99,023 research outputs found

    Price List: Greyfalcon House Price List

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    Regular and special bulk price lists for posters, card, notepaper 1972. Poster descriptions: design #1: ..God Created Woman.. and design #2 ..Ain’t I A Woman? from Greyfalcon House 60 Riverside Drive New York, New York. Handwritten not top right corner: Thanks for your orde

    Seeing Through the Invisible Pink Unicorn

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    This paper explores the quasi-religious aspects of the Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU), an internet based spoof of religion. IPU message boards situate a moral orientation in an ongoing interactional process that sacralizes parody and an idealized form of “free thinking.” We employ content analysis and grounded theory to argue that IPU writers’ parody of religion serves as a ritual act and conclude our discussion by considering the implications of the findings for the literature on ritual

    Facing The Abusing God: A Theology of Protest

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    What does it mean to speak of religious faith after the Holocaust? Must sole responsibility for the annihilation of six million Jews rest solely with humanity or was God also to blame? Come hear David Blumenthal discuss his new, and controversial, work and the faith that continues to challenge and sustain him.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1183/thumbnail.jp

    People of the Book: The Bible in Jewish Life and Liturgy

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    Celebrating 15 Years of Judaic Studies at Fairfield University
 Dr. Ruth Langer, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies in Theology; Director of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College; author of To Worship God Properly: Tensions between Liturgical Custom and Halakhah in Judaism; and co-editor of Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1263/thumbnail.jp

    For I Know the Plans I Have for You: God Locus of Control, Spiritual Change, and Death Anxiety in Primary Brain Tumor Patients

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    Background/Purpose. Primary brain tumor (PBT) patients risk experiencing death anxiety given the high mortality rate of their diagnosis. In line with Terror Management Theory (TMT), many diagnosed with cancer utilize religion as a method of coping with the disease. However, previous literature on the relation between death anxiety and religion in cancer patients indicates mixed findings of either a negative relationship or no association. To the authors’ knowledge, no study has analyzed these two constructs together in PBT patients. The current study sought to address this gap by investigating the relationship between religiosity and death anxiety in an understudied population. Methods. Adult PBT patients (N = 56, Mage = 49.38, 51.8% female, 71.4% Caucasian, Mmonths since diagnosis = 55.34) completed measures of religiosity and death anxiety at their routine medical appointment at an academic medical center, including: The God Locus of Health Control Scale (GLHCS), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), Death and Dying Distress Scale (DADDS), and the Death Distress Scale (DDS). Descriptives and Pearson correlations were utilized. Results. The results revealed that while the GLHCS was not significantly related to either measure of death anxiety, the Spiritual Change subscale of the PTGI was positively correlated to both the DADDS (r = .56, p \u3c .001) and the DDS (r = .41, p = .01). Conclusions and Implications. Results suggest that certain proxies of religiosity may be more closely associated with death anxiety than others. Although there was no evidence in our sample that PBT patient’s God locus of control was related to death anxiety, those who reported higher levels of death anxiety endorsed greater spiritual change (i.e., I have a stronger religious faith). Considering TMT, perhaps feelings of death anxiety prompt one to strengthen their religious beliefs. Future longitudinal analyses addressing the direction and course of these relationships are warranted. Acknowledgement of Funding: The current study was funded on behalf of Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. Learning Objective. Participants will learn about the relationship between religiosity and death anxiety in oncology patients. Further, participants will consider how these findings may or may not differ for PBT patients and across various measures of religiosity.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1049/thumbnail.jp

    The role of mass media in church development in the twenty first century

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    The life of man has been influenced greatly by modern Mass Media in the 21st century. Such Media include the radio, television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, cable networks, mobile phones, pamphlets, handbills among others. They have greatly enhanced the instant or rapid transfer of information, opinion and ideas. These have influenced man positively and negatively in all aspects of life, ranging from physical, educational, moral, economic to spiritual and religious. Hence this write up has been conceived to explore and highlight the role of the mass media in church development in the 215 century. The mass media is very influential in human life. This is because it enhances rapid communication of news, information, ideas and opinions which affect and influence human life positively and negatively. This two edged influence is also applicable in the religious life of man. The mass media has been used to communicate and influence the growth and development of religious organizations, such as churches. On the other hand, the media in some cases, has contributed to some problems in the church through its abuse and misuse, such as the communication of false doctrines, propaganda and inciting of members to rebel against church authorities. This paper attempts to highlight both the positive and negative roles of the mass media in church development, in addition to suggesting ways of improvemen

    The ‘Trombone Shot’: From San Francisco to Middle Earth via Amity.

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    Jaws may have popularised the shot, but it was cameraman Irwin Roberts working on Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo who would introduce audiences to the conta-zoom, and with it bring drama and suspense hurtling toward us like never before


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    Da’wah is a duty of every Muslim to invite others, especially Muslims do good things and forbidding evil. In conducting missionary activities, media needed to facilitate mad’u received and understood the messages. One of the interesting media propaganda is visual communication media, which are all communications media that can be ingested by senses of sight, such as books, advertisements, banners, billboards, posters, flyers, and so on. While islamic posters is media which progressing since 2010 up to the last few years. Islamic posters must have a clear concept, and should include the source of the Qur’an and hadith or of the thinkers of Islam. Posters made up not only arbitrary, but it could be true. These posters are useful to remind Muslims especially, to always return to the path of God.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dakwah adalah kewajiban setiap Muslim untuk mengajak orang lain, terutama umat Islam melakukan hal-hal yang baik dan mencegah kemungkaran. Dalam melakukan kegiatan dakwah, diperlukan media atau sarana agar mad’u menerima dan memahami pesan. Salah satu me- dia dakwah yang menarik adalah media komunikasi visual, yaitu semua media komunikasi yang dapat dicerna oleh indera penglihatan, seperti buku, iklan, spanduk, baliho, poster, selebaran, dan sebagainya. Poster Islam adalah salah satu media dakwah yang mulai berkembang sejak tahun 2010 sampai beberapa tahun terakhir. Poster Islam harus me- miliki konsep yang jelas, dan harus mencakup sumber dari Al-Qur’an dan hadits atau dari para pemikir Islam. Poster dibuat tidak hanya asal-asalan, tetapi harus benar. Poster ini berguna untuk mengingat- kan umat Islam khususnya, untuk selalu kembali ke jalan Allah SWT

    Critical reading of a text through its electronic supplement

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    A by-product of new social media platforms is an abundant textual record of engagements – billions of words across the world-wide-web in, for example, discussion forums, blogs and wiki discussion tabs. Many of these engagements consist of commentary on a particular text and can thus be regarded as supplements to these texts. The larger purpose of this article is to flag the utility value of this electronic supplementarity for critical reading by highlighting how it can reveal particular meanings that the text being responded to can reasonably be said to marginalise and / or repress. Given the potentially very large size of social media textual product, knowing how to explore these supplements with electronic text analysis software is essential. To illustrate the above, I focus on how the content of online discussion forums, explored through electronic text analysis software, can be used to assist critical reading of the texts which initiate them. The paper takes its theoretical orientations from the textual intervention work of Rob Pope together with themes in the work of the philosopher, Jacques Derrida

    What\u27s So Funny \u27Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding

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    Last Saturday I stood on Stine Lake with a group of friends to pray and spread a message of “Peace for Syria.” This event was sponsored by the Newman Association in response to Pope Francis’s request that “Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: Violence and war are never the way to peace!” Students of all religions and backgrounds came to support us, and it was a very rewarding day for me as a Catholic and as a human longing for world peace and understanding. [excerpt
