37,211 research outputs found

    Distribution and ecology of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Flanders (Belgium)

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    Based on a literature survey and the identification of all available collection material from Flanders, a checklist is presented, distribution maps are plotted and the relationship between the occurrence of the different species and water characteristics is analysed. Of the sixteen stonefly species that have been recorded, three are now extinct in Flanders (Isogenus nubecida, Taeniopteryx nebulosa and T. schoenemundi), while the remaining species are rare. The occurence of stoneflies is almost restricted to small brooks, while observations in larger watercourses are almost lacking. Although a few records may indicate that some larger watercourses have recently been recolonised, these observations consisted of single specimens and might be due to drift. Most stonefly population are strongly isolated and therefore extremely vulnerable. Small brooks in the Campine region (northeast Flanders), which are characterised by a lower pH and a lower conductivity, contained a different stonefly community than the small brooks in the rest of Flanders. Leuctra pseudosignifera, Nemoura marginata and Protonemura intricata are mainly found in small brooks in the loamy region, Amphinemura staandfussi, Isoperla grammatica, Leuctra fusca, L.hippopus, N. avicularis and P. meyeri mainly occur in small Campine brooks, while L. nigra, N. cinerea and Nemurella pictetii can be found in both types. Nemoura dubitans can typically be found in stagnant water fed with freatic water. Sustainable populations of these stonefly species can only be achieved when their present habitats are adequately protected and in addition, measures should be taken to connect and enlarge the remaining populations

    Forms of World Literature and the Taipei Poetry Festival

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    In poetry anthologies and works of literary criticism, the authority to select which literature can become “world” literature often lies with a single editor or theorist. This essay contrasts those centralizations of authority with the more egalitarian structure of international poetry festivals. Using the 2016 Taipei Poetry Festival as an example, the essay reads the impact of the form of the festival on its audience’s experience of translation, the local in the transnational, and intercultural solidarity. The essay then argues that boredom is a formal flaw in contemporary festivals, and advocates that translations be performed in local vernaculars

    Esercitazioni di teoria

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    Fuentes españolas en la primera gramática latina de Amaro de Roboredo

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    The present paper analyses the spanish sources used by Amaro de Roboredo in his Verdadeira grammatica latina para se bem saber em breue tempo (Lisboa 1615), a treatise scarcely studied. We mainly try to confirm the influence of Sanctius' rationalist grammar on that work, without neglecting the analysis of other spanish sources, such as the Grammaticae artis integra institutio (Salamanca 1575) from Francisco Martins, an also portuguese author mentioned by Amaro de Roboredo in the preface of the Grammatica latina (Lisboa 1625).Verdadeira grammatica latina para se bem saber em breue tempo (Lisboa 1615), tratado éste del que, según los datos de que se dispone, no se han realizado hasta la fecha trabajos, pues, hasta hace poco tiempo, no se conocían ejemplares. En primer lugar, se trata de confirmar la influencia de la gramática racionalista de Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas en dicha obra; así mismo, se rastrea el influjo metodológico de la Grammaticae artis integra institutio (Salamanca 1575) del también portugués Francisco Martins �preceptista al que cita Roboredo en el prólogo de la Grammatica latina (Lisboa 1625)

    Insegnare il portoghese agli inglesi e lo spagnolo ai portoghesi: due grammatiche a confronto tra Sette e Ottocento

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    Dopo una breve e selettiva disanima dedicata alla produzione metalinguistica portoghese tra Cinquecento e Ottocento, incentrata in particolar modo sul rapporto con le lingue straniere, l’articolo analizza due casi specifici, il primo relativo ad una grammatica del portoghese scritta in lingua straniera (A new portuguese grammar in four parts di António Vieira Transtagano, 1ª ed. 1768), il secondo ad una grammatica scritta in portoghese ma dedicata ad una lingua straniera (Grammatica hespanhola para uso dos portuguezes di Nicolau Antonio Peixoto, 1ª ed. 1848). Partendo dall’analisi strutturale, lessicale, contenutistica ed editoriale dei due testi, si giungerà ad una prima riflessione comparativa sul metalinguaggio e le strategie didattiche utilizzate, concentrandosi in particolar modo sulle rispettive sezioni di fonologia.The paper focuses on two books, a grammar of Portuguese written in English (A new portuguese grammar in four parts by António Vieira Transtagano, 1768) and a grammar of Spanish written in Portuguese (Grammatica hespanhola para uso dos portuguezes by Nicolau António Peixoto, 1848). The comparison focuses on the phonological sections. The purpose is to illuminate the critical elements of Portuguese phonology for the foreign learner and those of the foreign language for the Portuguese learner

    La grammatica in Dante

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    La Grammatica occupa in Dante uno dei due poli del paradigma diglossico caratteristico della cultura linguistica del Medioevo. La riflessione sulla Grammatica si sviluppa creativamente dalla Vita Nuova alla Commedia, a partire da concetti aristotelico-tomisti e in direzione della definitiva neutralizzazione delle diglossie messe in evidenza soprattutto nel Convivio e nel De vulgari. Tale neutralizzazione verrà teorizzata nel canto XXVI del Paradiso

    Process nominalizations in russian

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    Within a minimalist framework of sound-meaning correlation, the present study concentrates on process nominalizations of Russian. It is shown how these constructions are built up syntactically and semantically and in which respects they differ from other types of nominalizations. The analysis follows a lexicalist conception of word formation and the differentiation of Semantic Form and Conceptual Structure

    De grammatica gallica à grammaire françoise: UNE NOUVELLE DÉNOMINATION POUR UNE NOUVELLE DISCIPLINE ?

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    Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'une discipline, héritière d'une longue tradition, change d'objet et de nom? Ainsi, à la Renaissance quand Vars grammatica, héritée de l'Antiquité gréco-latine, prend pour objet les vernaculaires, et spé¬cifiquement le français, et que la grammatica gallica devient grammaire fran-çoisel Par le changement affiché d'objet (la langue cible) et de métalangue, le passage de la grammatica latina à la grammaire françoise délimite et autono-mise, à partir d'un champ disciplinaire ancien et constitué, une discipline nou¬velle : la grammaire française (= la grammaire du français en français), qui tout à la fois s'inscrit dans la tradition latine, antique et humaniste, et affirme son autonomie dans un nouveau champ disciplinaire, celui de la grammatisation des vernaculaires.Dans cette communication, nous examinerons donc, à partir d'un ensemble d'ouvrages allant principalement de Palsgrave (1530) et Sylvius (1531) à Maupas (1607), comment le passage de grammatica à grammaire marque une redéfinition de la discipline 'Grammaire', et donc dans quelle mesure la «novation des mots» (Du Bellay) va de pair avec la rénovation des savoirs. Après un bref inventaire des titres et des types d'ouvrage, nous examinerons successivement ce qui a trait à la métalangue, à la langue-cible et à la discipline elle-même