24,439 research outputs found

    Governance: A Soft Revolution with hard Political and Legal Effects

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    El supuesto básico de este artículo es que la gobernanza señala un alejamiento de los dos pilares del proyecto moderno: la democracia representativa y las instituciones legislativas. La gobernanza, como fenómeno institucional complejo, que va mucho mas allá de la participación, ha desestructurado sensiblemente los dos principales puntos de referencia de la democracia moderna: pueblo y territorio. Su trato inclusivo y abierto no ha impedido el surgimiento de un lado oscuro, hecho de modos exclusivos: un teatro sin publicidad. Desde la perspectiva de las transformaciones este artículo pone en evidencia la emergencia de una normatividad cambiante y fluida, capaz de adaptarse a las especificidades y a la variabilidad de situaciones y procesos, ofuscando inevitablemente la misma primacía de la legislación.The basic assumption of this article is that governance marks a departure from the two pillars of the project of modernity: representative democracy and legislative institutions. Governance, as a complex institutional phenomenon that goes far beyond participation, has significantly deconstructed the two main points of reference of modern democracy, that is, people and territory. Furthermore, its inclusive and open nature has not prevented the emergence of a dark side, made of exclusive modes: a theater without publicity. From the perspective of transformations, this article highlights the emergence of a changing and fluid normativity, one capable of adapting to the specificity and the variability of situations and processes, inevitably eclipsing the primacy of the legislation itself

    European Tourism Regionalization and Globalisation

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    The advent of the Third Millenium, as do all periods of transition, offers the starting point for proceeding towards a new interpretation of the process of development in the field of tourism which enterprise appears to lend itself as a contribution towards the achievement of certain objectives or aims of the European Union (UE), such as the protection of the environment, sustainable development, the improvement of the quality of living standards, the overcoming of conflicts for enduring peace, the growth of European regions and of employment and not least the enacting of a policy of cohesion. During recent years numerous factors such as the globalisation of the economy, the new economy, a better functioning of a single Market and the introduction of the Euro currency have all contributed to a greater internationalisation of the streams/flows and at the same time, have obliged Member states to face new challenges, which can either constitute opportunities or risks, according to the actions which will be undertaken and according to the capacity of anticipation, programming and managing of such change. On such a premise will be founded the necessity to select an integrated policy of tourism on a communitary level which, taking into consideration the specificity of the relevant sectors, will guarantee the European Community its place as representative of the most important geographical space on the world tourist market.

    The global in the local. Unusual thoughts about immigration in Italy

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    The flow of immigrants from the South of the world is the sign of spatial and social imbalances of global dimensions, which involve the same most economically advanced regions. The Italian case offers the opportunity to understand the real extent of immigration phenomenon, as it has coincided with the spread of a meta-consumerist global culture, and because it retains the characteristics of a spontaneous phenomenon, still lacking, in many ways, of the filters of institutional regulation. After highlighting the connotations of the immigration phenomenon in Italy, this article offers a critical reading of glocal processes - to which immigration can be ascribed - in the wider debate about both the goals of environmental sustainability and the enhancement of cultural specificities, foreshadowing for Italy the opportunity to play a pioneering role in the redefinition of the global-local relationships

    Dismisure. Poteri, conflitto, globalizzazione -II ed.-

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    Potere, conflitto, globalizzazione. Poteri globali contro conflitti globali

    Modulo I - Lezione 10

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    Week 02 - Figini primo articolo

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    Regenerating Bilbao: From "productive industries" to "productive services"

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper aims at analysing the maintenance, preservation, and (re)interpretation of the urban heritage of the industrial city of Bilbao (Spain). Particular attention will be paid to the effects of globalisation at the end of the xx century in Bilbao’s, the relationship between proposals and completed actions put forward by Bilbao’s strategic plan (Partial Territorial Plan), and their urban and socio-economic impacts on the city starting from the beginning of the 1990s. This work focuses on three of the most emblematic actions which have been carried out thus far in the Ria river territory to consider end discuss the treatment of the historical memory of the industrial legacy: the Abandoibarra’s abandoned shipyards, the Ametzola railway station, and eventually the Galindo River estuary. En italiano: Questo contributo analizza la gestione e la (re) interpretazione del patrimonio urbano della città di Bilbao (Spagna) e gli effetti della globalizzazione alla fine del xx secolo nel suo ambito urbano. Sarà prestata particolare attenzione al rapporto tra le proposte e le azioni completate del piano strategico di Bilbao (Piano territoriale parziale) e i suoi impatti socio-economici e urbani sulla città a partire dall’inizio degli anni ’90. Il saggio si concentra su tre delle azioni più emblematiche portate a termine ad oggi nel territorio fluviale per dimostrare come è stato impostato il trattamento della memoria storica dell’eredità industriale: le trasformazioni dei cantieri navali abbandonati di Abandoibarra, della stazione ferroviaria di Ametzola e infine dell’estuario del fiume Galindo.European Joint Doctorate “urbanHIST”. European Union. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933

    Materiale per il II modulo - punto 1

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    Lezione 23

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