78,295 research outputs found

    Wide-Field Survey of Globular Clusters in M31. I. A Catalog of New Clusters

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    We present the result of a wide-field survey of globular clusters (GCs) in M31 covering a 3deg x 3deg field c. We have searched for GCs on CCD images taken with Washington CMT1 filters at the KPNO 0.9 m telescope using steps: (1) inspection of morphological parameters given by the SExtractor package such as stellarity, full maximum, and ellipticity; (2) consulting the spectral types and radial velocities obtained from spectra takena spectrograph at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope; and (3) visual inspection of the images of each object. We have and GC candidates, of which 605 are newly found GCs and GC candidates and 559 are previously known GCs. Amoects there are 113 genuine GCs, 258 probable GCs, and 234 possible GCs, according to our classification critee known objects there are 383 genuine GCs, 109 probable GCs, and 67 possible GCs. In total there are 496 genprobable GCs and 301 possible GCs. Most of these newly found GCs have T1 magnitudes of 17.5 - 19.5 mag, [17.9 < V < 19.9 mag assuming (C-T1) ~ 1.5], and (C-T1) colors in the range 1 - 2.Comment: accepted by AJ, using emulateapj.cl

    Globular Clusters in the Outer Halo of M31

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    In this paper, we present photometry of 53 globular clusters (GCs) in the M31 outer halo, including the {\sl GALEX} FUV and NUV, SDSS ugrizugriz, 15 intermediate-band filters of BATC, and 2MASS JHKsJHK_{\rm s} bands. By comparing the multicolour photometry with stellar population synthesis models, we determine the metallicities, ages, and masses for these GCs, aiming to probe the merging/accretion history of M31. We find no clear trend of metallicity and mass with the de-projected radius. The halo GCs with age younger than ≈\approx 8 Gyr are mostly located at the de-projected radii around 100 kpc, but this may be due to a selection effect. We also find that the halo GCs have consistent metallicities with their spatially-associated substructures, which provides further evidence of the physical association between them. Both the disk and halo GCs in M31 show a bimodal luminosity distribution. However, we should emphasize that there are more faint halo GCs which are not being seen in the disk. The bimodal luminosity function of the halo GCs may reflect different origin or evolution environment in their original hosts. The M31 halo GCs includes one intermediate metallicity group (−1.5<-1.5 < [Fe/H] <−0.4< -0.4) and one metal-poor group ([Fe/H] <−1.5<-1.5), while the disk GCs have one metal-rich group more. There are considerable differences between the halo GCs in M31 and the Milky Way (MW). The total number of M31 GCs is approximately three times more numerous than that of the MW, however, M31 has about six times the number of halo GCs in the MW. Compared to M31 halo GCs, the Galactic halo ones are mostly metal-poor. Both the numerous halo GCs and the higher-metallicity component are suggestive of an active merger history of M31.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Washington Photometry of the Globular Clusters in the Virgo Giant Elliptical Galaxy M86

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    We present a photometric study of the globular clusters (GCs) in the Virgo giant elliptical galaxy M86 based on Washington CT1 images. The colors of the GCs in M86 show a bimodal distribution with a blue peak at (C -T1) = 1.30 and a red peak at (C -T1) = 1.72. The spatial distribution of the red GCs is elongated similarly to that of the stellar halo, while that of the blue GCs is roughly circular. The radial number density profile of the blue GCs is more extended than that of the red GCs. The radial number density profile of the red GCs is consistent with the surface brightness profile of the M86 stellar halo. The GC system has a negative radial color gradient, which is mainly due to the number ratio of the blue GCs to the red GCs increasing as galactocentric radius increase. The bright blue GCs in the outer region of M86 show a blue tilt: the brighter they are, the redder their mean colors get. These results are discussed in comparison with other Virgo giant elliptical galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by Journal of the Korean Astronomical Societ

    GCS programmer's manual

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    A variety of instructions to be used in the development of implementations of software for the Guidance and Control Software (GCS) project is described. This document fulfills the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics RTCA/DO-178A guidelines, 'Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification' requirements for document No. 4, which specifies the information necessary for understanding and programming the host computer, and document No. 12, which specifies the software design and implementation standards that are applicable to the software development and testing process. Information on the following subjects is contained: activity recording, communication protocol, coding standards, change management, error handling, design standards, problem reporting, module testing logs, documentation formats, accuracy requirements, and programmer responsibilities

    Formation of the Galactic globular clusters with He-rich stars in low-mass halos virialized at high redshift

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    Recent observations have reported that the Galactic globular clusters (GCs) with unusually extended horizontal-branch (EHB) morphologies show a significantly lower velocity dispersion compared with that of the entire Galactic GC system. We consider that the observed distinctive kinematics of GCs with EHB has valuable information on the formation epochs of GCs and accordingly discuss this observational result based on cosmological N-body simulations with a model of GC formation. We assume that GCs in galaxies were initially formed in low-mass halos at high redshifts and we investigate final kinematics of GCs in their host halos at z=0z=0. We find that GCs formed in halos virialized at z>10 show lower velocity dispersions on average than those formed at z>6 for halos with GCs at z=0. We thus suggest that the origin of the observed lower velocity dispersion for the Galactic GCs with EHBs is closely associated with earlier formation epochs (z>10) of halos initially hosting the GCs in the course of the Galaxy formation. Considering that the origin of EHBs can be due to the presence of helium-enhanced second-generation stars in GCs, we discuss the longstanding second parameter problem of GCs in the context of different degrees of chemical pollution in GC-forming gas clouds within low-mass halos virialized at different redshifts.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Functional and structural properties of dentate granule cells with hilar basal dendrites in mouse entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures

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    During postnatal development hippocampal dentate granule cells (GCs) often extend dendrites from the basal pole of their cell bodies into the hilar region. These so-called hilar basal dendrites (hBD) usually regress with maturation. However, hBDs may persist in a subset of mature GCs under certain conditions (both physiological and pathological). The functional role of these hBD-GCs remains not well understood. Here, we have studied hBD-GCs in mature (≥18 days in vitro) mouse entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures under control conditions and have compared their basic functional properties (basic intrinsic and synaptic properties) and structural properties (dendritic arborisation and spine densities) to those of neighboring GCs without hBDs in the same set of cultures. Except for the presence of hBDs, we did not detect major differences between the two GC populations. Furthermore, paired recordings of neighboring GCs with and without hBDs did not reveal evidence for a heavy aberrant GC-to-GC connectivity. Taken together, our data suggest that in control cultures the presence of hBDs on GCs is neither sufficient to predict alterations in the basic functional and structural properties of these GCs nor indicative of a heavy GC-to-GC connectivity between neighboring GCs

    The Globular Cluster System of the Virgo Giant Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636: II. Kinematics of the Globular Cluster System

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    We present a kinematic analysis of the globular cluster(GC) system in the giant elliptical galaxy (gE) NGC 4636 in the Virgo cluster. Using the photometric and spectroscopic database of 238 GCs, we have investigated the kinematics of the GC system. The NGC 4636 GC system shows weak overall rotation, which is dominated by the red GCs. However, both the blue GCs and red GCs show some rotation in the inner region at R<4.3'. The velocity dispersion for all the GCs is derived to be sigma_p = 225{+12-9} km/s. The velocity dispersion for the blue GCs (sig=251 km/s) is slightly larger than that for the red GCs (sig=205 km/s). The velocity dispersions for the blue GCs about the mean velocity and about the best fit rotation curve have a significant variation depending on the galactocentric radius. Comparison of observed stellar and GC velocity dispersion profiles with the velocity dispersion profiles calculated from the stellar mass profile shows that the mass-to-light ratio should increase as the galactocentric distance increases, indicating the existence of an extended dark matter halo. From the comparison of the observed GC velocity dispersion profiles and the velocity dispersion profiles calculated for the X-ray mass profiles in the literature, we find that the orbit of the GC system is tangential, and that the orbit of the red GCs is slightly more tangential than that of the blue GCs. We compare the GC kinematics of NGC 4636 with those of other six gEs, finding that the kinematic properties of the GCs are diverse among gEs. We find several correlations between the kinematics of the GCs and the global parameters of their host galaxies. We discuss the implication of the results for the formation models of the GC system in gEs, and suggest a mixture scenario for the origin of the GCs in gEs.Comment: 52 pages, 18 figues, Accepted by Ap

    Wide-Field Survey of Globular Clusters in M31. II. Kinematics of the Globular Cluster System

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    We present a kinematic analysis of the globular cluster(GC) system in M31. Using the photometric and spectroscopic database of 504 GCs, we have investigated the kinematics of the M31 GC system. We find that the all GC system shows strong rotation, with rotation amplitude of v_rot~190km/s, and that a weak rotation persists even for the outermost samples at |Y|>5kpc. The rotation-corrected velocity dispersion for the GC system is estimated to be sigma_{p,r}~130km/s, and it increases from sigma_{p,r}~120km/s at |Y|<1kpc to sigma_{p,r}~150km/s at |Y|>5kpc. These results are very similar to those for the metal-poor GCs. This shows that there is a dynamically hot halo in M31 that is rotating but primarily pressure-supported. We have identified 50 "friendless" GCs, and they appear to rotate around the major axis of M31. For the subsamples of metal-poor and metal-rich GCs, we have found that the metal-rich GCs are more centrally concentrated than the metal-poor GCs, and both subsamples show strong rotation. For the subsamples of bright and faint GCs, it is found that the rotation for the faint GCs is stronger than that for the bright GCs. We have identified 56 GCs and GC candidates with X-ray detection. It is found that the majority of X-ray emitting GCs follow the disk rotation, and that the redder, more metal-rich, and brighter GCs are more likely to be detected as X-ray emitting GCs. We have derived a rotation curve of M31 using the GCs at |Y|<0.6kpc. We have estimated the dynamical mass of M31 using `Projected Mass Estimator(PME)' and `Tracer Mass Estimator(TME)'. We finally discuss the implication of these results and compare the kinematics of GCs with that of planetary nebulae in M31.Comment: 62 pages, 26 figues, Accepted by Ap

    The Globular Cluster System of the Virgo Giant Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636: I. Subaru/FOCAS Spectroscopy and Database

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    We present a spectroscopic study of the globular clusters (GCs) in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4636 in the Virgo cluster. We selected target GC candidates using the Washington photometry derived from the deep CCD images taken at the KPNO 4m. Then we obtained the spectra of 164 target objects in the field of NGC 4636 using the Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode of Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) on the SUBARU 8.2m Telescope. We have measured the velocities for 122 objects: 105 GCs in NGC 4636, the nucleus of NGC 4636, 11 foreground stars, 2 background galaxies, and 3 probable intracluster GCs in the Virgo cluster. The GCs in NGC 4636 are located in the projected galactocentric radius within 10arcmin (corresponding to 43 kpc). The measured velocities for the GCs range from 300km/s to 1600km/s, with a mean value of 932_{-22}^{+25} km/s, which is in good agreement with the velocity for the nucleus of NGC 4636, 928\pm 45 km/s. The velocity dispersion of the GCs in NGC 4636 is derived to be 231_{-17}^{+15} km/s and the velocity dispersion of the blue GCs is slightly larger than that of the red GCs. Combining our results with data in the literature, we produce a master catalog of radial velocities for 238 GCs in NGC 4636. The velocity dispersion of the GCs in the master catalog is found to be 225_{-9}^{+12} km/s for the entire sample, 251_{-12}^{+18} km/s for 108 blue GCs, and 205_{-13}^{+11} km/s for 130 red GCs.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figues, Accepted by Ap
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