59,341 research outputs found

    El método socrático y su aplicación pedagógica contemporánea

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    Se aborda críticamente la función que Martha Nussbaum atribuye al método socrático en su proyecto de fundamentación de la educación liberal. Primero, se describe el programa educativo liberal. Luego, se analiza la definición y la función que cumple el método socrático. Finalmente, se analizan tres argumentos que sustentan el proyecto: la definición de la ironía socrática, la discontinuidad doctrinal de los diálogos, y la concepción de Sócrates como partidario de la democracia

    La afección en la cosmología de Platón

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    We focus on the importance of the condition (páthema) in the process of knowledge. The condition is generated by the contact between a generated body that exerts an action (poiein) and a human body that suffers this action (páskhein). The condition causes a dynamic reaction from the soul of the man, through which the intelligence, that is to say, the noils, performs the circular movement by which the sensible world comes to knowSe aborda la importancia de la afección (pathema) en el proceso de conocimiento. La afección se genera por el contacto de un cuerpo generado que actúa (poiein) sobre el cuerpo del hombre, que padece (páskhein) dicha acción. La afección provoca una reacción dinámica del alma del hombre, en virtud de la cual la inteligencia, esto es el nous, realiza el movimiento circular que le permite conocer el mundo sensible


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    PolySat is a student-run, Cal Poly research program in which students develop small satellites, known as CubeSats, to be sent into space. Since the start of the program in 2000, PolySat has developed eight 10cm x 10cm x10cm CubeSats. Recently, the team has developed two satellites of double, and triple, that size for NASA-KSC & AI-Solutions and the National Science Foundation. The recent volumetric expansion has been driven by high demand for further satellite functionality, which necessitates large power generation capabilities. To remain competitive in the growing CubeSat industry, PolySat must develop a platform that can provide enough power to the increasingly complex systems residing inside the spacecraft. To accomplish this task, the PolySat team wishes to develop a mechanical structure that will facilitate this increased power requirement. The desired structure has been designed, built, and tested. It is called Tesseract

    Hearing Debussy reading Mallarmé: music "après Wagner" in the "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune"

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    books as bodies or bodies as maps

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    Since my move to so-called Canada in 2015, I have reconsidered the way in which the places I have dwelled are bound to the temporal materialities around me. Through my transits in Mexico City, Oaxaca, Corner Brook, St. John’s, and Vancouver, I have come to conceive my body as my primary tool of creation, a site for translation among different systems of value and belief. In books as bodies or bodies as maps I explore this entanglement of embodied relations by repurposing the book as a body and the body as a map. Repurposing Sonja Boon’s biographical novel What the Oceans Remember as a pinhole book/camera, I took photos along the Vancouver shoreline as a gesture of acknowledgment to the water as the common feature for untold human and non-human stories. Resisting containment, I present the documentation of the places I have collected on walks over the course of 2020-21 in postcards, booklets, a map, and a three-channel video. This is the first iteration of an unfolding project in which I constellate and document the places I have transited through (sometimes as a “temporary resident”, sometimes as a citizen) in an attempt to re-see the book as a re-writing device that ultimately affords readers the agency to drift

    Boston University Symphony Orchestra, Thursday, October 29, 1998

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Symphony Orchestra performance on Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachucetts. Works performed were Catfish Row: Symphonic Suite from Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin, Perlude a l'apres-midi d'un faune by Claude Debussy, and Symphony No. 7 in C major, Op. 105 by Jean Sibelius. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund