26,893 research outputs found

    Appreciation investment in company

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    Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout efektivnějšího řešení pořízení investice v podniku Lasmetal s.r.o. Dalším cílem je v souvislosti z hlavním cílem zhodnotit výhodnost způsobu financování investice a navrhnout způsob financování pořízení investice v budoucnu. Na základě zjištěných informací jsou navrženy postupy při pořizování investice a doporučen nejefektivnější způsob financování investice.The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to propose a more effective solution for investment acquisition in Lasmetal s.r.o. company. Another purpose in this regard is to evaluate profitability of the way to finance this investment and suggest ways of financing of the acquisition in the future. Based on outcomes, acquisition processes and the most effective way of investment financing is proposed.

    Foreign Direct Investment - A Proposal Evaluation

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vyhodnocení investičního návrhu do zahraničí. V teoretické části práce je důraz kladen na analýzy, jež pomáhají popsat okolí a průmysl v zemi investice. Je zde dána definice přímé zahraniční investice a práce se zmiňuje i o historii. Hlavní náplní teoretické části je příprava investice, způsoby vyhodnocení a stavba cash flow. Poslední kapitola se zabývá riskem, který vyplývá ze změn v kurzech měn. V teoretické části je provedena analýza PESTLE a Portrův model pěti sil. Jsou popsány přímé zahraniční investice v Německu a v neposlední řadě je vyhodnocena zamýšlená investice.Subject of master thesis is an evaluation of investment proposal. Theoretical part of the work is focused on analysis which helps with estimation of environment and industry in foreign country of investment. Foreign direct investment definition and history is mentioned as well. Main body of theoretical part is about investment preparation, evaluation of investment and building cash flow. Last part of theoretical bases is about exposure to exchange rate risks. Practical part deals with PESTLE and Porter’s five forces analysis. It deals with FDI market and situation in Germany and lastly evaluates the investment proposal.

    The Impact of Foreign Investments on the Achievement of Economic Growth

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    This article deals with the analysis of the positive side of the foreign direct investments in the World´s economy. The importance of this research is derived from the significant role that can be played by foreign investments in industrialized and developing countries. Some countries are still hesitant to attract the foreign investments despite its human and physical potentialities. The foreign investments are mainly influenced by political and economical factors. Foreign direct investments to developing countries are growing very rapidly. In the past, these investments were limited to raw material sectors, nowadays the current investments involve more sectors than ever before. These investments have implications of trade and integration. The revival of foreign investments implies that the risks to private investments have been lowered mainly because of specific policy changes and of improvements of governance more generally. In this research we have mainly used the descriptive methods on the basis of data collection.Foreign direct investment, global economy, international economy, developing countries, multinational companies, economic growth., International Relations/Trade, Political Economy, GA, IN,

    Efficiency of Investment Plan

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je provést ekonomické zhodnocení investice. Tato investice je zaměřena do oblasti zlepšení součastné kvality životního prostředí firmy Cement Hranice, a.s. realizováním investice do by-passového systému pro samostatné odprašování rotační pece. Firma Cement Hranice, a.s. působí na trhu cementářských výrobků, které jsou doplněny sortimentem suchých omítkových a maltovinných směsí. Požadavky na životní prostředí jsou velice přísné a jejich dodržování vysoce nákladné z důvodu zavedených emisních limitů. V této diplomové práci se budu věnovat rozboru vypracovaného návrhu na investici, jejího zhodnocení a definování přínosů z realizace.The object of this diploma thesis is to make economical evaluation of the investment. This investment is aimed at the area of improving the quality of environment in surroundings of Cementary Plant, a.s. by realisation of by-pass investment into separate dust-exhausting of rotary kiln at the same time. Cementary Plant, a.s. has a place in a market of cementary products especially with dry coat-plasters and mortary mixtures. Environment requirements are extremely strict and their following is highly costly because of the established emission limits. In this diploma thesis I am going to attend an analysis of elaborated investment project, its evaluation and defining realisation benefits.

    Italian direct investment in the Czech Republic: the results of a fields analysis

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    The present paper presents the first results of a filed survey on Italian investments in the Central and Eastern European countries. More specifically, this paper is focused on the Italian Investments in the Czech and Slovak Republic. The survey has a qualitative approach put it allows to develop some hypothesis that will be tested in a more comprehensive quantitative analysis. The filed analysis shows that the most important reasons behind Italian investments in the region are: seeking a new market, lowering labour cost and the better law environment in the host country. By the survey, the Italian companies are often export oriented. The respondents have evaluated the degree of autonomy of the subsidiaries which are functioning on the Czech market as medium or low almost unanimously. The Czech and Slovak subsidiaries of Italian firms serve mainly for two markets – the local and Italian one, thus confirming that Italian firms have not used the foreign subsidiaries as a base for entering in the wider regional market. The performance of subsidiaries is evaluated by respondents as good or even very good during last three years. The subsidiaries are conclusively integrated to the Czech economy.

    Investment Efficiency Assessment in the Company, Štěrkovna Bohumín

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá hodnocením efektivnosti investice ve Štěrkovně Bohumín. V teoretické části práce je charakterizována společnost KAMENOLOMY ČR s.r.o. a jsou popsány metody hodnocení efektivnosti investic. V praktické části je charakterizována investice, návrh nové varianty těžby štěrkopísku z vody v lokalitě Starý Bohumín a je provedeno vlastní hodnocení efektivnosti investice.The dissertation is following up with the evalution of the investment efficiency in the Gravel – pit Bohumín. The company Guarries CR s.r.o. is characterized in the theoretical part. There are described the methods of the investment efficiency. The investment and the plan of a new variant of the sandy gravel mining out of the water in the location Starý Bohumín is characterized in the practical part. And the own evalution of the investment efficiency is made, too.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    Analysis of company real investment financing

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    Import 29/09/2010Předmětem bakalářské práce "Analýza financování reálné investice podniku" je porovnání forem financování dlouhodobé investice. Úvodní část je zaměřena na obecnou charakteristiku forem dlouhodobého financování. Další kapitola se zabývá metodami hodnocení efektivnosti financování. V závěrečné kapitole je provedena komparace forem financování metodou čisté současné hodnoty, metodou současné hodnoty výdajů, kritériem vnitřního výnosového procenta a kritériem RPSN.The subject of the thesis "Analysis of company real investment financing" is to compare the forms of financing long-term investment. Introductory section focuses on general characteristics of forms of long-term financing. The next chapter deals with methods for evaluating the effectiveness of funding. The final chapter is the comparison of forms of financing using net present value of the complex, the present value of expenditures, internal rate of return criterion and the criterion RPSN.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Identification and Measurement of Relationships Concerning Inflow of FDI: The Case of the Czech Republic

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    The main goal of the paper is to obtain quantitative evidence describing determinants of FDI in the case of the Czech economy in order to empirically support the decision-making process within the Czech National Bank. The paper builds on the recent economic literature and at the same time examines FDI inflows from the perspective of a multinational company. Furthermore, the microeconomic and macroeconomic characteristics of a potential host country which are crucial for multinational companies' investment decisions are examined. Since government investment incentives seem to play a role in attracting foreign direct investors the paper provides some details on the Czech economic environment regarding this issue. To reach those objectives a cointegration analysis and error-correction model is used to identify the most important determinants of FDI inflows in the Czech Republic by developing an econometric model for analytic purposes. The empirical results presented in the paper support the hypothesis that the most significant determinants of FDI inflow into the Czech economy correspond to the theoretically considered and empirically tested factors. The paper, therefore, provides some basis for analysing the character of foreign investment and assessing the role of the government in attracting FDI inflows to the Czech Republic. More specifically, the empirical results suggest that establishing and maintaining macroeconomic stability and external equilibrium, offering a consistent and competitive package of investment incentives and promotion, and an efficient financing infrastructure, public governance regime and social system are the key factors promoting foreign direct investment inflows.Determinants, empirical analysis, foreign direct investment, incentives

    Assessment of Economic Efficiencys of an Investment Project

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou ekonomické efektivnosti stavební investice. První polovina práce je teoretická, je zde rozebrána problematika posuzování efektivnosti a jednotlivé metody k tomu určené. V druhé, aplikační části, jsou tyto metody použity na konkrétní stavební projekt. Následně je vyhodnocena ekonomická efektivnost této investice.The bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of economic effectiveness of building investments. The first part of the thesis is theoretical; it analyzes the issues of assessing the effectiveness and their respective methods. The second, application part, applies these methods to a particular building plan. Subsequently, the economic effectiveness of that investment is assessed.

    Assessment of the Investment Project of the Engineering Company

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    HRŇA, J. Posouzení investičního záměru strojírenské firmy: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra mechanické technologie, 2018, 39 s. Vedoucí práce: Nečas, L. Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posouzení investičního záměru strojírenské firmy do výrobního zařízení. V úvodu byla popsána teoretická východiska hodnocení investic. Dále byla vypracována charakteristika firmy a jejího investičního záměru a vyčísleny ukazatele pro posouzení efektivnosti investice. Na závěr byly vyhodnoceny přínos a návratnost investičního záměru.HRŇA, J. Assessment of the Investment Project of the Engineering Company: Bachelor Thesis. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Technology, 2018, 39 p. Thesis head: Nečas, L. The bachelor thesis focuses on the assessment of the investment project of the engineering company into the production facility. In the introduction was described the theoretical background of investment evaluation. Furthermore were elaborated the characteristics of the company and its investment plan and the indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the investment. Finally, the benefits and returns of the investment plan were evaluated.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn