32,968 research outputs found

    Neutron diffractometer allows both magnetic and crystallographic analyses

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    Automatic double-crystal neutron diffractometer performs both crystal and magnetic structural analyses. This shielded installation has a goniometric turntable and electronic controls, and auxiliary equipment including a goniometer, diffraction electromagnet, two cryogenic dewars, and two diffraction furnaces

    Linking goniometer measurements to hyperspectral and multi-sensor imagery for retrieval of beach properties and coastal characterization

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    In June 2011, a multi-sensor airborne remote sensing campaign was flown at the Virginia Coast Reserve Long Term Ecological Research site with coordinated ground and water calibration and validation (cal/val) measurements. Remote sensing imagery acquired during the ten day exercise included hyperspectral imagery (CASI-1500), topographic LiDAR, and thermal infra-red imagery, all simultaneously from the same aircraft. Airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data acquisition for a smaller subset of sites occurred in September 2011 (VCR\u2711). Focus areas for VCR\u2711 were properties of beaches and tidal flats and barrier island vegetation and, in the water column, shallow water bathymetry. On land, cal/val emphasized tidal flat and beach grain size distributions, density, moisture content, and other geotechnical properties such as shear and bearing strength (dynamic deflection modulus), which were related to hyperspectral BRDF measurements taken with the new NRL Goniometer for Outdoor Portable Hyperspectral Earth Reflectance (GOPHER). This builds on our earlier work at this site in 2007 related to beach properties and shallow water bathymetry. A priority for VCR\u2711 was to collect and model relationships between hyperspectral imagery, acquired from the aircraft at a variety of different phase angles, and geotechnical properties of beaches and tidal flats. One aspect of this effort was a demonstration that sand density differences are observable and consistent in reflectance spectra from GOPHER data, in CASI hyperspectral imagery, as well as in hyperspectral goniometer measurements conducted in our laboratory after VCR\u2711

    Contact Angle Measurement of Dental Restorative Materials by Drop Profile Image Analysis

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    The capability of initial microbial adhesion to dental restorative composites surface is influenced by the surface wettability of the materials. The common method to evaluate surface wettability of materials is contact angle measurement. The existing conventional method to measure contact angle is by means of a contact angle (CA)-Goniometer device, which is less practically applicable in clinical circumstances. Therefore, a more practical and applicable method is needed to measure contact angle in clinical circumstances. This research was performed to compare between contact angles measured by means of a CA-Goniometer device and a new practical method of drop profile image analysis. In addition, since there were two different formulas that can be used to calculate contact angle value from a drop profile image, then we also need to evaluate which formula is more reliable to be used. Tests were carried out using three composite discs (Clearfill-Kuraray Medical, Inc.) sample and deionised water for different measurement procedures. One drop of 3Āµl liquid was dropped onto the surface of the composite discs, and the drop profile image was captured by means of a customized home-made device connected to a digital camera. Two different formulas were used to calculate the contact angle value from the drop profile image, namely the ā€œlinier gradient equationā€ and the ā€œtangential lineā€. The contact angle values obtained from the two different formulas were compared with the value obtained from the conventional method descriptively. Tests were carried out using three composite discs (Clearfill-Kuraray Medical, Inc.) sample and deionised water for different measurement procedures. One drop of 3Āµl liquid was dropped onto the surface of the composite discs, and the drop profile image was captured by means of a customized home-made device connected to a digital camera. Two different formulas were used to calculate the contact angle value from the drop profile image, namely the ā€œlinier gradient equationā€ and the ā€œtangential lineā€. The contact angle values obtained from the two different formulas were compared with the value obtained from the conventional method descriptively. The differences in percentage between the contact angle value calculated by the ā€œlinier gradient equationā€ and ā€œtangential lineā€ formulas, and those calculated by means of the CA-Goniometer are 20,56% and 3,51%, respectively. It is obviously demonstrated that the value obtained by the ā€œtangential lineā€ formula has a smaller difference compared to those obtained by the ā€œlinier equation gradientā€ formula. Among the two different formulas, it is confirmed that the contact angle value calculated with the ā€œtangential lineā€ formula has closer similarity with the value obtained from the CA-Goniometer. This result confirms that the new practical method of drop profile image analysis is promising for measuring contact angle values in clinical circumstances. Related to the drop profile image analysis, the ā€œtangential lineā€ formula is more accurate compared to the ā€œlinier gradient equationā€ formula

    Rancang Bangun Goniometer Elektronik Sebagai Alat Latihan Range of Motion Pada Pasien Diabetes

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    Salah satu cara untuk merehabilitasi pasien penderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah dengan melakukan latihan gerakan senam range of motion (ROM). Goniometer digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk menghitung sudut capaian gerakan pasien yang melaksanakan latihan ROM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu alat goniometer elektronik yang mampu menghitung sudut capaian gerakan pasien saat melaksanakan latihan ROM. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan hasil pengukuran dari goniometer dan hasil pengukuran dari alat goniometer elektronik yang dirancang yang menggunakan sensor Gyroscope MPU 6050 sebagai pengukur sudutnya. Data hasil pengukuran pada alat yang dirancang dikirim menggunakan modul Bluetooth HC-05 dan kemudian akan ditampilkan pada android. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dapat dirancang dan dibangun sebuah alat goniometer elektronik yang dapat mengukur sudut capaian ekstensi kaki pada latihan range of motion (ROM) tanpa perlu mengukur secara manual dengan menggunakan penggaris goniometer dengan keakuratan yang cukup baik dengan nilai eror alat keseluruhan adalah 2,5 %

    X-ray measurements of stresses and defects in EFG and large grained polycrystalline silicon ribbons

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    The Bond method was employed to measure the lattice parameter in an area of 0.4 mm in diameter of EFG Si-ribbons to an accuracy of + or - 0.00008 A. A Bond goniometer was built which included a goniostat with a special specimen holder to mount ribbons 1 m in length and 75 mm in width which could be rotated about two orthogonal axes, and a Leitz microscope for precision alignment of a particular area into the center of the goniostat and the small primary X-ray beam. The (321) planes were found to be parallel to the surface of the ribbons with an angular spread of about 15 deg. The poles of the (111) planes clustered about an angle of 25 deg away from the surface normal, again with a spread of 10 deg. The lattice parameter of a small piece of ribbon material was found to be a sub o = 5.43075 A. A maximum stress of 115 MPa was observed in a fractured ribbon which corresponded to the fracture stress of single crystals of Si
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