e’, ‘kön awak dalam’, ‘kön awak droe jih’, ‘kön syara Ma jih’, ‘gob mat aweuk’, ‘ureung di luwa pageu’, ‘jamok di luwa keuleumbu’, ‘awak gop’, and ‘awak blah dĂ©h laĂŽt’. Those in power (i.e., the ‘us’) discriminated against some lecturers (i.e., the ‘them’) by not providing them equal opportunities in the institution, regardless of their quality and credentials. Othering that existed in the universities negatively affected their work enthusiasm, education quality, social justice, and equality. Consequently, othering must be eradicated so that the human resources recruitment and education in universities uphold the principles of transparency, equality, and accountability

    Scrutiny of Droste’s Original Solution (1917)

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    In 1916, Johannes Droste independently found an exact (vacuum) solution to the Einstein's (gravitational) field equations in empty space. Droste's solution is quasi-comparable to Schwarzschild's one . Droste published his paper entitled “The field of a single centre in Einstein's theory of gravitation, and the motion of a particle in that fieldËź. The paper communicated (in the meeting of May 27, 1916) by Prof. H.A. Lorentz, and published in Ê»Proceedings of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. 19 (1): 197-215 (1917)ÊŒ. In the present article, the Droste's solution is scrutinized and proven to be invalid purely and simply because the procedure used by Droste is mathematically questionable since he had systematically, deliberately, and without any justification ‒removed the constant coefficient Ê»2ÊŒ from the differential term (v'w') in Eq.(6) and added the differential term (wv'') to the same Eq.(6) in order to obtain Eq.(7) which was and is his principal objective, that is, the desired solution. Consequently, Eqs.(6,7) had clearly been falsified

    Regulation of Cydia pomonella in the Northern German climate

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    Population control of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is of great importance in ecological fruit-growing. In the work described here we attempted (1) to determine the efficacy of plant protection preparations certified for organic fruit production, and (2) to develop a suitable application strategy. We found that a Granulovirus (Madex3), Bacillus thuringiensis (Xentari) and Neem Azal were able to provide effective control of C. pomonella. The reduced efficacy of Madex 3 as reported e.g. from some Southern German orchards could not be observed in our trials

    Control of the woolly apple aphid (Erisoma lanigerum Hausm.) by releasing earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.) and support oil applications - an interim report of first year results

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    The woolly apple aphid (Erisoma lanigerum Hausm.) has been recognised for some years as a serious pest in organic fruit growing where they may cause severe economic damage due to a lack of control strategies. Based on preliminary results a new project has been started in 2007 testing combinations of releasing earwigs and oil applications in order to develop an onfarm control strategy. In this paper we present preliminary results of the first year of the projectÂŽs field trials. They showed good efficacies for applying oil preparations by brush. The efficacy of releasing earwigs depended on the infestation intensity

    A Clash between the Business and Political Climates in Sweden - Gender in the European Structural Fund Partnerships

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    In this paper we highlight and discuss a Swedish equality paradox in two different spheres: entrepreneurship and politics. We focus on the EU Structural Funds and women entrepreneurs' access to resources through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Combining human geography and political science, we draw upon network and partnership theory posing questions concerning the room for manoeuvre for women entrepreneurs to gain access to relevant networks, to create new networks in order to establish relations with EU related partnerships, and to gain access to the process of allocating EU structural fund financial resources

    Der Palast des Minos zu Knossos

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    From a postcolonial and feminist perspective this paper examines how gender, ethnicity and the Other is being created in documentary films about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When and in what way are gendered metaphors and subtexts used? Are stereotypes of gender and ethnicity being empowered or enforced? When and in what way are boundaries created between Israel and Palestine and against Sweden? The aim of this study is to point at how postcolonial imaginations affect stories about the Other.Studien granskar kritiskt dokumentÀra filmer och reportage om konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina ur ett genus och etnicitetsperspektiv. Med utgÄngspunkt i postkolonial och feministisk teori tittar vi pÄ hur dessa skildrar kön, etnicitet och de Andra. NÀr och hur anvÀnds könade markörer, metaforer och subtexter? FörstÀrks eller utmanas stereotypa bilder av kön och etnicitet? NÀr och hur skapas grÀnsdragningar mellan Israel och Palestina och gentemot Sverige? Studiens syfte Àr att lyfta fram de postkoloniala förestÀllningar som i hög grad pÄverkar berÀttelser om de Andra
