4,378,223 research outputs found

    Review of the National Survey of Research Commercialisation (NSRC)

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    A review of the NSRC (the Review) is currently being undertaken to ensure future collections are relevant, align with current and emerging priorities for research commercialisation in Australia, are targeted to sector priorities and comparable with international data sources. Consideration of new metrics including options to introduce research/industry engagement measures will be included in the scope of the review. Australia’s publicly funded research community includes universities, publicly funded research agencies, medical research institutes and other research organisations. By international standards Australia performs well in terms of research excellence and output, but poorly in translating publicly funded research into commercial outcomes . A key reason for this is the insufficient transfer of knowledge between researchers and business. Australia ranks 29th and 30th out of 30 OECD countries on the proportion of large businesses and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) collaborating with higher education and public research institutions on innovation. The Australian Government is actively implementing policy incentives that will improve the translation of publicly funded research into commercial and broader public benefits. This includes 2014 budget measures such as the Entrepreneurs Infrastructure Programme and proposals announced as part of the Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda and the Boosting the Commercial Returns from Research Discussion Paper . Consistent with the policy objective to improve research industry collaboration and commercialisation and thereby lift Australia’s productivity, prosperity and international competitiveness, the Government will refocus the NSRC. This includes capturing new and robust data that will provide a comprehensive picture of research commercialisation in Australia including pathways to commercialisation. &nbsp

    Balancing simplicity and functionality in designing user-interface for an interactive TV

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    Recent computer vision and content-based multimedia techniques such as scene segmentation, face detection, searching through video clips, and video summarisation are potentially useful tools in enhancing the usefulness of an interactive TV (iTV). However, the technical nature and the relative immaturity of these tools means it is difficult to represent new functionalities afforded by these techniques in an easy-to-use manner on a TV interface where simplicity is critical and the viewers are not necessarily proficient in using advanced or highly-sophisticated interaction using a remote control. By introducing multiple layers of interaction sophistication and the unobtrusive semi-transparent panels that can be immediately invoked without menu hierarchy or complex sequence of actions, we developed an iTV application featuring powerful content retrieval techniques yet providing a streamlined and simple interface that gracefully leverages these techniques. Initial version of the interface is ready for demonstration

    Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on the Exposure Draft Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015

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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As has been stated in previous submissions to Government, the Associations acknowledge Government’s desire to protect telecommunications infrastructure and the information transmitted across it from unauthorised access and interference. Indeed, Australian Carriers, Carriage Service Providers and Carriage Service Intermediaries (C/CSPs) and other industry participants have an active and vested interest in ensuring that the nation’s networks and communications infrastructure are robust and resistant to external attack. Industry is, however, unable to support the proposed Telecommunications Sector Security Reform (TSSR), as described in the exposure draft legislation, for reasons including that it constitutes regulatory ‘over-reach’ in the form of a framework that: will face challenges protecting communications networks, i.e. it will not deliver the increased protection the proposed reforms are aiming to achieve; is out of step with regulatory approaches to protecting networks adopted in other countries, including the UK, USA and Canada, thereby putting Australia at a disadvantage in fighting cyber threats and undermine Industry’s ability to support these important peers; hands unjustifiably significant additional and intrusive powers to Government and places regulatory burdens on Industry that will undermine its ability to protect against and respond to cyber attacks; risks being highly disruptive to the deployment of new network technologies that are more robust in preventing cyber attacks; will be a significant deterrent to technological investment in Australia; imposes additional costs on Industry and (ultimately) consumers undermining Australia’s competitiveness at a time when digital innovation is an important area for growth for Australia; fails to offer protection/indemnity to C/CSPs against the risk of civil litigation through ‘safe harbours’, thereby limiting information sharing and the ability to quickly respond to threats and to jointly engage in preventative action; carries the risk that competition in infrastructure supply will be reduced, to the detriment of all Australians; lacks transparency; and fails to provide adequate consultative mechanisms and avenues of appeal

    The Recording Industry and “Regional” Culture in Indonesia; the Case of Minangkabau

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    2011 Strategic roadmap for Australian research infrastructure

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    The 2011 Roadmap articulates the priority research infrastructure areas of a national scale (capability areas) to further develop Australia’s research capacity and improve innovation and research outcomes over the next five to ten years. The capability areas have been identified through considered analysis of input provided by stakeholders, in conjunction with specialist advice from Expert Working Groups   It is intended the Strategic Framework will provide a high-level policy framework, which will include principles to guide the development of policy advice and the design of programs related to the funding of research infrastructure by the Australian Government. Roadmapping has been identified in the Strategic Framework Discussion Paper as the most appropriate prioritisation mechanism for national, collaborative research infrastructure. The strategic identification of Capability areas through a consultative roadmapping process was also validated in the report of the 2010 NCRIS Evaluation. The 2011 Roadmap is primarily concerned with medium to large-scale research infrastructure. However, any landmark infrastructure (typically involving an investment in excess of $100 million over five years from the Australian Government) requirements identified in this process will be noted. NRIC has also developed a ‘Process to identify and prioritise Australian Government landmark research infrastructure investments’ which is currently under consideration by the government as part of broader deliberations relating to research infrastructure. NRIC will have strategic oversight of the development of the 2011 Roadmap as part of its overall policy view of research infrastructure

    Optimal Scheduling of Trains on a Single Line Track

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    This paper describes the development and use of a model designed to optimise train schedules on single line rail corridors. The model has been developed with two major applications in mind, namely: as a decision support tool for train dispatchers to schedule trains in real time in an optimal way; and as a planning tool to evaluate the impact of timetable changes, as well as railroad infrastructure changes. The mathematical programming model described here schedules trains over a single line track. The priority of each train in a conflict depends on an estimate of the remaining crossing and overtaking delay, as well as the current delay. This priority is used in a branch and bound procedure to allow and optimal solution to reasonable size train scheduling problems to be determined efficiently. The use of the model in an application to a 'real life' problem is discussed. The impacts of changing demand by increasing the number of trains, and reducing the number of sidings for a 150 kilometre section of single line track are discussed. It is concluded that the model is able to produce useful results in terms of optimal schedules in a reasonable time for the test applications shown here

    Car Industry developments – oil industry challenges

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    Automotive industry of Europe is one of the greatest economical powers, the „engine of Europe”. It employs directly 2.2 million people and 10 million in related industries and services. Combined turnover of automotive manufacturers reaches 700 billion EUR (retail another 520 billion EUR). The industry is the largest R&D investor in EU. On the other hand the transport sector carries a huge safety and environmental risk. Thanks to this fact the automotive industry is one of the most regulated sectors in the EU. As a result of these regulations: one average car built in 1970s produced as many pollutant elements as one hundred cars manufactured today. These achievements are based on struggles of both the auto and oil industry as parallel with technology development in car industry fuel quality developments achieved by the oil industry drove to a much “cleaner” fuel quality (unleaded sulphur free petrol, reduction of aromatics, benzene; sulphur free diesel, reduction of density, poly-aromatics, etc.). In the end of the 1990s, and especially for the last few years new challenges came into the focus of the auto and oil industry of the EU and the world. Concerns about high energy prices and price volatility, security of worldwide oil supply and climate change became a main policy agenda of the EU and the world. This new policy is reflected in new regulatory initiatives requiring cars using less energy more efficiently, emitting less carbondioxide and using growing proportion of renewable fuels. The European Commission declared the idea of “Cars for Fuels” instead of “Fuels for Cars”. This article discusses in detail the regulations and challenges that rose towards oil and car industry during the recent years. It describes the possible solutions in order to fulfil the requirements of the EU. After that a wide picture is presented without going into much detail on developments of the automotive industry. Developments are divided between vehicle level, engine level and fuel level technologies, also paying attention to technologies that are less known or rather futuristic

    Identifying attack surfaces in the evolving space industry using reference architectures

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    The space environment is currently undergoing a substantial change and many new entrants to the market are deploying devices, satellites and systems in space; this evolution has been termed as NewSpace. The change is complicated by technological developments such as deploying machine learning based autonomous space systems and the Internet of Space Things (IoST). In the IoST, space systems will rely on satellite-to-x communication and interactions with wider aspects of the ground segment to a greater degree than existing systems. Such developments will inevitably lead to a change in the cyber security threat landscape of space systems. Inevitably, there will be a greater number of attack vectors for adversaries to exploit, and previously infeasible threats can be realised, and thus require mitigation. In this paper, we present a reference architecture (RA) that can be used to abstractly model in situ applications of this new space landscape. The RA specifies high-level system components and their interactions. By instantiating the RA for two scenarios we demonstrate how to analyse the attack surface using attack trees