25,556 research outputs found

    Psychosis and sexual abuse: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: J. E. Rhodes, N. D. O’Neill, and P. W. Nel, ‘Psychosis and sexual abuse: An interpretative phenomenological analysis’, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, March 2018, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2189. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the first-person perspective of psychosis sufferers who survived childhood sexual abuse. Methods: Interpretative phenomenological analysis was employed to explore the experiences of 7 women with a history of sexual abuse and psychosis. Results: Analysis generated six themes: (a) degradation of self, interlinking shame, guilt, and sometimes disgust; (b) body-self entrapment, experiencing bodily constraint and distortion; (c) a sense of being different to others, involving interpersonal problems; (d) unending struggle and depression, a pervasive sense of defeat; (e) psychotic condemnations and abuse, describing psychotic phenomena related to harm and sexual abuse; and (f) perception of links to the past, the links made from past abuse to current functioning. Conclusion: Participants suffered extreme psychological, physical, and interpersonal difficulties past and present. Psychotic experiences reported exhibited themes of condemnation by external entities and reflected the topic of sexual abuse. Participants did not generally link psychosis to their past abusive experiences.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Women, anger, and aggression an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    This study reports a qualitative phenomenological investigation of anger and anger-related aggression in the context of the lives of individual women. Semistructured interviews with five women are analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This inductive approach aims to capture the richness and complexity of the lived experience of emotional life. In particular, it draws attention to the context-dependent and relational dimension of angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Three analytic themes are presented here: the subjective experience of anger, which includes the perceptual confusion and bodily change felt by the women when angry, crying, and the presence of multiple emotions; the forms and contexts of aggression, paying particular attention to the range of aggressive strategies used; and anger as moral judgment, in particular perceptions of injustice and unfairness. The authors conclude by examining the analytic observations in light of phenomenological thinking


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    Penggunaan teknologi bagi anak pada saat ini sudah menjadi suatu hal yang lazim. Orangtua sudah memfasilitasi anak-anaknya yang masih berusia dini dengan gadget pribadi. Penggunaan teknologi menghasilkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi penggunanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan teknologi anak pada diri ibu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi fenomenologi. Partisipan penelitian yaitu ibu dengan anak yang telah dikenalkan gadget pada usia dini dan memiliki gadget pribadi.Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu telah mengenalkan teknologi pada anak sejak usia dini. Pengenalan gadget pada anak usia dini dilatarbelakangi dengan alasan pemberian gadget dari kakek dan nenek, alasan pekerjaan, dan kepercayaan pada anak. Penggunaan gadget berpengaruh positif dan negatif baik bagi diri anak maupun ibu. Dampak positif penggunaan gadget pada anak yaitu membantu anak dalam belajar, media hiburan, dan penenang bagi anak. Dampak negatif penggunaan gadget bagi anak yaitu anak memunculkan perilaku agresif, konsentrasi dan perhatian anak menurun, serta kesulitan berbicara. Pada diri ibu, dampak positif penggunaan gadget anak yaitu membantu dalam mengasuh anak, kemudahan berkomunikasi dengan anak, dan rasa senang karena anak di rumah. Dampak negatif yang muncul yaitu menjadi objek agresivitas anak, kesulitan menarik perhatian anak, serta kekhawatiran pada anak. Kata Kunci: Pengenalan teknologi, Penggunaan teknologi, Dampak teknolog

    A critical overview of interpretative phenomenological analysis: a contemporary qualitative research approach

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    Context: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) has become a dominant qualitative research methodology in many academic disciplines. The desire to understand the theoretical underpinnings of this research approach is evident. Objective: This paper is aimed at providing an overview and limitations of IPA. This paper will hopefully equip researchers when deciding on the appropriate research methodology to their research topic. Methods: A range of literature on qualitative research approach and phenomenology is reviewed. The relevant literature on the theoretical underpinnings of IPA are examined. Results: The article illuminates that IPA represents a highly useful methodology in providing a rich and nuance insight into the experiences of research participants. Conclusion: IPA is a forward-looking research approach that adopts a flexible and versatile design to understand people’s experiences

    Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: A Contemporary Phenomenological Approach

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    Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) is a contemporary qualitative research method grounded in phenomenology, hermeneutics, and idiography. The philosophical principles and rigorous methodology make this approach well suited for research in counselor education and supervision. This primer introduces counselor educators to IPA theory and methodology and discusses considerations for implementation

    Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) : a qualitative methodology of choice in healthcare research

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    This paper focuses on the teaching of the qualitative method, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), to healthcare professionals (HCPs). It introduces briefly the philosophical background of IPA and how it has been used within healthcare research, and then discusses the teaching of IPA to HCPs within received educational theory. Lastly, the paper describes how IPA has been taught to students/trainees in some specific healthcare professions (clinical psychology, medicine, nursing and related disciplines). In doing this, the paper demonstrates the essential simplicity, paradoxical complexity, and methodological rigour that IPA can offer as a research tool in understanding healthcare and illness from the patient or service user perspective


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    Phenomenological research is commonly used worldwide in the field of health psychology to describe and explain the unique life experiences of health and disease. In Latvia, the phenomenological research in health psychology has not been performed yet. In this study, the methodological aspects of interpretative phenomenological analysis applied to explore the experience of fathers with a child in palliative care will be exemplified. The paper particularly aims to analyze the steps of interpretative phenomenological analysis applied during the study of one father’s experience. A single case will be presented detailing the disclosure of father’s experience and reflection on the process of interpretive phenomenological analysis on interview data. Conclusions in terms of the methodological aspects of interpretative phenomenological analysis will be provided

    The impact of globalisation on organisational communication: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    Background: Many journal articles, books and book chapters have been devoted to cross-cultural communication, highlighting aspects such as individualist vs. collectivist cultures, and high- vs. low-context cultures (Gudykunst & Kim, 2003; Lanier, 2010; Hofstede, Hofstede, & Minkov, 2010). However, very few studies have been carried out on the implications of these aspects on global business. It is evident that people are moving between cultures for various reasons such as work or studies (Office for National Statistics, 2014), taking their cultural communication styles with them (Hofstede, Hofstede, & Minkov, 2010). The aim of this small-scale study was to look at the effects of communication on global operations. Culture varies across geographical regions (Agar, 1994), influencing the conveyed meaning being communicated. Hence, the research question for this study was: What are the communication implications of a global workforce? Methods: A homogenous sample of four participants at senior management level was interviewed using Semi-Structured Interviews (SSI). Eleven carefully selected questions were devised with the aim of reducing demand characteristics. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Smith & Osborn, 2011) was applied to the collected data. Findings: Findings suggested that explicit and implicit communication is a key element for successful global business, as well as a broad understanding of cultures. Consequently, participants reported that it is necessary to have knowledge of how other cultures behave so integrity of business can be carried out. Discussion: It was concluded that implications are evident for global organisations, particularly towards management, who need to ensure there is a constant and consistent level of communication to help their employees and increase their profits