58 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Concrete is a composite material composed of cemen


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    An Empirical Investigation of Using ANN Based N-State Sequential Machine and Chaotic Neural Network in the Field of Cryptography

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    Cryptography is the exchange of information among the users without leakage of information to others. Many public key cryptography are available which are based on number theory but it has the drawback of requirement of large computational power, complexity and time consumption during generation of key [1]. To overcome these drawbacks, we analyzed neural network is the best way to generate secret key. In this paper we proposed a very new approach in the field of cryptography. We are using two artificial neural networks in the field of cryptography. First One is ANN based n-state sequential machine and Other One is chaotic neural network. For simulation MATLAB software is used. This paper also includes an experimental results and complete demonstration that ANN based n-state sequential machine and chaotic neural network is successfully perform the cryptography

    Експериментальне обґрунтування методики розрахунку нормованих параметрів заземлювального пристрою на основі тришарової моделі ґрунту

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    Проведено аналіз можливості застосування розробленої методики визначення нормованих параметрів заземлювального пристрою, розташованого в тришаровому ґрунті, шляхом порівняння результатів експериментальних вимірів з розрахунковими значеннями для діючих високовольтних підстанцій України. Показано, що середня похибка розрахунку значення опору заземлювального пристрою знизилася з 18 % для двошарової моделі ґрунту до менше 10 % для тришарової моделі. Порівняння розрахункових та експериментально визначених значень напруги дотику показало високу ступінь їх співпадінняВыполнен анализ возможности применения разработанной методики определения нормируемых параметров заземляющего устройства, расположенного в трехслойном грунте, путем сравнения результатов экспериментальных измерений с расчетными значениями для действующих высоковольтных подстанций Украины. Показано, что средняя погрешность определения значения сопротивления заземляющего устройства снизилась с 18 % для двухслойной модели до менее 10 % для трехслойной модели. Сравнение расчетных и экспериментально определенных значений напряжения прикосновения показало высокую степень их совпаденияPurpose. Experimental substantiation of the possibility of using the calculation procedure of normalized parameters grounding devices on the basis of a three-layer model soil. Methodology. The research was based on comparison of the results of experimental measurements for the existing high voltage energy facilities of Ukraine with the results of the calculation. Results. Comparison showed that the average error decreased from 18 % for the two-layer model to 10 % for the three-layer model. The analysis of the calculated and experimentally determined values of the touch voltage showed a high degree of coincidence. Originality. The adequacy of the calculation procedure of the normalized parameters of the grounding device for model with three-layer soil is substantiated by the results of experimental research on the existing energy objects. Practical value. The obtained results allow us to use calculation procedure to create software to determine with increased accuracy the normalized parameters of grounding device located in three-layer soils

    Enhance the performance of Chaotic Generator in the Filed of Cryptography: A Secret Key Generation Approach

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    The main focus of this research paper is to propose and improvement of the data security using encryption and decryption method in ANN based chaotic generator of original value. The Binary value sequence of ASCII CODE is converted with two initial parameter, and converted value is again decrypted with same initial parameter. In which consists of Binary value of ASCII Code, chaotic neural network algorithm was used for encryption and decryption and it generates the chaotic sequence of random value for each A to Z letter. The generated random value is the encrypted binary ASCII values of A to Z sequence of original ASCII Code binary value, with same initial parameter. For simulation MATLAB software is used. This paper also includes improved experimental results and complete demonstration that ANN Based Chaotic Generator is successfully perform the cryptography

    An Innovative Approach For Various Grades Of Geo-Polymer Concrete With The Replacement Of River Sand With Robosand

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    One of the endeavors to create ecologically neighborly cement is to decrease the use of Portland concrete by utilizing by-item materials, for example, fly powder. It is realized that generation of one ton of Portland concrete records for around one ton of carbon dioxide discharged to the climate, as the consequence of de carbonation of limestone in the oven amid assembling of bond. A critical progress in the use of fly fiery debris in cement is the improvement of high volume fly powder (HVFA) solid, which mostly replaces the utilization of Portland bond in concrete(up to 60%), while keeping up brilliant mechanical properties with upgraded sturdiness execution. Another improvement is geo polymer, i.e. inorganic Alumino-silicates polymer blended from minerals of land cause or by-items materials, for example, fly cinder, rice husk slag and so on., that are rich in silicon (Si) and aluminum (Al). Fly cinder is inexhaustibly accessible around the world, and endeavors to use it in solid creation are of huge enthusiasm to the solid technologists and industry. GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Slag) is a waste material produced in iron or slag ventures have huge effect on Strength and Durability of Geopolymer Concrete. This paper gives a short audit of the advancement of geopolymer cement. The variables that influence the generation of geopolymer cement, for example, source minerals, workability, curing time, and curing temperature are talked about in the paper. The potential utilization of geopolymer cement and the future difficulties are additionally specified. The Geo-polymers are involved alumina-silicate materials which totally replaces the Portland bond in cement. The alumina-silicate materials which are disintegrated in soluble initiated arrangement i.e., Sodium Hydroxide or Potassium Hydroxide which in this manner polymerizes into sub-atomic affixes and systems to make the solidified folio which are alluded as in natural polymer concretes.   The primary goal of this venture is to research the different evaluations of Geo-polymer concrete by supplanting the fine total with Robosand. The Mix outline methodology is analyzed with various evaluations i.e., (M-30, M-35, and M-40) for Geo-polymer concrete. The compressive quality and workability of the solid are contemplated for different evaluations of the Geo-polymer concrete

    The Effect Of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture & Motivation On Employee Performance At Phalombe District Hospital And National Records And Archives Services Of Malawi During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This paper assesses the effect of transformational leadership, organizational culture and motivation on employee performance at Phalombe District Hospital and National Records and Archives Services in Malawi during Covid-19 pandemic. It is a quantitative research whose target population is 330 with a sample size of 170 respondents that was determined using Slovin formula. After following ethical considerations, respondents were selected using random probability sampling technique. Data was collected through an online structured questionnaire and analysed by multiple linear regression analysis technique that was done using Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 26 program as an analysis tool. The research results show that partially transformational leadership has no effect on employee performance, organizational culture has no effect on employee performance and motivation has no effect on employee performance at Phalombe District Hospital and National Records and Archives Services in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic.   Key words: Transformational Leadership; Organizational Culture; Motivation; Employee Performance; Covid-19 Pandemic; Phalombe District Hospital; National Records and Archives Service of Malaw

    Review on investigation of corrosion behavior of reinforced concrete with supplementary cementitious materials

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    Cement concrete is the most widely used material for various constructions. Properly designed and prepared concrete results in good strength and durability. Sometime these mixes are found to be inadequate, hence variety of admixtures are used along with cement. A certain percentage of cement will be replaced separately with metakaolin and silica fumes. Hence the flexural strength test of concrete and evaluation of corrosion behavior of the reinforcement can be performed. The study of flexural property of concrete will be conducted at 7 or 28 days characteristic strength with different replacement level of cement (i.e.0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%). Corrosion behavior of reinforcement will be evaluated based on half-cell potential. Concrete samples will be cured in either fresh water of 4% NaCl saline water for 7 or 28 days of curing period. We assumed that the addition of silica fumes and metakaolin will improve the flexural strength characteristics of concrete and corrosion resistivity of reinforcement. Keywords: Flexural strength, corrosion, metakaolin, silica fumes