7,632 research outputs found

    Falling Water

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    Falling Water integrates alternative approaches to designing, cutting and assembling apparel. Rather than modify conventional pattern shapes, the design strategy deliberately broke away from traditional patternmaking techniques to seek fresh alternatives

    Hydropower Plants and Their Problems

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    Approximately 23% of the world electric power is produced by hydroelectric power plants (HPP). This kind of power stations convert the kinetic energy of the falling water into the mechanical energy of the turbine's rotation, and the turbine drives the electric machine current generator. The construction of hydroelectric power plants is usually more capital intensive than thermal power plants. Reservoirs make the climate more moderate. There can be two main factors for effective power generation at HPPs: guaranteed availability of water throughout the year and possibly large deviations of the rive

    Waterfall Resort Di Talawaan (Transformasi Konsep Falling Water Frank Lloyd Wright)

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    Kabupaten Minahasa Utara merupakan salah satu bagian dari wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang sangat kaya akan kehidupan sosial-budaya serta sumber daya alam yang potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Salah satunya adalah Air Terjun Tunan (Tunan Waterfall) yang merupakan objek wisata andalan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Namun aksesbilitas jarak yang jauh, infrastruktur yang belum optimal dan fasilitas penunjang yang belum memadai menyebabkan para wisatawan lokal, nusantara, dan mancanegara hanya sekedar berkunjung saja tanpa menginap untuk menikmati lebih lama keindahan Air Terjun Tunan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran resort di kawasan Air Terjun Tunan di Desa Talawaan ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan dalam beristirahat, berekreasi, serta menikmati keindahan alam yang ada disekitar objek wisata Air Terjun. Transformasi Konsep Falling Water F.L. Wright merupakan tema yang diangkat dalam perencanaan Waterfall Resort tersebut. Pemahaman konsep Falling Water oleh Frank Lloyd Wright adalah bahwa bangunan merupakan bagian dari alam, terkesan seolah-olah muncul dari alam dimana F.L. Wright tidak menyukai simetris yang statis dengan memanfaatkan kedinamisan alam. Dengan mentransformasikan konsep Falling Water, penulis menggunakan teori transformasi oleh F.D.K. Ching dimana setiap bentuk ruang yang dihasilkan mengalami Perubahan-Perubahan, baik secara dimensional, Perubahan akibat pengurangan, dan Perubahan akibat penambahan. Pemahaman konsep Falling Water dan teori transformasi dirampung menjadi satu kesatuan sehingga bisa menghasilkan suatu perancangan yang diinginkan. Melalui perencanaan resort ini diharapkan bisa menjadi contoh untuk pengembangan fasilitas-fasilitas pariwisata di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara serta bisa meningkatkan kualitas serta kuantitas kerja Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dalam upaya pelestarian objek-objek wisata di Minahasa Utara

    Morphology Scaling of Drop Impact onto a Granular Layer

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    We investigate the impact of a free-falling water drop onto a granular layer. First, we constructed a phase diagram of crater shapes with two control parameters, impact speed and grain size. A low-speed impact makes a deeper cylindrical crater in a fluffy granular target. After high-speed impacts, we observed a convex bump higher than the initial surface level instead of a crater. The inner ring can be also observed in medium impact speed regime. Quantitatively, we found a scaling law for crater radius with a dimensionless number consisting of impact speed and density ratio between the bulk granular layer and water drop. This scaling demonstrates that the water drop deformation is crucial to understand the crater morphology.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Falling water, rising joy

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    This travel article from the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism describes several waterfalls in South Carolina

    Measurements of iodine uptake in falling water droplets

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    Renewable Energy: Hydropower

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    This lesson introduces students to the use of flowing or falling water (hydropower) to perform work, particularly electric power generation. Topics include the history of hydropower development, the invention of turbines and electric generators, and the history of hydroelectric power development in the United States. There is also discussion of the environmental issues associated with the construction of large dams and flooding large tracts of land, as well as some of the physics involved in the transfer of energy from moving water to a mechanical device such as a turbine. The lesson includes an activity in which students use a model turbine and generator and vary the height from which water flows into them to examine how energy output and efficiency varies. Educational levels: Undergraduate lower division, High school

    Finite Difference Solution for Drainage of Heterogeneous Sloping Lands

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    The two-dimensional problem of tile drainage on sloping heterogeneous lands was considered. The land surface and the impermeable boundaries of the problem were of a general shape. The flow in both the saturated and unsaturated zones was considered and the system was treated as one composite system. The problem was solved by a finite difference numerical method using the successive over-relaxation iterative (SOR) method for the steady state case with no local recharge, and a combined Newton inner iteration and successive over- relaxation outer iteration for the transient state case with local recharge. Both the rising water table and the falling water table cases were simulated. A computer program was written in Fortrain IV Language for this purpose, and a UNIVAC 1108 computer system was used. The results of two runs for a hypothetical problem and one run for a field testing problem are presented. The results were compared with some approxi\u27mate mathematical solutions for the falling water table

    Some Effects of Fluctuating and Falling Water Levels on Waterfowl Production

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    There are today many areas and types of water storage. The uses to which these are put are many, and the prospect for the future can only be that there will be an increase in the number of these reservoirs. These areas are usually operated with regard only for power production, irrigation, or storage, but there is a growing concern about the effects on wildlife which this type of operation may have. Fluctuating water levels, and falling water levels are not restricted to man-made impoundments tut are characteristic of many of then. Biologists have observed that these variations in water levels are often harmful to some forms of wildlife. Fluctuating water levels generally were found to cause damage to waterfowl nests. The amount of damage, the amount of water rise and the time involved are values which have generally remained unknown, largely perhaps because some other aspects was of greater importance in the nesting studies. There is a descending scale of values which have been placed on natural resources, and it is generally agreed that the waterfowl concerned would rank below the value derived from the impounded waters. Where it is practical, the management of these impoundments should take wildlife into consideration. To have intentions of good management is not sufficient to effect conservation; these intentions must be implemented with the proper tools. This study was designed to discover magnitudes of cause and effect, and perhaps it will point the way to a more efficient utilization of associated resources. It was possible that the results of this study would show that there was little damage to waterfowl. On the other hand, if significant damage were to be discovered, contributing causes could be more closely delimited and so point the way toward corrective measures